[Editor’s note: The article below is a new edition of our Disloyal Military series. To learn about our 3-Part Series on the Disloyal Military, Progressive Fascists and Racist Mayors, CLICK HERE.]
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
In 2007, Mark Milley, then a mere colonel, was being interviewed about his experiences by Lynne Chandler Garcia. Now Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley is defending critical race theory while Garcia, an associate professor at the Air Force Academy, teaches it.
The woman described by one student as “the worst professor I’ve had” back when she was teaching logic for the philosophy department at a community college recently came forward with a Washington Post op-ed announcing her enthusiasm for injecting Marxism into the Air Force.
“I teach critical race theories to our nation’s future military leaders because it is vital that cadets understand the history of the racism that has shaped both foreign and domestic policy,” the historically illiterate logic teacher wrote.
Garcia, whose bio states that she holds “military secret clearance”, is promoting a Marxist ideology in her “Politics, American Government, and National Security” course. The curriculum lists her course, which implicitly attacks the existence of America, as a ”contributor to the development and assessment of the National Security of the American Republic”.
The Air Force Academy admitted that, “some elements from CRT canon are included in the course to encourage critical thinking” (another academic term for Marxism), but claimed that critical race theory is not “endorsed by the institution as institutional doctrine.”
It has however been endorsed every other way.
The disloyal military leaders of tomorrow are being shaped in the corrupted Academy of today.
As the BLM race riots devastated American cities, former superintendent Jay Silveria, who had been handpicked by former Air Force Chief of Staff David Goldfein to head the Academy, told students that it was “a time to acknowledge that disparities exist in our nation and within our Force, and that we must all be willing to talk about the realities of social injustice.”
Outside the world of Marxist wokeness “disparities” are the result of individual choices, talents, dedication and so forth, and in America have nothing to do with racism, since institutional racism was outlawed by the Civil Rights Act almost 60 years ago.
Silveria was echoing his boss’ call for outrage over George Floyd’s drug overdose death and his claims that America was somehow racist. Along with his push for a review of racial disparities.
“We have to acknowledge we have racism, we have bias,” Silveria insisted. That’s one man’s ideologically shaped opinion, but do our military recruits have to have that drummed into them by a community college logic teacher who lacks any credentials for making pronouncements that defame the country her institution and its students are supposed to be defending?
Like much of the military, the Air Force Academy was subjected to “critical conversations” that Silvera claimed would help those like him who were “confused, angry and need to discuss what is going on in our nation.”
In July, the academy’s football team and coaches – more authorities on things they don’t know – released a video supporting Black Lives Matter.
“Educate yourself on the role that race plays in our history,” a white coach demanded. “It’s time for me to recognize my bias,” another white coach confessed.
“Black lives have not been and are not treated as equals in our society,” players and coaches angrily chanted the mantra of critical race theory racists. “It’s not enough for us to be not racist. It’s time to be anti-racist.” This sentence is ideological garbage straight out of Ibram X Kendi’s racist book How To Be An Anti-Racist, which according to the leftist Kendi is by agreeing with him. Literally.
Superintendent Silveria did not condemn the video in which Academy employees used an official social media account to push a partisan racist message. Instead he doubled down on critical race theory, falsely claiming that “across our Nation we are also grappling with an outpouring of emotion and outrage over systemic racism and social injustice.” To repeat. systemic racism was outlawed by the 1964 Civil Rights Act. If it exists, it’s illegal and there would be lawsuits collecting damages. If it exists, where are those lawsuits?
Instead of disciplining the coaches involved, he issued a memo to improve “diversity and inclusion” and falsely claimed that “systemic racism exists in our society” affecting “identity groups” based “on race, ethnicity, age, gender”, and “sexual orientation.”
Systemic racism can’t and does not exist except in a program like “affirmative action” which had to get a pass from the Supreme Court precisely because it is illegal. And yet the leadership of the Air Force Academy insisted on brainwashing future military leaders with Marxist lies.
“The Black Lives Matter movement is important and I understand the purpose and the oppression behind the movement,” Silvera told the Journal of Character and Leadership Development.
The Center for Character and Leadership Development, once tasked with inculcating ethics and purpose, was leading those “critical conversations” about racism based on disparities that are the results of inequalities that exist in all racial groups. And of course the epidemic of anti-white racism, the most prominent form of ignorant bigotry abroad today.
This year, a professor at the Center wrote an article in the journal calling not for a “post-racial mindset”, but an “inherently anti-racism mindset” where “anti-racism” means accepting delusional fantasies of America as “white supremacist” society, when the opposite is the case. In the real world eight racial groups “of color” have greater incomes than whites, which would be impossible in the fantasy world that the Air Force Academy now claims exists.
Another article by two professors contended that “American freedom… is unequal and differentiated, especially by race, ethnicity, gender” and urged that the military should not be an apolitical institution but that the role of military leaders should be to help soldiers “understand and confront” political debates. Otherwise “American military leaders may miss an opportunity to contribute constructively to a national debate on these important matters.”
The military serves its national purpose when it is a killing machine superior to that of our enemies. Turning it into a social experiment kaffeeklatsch undermines its only legitimate purpose and makes us vulnerable to our enemies whose societies are the most oppressive and racist on earth.
The military and its leaders are being reshaped to serve the malignant purposes of our most determined enemies.
The USAFA once encouraged cadets to see themselves as part of something larger. Now it undermines that unity and cohesion with sessions that promote the “Native American Experience” and the “African-American Experience” urging those who “identify” with the group to segregate themselves by race and complain about their status within the military.
The identity politics rot continued as Silvera stepped down and was replaced by Superintendent Richard M. Clark. Just as Goldfein had made way for Brown, the first black Air Force Chief of Staff, Clark would be the first black superintendent of the Air Force Academy.
Clark described his son going to a BLM protest and suggested that much of the Air Force might feel the same way. “There’s probably an anger that we don’t even know about,” he suggested.
It was ugly and dangerously inappropriate language for a senior military leader to use.
Instead of using his appointment as evidence of the country’s incredible opportunities for those like him, the new superintendent was carrying on the tradition of trashing America as racist
Earlier this year, the Air Force Academy announced that it was opening a special Diversity and Inclusion Reading Room in the McDermott Library in response to Floyd’s drug overdose death and the accompanying Black Lives Matter riots. The reading room boasted a post-it board encouraging students to jot down what diversity meant to them.
The McDermott Library already offers copies of Ibram X. Kendi’s How To Be An Anti-Racist and Stamped From the Beginning, along with Ta-Nehisi Coates’ rabidly racist screed, Between The World And Me, which demonized the police officers and firefighters who died to rescue trapped Americans on 9/11 as “not human to me”, and described black crime as entirely the fault of whites.
Also available is Race Course Against White Supremacy, a book by domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Ayers actually bombed the Pentagon, and described it in his memoir in these words: “Everything was absolutely ideal. … The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.”
The book by a domestic terrorist who bombed the Pentagon and invented the term “white skin privilege” falsely claims that “the United States was conceived as a white supremacist nation” and “remains fundamentally dedicated to structures, institutions, and ideologies that construct and enforce white domination.”
The transformation of the Air Force Academy into just another radical campus has confused and angered many of its alumni who remember a very different institution. And it was different.
The United States Air Force Academy faculty had been made up exclusively of military officers for generations. That helped protect the USAFA from the academic decay of most colleges. But in 1994, a Democrat Congress forced the academy to integrate “civilian faculty”. Like the intellectually challenged and ideologically warped, Garcia.
While many students and faculty initially resisted the civilian academics, the radicals began to inject their leftist politics into the classroom and used them to sow dissension in the military ranks. Service branch academies, once fundamentally different from civilian colleges, are coming to resemble the campuses and curriculums of any left-wing college.
Air Force Academy courses like Class, Race, and Ethnicity in Society, and Gender, Sexuality, and Society, offer familiar narratives attacking Martin Luther King’s vision of a colorblind society as racist, and promoting the racist idea of skin privilege. And while it’s not surprising to see identity politics embedded into English and Behavioral Science, the “socio-cultural” element in USAFA’s History department is almost as bad with students being asked to analyze WW1 through the lenses of “colonialism, race” and “gender”.
Race, gender, and class are a constant academic theme at USAFA. And race and gender are linked to leadership and accomplishment when it comes to ethics and values.
Lynne Chandler Garcia is not an outlier. She’s just one of the few civilian professors to go public outside Air Force circles about what’s really going on at the Air Force Academy.
Each Democrat administration has added another building block to the crisis that has decimated the integrity and allegiances of the Air Force Academy and much of the rest of the military.
The Clinton administration and its allies in Congress helped put the likes of Garcia and other leftist radicals in USAFA classrooms. The Academy hands out copies of Attitudes Aren’t Free: Thinking Deeply about Diversity in the US Armed Forces, a text from the Obama administration, which promoted radical gender and racial ideas, including “privilege”, into the military.
Tragically, for our nation, the Biden administration is continuing Clinton and Obama’s destruction of the military.
The disloyal military leadership is composed of some careerists who have learned to tell Democrat administrations what they want to hear and incorporate all their social agendas.
But others are the products of a military academic system that is as broken and corrupt as our civilian colleges, which have become one-party Marxist institutions.
When Garcia boasts of teaching “critical race theories to our nation’s future military leaders”, she’s taking pride in weakening the defenses of a country she hates.
The disloyal military leaders of tomorrow will be the products of Garcia’s classes, and political indoctrination sessions like them.
Better military leadership begins with restoring the integrity of the Air Force Academy and all service branch academies. Our country is barely surviving woke government and woke corporations, it will not survive the disloyal military leaders of a woke military.
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