It’s hardly even believable: the stuttering, sputtering John Fetterman, a stroke victim who only rarely manages to utter a complete sentence, coasted to victory in the Pennsylvania Senate race. Like Joe Biden, Fetterman is so clearly unfit for his new job that no sane person could possibly think otherwise; it boggles the mind to think that any Pennsylvania voter could have seen any of Fetterman’s incoherent ramblings over the last few weeks, both in his debate with Dr. Mehmet Oz and in his campaign rallies, and thought, “That’s the man I want representing Pennsylvania in the Senate.” But Fetterman will show up in the Senate in January — if someone can guide him to where it is — and all the explanations of why this ridiculous charade is set to happen are bad in different ways.
The immediate possibility, of course, is that Fetterman’s victory is due to chicanery at the ballot box. Over at Townhall, Mia Cathell reported Wednesday that “in an undercover video filmed by Project Veritas Action (PVA) journalists at a Philadelphia polling location, Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe alleges that the investigative group’s journalists were told whom to vote for mere feet outside of one of the city’s polling places. Two of the interactions were captured on camera.” The person telling voters how to vote was, of course, a Democrat Party operative. O’Keefe explains, “This is referred to as electioneering.” It’s also illegal.
This is striking, but it isn’t evidence of large-scale ballot box tampering. In a clear sign that they suspected they would have to cheat in order to win, the Fetterman camp filed suit the other day to have ballots counted even if they were marked with the wrong date. But as it turns out, they didn’t even need the tainted ballots to put their man over the top. So what does explain the victory of a candidate who is without any doubt the least competent and capable individual ever to stand as a candidate for the United States Senate?
One answer could be the weakness of his opponent. Trump-endorsed candidates have generally done well all over the country, but Dr. Oz was different. While he trumpeted his connection to Trump during the primary, after he became the Republican candidate, Oz retooled his website and Twitter page to remove all mention of Trump, thereby giving the impression that he was opportunistically using Trump to corral America-First voters into his camp but that his commitment to their cause wasn’t sincere. Oz also aroused suspicion by maintaining his status as a Turkish citizen at a time when Turkey is growing progressively more authoritarian and hostile to the United States. The MAGA base was what would have elected Oz, and he did his best to alienate it. Once that was done, all he had were Pennsylvania Romneyites and RINOs, and there proved to be not enough of them to put him over.
The other obvious answer is that Pennsylvania voters wanted John Fetterman in the Senate. They saw that he was obviously unable to discharge the duties of the office for which he was running and simply didn’t care. Fetterman’s victory proves that the Democrats’ willingness to put up with Old Joe Biden’s obvious incapacity was no anomaly. The Fetterman victory is an indication that the Leftist elites are just rubbing it in now, showing that they have now filled a sufficient number of people with their propaganda that they can elect literally anyone to any position they want and perpetuate the governance of a shadowy, behind-the-scenes oligarchy. Fetterman, like Biden, will simply serve as a puppet for the people who are pulling the strings, and that seems to be just fine with Pennsylvanians. They elected a puppet knowing that he is a puppet, but he is a puppet for what they want: the gutting of the American economy, open borders, high crime rates, skyrocketing gas prices, continuing assaults on the freedom of speech, and all the rest of contents of the Democrats’ grab-bag of horrors. Fetterman may be incapacitated, but he’s another vote for the Left’s agenda, and that’s all that matters.
The great strength of democratic rule is that you get what the people want. The great weakness of Democratic rule is that you get what the people want. Pennsylvania has willingly elected an incoherent idiot who can do nothing but obey the bidding of his sinister, malevolent masters. They’ll get what they wanted, in spades.
New Irene says
The PA Senate election was stolen, pure and simple. It was done through early voting, mail-in ballots, absentee ballots, and programmable voting machines hooked up to the Internet. The only way to have fair and honest elections is with paper ballots, no early voting, and no ballot counting machines, all with election day cutoffs.
Not only am I speaking as a CPA with audit experience, I am also a native Chicagoan familiar with the ways of the South Side. Dragging the counts for a week or more after election day is how corrupt Dems feed in votes until they get the desired outcome. Until the election fraud is dealt with, conservative Republicans will be cheated out of offices again and again. Look what happened to Kari Lake.
The most serious issue facing America is election fraud. Until that is dealt with with a bunch of Dems going to jail, conservatives will never win elections again. We are in deep, deep s***.
Eric Schrader says
I hate to even mention it, but I think we need to federalize the voting criteria of all States to mimic the Florida model. Early voting OK, but only the week before election day, which should be a national holiday OR having voting on a Saturday and Sunday like other countries do. NO mail in ballots. No drop boxes. Only absentee ballots specifically requested by the voter are allowed for only approved reasons. Purge voter rolls once a year for all the dead voters out there. Paper ballots only with scanning machines not hooked to the internet.
George Mallory says
Eric, federalization violates the constitution. Let us come up with national guidelines and challenge state legislatures to do the right thing. Pennsylvania sadly is now blue through and through. Early voting before the debate between the candidates is such a corrupt farce. I have lived in Pennsylvania but never will again.
Colt Baldwin says
Democrat voter fraud in Pennsylvania is a refined art that has been around since the early 1900’s. PA is NOT “blue”. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are.
Viti says
The uniparty will never allow it!
David Ray says
The DNC always cheat. Like the Geico commercial jokes “if you’re a Democrat, you cheat; it’s what you do.”
That aside, it appears they didn’t have to pull the trigger on their trump card i.e. use mysteriously appearing ballots had the incompetent fool been behind on election day.
The fact that they said “it might take a few days” still backs up your point. They were gonna repeat dragging it out for days, as happened in 2020, if needed.
Hence, the grunge band impersonator was getting that Senate seat by any means neccesary.
Ladyanne says
Next for commies is running dem candidates on life support but I repeat myself.
Dani says
One thing to add to your excellent post – redistricting – another dem ploy to get votes, and it won’t be long before illegals and felons get ‘the right’ to vote.
Judith says
Laying low like Biden, Katie Hobbs, and Fetterman is a tell. They know it’s in the bag, so why waste energy on a campaign? Fetterman reeked of “fix” and Oz knew it. Kari Lake knew it. Trump knew it.
David Ray says
Kari Lake should raise hell.
The rampant disenfranchisement in heavy Republican districts was brazen farce. They made damned sure ballots had to be printed individually, and that the printers kept malfunctioning. That combined with other tricks to turn away voters had it’s intended effect.
Mrs. Lake was robbed of 1000s of votes due to chickenshit DNC operatives sabotaging the mechanics in those polling places.
One thing that’s certain is that Kari Lake can depend on zero support from McConnell. That prick was more interested in financing super-RINO Murkowski and withholding support from Trump’s candidates.
Gracie Storvika says
That;s exactly why McConnell needs to go–he has buggered up things for long enough. The fact that he pulled monies from Bolduc and sent the money to RINO Murkosky is j.ust one instance of his supreme stupidity That fool is just playing fast and loose, and the rest of us suffer due to his declining mental acuity. Kick his bony butt to the curb.
CowboyUp says
And McConnell has over $50 million left over from the campaign., which is how much FTX gave to the democrat party (not including the $2.5 million payoff to Mitch.
Lee Ann says
I knew they would never let Kari do all the things she promised. Arizona is the most corrupt state in the nation. Who gets to run in an office they are certifying?
KG says
> Who gets to run in an office they are certifying?
Brian Kemp.
Lorna Mclaughlin says
Brian Kemp wasn’t in charge of elections……ms Hobbs was
Jasonn says
Dimocrats can’t win unless they cheat. Get it yet?
Larry Folds says
I despise my country. This is a wicked, lying, cheating, dangerous, corrupt and immoral country. There is absolutely nothing to like about the US amymore. The vermin have comletely destroyed it. A rotten corpse is the only thing left.
Marle says
It’s not the country, it’s the politicians. The groundwork for these traps were laid in the 1960 and became more and more refined as time passed. We are/were a trusting people and never believed that all three branches of the government would be so totally corrupted all at the same time. Throw in the dumbing down of future voters through our hijacked educational system and you have the perfect setup to destroy a nation.
internalexile says
Perfectly stated.
Gracie Storvika says
Truer words were never written.
Oz says
Hijacked? No. Ideologically undermined over decades. Chronological adults with an adolescent’s worldview now rule America’s government schools. BHO is a case in point. He was known in high school as a gay Macdaddy, always bumming cigarettes. At Occidental College, he and his “roommate” (Hasan Chandoo) attended every radical left demonstration held on campus. He still hasn’t authorized Columbia University to release his records, and Harvard Law School says his records. Are “missing.” At Harvard. he appears to have spent a great deal of time promoting law radical left law professor and America-hating, white-hating Derrick Bell. BO’s 2008 election was the death knell of America. What has he ever said since then, that wasn’t about race or racism? Fighting “racists” seems to be the central obsession of his life, which could totally happen if every white person you meet is a racist, duh! Welcome to his 3rd term and the 3rd and final phase if “fundamental transformation,” which everyone one with an IQ above room temperature knows means the destruction of the nation he so hates.
aVoice says
Hardly a reason to despise America, any more than to hate a family member who has cancer; it’s the corrupt leadership and their willing functionaries who like idiots just go along.
Anne-Marie says
Don’t blame your country. Blame the misguided electors who keep voting these morons in!! If a few more MILLIONS of voters actually took the future of their country seriously, the USA wouldn’t be in such a mess, and it would become near impossible for the Dems to steal the election. The GOP would now have a majority in the House and the Senate and Americans missed a golden opportunity to kick those dregs of humanity to the curb. There’s only so much cheating they can do, short of blowtorching all the ballot boxes!
`Grace says
I will never forget that on the night of November 3, 2020 Trump was ahead in PA by 700,000 votes. It seemed certain he had the state wrapped up.
When we awoke the next morning, Biden had magically won the state – an impossibility. I don’t trust the political machine in PA, particularly not in Philly. On the other hand, I don’t hear any outcry from the people of PA about the outcome of this ridiculous election.
Eric Schrader says
I’m embarrassed to tell anyone that I was born in PA. Nothing will change until you purge the state of these DemoRats like the past governor and the just elected one. You had a great candidate in the past mayor of Hazelton, but he never ran after he left office. Then you have stiffs like Bob Casey who people use his voice to put them to sleep because he’s so boring. Have you ever heard of anything he did in the Senate proposing legislation, etc. Have you ever seen him interviewed or participated on any national TV broadcast. The guy is an empty suit following the coat tails of his father.
fred says
Correction to: “You had a great candidate in the past mayor of Hazelton, but he never ran after he left office.”
If you are referring to ex-Hazleton mayor Lou Barletta,, he was a Congressman for several terms after being mayor. Then he ran (and lost) against Bob Casey for US Senator. In fact this cycle he ran in the Republican primary for Pennsylvania Governor but lost to Doug Mastriano.
David Ray says
The DNC had a magic wand given to them courtesy of Cheif Justice Roberts. He thought six extra days to count/find ballots was just fine – no matter how unconstitutional.
They waived that wand and “Hocus, Pocus! Watch that huge lead dissappear!”
There was undeniable rigging beforehand, but as it wasn’t enough, brazen fraud followed – one facet was captured ON FILM in the documented research by TrueTheVote in “2000 Mules”.
BTW: For her effort to keep elections clean, Catherine Engelbrecht has been harassed from the start. Now she’s been jailed. DNC cheating sacks-o-shit are making it clear that their fraud will continue . . . or else!
Jacob says
You need to picture a huge Christian cross up in the sky, proclaiming loudly that God is in control and all is as it should be. Now, you need to picture that cross being turned upside down, for that best describes these anti-Christ times here in these last days. Now, what was once upon is down, Lies are truth, Wrong is right. Yes, God is firmly in control, but make no mistake, the plan of Jesus Christ requires that this this period of testing us all must take place.
Pass the test.
Deguello says
Recall the definition of “Yellow Dog Democrat” — a voter who will vote for a yellow dog as long as it runs as a Democrat. Pennsylvania has just elected Sen. Yellow Dog.
MarkW says
Go read the Nazii playbook, the Democrat’s followed it to the letter. All the Jewish (Media) assistance will make the Globalist worlds ends come to fruition faster than anyone can realize. The they will start culling the population. Goal get rid of 7.2 Billion people! Get rid of all cows, goats, and “sheepple”.
The mission statement: CO2 is the Enemy of planet earth.
Intrepid says
Hopefully more than a few Pennsylvanians become the victims of what they just voted for: “the gutting of the American economy, open borders, high crime rates, skyrocketing gas prices, continuing assaults on the freedom of speech, and all the rest of contents of the Democrats’ grab-bag of horrors.”
I have zero sympathy for fools.
David Salvini says
Caligula’s horse is now a Senator.
George Mallory says
I totally agree and remaIned baffled by the vote of the people of PA. Yes, there may have been some corruption on the edges but the result was not even close. The clown running for Governor likely played some role but the most cogent explanation was the incredible incompetence of Mehment Oz. Sean Hannity kept going on and on about his “good friend” of 30 years but most of us recognized that Oz is a charlatan and has never been respected by fellow members of the medical profession, of which I am one. This is one of Trump’s worst endorsements and, of course, he has taken zero responsibility for the many failed endorsees.
Oz says
As far as I’m concerned Trump is done. In 2016, I voted for him, but I said that mouth will be his undoing. If theres any hope left at all, Ron DeSantis 2024.
Kasandra says
I think Mr. Spencer’s second point is spot on. “[T]he Leftist elites are just rubbing it in now, showing that they have now filled a sufficient number of people with their propaganda that they can elect literally anyone to any position they want and perpetuate the governance of a shadowy, behind-the-scenes oligarchy” Unfortunately, it is more than just propaganda. It is a thoroughly dumbed down large swath of the elecorate that falls for it, as well. You know how you see videos of “person on the street” interviews where people give the stupidest answers to question that once could have been answered by the average fourth grader. While I’m sure the editors only present the stupidest people, these people exist in the real world and vote. I once worked with a high school graduate who asked me whether Philadelphia was near Pennsylvania.
Founders1791 says
In Delaware and Penna their state constitutions required “in-person” voting for 200+ years …until 2020. When a Republican controlled Penna legislature illegally passed Act77 to change the rules (only 1 session voted when 2 required). Now hundreds of thousands of ballots are sent to anyone on an unverified list controlled by the Democrat party. Result? Elections stolen
Oddly, right before this election on Oct 7, a Delaware Supreme Court struck down “absentee ballots” and “same day voting” saying it violated their state constitution.
So how did they Pennsylvania arrive at this?
Pittsburgh 558,783 votes – more than – Philadelphia 466,373
Pittsburgh 302,971 population vs. Philly 1,603,797 population
On Oct 21, 2022 the Democrat Sec of State sent out 240,000 “unverified ballots’ with no SSN or DMV verification. Claimed oopsie then instructed locals to adjudicate them.
The organized crime of stealing elections centers around unverified voters, absentee ballots, same day voting, and counting past election day till the (D) wins.
D. Wolf says
The real problem is not election fraud. It is the existence of the 17th Amendment.
The 17th Amendment was enacted to add the power of the Senate to the power the political parties already had over the House of Representatives. This power makes it much more likely that whichever power controls the House will control the Senate. It also removes any consideration of the actual will of the populace of states since it allows Senators to only need support from the major population centers in a state rather than needing support from the entire state through the State Legislatures.
If the 17th Amendment was not in force right now, the composition of the Senate would be as follows
Republicans would have 60 Senators outright, having total control of 30 state legislatures.
Democrats would have 34 Senators outright, having total control of 17 state legislatures.
The remaining 6 Senators could be from either party or be Independents, depending on the compromises of the split legislatures of Minnesota, Virginia, and Alaska.
There is a reason why the Founders wanted the Senators to be appointed by the State Legislatures and NOT be elected from a statewide popular vote, for the same reason that the Electoral College was put into place. America currently has 5 states who are not being represented by Senators matching the actual will of the people.
The 17th Amendment must be repealed.
Oz says
I’ve said this for years. But I could never persuade anyone that the 17th should be replaced with another Amendment effectively repealing it.
RickyTickySavvy says
…not sure how we’ll ever get back to transparent elections, let alone same day results. One thing that comes to mind though, is of we continue down this path, we run the risk of this:
“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”
-Soviet Dissident, Alexander Solzhenitsyn
…if we keep taking fundamental rights away from free men, where elections are THE ONLY regress we have to resolve issues, and to have a coherent voice in Congress, then Solzhenitsyn’s view is not that far fetched.
William James Ward says
Politics in America is severely corrupted reflecting the majority spiritually lost
to the dark side. Any person dressed in a Daffy Duck costume could have won
a primary against Fetterman. Pennsylvania has dug its own grave with their
votes. Dark days ahead for their energy industries with Fetterman voting to
close them down, come to think of it they elected a windmill to the Senate.
Wayne says
let me take swing at it;
Duel citizen Turkish carpetbagger, was supposed to take out a lunatic. Go figure what choice is that. so they voted for the lesser of two evils and took the home boy.
Beez says
Seems more like Republicans simply didn’t turn out to vote for the “Turkish carpetbagger.” Any chance that Dems promoted and / or funded his candidacy in the GOP primary? They are, after all, a cabal of Satanists.
Walter Sieruk says
One possible answer of to the question of ”Why and how John Fetterman had ‘won’ the election in Pennsylvania ?” It might possibly be that Tom Wolf did have his insidious and sinister hand in getting Letterman in the 11/8/22 election to “win” that position in the US Pennsylvania Senate.
After all, Wolf meddled and interfered in the Presidential election of 2020 when he took part in that crooked rigged Pa election fraud in November 2020 fraud in which involved mail in voting farce play its sinister larger schemed National election hoax. Wolf knows a very effective voter-cheating ploy and he’s will not give it up. Therefore, Wolf had done likewise for Fetterman.
“By hook or by crook” John Fetterman is now going to become the next Senator in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Frommer Bischkva says
Our elections are a joke and an embarrassment, a pathetic third-world.-level farce. They allow a few honest ballots to “prove” the elections are legit but they don’t fool me. We will never again have fair elections in this country. Add illegals voting and it’s over folks. We are done.
Beez says
Time to circle the wagons.
Heather says
I live in AZ and we had such shenanigans here that it is unbelievable that people say show me the proof. Katie Hobbs is the Secretary of State and would not concede. Now she is the Governor. The biggest County in the state was riddled with machines that would not read ballots requiring people to drop their ballots in door number 3. How is any of this legal to run a fair election. Kari Lake is labeled by the fake news as an election denier who lost. If people cannot see with their own 2 eyes that this is a stolen election I pray for their souls because they are obviously dead men walking. I do believe that Americans are under judgement and this is the result of our sins before a Holy God. I trust in my God and savior Jesus Christ and do trust him with results of our election and I praise Him for giving me eyes to see in these last days.
PatD says
Cheating is how it’s done!!!!
Teresa Bergfelt says
I live in Pennsylvania and there were other candidates in the primaries that would have beaten Fetterman but somehow Oz won the primary for the Republicans. As a Pennsylvanian I did not like Dr. Oz coming into PA from “out of town” and running for a senate seat in PA. We do not like outsiders. A lot of Republican voters did not like that but we held our nose and voted for him in the election but Oz kept sounding like Pat Toomey during the debate. He kept saying that we need to work together Democrats and Republicans and I think that turned more people off and they decided to vote to another candidate and split the ticket. Kathy Barnett was a much better choice to run against Fetterman but somehow Oz won the Primary. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democrats donated to Oz’s campaign to get him in there knowing that he could be beat by Fetterman because Fetterman was from Pennsylvania.
Martin says
The more likable candidate always wins. Oz is not a likable guy–it’s his personality–he can’t do anything about it. He never should have been nominated. He would have been defeated even if his Democrat opponent had been deceased.
Lorna Mclaughlin says
God is not mocked….what a man or culture or country sows that also will they reap…..we have, as a culture, sown to the wind and are now reaping the whirlwind. The nation deserves what it is getting….unfortunately, the innocent always suffer because of the guilty.
Beez says
We, as a nation, were betrayed, and not just once but many times in the past decade and a half at least. We the People did not mock God, and we, the nation, do not deserve what we are now getting. Yes, the innocent ones always suffer because of the guilty, so why are you so eager to blame the innocent and the entire nation? “The nation deserves what it is getting”? Hogwash! This is bad scriptural exegesis. Read again, this time carefully.