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[Order David Horowitz’s new book, The Radical Mind: The Destructive Plans of the Woke Left: HERE.]
“Progressivism is ultimately a criminal mentality,” David Horowitz states bluntly in his latest work, The Radical Mind: The Destructive Plans of the Woke Left from Humanix Books. “The belief that the world is marching towards justice, and that to be a progressive means one is on ‘the right side of history,’ is a delusion that will justify any and every atrocity, and already has.”
It is this sort of direct, gloves-off assault on the Left that has always characterized Horowitz’s vast body of conservative writing, to which he has passionately devoted the last nearly four decades.
There is no conservative writer better than David Horowitz at explicating and exposing the radical Left’s power-hungry agenda and mindset, because as a former child of hardcore Communist parents, as a former far-Left activist engaged in revolution alongside the likes of the Black Panthers, and as a former radical intellectual well-versed in Progressive (i.e., Communist) theory, he knows the Left better than they know themselves. As he puts it himself in his new book, “Having been born into this political left and then rejected it, I am familiar with its seductive public message, and its sinister concealed intentions.”
This has made him a serious threat to the Left and their aims ever since his political conversion, documented so compellingly in his essential autobiography Radical Son and explored in other works such as Destructive Generation, co-written with his long-time writing partner, fellow political convert, and Freedom Center co-founder, the late Peter Collier. The Left hates and fears no one more than an apostate from the ideological faith.
One truth that Horowitz has tried for many years to convince the Right to accept is that the radical Left – the ideological wellspring of such totalitarianism as Mao’s Cultural Revolution and its current American incarnation, Cancel Culture – cannot be defeated through polite, fair-minded debate. The Right, Horowitz has always insisted, must abandon its preference of honorable defeat to messy victory; instead, it must cultivate a will to win and a taste for political brawling. This is why he has always described the Freedom Center as, not merely a think tank, but a battle tank.
As the Left’s ruthless pursuit of power has accelerated in recent years, Horowitz has responded with an urgent flurry of calls to arms. His most recent titles – including The Enemy Within, The Final Battle, I Can’t Breathe, Dark Agenda, Take No Prisoners, and now The Radical Mind – are tightly compressed but insightful, scorched-earth attacks on the Left’s corrosive agenda to dismantle our Constitution, our culture, and our country. The Radical Mind clocks in at a streamlined 140 pages of text (with another 20 of source notes) but its six concise chapters manage to address the entire wrecking ball of leftist destruction gaining momentum under the Biden administration.
In “Heading Towards the Abyss,” Horowitz identifies and dissects “the root cause of the lawlessness consuming America,” which is a party “under the control of a Marxist left that believes in breaking the law for the sake of ‘social justice’ and puts its faith in the supremacy of the state.” He also identifies the root cause of the conservative “self-destructive” reticence to recognize that Democrat “policies are criminal, racist and fascist” and to publicly call them out as such.
In “Ideology Uber Alles,” he reminds us that for progressives, “the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the ‘revolution’ against a Constitution that restrains their lust for totalitarian power, and thus their only morality is “the end justifies the means” – in other words, no morality at all.
“White Skin Privilege” traces the invention of that term in the era of the Weathermen domestic terror group and the radical SDS, or Students for a Democratic Society, movement on university campuses during the 1960s. The SDS called for “an all-out fight against ‘white skin privileges’” and “pigs,” or police and military personnel. These terms are “racist poisons intended to dehumanize the enemy,” Horowitz notes. Fifty years later they have permeated the culture as part of a collectivist ideology “which erases the individual in favor of group identities based on race and gender.” The end result has been to smear AmeriKKKa, as the SDS referred to it, as a white supremacist nation.
In the chapter titled “Existential Threat,” Horowitz targets the anti-American Congressional radicals known as “the Squad,” including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, antisemitic “Palestinian-American” Rashida Tlaib, and Muslim immigration fraud enthusiast Ilhan Omar. Horowitz labels the Squad “a terrorist caucus in the Democrat-run House.”
“A Tsunami of Hate” addresses the division in our nation exacerbated by the Left’s deranged hatred for Donald Trump and his supporters. “If there is an existential threat to American democracy,” Horowitz writes, “surely the tsunami of political hate, the condemnation and dismissal of half the population as ‘white oppressors’ and ‘deplorables’ is a prime source of that threat.”
In “Progressive Blindness,” Horowitz examines the Left’s “sinister stupidity” and its “envy and resentment, which are the key passions of the progressive mind.” He picks apart the Left’s false construction of “a hierarchy of oppression,” declaring,
There is no hierarchy of oppression in America’s constitutional order. But there are such hierarchies in the socialist societies admired by progressives: Cuba, China, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Russia. The social hierarchy in these countries is determined by the hierarchy and the ruling party that bills itself as the savior of the people, which is precisely how progressives see themselves.
In a short coda titled “Defense of the Republic,” Horowitz warns, “the hour is late, and the forces of darkness are upon us.” We are embroiled in “a battle that pits America’s defenders – believers in ordered liberty – against the believers in the unlimited power and authority of the state.” He adds, rightly, that “the two institutions that will lead the defense of America’s constitutional order are the American family” – because the nuclear family is the first line of defense against the intrusions of the state – “and members – or respecters – of Judeo-Christian religions” – because that community pledges its allegiance to a higher power than the jealous state.
There is so much more depth to this book than the brief chapter highlights summarized above. The Radical Mind: The Destructive Plans of the Woke Left is loaded with ammunition for understanding and countering these subversive fanatics. Like virtually all of Horowitz’s books – certainly his most recent ones – his latest is a must-read battle cry to rally conservatives out of a defeatism and gentility that have plagued our side for too long, to stop playing defense, and to take the fight to the envious haters of American freedom.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
Americas worse enemies is right here in America the DNC UN and CFR Etc.
I believe you mean these people’s handlers. This four are dumber than a box of rocks.
Doesn’t matter in poltics – especially when the electorate of these harpies is composed of muslims whose mission in America, as defined during a CAIR meeting in 1991 is: “a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”
Wake up, America!
Islamopithecines aren’t the Squat’s only electorate. Lefties, black gutter racists, the Alphabet People lobbies and all the other retards out to sabotage America. also support them
The CIA has been engaged in a psyops program aimed at undermining and abolishing our history and all our cultural precepts. I have no doubt that BO is the one running that program.
The only thing the lazy and incompetent B.O. could run is a dribble down his leg. He definitely contributes his big mouth to various anti-American PSYOP efforts when he isn’t using it to service one of the hustlers regularly seen going into his mansions.
However, that these four fools were voted into office says all one needs to know about their constituents. Iow, America is in the boat it is in now because of the stupidity of so many mindless voters. We cannot survive as the Founders hoped unless voters educate themselves using critical thinking. Can anyone imagine the voters of Chicago, NY, Seattle, Portland, SF, LA, etc., et al, voting with critical thinking? Not!
Stupid constituents and perrenial Dirtbagocrat vote fraud. The Somalian Skinnies are particularly blatant when it comes to vote fraud.
Yes they’re dumb and their paid apparatchiks contrive their policies. Unfortunately they’re like Bareback Hussein Obama was as President. They know what they want, especially when they hear it from somebody else, even though they’re too dumb to make plans to get it, and they have the power and authority to act. on their deranged desires. When their apparatchiks come up with ways to injure constitutional America, whitey, dem Joos, Christians, “hetero normatives,” (derp) nuclear families, and every other object of their hatred, they’re eager to attack.
These shrill deranged banshees are exactly why women were kept well away from politics
Banshees or Harpies take your Pick
And automobiles and leadership. There are plenty of exceptions of course, but not proportionally.
This must be completely understood, or Americans will not prevail: The radical left thoroughly believes that Trump is worse than Hitler, and his supporters are worse than terrorists. Consequently, they thoroughly believe that they are morally obligated and justified to eliminate their enemies by whatever means necessary. Death, prison, whatever it takes–Constitution be damned–they will never stop until total domination is achieved. This is not about political debates or democratic elections. It is war.
I am grateful for Mr. Horowitz and his intellect and much more for his bluntness. We are dealing with Satanic communists and it requires the unvarnished truth. They know Trump is not Hitler. If Hitler were here and a progressive, which he really was, they would embrace him.
Yes, they’d love to have a presidential candidate like Hitler. A Bohemian, socialist, vegetarian animal lover who hates smoking and jews but loves to start wars. If they could find a person like that who was also a black lesbian or tranny, they’d fall on their knees and worship the freak. A National Socialist American Woke Party would replace the Dirtbagocrat party.
The leftover druggies and self-esteem professors, are ruling the culture. They believe that no challenge from the outside world, will ever flip enough coins to make a counterculture asset.
We conservatives are a sleeping giant and the progressives are in for a surprise. Or else, they will eat their own out of selfish motives, to get the powers they wish for.
“One belief, more than any other, is responsible for the slaughter of individuals on the altars of the great historical ideals – justice or progress or the happiness of future generations, or the sacred mission or emancipation of a nation or race or class, or even liberty itself, which demands the sacrifice of individuals for the freedom of society. This is the belief that somewhere, in the past or in the future, in divine revelation or in the mind of an individual thinker, in the pronouncements of history or science, or in the simple heart of an uncorrupted good man, there is a final solution. This ancient faith rests on the conviction that all the positive values in which men have believed must, in the end, be compatible, and perhaps even entail one another…” – Isaiah Berlin.
This is the problem we are facing today. Our enemies believe that they, and they alone, have discovered the “final solution” to the question of how we are all to live together here on this planet. And they will do *anything* to bring that “final solution” about.
However, Berlin goes on to say . . .
“It is a commonplace that neither political equality nor efficient organisation nor social justice is compatible with more than a modicum of individual liberty, and certainly not with unrestricted laissez-faire; that justice and generosity, public and private loyalties, the demands of genius and the claims of society, can conflict violently with each other. And it is no great way from that to the generalisation that not all good things are compatible, still less all the ideals of mankind. But somewhere, we shall be told and in some way, it must be possible for all these values to live together, for unless this is so, the universe is not a cosmos, not a harmony; unless this is so, conflicts of value may be an intrinsic irremovable element in human life. To admit that the fulfilment of some of our ideals may in principle make the fulfilment of others impossible is to say that the notion of total human fulfilment is a formal contradiction, a metaphysical chimera.”
Their fantasy world, where all values and cultures are in some way compatible with one another, is an impossibility – a “metaphysical chimera.” IT CAN NEVER BE.
Yet, they believe in it, and are trying to bring it about.
Hence the situation we are in.
Berlin wasn’t tuned into religion and it shows.