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Joe Biden recently decided to resurrect Hillary Clinton’s career and dispatch her to conduct the diplomacy Kamala can’t manage.
And Hillary’s back in fine form.
A delegation of the children and siblings of Israeli hostages being held captive by Hamas in Gaza met with former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She told them that the President Joe Biden, is promoting a holiday deal for the release of the hostages ahead of Christmas next week.
Clinton also urged relatives of the hostages to put pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. According to those present at the meeting, she told the families that Netanyahu is only busy with “politics and personal political survival,” and that Knesset seats are of more interest to this government than the hostages…
Clinton was well-briefed on the activity of the families. “The work that the families and the forum does is so important and influential. You need to keep doing it. Put pressure on all the players involved,” she told them…
“As long as the hostages are not the main and primary target for Israel, then everything that I or President Biden say or do is of little value,” Clinton told them, according to participants in the meeting.
At least she got that right.
Israel’s main and primary objective has to be defeating and destroying Hamas so that there are no more massacres or hostages being taken.
Hillary Clinton is putting pressure on hostages families to go after Netanyahu with whom she has a long and ugly history. It’s despicable and takes advantage of vulnerable people and a country already torn apart by having to make the hard choices.
During the Obama years, Hillary Clinton had bragged that she was the “designated yeller”. One time, she yelled at the Israeli Prime Minister for 45 minutes after the Jerusalem municipality approved one stage of a possible housing plan while Biden was in the country.
Now to be a little fair to Hillary, the Israeli media is left-wing and absolutely deranged when it comes to Netanyahu. So it’s capable of making things up or spinning them, but somehow I don’t think so.
Hillary is back and reminding us of why everyone was so happy to see her leave politics.
Why did the families even meet with that evil and irrelevant skank? They may as well have met with the leaders of Hamas or the Israeli media.
I keep saying, they are more interested in deposing Netanyahu, than defeating Hamas.
They’re like those two Dirtbagocrat politician who wanted the police defunded. One was car jacked at gunpoint and the other was mugged at gunpoint or some such. Then they started squawking for police protection. The Israeli media think they won’t be murdered by jihadis. All those fools think it can’t happen to them.
Yup, disaster is always lurking out there.
I read a heart wrenching story of love and sacrifice yesterday in ‘The American Thinker’ that is appropriate for this story:
Iris Haim is the mother of 28 year old Yotam, one of the hostages who was accidentally killed last week by IDF forces. She wrote a message to the soldiers who accidentally took his life. She was worried about them.
“Hello to the Bislash Brigade, Batallion 17, this is Iris Haim, I’m Yotam’s mother. I wanted to tell you that I love you very much and I embrace you from afar. I know that everything that happened is completely not your fault, it’s nobody’s fault except the Hamas, may their name and memory be wiped off the face of the earth. We invite you to come and visit at your earliest opportunity, whoever is willing, we want to see you with our own eyes and embrace you and tell you that what you have done…as painful as it is to say, and as sad as it is, was likely the right thing to do at that moment, and none of us are judging you or are angry with you. Not me, not my husband Raviv, not my daughter Noya, not Yotam, of blessed memory, and not Tuval, Yotam’s brother.
We love you very much, and that’s that.”
Hag Hillary and this vile administration can bring no pressure to bear to surmount a mother’s love like that. Death to Hamas.
If Hilliary Clinton were aborted today, it would be a good choice. It’s healthcare.
The only possible argument I’ve heard for late term abortion.
Hillary is a horrible, disgusting human being.
Hillary should be offer herself for a prisoner swap with actual hostages Hamas is holding. it would be a win-win for all parties.
i’m bemused as to why clinton thinks she’s a head of state. i’m bemused that clinton is not in prison resulting from her debacle as obomb’s bribes sucking sec. of state. the democrat party has long been tied by bribes to the muslim dictators. do a search for obama and his saudis paymasters. ditto james biden and the saudis. ditto the clintons and their phony foundation family slush fund and the saudis.
Hillary Clinton Urges Families of Israeli Hostages to Pressure Netanyahu – WHY DOESN’T CLINTON
Biden’s Party is Over… and the Hangover Has Begun
By John Green
Joe funded Hamas, using Iran as a financial cutout. Hamas then committed the single largest one-day killing of Jews since the Holocaust. Hamas’ Bidenbucks facilitated murder, gang rape, kidnapping, and infanticide. While the world watched in horror, Joe went on another beach vacation.
And Buzzard Biden (just look at him) said yesterday that President Trump committed insurrection, knowing full well it was a lie. He’s a complete piece of shit.
JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a “public servant” who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, a Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes. In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK
Beijing Biden is definitely a public servant…..for China, the Ukraine and Russia.
All I can suggest is that Horrid Hillary should’ve had her passport revoked a long time ago. Then, she couldn’t go overseas and stir up trouble. Lord knows she’s done enough of that here. But it’s not something we should be exporting.
Heinous Hillary, says Bill
Does have such a vile, foul smell
As she works against America’s will
Peddling any evil hoax she can sell
So lets send her an LGBTQ pill
Hoping “he” will now be called Phil
Who’s trans-brain will no longer try to kiII
And who never will return to the Hill
If not, let her rot in h e I I
It’s not often that we come across content that really resonates with us, but this one is a standout. From the writing to the visuals, everything is simply wonderful.