This is the easiest column I’ve ever written. It’s so simple to imagine what America would be like today if former President Donald Trump were still president. What a tragedy that we allowed a brain-dead, feeble, confused, old man with dementia and diapers, and his radical, anti-American, globalist, communist handlers to destroy the greatest country in world history — in only 22 months.
Let’s start with the obvious. How did this happen? There is evidence that suggests the 2020 election was stolen. That’s how they removed Trump from office and installed a man who doesn’t know who he is, where he is or what he’s doing. A man who can’t put two sentences together, and who can’t attract more than 20 people in concentric circles to his speeches — yet they want us to suspend reality and believe he got 81 million votes — the most in history. Bizarre.
And look what they did to us after rigging and stealing the election. They quickly put a plan in place to disassemble America: overwhelm the economy, make America poor, destroy the middle class, make America unsafe and open the borders, making America foreign to Americans.
And as a bonus, they put in place a disastrous foreign policy of liberal weakness, wokeness and appeasement that has set the entire world on fire.
Now World War III is upon us. Not just any World War, but a nuclear war that threatens to end the world as we know it. I’ve been warning about this for months. Days ago, President Joe Biden agreed. He announced we are closer to “nuclear Armageddon” (his words) than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis.
What a fine job you’ve done, Joe. And in record time!
Now let’s look at exactly where we’d be if Trump was still president of the United States. Yes, I’m a pretty sharp and successful businessman — and I believe with every bone in my body that Trump is the rightful, 100% legitimate president. This should never have happened.
If Trump were still president…
We would have energy independence. We’d be selling our oil and gas to other countries all over the world. Gas would be $3 per gallon and middle-class Americans would be enjoying low prices and record prosperity.
OPEC would no longer have power over our lives, and we certainly would not be begging our socialist enemy Venezuela for an oil deal.
We would have low to zero inflation. Groceries would cost dramatically less than they do now. Middle-class consumers would be dancing in the aisles.
The stock market would be thousands of points higher. Trillions of dollars have been lost since Biden became president. All those trillions would be back in the hands of consumers, business owners and the retirement accounts of Americans.
Russia would have never invaded Ukraine — so, not only would there be no threat of World War III or “nuclear Armageddon,” but American taxpayers would have an extra $100 billion still in the bank (that’s the money we’ve given away to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his Ukrainian mafia and Nazi cronies).
North Korea wouldn’t be shooting rockets over Japan. Iran would be broke — starved of funding by Trump.
The Taliban would not have $80 billion of our military equipment. And 13 U.S. soldiers would still be alive, looking forward to Christmas at home with their families.
Our cities would not have been destroyed by the worst crime wave in history — simply because Trump doesn’t allow violent criminals to walk free while defunding and demoralizing police. A large percentage of police would not have retired in the past 22 months. We’d have plenty of cops to keep us safe. How many Americans out of the tens of thousands murdered since Biden took over would be alive and looking forward to Christmas with their families?
Brittney Griner, the WNBA star in a Russian prison cell, would be home with her wife and family. Trump and Putin would have negotiated her release in a matter of days.
There would certainly not be 87,000 new IRS agents hired to harass, intimidate and bankrupt the American people.
Although Trump and I disagree on the COVID-19 vaccine, if Trump were still president, millions of Americans would never have been forced to take the experimental jab or risk losing their job. Trump is strongly against mandates. He would never have forced one American to take the vaccine against their will.
How many Americans would still be alive or uninjured today, if never forced to take the vaccine by Biden’s mandate? How many would still have their jobs?
I saved the most important for last: open borders. With Trump in the White House, we’d have a secure border. That means five million new migrants allowed in since Biden became president wouldn’t be in our country. How many billions of dollars would be saved?
Think of all the criminals who have come through that open border. How many Americans murdered in the past 22 months would still be alive? How many communities and schools would be safer?
If Trump were still president, America would be a much nicer, wealthier, healthier and safer place. There’d be prosperity instead of inflation. We’d still be dominating the world, instead of facing World War III. America would be great again.
What a difference. Night and day. Life and death.
Bterclinger says
Excellent with three corrections:
1/ There’s as many if not more corrupt Nazis in Putins circle as in all of Ukraine. See Forbes noting both countries are the most corrupt in their region, and look up the Wagner Group.
2/ Framing and facts matter. They are illegal aliens not “migrants”.
3/ iran would not be on the verge of gaining nuclear weapons.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I would add one thing to your excellent comment: women do not have wives.
When we use the language of leftists, we acknowledge their cultural hegemony and submit to our own destruction and live by lies.
Fred says
Just wanted to point out regarding item three that many of the Iranian scientists and engineers of the past were educated in the United States when the Shah was in charge. The U.S. government allows many foreigners from other countries to study at American colleges and universities. Right now, there are thousands of students from China studying engineering and various science fields which is not in America best interest.
Nicolas Carras says
“that’s the money we’ve given away to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his Ukrainian mafia and Nazi cronies”
How can one read something like this without being outraged… Not a word about the Ukrainian people (who may all be Nazis…). Zelenskyy has no Nazi friends. A Nazi is someone who wants to rehabilitate Hitler’s thought, Hitlerism, who wants to revive the 3rd Reich, who wants to put an end to the Jews, who is for a total centralization of the economy and a total regulation of society, and who is profoundly anti-American, radically opposed to liberal capitalism, the free market, freedom of contract, natural law, individual liberties, a pure collectivist. What you write is repugnant, know that there are more neo-Nazis in Russia than anywhere else in the world, not to mention the Society of Friends of Stalin, and there are Jews in the Azov Regiment ( very Nazi…). Thousands of innocent Ukrainians died, (6,114 killed and 9,132 injured – Source: Statista), are they Nazi friends of Zelenski?
Banastre Tarleton says
There’s history making changes coming very soon, however, it’s not coming in Russia but across Europe as the EU collapses due to an energy crisis they inflicted on themselves by provoking Russia into this war and then throtteling themselves with their own sanctions
The word out on the street in MOscow is that Putin intends this war to be wrapped up by Dec 31st
We are in the ”shock and awe” aerial version of the war right now, but come November after the first hard frosts and a major assault will begin that takes the entire Black Sea Coast , the Donbas, maybe all the way to the Dnieper river as the Zelensky regime is crushed !
Our so called ”leaders ” are educated idiots and simpletons, wrong on almost everything and now this war/ energy crisis is acting as a catalyst to speed up the collapse of the EU in an anti Globalist 1848
Remember the winter of 1989 when the Berlin wall fell, surprising almost everyone, and how it then triggered a collapse of communist regimes right across eastern Europe ? well that’s what is going to happen to the EU in another winter of our discontent….You can see the first rumblings of this political earthquake in France right now due to a strike by oil refinery workers
Banastre Tarleton says
The fact is that we are in a sinister race between our hapless leaders provoking and triggering WW3 and the collapse of the entire Globalist Project. What comes first, THAT is the question ? The fact is that its only the mature and wise restraint of the Russians that has stopped this war spiralling into WW3 already due to constant western provocations !
Nicolas Carras says
Putin wanted Ukraine for a long time, long before 2014. Assuming that Putin was provoked… I have another theory… Is that a good enough reason to behave like a war criminal? Ukraine is a sovereign country, recognized as such by the Nations.
Walter says
So what if Ukraine is sovereign nation, and Putin is a war criminal? Despotic leaders exist all over the planet, always have. Is it our job to eliminate them all? Should we demand regime change in China? How about Venezuela, or North Korea? I could go on. Maybe we should clean up our own back yard first?
Nicolas Carras says
“Despotic leaders exist all over the planet”
So does that excuse Putin’s criminal behavior? Who also murders Russians? What’s your idea? Point ? It’s about Putin here, in this article, attacking a sovereign country. So I wrote something about Putin. You want to talk about another war criminal, dictator, no problem, which one exactly, tell me?
Intrepid says
I will laugh at you (well, I always laugh at you) when both houses flip on November 8th and your progressive fantasy world comes to a crashing end.
Dani says
Everyone laughs at your delusional, stupid posts – get lost useful idiot
New Irene says
I sure hope you are right.
Lightbringer says
The ideas in both your posts are interesting, and we can only pray that the globalist monster is destroyed before the fearless leaders of Russia and the US trigger Armageddon. I see utter, pig-headed stubbornness on both sides on the Russia-Ukraine war and wish I could lock both leaders into a conference room and not let them out until the white smoke appears outside the window, indicating that they have an agreement.
David Ray says
Don’t call “em migrants; call ’em what they are – illegal aliens (77% of which collect financial assistance).
As for that America-hating bitch Griner, I’d have gladly left her there to rot. Unlike the Jan 6th Patriots, the dumb, ugly bitch actually premeditated her actions. (She was also treated much better while incarcerated.)
Diane French says
The world has been fighting the battle between Good and Evil (God vs the Godless) since the beginning of time. Trump went into the temple of evil (Washington Deep State) and threw over their money tables. we all know what happened to that same type of man 2000 years ago. Evil will do anything to stop the power of good upsetting their deadly plans for mankind and the world. Biden is the perfect dupe and puppet on the stage to shield the real bad buys from view- Obama-Soros-Rice-the Clintons-Schwab and others like them. the Left put totally corrupt judges and attorney generals in place to stop the legitimate overturn of the FRAUD not a day goes by when the MSM totally owned and operated by Communists does not try to start another scandal about Trump. this morning i read that someone actually saw him moving boxes in his home last week- that is how desperate they are to find something on this great man
commonsense says
Gas would not have been $3 per gallon. It would have cost around $2.40 or less, except in states like California because of its unconscionable high state tax on gasoline.
gleion says
Perhaps a rather stark , deadly serious campaign commercial could arise from Mr. Biden’s declaration of impending Armageddon. After all, under whose “leadership” has this moment come to reality–Republicans or Democrats?
JanetJones says
We might have had another conservative Supreme Court Justice, and Mar Largo would not have been raided. The Hunter Biden investigation would have moved along a lot quicker. The military would not have gone Woke. We wouldn’t be negotiating with Iran through Russia, etc.
Ted Weiland says
How different America would be today if she had never heard of the constitution framers! We would be experiencing the blessings of Deuteronomy 28:1-14 rather than the curses of Deuteronomy 28:15-68.
The framers’ sins were of both commission and omission. The framers’ sins of commission are evidenced in that there’s hardly an Article or Amendment that’s not antithetical, if not seditious, to Yahweh’s sovereignty and morality.
Their sins of commission aside, the framers’ sins of omission—that is, their failure to establish government and society based upon Yahweh’s commandments, statutes, and judgments—alone sent America to the precipice of moral depravity and destruction she presently teeters on.
Ask the millions of infants slaughtered in their mothers’ wombs if the constitutional framers’ failure to establish government on Exodus 21:22-23 and Deuteronomy 27:25 didn’t lead to their annihilation?
Greg says
Trump’s emphasis on patriotism
“Our mission is to defend the legacy of America’s founding, the virtue of America’s heroes, and the nobility of the American character.
To grow up in America is to live in a land where anything is possible, where anyone can rise, and where any dream can come true – all because of the immortal principles our nation’s founders inscribed nearly two and a half centuries ago.
Our Constitution was the product of centuries of tradition, wisdom, and experience. No political document has done more to advance the human condition or propel the engine of progress.
America’s founding set in motion the unstoppable chain of events that abolished slavery, secured civil rights, defeated communism and fascism, and built the most fair, equal, and prosperous nation in human history.
From Washington to Lincoln, from Jefferson to King, America has been home to some of the most incredible people who have ever lived. With the help of everyone here today, the legacy of 1776 will never be erased. Our heroes will never be forgotten. Our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their soul.
We will save this cherished inheritance for our children, for their children, and for every generation to come.”
Christopher Riddle says
And,the Stock Market would be Over 50,000!!!!Ain’t It The TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spurwing Plover says
No Inflation no $7:00 for Gasoline no one sniffing a someone’s hear but the usual Gutter level Media bottom feeders from CNN/NYT’s