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Nov. 8 may very well go down in history as the day Americans signed our nation’s death certificate. We the people need to understand what is at stake in the most important election in U.S. history. A Hillary Clinton vote will mean the death of free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to life for the unborn. Most significantly, a vote for Mrs. Clinton will give birth to an Islamic theocracy and its supremacist ideology here in America.
Donald Trump still has time to expose Mrs. Clinton as the candidate whose subversive policies will bring this great nation to its knees. It’s time for Mr. Trump to get specific and go for her Achilles heel — Benghazi.
Russia has purportedly exposed Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as complicit for the turmoil in the Middle East, and now they are working feverishly to quiet those revelations by claiming that Russia is hijacking the election. Mr. Trump must use his platform to further expose the ugly truth about Hillary Clinton and her dangerous agenda. If he doesn’t, we have everything to lose.
Mrs. Clinton understands full well that Benghazi is a representation of what happens when world leaders play with fire — and that fire is Islam. The attack on our embassy and CIA compound in Libya was not an isolated Muslim attack on Americans because of an inflammatory video against Islam. Rather, it was a demonstration of what happens when two sects of Islam are represented by powerful nations, each side seeking the defeat of the other. Though the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 and the deaths of four men seem to be a mere bump in the road for Mrs. Clinton, the precipitating event and the aftermath reverberate today.
The Arab Spring set in motion a series of events in which one secular government after another was toppled in favor of neither freedom nor democracy, as the western media wrongly theorized, but rather more repressive Islamist regimes. While inconceivable to freedom-loving Americans, the advancement of Islam is not surprising to me, a former Muslim, who understands implicitly that countries in the Middle East and northern Africa believe governments get legitimacy from one source — their god. Not from the will of the people. Not from a movement for freedom. From the god of Islam. And Islam is on the move, sweeping the globe in search of nations ripe for a transition from secular rule to the theocratic rule of Islam. Make no mistake — America is in its crosshairs.
Hillary Clinton, who has been an active participant since 1996 in this Islamic agenda to establish a worldwide caliphate, was President Obama’s ideal choice to head up his pro-Islamic State Department and advance that agenda. But theocratic Islam and the United States Constitution cannot coexist. If the American public understood what really happened at Benghazi and the role played by Mrs. Clinton, voters would turn away en masse.
What happened that September night four years ago can be summarized as a clash between two opponents who have been battling one another for hundreds of years, the Sunnis and the Shiites. And the United States is most certainly picking sides in favor of the larger, more militant form of Islam. In the Sunni corner are Obama–Clinton, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. On the Shiite side are Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia. Are you starting to see any parallels here with current foreign policy initiatives that have led to increased saber-rattling between the United States and Russia with regard to Syria?
U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered because he, at the behest of Mrs. Clinton and the Obama administration, was stockpiling weapons and sourcing the expert fighters who could use them to topple Bashar Assad’s secular rule in Syria in favor of an Islamic theocratic government. Those “rebel” fighters, who are affiliated with al Qaeda and the Islamic State, are still at work today in their quest to destroy and replace Mr. Assad. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton know very well that Mr. Assad, along with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, are fully responsible for the Benghazi raid. Their narrative that the attack was the work of a small band of militants was debunked long ago.
If the voting public understood Benghazi and our role in propelling the Arab Spring uprisings in favor of Islamic governments, Mr. Obama would not have won a second term as president. He would have been prosecuted. And if it became public that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored the deaths of the four Americans while the embassy was under siege and rather focused on ordering that all of Mr. Stevens’ classified files about the covert operation be destroyed, she would no longer be a viable candidate for president. Protecting the lives and interests of Americans should be top priority to the president of this nation. Mrs. Clinton, however, protected herself, the administration and the Islamist agenda.
Mrs. Clinton’s commitment to Islam has continued unabated with her successful push to make Islamic doctrine mainstream in the United States. She and Mr. Obama have worked diligently to transform America from the inside out by importing thousands of Muslims in the name of humanitarianism and compassion, with Mrs. Clinton vowing to increase that number if elected. Any pushback is quickly relegated to the sidelines as Islamophobic rhetoric.
Mr. Trump knows the truth of Benghazi. The world envisioned by Mrs. Clinton does not jibe with American ideals. If we, the electorate, do not stop her at the ballot box, we will have only ourselves to blame for World War III.
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