A popular question now, especially with Fetterman and Kathy Hochul, not to mention Gretchen Whitmer and so many others.
Here are some unpopular answers. Yes, there’s plenty of election rigging via Infinite Election Period and ballot harvesting, remote voting and all that, but yes there are plenty of people who vote for them. Why?
1. Yellow Dog Democrats – There are more Democrats who vote straight party line than Republicans. While there have been some backlashes over crime, school shutdowns, masking and mandates that get massively amplified via conservatives on social media or moderate Democrats like Bari Weiss’ Common Sense and Bill Maher, that’s still a minority. There’s still a minimal dent in the wall of black church ladies and upscale white suburbanites, not to mention woke college students (though the vote in smaller numbers) who are going to vote for the Democrat.
Almost any Democrat.
Beating that means boosting voter turnout and winning over independents to beat the zombie margin.
2. Cultural Issues Matter – Some conservatives inhabit echo chambers and really don’t believe anyone could possibly be enthusiastic about voting for Hillary, Hochul or Fetterman, or pack the polls over abortion. I’ve always lived in blue states and cities, and these people exist and there are a lot of them out there.
All those “In This House” yard signs? I see them everywhere. They’re cultural gatekeeping.
Conservatives are outraged by sex grooming in schools. They’re outraged by the lack of it. There is a certain demographic that is violently infuriated over abortion and is every bit as passionate about it as the activists who block abortion clinics.
And quite a few of these people are well off and able to donate a lot of money. And they show up to vote.
Culture war means cultivating their conservative opposite numbers. And reviving a nearly moribund social conservatism. But until social conservatism makes a comeback, Democrats have the advantage on voting on cultural issues.
3. A lot of politics is about making the other side and its candidates seem as grotesque as possible, eliciting the familiar, “Who could possibly vote for these freakshows” reaction.
But that’s not a universal reaction, it’s an echo chamber reaction.
“Orange Man Bad” was that. They’re not universal. And the Left has much better range thanks to its dominant cultural position to push disgust for Republican and conservative figures.
And there are plenty of Democrats and even independents who buy into it and react with, “Who could possibly vote for these freakshows” to conservative and Republican candidates.
Getting over these cultural humps is challenging. You might have thought that a massive economic crisis and a crime wave would do it. It made inroads, but those inroads didn’t go far enough.
Yeah. Back in my former SF Bay Area city, where I knew more about local politics than 99% of the population, the best candidate often barely squeaked by, or lost. It was kinda like a random crapshoot.
Yeah, cultural issues can matter. I never believed that before but this election sure proved it. Mother F’er.
“These people exist and there are a lot of them out there.”
F, man I never believed that ’till now. Those mother F’rs are everywhere. What the F are we going to do?
The Communists are trying to push out Chris Magnus, the only good official in the administration that i know of. The story is starting to come out today. The Communists have been slandering him via leaks to MSM for some time now. I know because he was police chief of my former city, did an excellent job.
I remember seeing him on TV.
Sick man and now a leader. Unreal. Not voting for strong America
I had a mother like these. I have no doubt that she continues to vote for every Democrat regardless of anything about them. Her disgust with Donald Trump is the fuel that makes it a righteous thing for her, and there is no amount of discussion that will change her one bit about this. It’s an religious thing for her. And this regardless of anything else going on with her. Such people are as irrational as they are dangerous. They ‘know’ and that settles it.
Never doubt that these people will continue to vote this way. Outside of making sure you vote – anything else is a complete waste of time dealing with such persons. They ‘know’ better. I leave my mother to her religion.
Voting for a Fetterman is merely an extreme example, but let’s be honest – a Joe Biden was once an more functioning Democrat. Not now, but he was always corrupt – like Fetterman, and yet these people will vote for such people.
Yeah, those retards vote. They’re dangerous.
Heck, they voted for a dead man. That is what are you are up against, because my momma and Daddy voted Democrat.
Did we really vote for that motherfucker? I don’t think so so.
Same with mine. And these upper class suburbanites can absorb the hits from inflation no matter how high it goes. They’re not losing their home or car. They’re not eating out of soup cans. The idea of Trump (even when he’s not on the ballot) will always be worse than 20% inflation or their 401k tanking again yet another year.
There are a few reasons, IMO, why liberals blindly vote for any Democrat. One is the old “my grandparents were Democrats, my parents are Democrats, and I’m going to vote Democrat until the day I die (and maybe a few years after I’m dead). This is the mindset of these uneducated, low info voters. No clue about the policies. No clue whether or not those policies will hurt. Just blindly walk into a voting booth and vote for the “D”. You’d think they were rooting for their favorite sports team.
Second, most of these people vote on emotion, rather than using reason and logic. Really, who would enthusiastically vote for open borders, 40 yr high inflation, attack on our energy with soaring gas prices and diesel fuel running out, sky rocketing crime in major cities, etc.?
Sorry, but there needs to be a universal test you should have to take in order to vote. You must pass the test, or you can’t vote. Voting shouldn’t be a right; not when you have morons blindly voting for a candidate with no clue why, other than they have a D next to their name.
“Really, who would enthusiastically vote for open borders, 40 yr high inflation, attack on our energy with soaring gas prices and diesel fuel running out, sky rocketing crime in major cities, etc.?”
An emotional, self-sacrificing, altruist would. You are your brother’s keeper. Love your enemy. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. The meek shall inherit the earth. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. The love of money is the root of all evil. To the question of ‘What would Jesus take?’ the answer is: everything, not 35%, not 39.6% – but 100%, for in the New Testament’s Gospel of St. Mark, when a man approaches Jesus and asks him ‘what shall I do to inherit eternal life?’ [Mark 10:17], Jesus says to him ‘go and sell all your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in Heaven.’ [Mark 10:21]
Who would throw away her life and personal pursuit of happiness on earth, in America, sacrifice her physical and material well-being, and sacrifice it all to save Muslims in the Muslim world? A Christian altruist, a Christian self-sacrificer, like Kayla Mueller would.
“America’s inner contradiction was the altruist-collectivist ethics. Altruism is incompatible with freedom, with capitalism and with individual rights. One cannot combine the pursuit of happiness with the moral status of a sacrificial animal.” – Ayn Rand
When you’re right, you’re right.
The only thing is Democrats, the majority, are atheists, and don’t follow Christianity.
And, let’s not forget the many, many tens of millions of citizens on welfare/public assistance programs, many for generations. This group of Americans know that the freebies come from the Democrats and will NEVER vote for anyone else. And, then there are the blacks who will always vote for the black candidate just because of skin color; and many Mexicans, muslims, etc, do exactly the same. Why is it that white people have no issues voting for a black/Mexican/etc, citizen if that candidate is viewed as best fof our country, but this is true of only a small portion of non-white citizens? Also, the non-citizens voting in our country (proven that some do) also all vote for the Democrats, the party from whom all freebies for foreigners flow.
Speaking of which, why is Trump now making himself a freak show? I don’t regret voting for him twice but cringe at the thought of having to vote for him ever again. We need his program much much more than we need him.
You suck dicks. And you aren’t fooling anybody, you Never Trumper fuckstain.
Motherfucker, fuck you.
I think his point that more Democrats vote straight tickets than Republicans is one of the major reasons for the outcome of this election. Too many Republicans try to punish a Republican candidate by staying home and not voting, or voting a split ticket because of one thing that Republican candidate said or did. The larger Democrat hreat is ignored so this punishment can be rendered, and another election goes to the Democrats. This lack of party loyalty is further exemplified by the GOP Senators: McCain, Romney, Murkowski, & Collins. They have repeatedly went over to the Democrat side on key votes in the Senate to send a message of how concerned they were of some aspect of the legislation. The Democrats absolutely love this “independent thinking” by these RINO Republicans. You never see the Democrats in Congress not vote as a bloc.
To an extent, I agree. The Democrats appear to have much greater loyalty to party than do Republicans. We watch over and over, congressional Democrats standing with the party even if they strongly disagree and we watch the congressional GOP never experiencing that level of party loyalty with several of them voting with Democrats on most actions and totally without shame.
Victor Davis Hanson describes California and what he’s describing is a banana republic. People that recognise that leave and optimists hope for better days. They have the same hopes as any other banana republic and those hopes are somewhere else.
Yeah, I live here and wonder why.
Well, we know how the game here is played, which gives us an edge 🙂
Yeah, I checked the votes in my current, formerly conservative county, and they were uniformly about 3 to 1 Democrat over Republican (about 75% Democrat, 25% Republican votes per candidate).
This is the result of our county’s institutions, especially the media and academia, relentlessly trashing the Republican brand for decades now. The voters who would vote for Fetterman would vote for a hand puppet with a “D” after its name on the ballot rather than vote for any Republican. After all, isn’t their President, nearly all elected Democrats and our media constantly telling them, and independents, that Republicans are “semi-fascists” who hate women and blacks and gays and Moslems who are “destroying democracy.” And large swaths of the electorate are so dumbed down and gullible they believe this garbage? Who would want to vote for such people? And there we are.
Agree. Theres a “man in the box” effect. Especially older folks, but any MSM watcher/reader, sees talking heads and news casters on TV intone with their great acting skills about, for example, the “threat” of Donald Trump. And they become afraid of Trump – that bad man they all talk about. They believe no one on the TV could lie. After all. they’re on the TV!
Propaganda works.
Without secure elections and the removal of propaganda, we will sink into communism. How many generations will it take before such ‘regular’ people stop believing the man in the box.
Along those lines, last Sunday or Monday I saw a video of CNN’s Jake Tapper “interviewing” the best Presidential spokesperson ever, Marine Jean Pierre, He asked her about Biden’s statement that he was going to close coal-fired power plants across the country. She said that his comments had been twisted and that he was simply talking about the progress of technology. That was utter rubbish. What is known in less post-modern societies as a “lie.” He said what he said and no one twisted it. Yet, Tapper sat there while she was spewing “misinformation” and nodding his heard up and down, as in “yes,” without challenge or comment. Yeah, they’re not just a propaganda outlet or anything?
You are correct. The only social media I engage in is FB. But I closely read the comments on any political posting as a way of looking at the views of many other people. Recognizing the Democrat crowd is extremely easy, because Trump is still alive and well as the demon they fear and blame for everything. But the comments made by most of these folks are simply beyond belief, but very telling about their level of being totally brainwashed. It is as though their God is any Democrat and any of their words are truth, facts, to be believed totally and repeated, no thinking required or needed. But, they are adamant and totally unwilling and unable to hear anything different. Truly amazing and truly scary as hell to this 83 year old who is very worried about the future of America and Americans.
Nay, We gave the luxuries of this life to these men and their fathers until the period grew long for them. See they not that We gradually reduce the land from its outlying borders? Is it then they who will overcome.
1) There’s no election rigging. That’s just your lies. Even on this site, nobody is seriously suggesting the results this week were the result of stolen elections. Your dropping this at the beginning of your article is just propagandistic reflex (repeat the lie as often as possible, whenever possible).
2) Yes, there are many people who vote the party line. Why are there more Democrats who do this? Well, might be because the Republican party has become inextricably linked with racism, homophobia, nativism, and election denialism.
3) Yes, cultural issues matter (duh!). Yes, there is a demographic that is concerned about the removal of basic human rights (such as the right to an abortion). That demographic is women. I know you’re scared of them, but they are the majority.
Let us not forget that the Democratic presidential candidate in every election since 2004 has received several million more votes than the Republican candidate. (yeah, yeah, I know, vote rigging, whah whah). Women drive this disparity, as you very well know.
4) What is “social conservatism”? Are you brave enough to define it? (that’s rhetorical, of course you’re not). From where I sit, “social conservatism” for FPM writers and readers equals racism, homophobia, nativism, irrational rejection of science, embracing conspiracy theories, and denying the importance of free and fair elections.
5) You might have thought the ruling party would have been harshly punished for the rocky economic conditions, the rise in crime, the manufactured crisis at the border. You might have thought the historical pattern would have held. But no. The Republican party has shifted too much to the right. It has embraced Trump and his lemmings.
You suck so many dicks it’s impossible to keep track of you, faggot. Cock sucker mother fucker.
How many dicks did you suck today? A lot, I’ll bet.
You f’ing homo. You know you like dicks.
He sounds like TeaBugger’s boyfriend 🙂
Thank you, Jeff Bargholtz, for confirming my point.
1) You suck dicks. And you’re a lying mofo.
Fetterstein won and Kari Lake lost? My ass.
2) Why do Dirtbagocrats vote the retard party line? Because you’re stupid scumbags,that’s why. Everybody knows that. You low-ass mother fo’s can’t change what you are.
3) Infanticide is not a human right, you sick F. You don’t know the difference between a civil right, civil liberty or a steaming pile of shit.
Let us not forget that you suck dicks.
Lol… You are a product of the Democrats’ propaganda, hysteria and brainwashing and you don’t even know it.
I was in a church meeting Tuesday as we prayed for moral and God fearing people to get elected and our head Deacon chimed in and said that Oz was a Muslim. This guy is on Facebook a lot so makes me wonder what in the world is being said on platforms like this.
You never know who’s going to screw you over.
Especially if you are a rich white male, like Warren Beatty. Some girl he shacked up with in 1973 while filming the “Parallax View’ (good movie which has some nice views of the Space Needle in Seattle) came out of the woodwork and is suing him for big bucks, claiming she was traumatized for a lifetime (blaming him for all her troubles, another poisoned fruit of Freud’s sometimes brilliant but often backwards psychological theories). It is now a cottage industry for scumbag lawyers, suing rich males for the psychological trauma of their female clients.
Old Warren can probably outlast her. He’s as old as Clint Eastwood. Maybe.
But you know, most of us other guys can’t beat a bitch like that. A chick can destroy our life in less time than it takes to say it…..and they know it.
I like my current girlfriend, though. Of course, I said the same thing about my wife and now she’s my ex wife.
Exactly. Have to avoid them like the plague.
You should check it out for yourself. It is enlightening to read their actual comments and also, beyond scary. Our country is lost and dying. I am old and actually glad I will not be around to watch the end of America and Americans, but I do shed tears for my nation and my family and friends.
Hollywood and the democrats have been vilifying conservatives as bigots for the last 50 years. When someone like Ted Cruz appears on a show like the view, the audience is like a bunch of hyenas. There are a lot of people who truly hate conservatives and see them as bigots.
The biggest enemy to conservatives is the small number of conservatives who really are bigots. The propaganda would not be effective without them. We see them in comment sections like this one all the time.
Conservative bigots are loud and vulgar, but there is far more bigotry on the left. Bigotry on the left is more subtle and paternal. Liberals will openly say that voter ID is racists because blacks don’t know how to use the internet, or they cannot find the DMV. Leftists divide people by race, they judge people by race. It is what they do. They are so universally racists that they have normalized real racism while claiming that Martin Luther King Jr. was a racist.
I’m loud and vulgar but I’m not a bigot.
Not too much, anyway.
Real simple. Stolen election. Why do you think they disobeyed SCOTUS ruling that ballots must not be undated?
Also, delaying the results is a tipoff that the Democrats are cheating.
“It takes a week or two to count the votes.” Yeah. From the worst liar in history. Alzheimer Joe. That hack.
Since when? These cheating mother fuckers.
The comments here are pretty representative of the current attitude. If America mattered more than your ego, you’d spend your energy mourning like people who don’t even live there but understand are. Of course if what was right mattered more than ego 30% of people who vote for the left would not that I’ve talked to from many thousands online, in person and over the phone.
The whole article kind of fell into a similar trap to one it illuminates. When you inhabit intellectual echo chambers and avoid the local neighborhood bars that Rav Kahane told us to go listen in to find out about the culture, you realize there is a bigger category. Most people don’t think at all. They are proud mostly of the moments they were not supervised properly and we’re able to waste time and effort at their work.
You praised Trump that he simplified the right message, ok, make America great again is better than usual. It’s easy to spin that negative to a clueless. The left says “democrats are for being nice and Republicans are for being mean”. The message is simpler. The clueless voter, the overwhelming majority, asks, “what does this voting act I do, do?” Maga has a negative connotation, America currently is lacking in it’s former greatness, and the clueless wants to be the one who saves everything by his act. He does not know how to make America great. He knows how to be nice.
Uproot evil. Turn from it before you try.
2024 ticket Biden and fetterman
A no brainer
lol, good one. You win the internet for today 🙂