It doesn’t matter what’s in the Mueller report.
Russia collusion was a conspiracy theory invented by the Clinton campaign and kept alive by Democrat apparatchiks. Without Russian collusion, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff is just a guy with a powerful job whose details nobody outside D.C. cares about.
With Russia collusion, he’s going to have a permanent seat on CNN and MSNBC, and he’s going to be able to fundraise and promote himself in ways that he couldn’t if he weren’t posing as the new champion of the Russia investigation.
Oh at some point, Dems will grow frustrated with the lack of results. And he’ll be accused of being a sellout.
But for now, Schiff is rising the collusion train to nowhere.
“Undoubtedly, there is collusion,” Schiff told the Washington Post, a social justice tabloid which has profited enormously from Russia conspriacy theories.
Of course there is.
And WaPo will be there while Schiff goes to look for it in the dumpster bin.
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