A British court recently made legal history – ordering the adoption of an out-of-wedlock Muslim baby to prevent it from suffering an “honor killing.” Britain is abuzz over this bizarre and unprecedented ruling.
The London Daily Mail reports:
A baby girl born out of wedlock must be adopted to save her from the risk of being slaughtered in an “honor killing,” a court ruled yesterday.
If the unmarried Muslim woman’s father found out about the child, he would feel such “unimaginable shame” he could unleash a vengeful bloodbath by killing the baby and his whole family, three senior judges agreed.
So they made the extraordinary order to have the one-year-old girl – known as Baby Q – adopted for her own safety.
She will now grow up with adoptive parents and, when she is older, they will explain to her why she could not have been brought up by her biological parents.
It is believed to be the first time an English court has ordered an adoption to prevent a murder.
The baby’s natural father wanted to adopt her, to be sure. But judges objected, concerned the baby would be at risk from the baby’s maternal grandfather or members of his community. Aside from those concerns, judges no doubt made their decision within a larger context – their awareness of soaring numbers of “honor” attacks and killings occurring among Britain’s large and unassimilated Muslim population.
As the Daily Mail reported earlier this month:
Nearly 3,000 so-called honor attacks were recorded by police in Britain last year, new research has revealed.
According to figures obtained by the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organization (Ikwro), at least 2,823 incidents of “honor-based” violence took place, with the highest number recorded in London.
The charity said the statistics fail to provide the full picture of the levels of “honor” violence in the UK , but are the best national estimate so far.
The data, taken from from 39 out of 52 UK forces, was released following a freedom of information request by Ikwro.
Regarding the motives for “honor” attacks, the article explained:
“Honor” attacks are punishments usually carried out against women who have been accused of bringing shame on their family and in the past have included abductions, mutilations, beatings and murder.
Ikwro director Diana Nammi told the BBC that families often deny the existence of the attacks.
She said: “The perpetrators will be even considered as a hero within the community because he is the one defending the family and community’s honor and reputation.”
All in all, the court-ordered adoption of “Baby Q” represents another sad chapter in Britain’s increasing Islamization, a process that is eroding that country’s culture and legal system; liberal elites even talk openly of accommodating Sharia Law.
Among the culprits for this state of affairs are irresponsible immigration policies and a reckless embrace of multiculturalism. Given demographic trends occurring in Britain and Europe, the worst is yet to come.
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