We’re not going to be able to explain 2020 in 2040. Or even, I suspect, in 2021.
Madness like this can’t be explained. It can only be experienced.
Sure other countries had genocide and civil wars, we have Democrat House members chaining themselves to mailboxes.
In his campaign aid, Rep. Peter DeFazio promises to save mailboxes by chaining himself to a mailbox while wearing a RESIST t-shirt. This sort of stunt is taken very seriously by the same media that lectures us on the rising threat of QAnon. Conspiracy theories are dangerous, says the media, also Trump is stealing all the mailboxes.
Fortunately this mailbox isn’t going anywhere. At least for the duration that Rep. DeFazio is chained to it.
A casual analysis though suggests that his chaining lacks commitment. There’s plenty of slack in that chain. He’s wearing it rather than being tethered to it. When one of the DHS stormtroopers shows up to put illegal alien babies in cages and steal the mailbox (while possibly putting the illegal alien babies in the mailbox), they’re not going to have any trouble getting that chain off. This is what happens when the resistance displays insufficent commitment. If DeFazio really wants to protect that mailbox, he needs to make that chain harder and throw away the key.
For America.
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