Last year, noted Hollywood entrepreneur of independents Harvey Weinstein put out a movie about bullying. Bully featured the stories of teenagers who had been bullied in school. The New York Times lauded the film for taking a look at “the extent to which that cruelty is embedded in our schools and therefore in our society as a whole.”
And the Obama administration immediately showed the film at the White House, just after informing the public that he would support two bills designed to target bullying. Valerie Jarrett said, “Earlier today, we screened BULLY at the White House. This film is a powerful call to action: We must do everything we can to work toward the day when no young person or family suffers the pain, agony, and loss caused by bulling in our schools and communities.”
But the Obama administration has no interest in stopping Hollywood bullying. So they didn’t call out Weinstein for his own career-long bullying – he has assaulted a reporter from the New York Observer, threatened a director’s companion, and screamed at Democratic higher-up Terry McAuliffe, “You motherf***er! I’ll rip your balls off!”
Hollywood bullying isn’t restricted to the screaming producers and vile thugs who inhabit the town. It carries over to the political viewpoint of those who work here. For example, producer Erik Jendresen, writer of Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Lincoln special on National Geographic, said that Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth was just like today’s Tea Party:
This is not the act of somebody who can be easily dismissed as a psychopath so that it’s easy to understand: ‘Oh, well, he was crazy.’ No. It’s more disturbing to find out who Booth was. This is a man who believed what still probably 20 percent of this country still believes. He could be a poster child for the Tea Party.
Well, no. Booth was an ardent anti-abolitionist who believed strongly in slavery. He actually signed up for the local militia to watch anti-slavery zealot John Brown meet his maker at his hanging. He smuggled quinine from North to South to help the slavery cause during the Civil War. This was not a Tea Partier, opposed to the growth of government and believing in basic capitalism. The Confederacy was an agrarian economy based on forced labor. And it was the Democrats primarily who defended its racism and its evil.
But the left isn’t interested in the truth. They’re interested in bullying. They don’t want to deal with the Constitutional and economic and moral arguments of the Tea Party. They just want to paint Tea Partiers as morally evil, so that they don’t have to debate them. Because who would debate a John Wilkes Booth? Who would debate a Nazi? Even though its own ideas are marginal, the left knows that there is a mainstream of thought – and that if you can marginalize your opposition beyond that mainstream, you need not contemplate their arguments.
Insults and emotion are the only tactics Hollywood liberals have left. And it’s infected our national politics. Now all that matters is the emotion in politics – the sheer demonization of the other political point of view, the slandering of their intentions. And if you can cry – if you can show that you care – you can be as incompetent as you want. Bill Clinton said it himself during this last campaign cycle:
Governor Romney’s argument is, we’re not fixed, so fire him and put me in. It is true we’re not fixed. When President Obama looked into the eyes of that man who said in the debate, I had so much hope four years ago and I don’t now, I thought he was going to cry. Because he knows that it’s not fixed.
If you cry, you’re a good person. And if you disagree, you are an uncaring jerk unworthy of further discussion, even if your policies are more successful at forwarding human happiness.
This is the way the Hollywood emotional calculus has infected traditional politics. We can laugh off the stupidity of the Hollywood celebs – their shallowness, their foolishness – but they have their desired effect: they turn the political into the emotional. And that’s how they bully conservatives into defeat.
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