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Has DEI even been as literally DIE as this?
The Mass General Brigham Hospital system is making a major change and it will impact their youngest patients.
The hospital will no longer report suspected abuse or neglect to the state solely if a newborn baby tests positive for drugs after birth.
Instead, hospitals will now require written consent before conducting a drug test on the expectant mother or infant, in most cases.
Mass General Brigham said the move is to address the “racial and ethnic inequities” present in healthcare, adding that substance abuse disorder in the context of pregnancy more “disproportionately affects black individuals.”
Every business needs a strategy and Mass General Brigham Hospital settled on, “come to us if you’re using heroin while pregnant. We won’t snitch to the cops because that would lead to racial inequities.”
And when more black babies die as a result of this policy, they will publish research studies blaming… “systemic racism” and racial inequity in hospitals. And then will respond by covering up even more abuses.
Who exactly is being protected here? Certainly not the babies. Obviously the mothers.
Black lives don’t matter here. Enabling abusive behavior that kills babies does.
“The goal here is balancing the safety of infants and families,” said Dr. Sarah Wakeman, senior medical director for substance use disorder at Mass General Brigham. “A positive toxicology test does not tell you anything about someone’s ability to parent.”
No, why would it? Drug-addicted mothers are the best parents in the world. Only whiteness and racism would make anyone think otherwise. Dr. Sarah Wokeman is heroically decolonizing medicine and overturning whiteness.
Baby, we’ve come a long way from 2015.
A mother giving birth to a baby while addicted to drugs is committing “child abuse,” according to Attorney General Maura Healey, who emphasized treatment when asked Monday if there should be a state law holding such mothers accountable.
Almost a decade later, mothers giving birth to babies while addicted to drugs are the new heroes.
Here’s more of the wonderful woke world that this latest DEI innovation in advanced anti-racism will usher into Boston.
Mya Barry was born in April 2011 with opiates already coursing through her tiny veins. But it was not the heroin passed to her in utero by her drug-addicted mother that killed the infant, prosecutors say.
Instead, it was the heroin-tainted milk bottle her parents allegedly handed her five months later in their overcrowded and squalid apartment in this South Shore town.
Some 1,300 babies in Massachusetts – about three to four each day — were born in 2012 with what is called “neonatal abstinence syndrome,” suffering withdrawal pains as a result of exposure to illegal opiates such as heroin or prescription drugs such as Oxycontin or methadone, according to a first of its kind survey of local hospitals.
The increase in drug dependent babies — whose withdrawal symptoms include stiff limbs, sweats, and uncontrollable crying — has hospitals scrambling to care for them.
Back then the media was critical of such things. A decade later it now recognizes that men are women and drug-addicted babies are a great thing.
A truly excellent thing.
What horror will the Left decide is really great next? Domestic abuse? Nazism? Putting razor blades in apples?
Post your guesses in the comments section.
Hillaryarious!!! The Dempedos (that’s what they are called now) make me giggle-snort!
You asked “What horror will the Left decide is really great next? Domestic abuse? Nazism? Putting razor blades in apples?”
In the UK, it appears that swastika displays are “contextual”.
On this day, remembering a man for whom black lives really mattered– Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Jan. 15, 1929-April 4, 1968): R.I.P.
MLK is beloved for a phrase that can be understood to call for that which we westernkind embrace – color blind unity and excellence. He was an early example of a black hero in modern times that would be acceptable only by hiding the true man and his beliefs and motives. Nevertheless, color blind excellence the only standard by which multi-racial society has any hope, and it does not matter that it comes from the mouth of a charlatan.
Black heroes today are simply more characters in the same play in which MLK played his part, featuring black grievance, white guilt and fear, and forever special privileges for blacks and subjugation of whites. Tribal war.
There are plenty of black heroes whose lives represent the very best of humanity. Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, and many, famous others as well as those not so well known. These blacks are our fellow westernkind. The fact that they have little influence in the black community speaks volumes to me. That is what needs to change, and it is blacks themselves ALONE who have power to do it.
When these westernkind blacks have more influence, then perhaps blacks will return to the pre-civil rights era when their families and communities were growing in prosperity, health and happiness.
Is this the age of ‘what’?What is a woman? What is a man? What is a baby? What is perversion? What is cruelty? What is public? What is private? What is real? On and on and on and on…… a relentless onslaught of politically controlled, morally destructive ‘whats’.
Why? Eugenics reboot. A chronic perversion.
Tweaking the Nazi/Mengele ‘scientific research’ angle into the woke ‘human rights’ angle. Both ‘approaches’ are diabolically cruel, and 100% compassion free.
With all the screaming by today’s woke Hamas Nazis of certain babies‘ lives mattering, and others not, we know that no baby’s life matters to them.
The idiocy bethind DEI is apparent in this comment in the above article:
“A positive toxicology test does not tell you anything about someone’s ability to parent.”
“The goal here is balancing the safety of infants and families,” said Dr. Sarah Wakeman, senior medical director for substance use disorder at Mass General Brigham.
“A positive toxicology test does not tell you anything about someone’s ability to parent.
Note that Dr. Sarah Wakeman major concern is about “balancing the safety of infants … ”
…. ” balancing ” rather than uncompromised commitment to protecting and doing no harm …
Some doctors and hospitals have become criminal psychopaths under the domination of the DEI agendas.
God Help America.
Dr. Sarah Wakeman said … ” “Our new perinatal testing and reporting policy is the latest step in our
efforts to address longstanding inequities in substance use disorder … ”
In other words, the hospital’s priority now is ” … to address longstanding inequities in substance use disorder … ”
DEI inequities now take priority over the physician’s Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.
Educated people, and doctors and hospitals in general, like MGH in Boston, have lost their mind to the DEI brainwashing and insanity.
Scary stuff. I wish it were fiction.
I wonder if you don’t understand the purpose of the policy, or you just pretend that you don’t understand. No, nobody is saying that “drug-addicted babies” are “a truly excellent thing.” That is just you straw-manning those you disagree with. No, nobody is saying ” mothers giving birth to babies while addicted to drugs are the new heroes.” You know nobody is saying that.
If the hospital reports that a baby is born to a mother who is on drugs, then that baby will be taken away from their mother. The question is what is best for the baby. Is it possible, could it enter your closed, hateful mind, that in some cases it is better for the baby to stay with their mother, even if the mother is addicted to drugs?
At the very least it’s an empirical question. It’s a question that deserves serious critical scrutiny, not to be distorted into yet another tired political salvo about how DEI is evil and Democrats love to kill babies.
Grow up, Daniel.
What kind of image do you have in your mind of taking care of a newborn or a child of any age, for that matter?
These are the real life consequences of your insane ideology
how much worse does the country have to get until you question your warped worldview?
For a few years, I served as an attorney ad litem on the abuse and neglect docket in a large, urban county in Texas. The video above does not accurately portray the condition of these infants that are addicted to heroine, crack, alcohol and other drugs.
My littlest clients were heartbreaking. Their poor, thin bodies would shiver uncontrollably. They had a characteristic cry that normal, healthy babies do not utter. Mothers can discern the meaning of babies’ cries – pain, hunger, fatigue, overstimulation, fear. The drug babies’ cries spoke of a malady that could not be assuaged- an existential, unnatural cry of inner torture which mothering could not reach. These babies bore this torture ALONE because human arms can only do so much.
No healthy person can balance the needs of a drug-addicted mother or father against the helpless innocence of a baby. Anyone who uses that calculus is depraved.
Yes, I can only imagine. I worked at seven different hospitals, one of them a children’s hospital, and I remember the preemies in the NICU. I would’ve adopted every one of them if I could’ve. They were so fragile, helpless and dependant on acute adult care it broke my heart.
And fathers can discern the meaning of babies’ cries too.
Jeff, I have come to the conclusion that you are a deeply good man. You have kindness and mercy that comes from a place of empathy that knows suffering and injustice, and you are strong enough to stand and mock and challenge the stupidity and wickedness that creates that suffering and injustice.
Of course, fathers can know these cries also. Having been a mother, I became aware of the uncanny ways mothers know their babies, starting from the womb. We have a different connection than fathers. This does not mean the father is any less important. God made both because both are necessary.
to remove/withhold vital life saving information/treatment by the hospital is malpractice and cruel. someone has to be the adult and make the hard decisions otherwise innocent life lost to cruelty. this is another example of how the medical establishment experts have morphed into the current political agenda leaving behind the medical oath. covid is another example.
sure, the drug babys placed away from the addicted birth mother can find themselves in a worse condition with strangers. but that is a different problem and it does not mean we stop trying to promote a healthy lifestyle for infants born with addicted mothers..
with the current conditions. i would not put it past an addicted mother to sell off her baby for the next fix. i would not be surprised if the pedos are behind this to supply their carnal desires.
Mickorn has apparently been Brainwashed by woke DEI propaganda.
And has zero awareness of having been Brainwashed.
This is the state of mind of far too many people.
You use a straw man argument to accuse Greenfield of a straw man argument. What a derptard you are.
Only lefties want universal policies for people. Conservatives look at people as individuals, which you identity politics lefties sure as fuck don’t.
Are America’s doctors and great hospitals like MGH going berserk ?
This is your hospital
This is your hospital on DEI
All institutions, government agencies, schools and colleges and businesses now have their entrenched depraved woke DEI Departments and Commissars.
It will be near impossible to ever eradicate them.
I fear that they will be calling the shots for generations to come in America.
Then what ?
The KKK was founded by Democrats Planed Parenthood was founded by a Racists who used the N word Woodrow Wilson watched A private Screening of Birth of a Nation and President Johnson said I’LL HAVE THEM N*****S VOTING DEMOCRAT FOR THE NEXT 200 YEARS
Years ago, I did an internship at a Drug facility for new mothers of addicted babies.
It was quite the education….and I heard one of the administrators called it a revolving door of pregnant addicted women….Clean them up, they leave sober and come back again when the are pregnant with another child.
The solution…get the problem at its’ source…Those who sell the stuff.
Make the punishment for selling or receiving drugs, the death penalty, and the entire thing will dry up and become a LOT less.
The ONLY way to stop this is to become just as ruthless as the drug dealers.
Yes, that would work. Perhaps so well that The Deep State would frame innocents.
New York state had a similar perverse program. Newborn babies were tested for HIV. Mothers whose babies tested positive were not informed. The testing was for statistics, not for the babies.
We evidently need a law to protect future babies from the horrors of maternal induced drug addiction! I would suggest MANDATORY STERILIZATION if a baby is born addicted to drugs! Hmm, maybe a tad harsh? How about MANDATORY DRUG TREATMENT and then Sterilization if a repeat offender?
Talk about LOW EXPECTATIONS……………………..
Any parents? Or just the black ones?