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How would you like to be a Democrat and have to try to convince the American people that uber-DEI VP Kamala Harris is fit to be President of (what once was) the proudest, mightiest nation the world has ever known?
That she is qualified to stand up against Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping?
There is no doubt that Putin and Xi would think the American people will have gone completely mad if they elect that woman to the Presidency. They would make mincemeat out of her. This would be a joke in a sane country.
But how can one feel sorry for the Democrats? They totally created this disaster for themselves. They have effeminized their party so badly that they don’t really have anybody qualified to be President—a person who is tough, with cojones, with moral courage, or even an ounce of godly virtue. They have completely turned the party over to the effete, perverted Left in the midst of a frightening world full of monsters that demands resolution, determination, and moral dynamism. It’s not just 2024. Think of who their choices were in 2020. Nobody of any merit or character. They decided on Joe Biden by default, and look at what that has cost the country, internally and around the world. Is Kamala Harris going to be able to regain America’s reputation internationally as a strong, forceful leader for freedom and virtue? If she does, she’ll have to show something she has certainly never shown before.
But, again, this is totally the Democrats’ own fault for pandering to identity politics and decadence in order to buy votes. If the people who vote for you are bottom feeders, then don’t be surprised if Adam Bullschiff ends up in office. Or, if you try to appeal to a contingent of godless, unvirtuous, immoral, narcissistic elites, then don’t be shocked when a government is elected that has absolutely no moral compass, or no clue how to arrive at a destination where the country remains on a solid foundation of morality, decency, normality, and courage. Thus have countless major institutions which have increasingly lost respect at home and around the globe.
The Democrats nominated a senile, old never-was in 2020. Joe Biden had absolutely no ability to lead anybody anywhere, at least not in an upward, positive direction. He never had in 50 years in Washington, so why did the country think that was going to change overnight? And, not surprisingly, he has been the worst President in American history, and the last 3.5 years have been an utter catastrophe. But not only did the Democrats put this incompetent bungler in the White House, but they also installed DEI in the Vice Presidency. They couldn’t even give the country a Vice President of merit and excellence, they again had to reach DOWN instead of UP and offer the people someone less capable than even Joe Biden. And now, Biden can’t serve as President any longer, he is simply physically and mentally unable to do so, and the Democrats seem stuck with having to convince the country Kamala Harris can lead America…
Against Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. And worse wolves than they.
What a horrible organization the Democratic Party has become.
They KNOW Harris is a terrible mistake. They never intended for her to occupy the Oval Office, they only intended for her to appeal to the racial, gender, and immoral identity groups that are so important to them for holding onto power. Now, how can they get rid of her? If they criticize or dump her, especially for a white person, they set themselves up for the accusation of racism, and they will probably lose much of the most vital constituency they have—the very constituency they wanted to secure in 2020 when they put Harris on the ballot in the first place. But, how can they keep her as their candidate? She’s more unpopular than Biden and clearly less capable than even he is. And he’s senile. What’s her excuse?
She wants the top spot. She’s said so. And most Democrats seem to be lining up behind her. They have to. How can they not? She represents everything their party stands for, from her depraved affair with Willie Brown to DEI Secret Service incompetence. That’s the Democratic Party. That’s what they want to turn America into. That’s the mess the Democratic Party has created for itself by its hideous, degenerate, Leftist, racist, anti-American policies.
And given the direction the country has been going for the last two generations, it would not surprise me in the least if she won the election.
America is about to endure the most massive propaganda campaign in the history of mankind. Joseph Goebbels was an inept toddler compared to what the Democrats and their media cohorts are going to unleash upon the American people. By the time they are finished, Kamala Harris will be the Mother of God, smarter, wiser, and more holy than He is, running against the most horrifying, evil demon humanity has ever produced, and countless Americans will believe every word of it. Goebbels’ master, Adolf Hitler, once said, “There are no end of stupid people in the world.” Well, let’s hope he is wrong about America, but Harris will get at least 40% of the vote for the simple reason she has a (D) after her name. And she will almost surely secure every loyal Democratic Party constituency.
The con has already started, folks. The Democrats may be realizing the Herculean nature of their task, and might be trying to think of a way to get shuck of her, but, frankly, I don’t see how they can. It looks like they are stuck with Kamala.
Get ready for the biggest snowball in history to hit the United States.
Rob A says
What’s disturbing to me is the fact that there are faux republicans and pseudo conservatives who despise Trump and can”t wait to vote for Harris.
Cat says
I am of the opinion that there are no real republicans. That is what is wrong in dc. There’s no sincere opposition to democrats who are so obviously anti American.
Are there a few good people? Maybe but they mostly just talk. Nothing gets done. Not even a true investigation of the most historical shocking event – the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump’s life.
What? You never heard of that event? Neither have the Ai gods ( programmed by the Democrats exclusively) or the Google gods.
MuggsSpongedice says
I’m a Lincoln and Trump Republican
I am dressed in red white and blue from head to toe
My hat says MAGA
My heart knows President Trump’s Devine Manifest Destiny is to be POTUS!
My spirit knows we are in demonic attack
I was born Jewish in USA
I believe in Yeshua Messiah Lord Jesus Christ
I am not religious
I am free to be a Critical Thinking self made entrepreneur
Full time in retirement
All this is only available in USA
I know we are in a vile demonic global coup d’etat
Targeting USA first
As USA goes so goes the world
The pLandemic controlled us
And helped set up the rigging and theft of the 2020 election
To cinch this coup d’etat.
Conspiracy Theories of Yore
Are Conspiracy Facts today.
ALincoln and Trump Republican (c)MSC Coup D’Etat Toons 7-30-2024
Janness Abraham says
Read ‘God’s Caous Canidate’ = TRUMP. written in 2016 when Hillary was expected to win in a landslide.
Rob A says
Amen to that my friend! I came to that same conclusion years ago circa 2003 when I left the republican party and became an independent.
George W. Bush and the RINOs and neocons ran me out of the party. I’ve been out in the proverbial wilderness every since and I like it and have come to like and appreciated it. I speak for me. Not some obtuse political party or any of their yapping mutts
The beauty and satisfaction of being an independent is that no political party has an intrinsic claim on my vote. If they want my vote, proffer the right policies and earn it.
And democrats? Don’t bother trying. Me voting for a democrat has never happened and never will.
Gordon says
Not disturbing-expected. These are the same people that hated Reagan and we will always have them around. They are too few to make a difference.
Rob A says
I graduated from college the year Reagan became president. Under Reagan, I began a career that most people can only dream of having (e.g., excitement, danger, world travel, etc.) I have nothing but the fondest memories of Reagan.
Greg says
You condemn “faux Republicans and pseudo-conservatives who despise Trump and can’t wait to vote for Harris.” Don’t be so hard on Ron DeSantis.
Rob A says
I happen to like Ron Desantis but it’s not his time yet. Ron is still young and needs more seasoning to thicken his political hide. Something he’ll need in the years ahead to go up against the establishment dinosaurs in both parties and their mainstream media jesters..
As for the moment, he’s needs to overcome being enthralled by the deep pockets types and being deferential towards GOP establishment dinosaurs.
Francisco says
Don’t kid yourselves into thinking the Dems can’t dump the pig for a white guy. They can do so, and even hurl racial slurs at her and her supporters on the way out.
Why? Because the average Democrat voter is either (1) a parasite who cares about getting their next government check or (2) an effete suburban snob who is worried about not being consumed by riots when the underclass doesn’t get their next government check.
Greg says
Add to your category of average Demo-crat voters those pitiful self-loathing whites who prostrate themselves before the unmistakable symbol of a sinking America, The Kenyan. Yes, Barry O is the role model for all aspiring mixed-race collectivist sodomites, a sort of Barbie doll for self-hating white Democ-rats.
internalexile says
A “Barbie doll for self-hating white Democrats.” Nice turn of phrase.
Rob A says
In my experience, what I find particularly disgusting about that type is that they all tend to be far more well off than the average person. I live amongst the type and know them well. They can’t stand me and it’s mutual.
The difference between me and them is that I “think” (“cogito, ergo sum”) whereas they “feel.” Thinking requires logic, reason and rationality. Things almost all liberals and democrats are bereft off.
They’re guided by their emotions, not facts or reality. It’s why they’re easily bamboozled and beguiled by the likes of Karl Marx, Mao Tse Tung, Margaret Sanger, Saul Alinsky, Barry Obama, BJ Clinton, Commie La Harris, Joe Biden, et al.
Rob A says
I don’t over or underestimate democrats nor put anything past them. They’re some of the most baffling, naive and shockingly stupid people I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.
Common sense is well beyond their grasp and if it were not for nonsense they wouldn’t have any sense at all.
TRex says
The “rugged individual” of lore is long gone. As the central govt grows so does the dependent class. A govt that pretends to support and defend a gullible citizenry is a govt that knows how much power it wields Imaginary threats from non-existent demons is all it takes to capture the minds of those willing to surrender their independence. Couple that with a little DEI, SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and a healthy dose of white guilt and you have a populace that sees independent thought as a crime against humanity.
Jeff parker says
Spot on. They will try the steal again.
Rob A says
Of course they will! Their default assumption is that most Americans are dumb, stupid, naive and laughably gullible.
It’s easy to understand why they think that (Obama? Biden?) but come on, not all Americans are dumb, stupid, naive and laughably gullible! Democrats? Of course. But not the rest of America!
Paul says
“Against Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.”
Against? They’re working for them!
Michael says
Then why is Putin backing Trump?
Thomas E. Warwick says
Maybe Putin’s just getting tired of dealing with children and would like to speak with some adults for a change.
Rob A says
That’s an irrational question on the face of it. Who gives a flip about who Putin backs in an American election? Why should I or anyone else in our country care? Grow up.
Martina Vaslovik says
I think Kamala was just intended to be Joe’s backstop against the 25th Amendment while they finished off our country with Barry pulling the strings from the shadows. That has not worked out yet, and now that Joe’s senility has become obvious to the world she’s all they have to put forward, and she cannot win without such brazen and obvious fraud that a civil war is a very real possibility. I would guess at this point they are scheming a way to cancel the election altogether and perhaps even impose martial law if they can engineer a plausible excuse.
TRex says
No Marshall law will be necessary. The Dems learned a lot from the 2020 steal and will be even more capable to pull it off this time. Their tactics, this time around, will be even more difficult to uncover.
BigR_72 says
Great article! This is one of the better summations I have read for where our country has been, is now, and what lies ahead.
I’ll share this with everyone I can.
Chris Shugart says
Brutal, cruel, and true. I’m surprised that there aren’t more voters who are demanding a responsible plan to deal with global national security. We have to do way much better than, “Gee, I hope nothing bad happens.”
Thomas E. Warwick says
re-imagine the Titanic…only this time, the crew on the bridge now sees the iceberg dozens and dozens of miles ahead. Half the crew thinks it would be “cool” to hit the iceberg full on and besides if the don’t hit the iceberg, the iceberg will feel shamed and they can’t let that happen. (You can guess who these crewpersons are). Now the other half of the crew wants to change course and NOT hit the iceberg, but none of them have the courage to grab the wheel and make the change. They’re gutless. They whine a lot. Instead of acting, they’d rather hide in corners and hope they can’t be seen. And the passengers (That’s US)…..we’re screwed. And me? I think I’ll sit back…refill my whiskey, and light up a cigar. When the time comes, I’ll rip some old lady out of her seat on the lifeboat and grab her place. Piss on all of you.
Walter Sieruk says
There was a song that was played on the radio in the early 1970’s the title of that song is “Smiling faces tall lies”
The lyrics of it may apply to Kamala Harris. The words are “A smile is just a frown turned upside down, don’t let them fool you, smiling faces tell lies.”
Gary M Altergott says
Too many parallels between 1968 and 2024;
March, 1968, Lyndon Johnson withdraws from the election due to an unpopular war and trouble in both the streets and campuses.
Joe Biden withdraws from the 2024 race due to health, an unpopular withdrawal from Afghanistan, wars in Ukraine and Gaza, trouble on campuses and the streets due to the Hamas war and immigration…
Assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., an attempted assassination of former President Trump.
Riots in Chicago at the 1968 Democrat Convention, possible trouble in Chicago at the 2024 Democrat Convention…
And with all that, Richard Nixon won the Presidency in 1968 by less than one percentage point! The Democrats are poised to not let history repeat itself re: the 2024 election…let’s NOT get complacent! Do what you are able to do: post signs, give to candidates if you are able but most important of all…..VOTE! and get as many patriots as possible to get off their butts and get to the polls! C0omplacency will cost us our country!!
Emmet Veritas says
There is an undercurrent to much of the griping, i.e., “But not only did the Democrats put this incompetent bungler in the White House…”
I am clear that there were election irregularities in 2020.
Still, the other team did not catch or prevent them.
That said, such statements as, “But not only did the Democrats put this incompetent bungler in the White House…” remove all responsibility and agency from the true destroyers of the USA – the voting public.
If the Dems win, then we get what we deserve good and hard (h/t HL Mencken).
The Dems put no one in the White House. The voters did.
Emmet Veritas says
Klaus Barbie, that is.
Disadvantaged says
If she wins the nomination, most likely she will win the election. More than 50% of the women in America would like to see a female President. Second, most blacks and Asians will vote for her. As for Hispanics, that is a toss up and could go either way. The other factor is vote fraud like 2020. Every effort will be made to have her in the White House. Once she is worn in as President, its going to be a hell of a ride for the next four years.
I have no doubt that America will take its place as a Third World country as its default on its national debt. The banking system will face a crisis like 2008. The economy will be in a state of decline with turmoil taking place throughout the country. All of this brought to you by the donkeys and elephants in Washington D.C.
Have nice evening.