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A little tidbit.
Obama’s 2020 efforts on Biden’s behalf didn’t end there. He was also instrumental in creating the so-called party unity commissions that brought Sanders’ staff and allies together with Bidens’ — a move that has had a lasting impact on Biden’s first-term policy agenda. The officials and operatives who served on these committees wrote a party platform that incorporated a number of progressive priorities. They also formed relationships that would carry forward into Congress and the Biden White House. We found that progressive leaders in Congress like Pramila Jayapal forged close ties with Biden’s first chief of staff, Ron Klain, during this period.
In other words, the Left lost the primary but won the nomination anyway.
Now let’s go one step further. Obama needs a weakened Biden in order to be able to control him. In 2020, the weakness was ‘organic’ and came from primary battles. The unity commission headed off the concern that Biden would be dealing with a bitterly divided party the way that Hillary Clinton did because of her more roughshod method of taking control of the DNC.
But the ‘weakness’ now is different. There’s no real organic competition, instead Biden is an unpopular candidate.
And this time around Obama’s people are offering a leftward tilt as the answer to bringing in the youth vote. (But then again when have Obama and the Left ever offered any other solution?)
Biden rented his administration to Obama, Sanders, Warren, the Squad, etc in order to secure the nomination. The goal is to make the deal all over again.
Obama needs a weak Biden. The question is how much of the weakening is he doing?
Red says
“Obama took over the Biden administration”!!! How can you “take over” something you’ve always had control over?
Cassandra says
He never moved out of DC….
District of Criminals
Beez says
Guess what that DC jury will do with DJT. I’m sorry I had to mention it, but it’s the truth.
ipmala says
Obama lives only 2 miles down the road from the White House…. in a new house paid for by his rich
Democrat donors. Obama is the one running the country. Biden is just acting as the stooge.
RAM says
So Biden isn’t enough of a robot?
Ugly Sid says
It’s another breakthrough. A President who can be controlled with a garage door opener.
internalexile says
So, Biden resembles Jeff Dunham’s angry old man ventriloquist dummy in more ways than one.
CowboyUp says
That’s Walter that resembles biden, and Dunham has hilariously turned him into biden several times.
Kramo says
Bathhouse Barry is also a puppet.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, a dick puppet. He’s not called Bareback for no reason.
World@70 says
Was that bareback or brokeback?
Angel Jacob says
The first Arab muslim president is a full blown psychopath.
Just like any other psychopath he’s a control freak.
They would make perfect cellmates in prison together
Jeff Bargholz says
Butt buddies for life.
Nolan says
Excellent article! Great comments! It appears that team Obama had control of the OBiden/Sanders regime all along. Likewise, it is chilling to remember that Bernie Sanders was the mouthpiece of the former USSR in the USA for many years. It makes total sense that the OBiden/Sanders regime would be using oppre ss ive Soviet socialist tactics against their political opponents. See also the article called “How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency” by Paul Sperry. May God save America from the evil agenda of the OBiden/Sanders regime.
Cathie Max says
The regime is actually the agenda of Satan. He hates us because we were built on biblical priniciples.
Jeff Bargholz says
I don’t know if I can handle another four years of “Weekend at Biden’s.” But my money is still on him falling down and breaking a hip or the D-Bag party flushing him down before their boring National Convention which only news trolls will watch.
You know we’re in post America when that sleazy criminal baldy is occupying the Oval Office…..when he’s not on vacation in whatever crappy North Eastern state he lives in. What is it? Delaware? Who would want to go there? Crap on there.
George Mallory says
I think that Obama is the chief architect of the Biden administration and is quite confident in the plan for Michelle to become the first woman President in 2024, Biden is visibly and cognitively fading. Michelle is likely preparing in a crash course curriculum. Trump should be easy pickings for a Princeton graduate.
Kasandra says
I’ve read that Biden will declare he is not running in May, that the DNC will parachute in Michelle, and that Obama has already been discussing that possibility with donors. Don’t know if that’s true but why would Barack want to exert control through a blithering idiot like Biden when he can just put his wife (a.k.a. the world’s most admired woman) into the office?
NickM says
Whenever I see a photo of “the big guy” and his utterly amoral offspring, with his shiny new teeth, I can’t help hearing “Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap” playing in my mind . . . that should be the music they play on the campaign trail. Just lay it on out there.
Frank b says
Obama most destructive force and modern times… Wilson, Roosevelt, Obama
Mickorn says
So your argument is that Obama is secretly pulling the strings of the Biden administration? And that he is doing so in order to move Biden to the left? And your evidence for this is that Obama was “instrumental in creating the so-called party unity commissions that brought Sanders’ staff and allies together with Bidens’”?
Sometimes you make me puke but sometimes you’re just funny.
Jeff Bargholz says
You always make me puke and you’re never funny.
Mickorn says
I get a sense of well-being when I see right-wing nut jobs wasting their time on fantasy nonsense like this.
Obama the puppetmaster? Obama’s been on vacation since 2016.
Obama driving Biden to the left? Biden is more progressive than Obama.
Sometimes you people are just funny.
junkyard infidel says
i’ll say it again. my dog dropped a deuce this morning that has a higher IQ than you! now run along to a cry closet while mommy changes your pyss stained sheets, again.
Jeff Bargholz says
I get a sense of well being when anti-American whackos like you spout off and I get a few laughs. Do you try to be so stupid or does it just come naturally? Does it hurt when you try to think?
ursel doran says
Obama said that this is his third term in office.
He installed most of his staff in the Biden white house.
The Cloward Piven / Saul Alinsky / Obama strategy to destroy the country. Full on NOW. A primer.
Obama has Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and Victoria Nuland in Biden’s control group, for what is now obvious to be Obama’s third term!!
More detailed information.
Alinsky lays out to take the country down.
A fresh review of keen interest.