Hillary Clinton has convictions that are as firm and unshakeable as a bowl of jello. So here she is now calling for unity.
“It’s a time of deep divisions and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together,” she said, after the bomb story broke.
Of course Hillary Clinton was against bringing our country together before she was for it.
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton said in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”
I’m sure the bomber, whoever he was, thought the same thing.
But then again Hillary was also for healing divisions, before coming out against it, before now coming out for it. And by next week, she may be demanding heads on spikes.
Hillary Clinton was also for the FBI interfering in elections before she was against it. And for recognizing the results of elections before coming out for it.
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