Whoopi Goldberg encapsulated the idiocy and ignorance of critical race theory when she insisted that the Holocaust wasn’t about racism because she assumed that the Germans couldn’t tell the Jews apart because they were both “white”.
Never mind that the Nazis didn’t think so and that Jews were a recognizably distinct population.
Genocides actually tend to happen more often among “similar” groups that live together rather than the facile imperialism and colonialism nonsense that Colbert trotted out in his softball chat with Whoopi.
The Rwanda massacres happened between the Hutu and the Tutsis, both “black” in Whoopi’s worldview, but who saw themselves as members of different races, and who were able to recognize, hunt, and kill each other.
Or the Nanking massacre that the Japanese committed against a Chinese population, to Whoopi’s worldview, all Asians. (But yes, the Japanese could tell the Chinese apart.)
Genocides frequently happened against a related population, whether it was the Islamic conquests or any of the above examples.
Critical race theory is a subset of Marxism and thus has to treat racism as a matter of power relations while rolling in imperialism and colonialism.
Racism and hatred of another group so extreme that it leads to persecution and then genocide does not require black and white visual differences. That’s an American leftist fallacy. History makes it clear that’s nonsense. Related peoples can hate each other, as much or more.
Reducing all bigotry to white people being evil is a theory of history so dumb that you literally have to know nothing to believe it.
That’s why getting critical race theory out of our educational system is a basic prerequisite for education.
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