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[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Americans have an abiding fascination with their presidents, especially with their foibles and secrets. Who lied? Who ordered illegal operations? Who had mistresses?
Thus was the country transfixed by Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and the tawdry drip-drip of their liaison. When newly declassified documents revealed hitherto unknown CIA connections to Lee Harvey Oswald, this made a media splash, with Tucker Carlson asking: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?”
But that fascination dies when it comes to Barack Obama, the Left’s quasi-sacred figure. About him, no curiosity, please, no gossip, and no hint of impropriety. When he falsely claimed in 1991 to have been born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii, blame fell on a sloppy literary agent. When Stanley Kurtz proved that Obama lied about not being a member of Chicago’s socialist New Party and a candidate for it, the Obama P.R. machine smeared Kurtz and the story disappeared.
When clear evidence showed that Obama had lied about having been born and raised a Muslim, the researcher who made the case was reviled, his investigation scorned, and his argument vaporized.
I should know, as I was that researcher. I wrote five times on this topic in 2007-08, during Obama’s first presidential campaign (three of those times in and then aggregated all this information, plus new details, in a long and (so far) definitive September 2012 article, “Obama’s Muslim Childhood,” serialized in the Washington Times.
All those writings emphasized that Obama was now a Christian. The first one began with:
“If I were a Muslim I would let you know,” Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim. But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim?
I answered in the affirmative and showed how contradictory evidence concerning Obama’s religious background – from Obama’s father and name, from years in Indonesia, from his family, and most of all from himself – conclusively points to his being born and raised a Muslim.
Throughout, I emphasized not the Islam issue but the character issue; if Obama lies about something so fundamental, how can he be trusted? His other lies, such as Kenyan birth and socialist party non-membership, confirm this problem.
Responses came fast and hard. Ben Rhodes’ “echo chamber” nearly fainted at the impudence of my lèse majesté. Like Kurtz, I was slandered without the facts I presented ever addressed. Here’s a small sampling of the deluge:
- Ben Smith in Politico derided my analysis as “the template for a faux-legitimate assault on Obama’s religion.”
- The Spectator called mine the “the worst article on the presidential election” and also deemed it “mad” and “despicable.”
- Martin Peretz in the New Republic said I had “simply gone bonkers … and malicious.”
- Vice ran an article “Would You Care If Obama Were Muslim?” that responded to my carefully-crafted argument with “BLARGHA BLARGHA BLARGH REPEAL OBAMA BIN HUSSEIN’S GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF OUR JOBS.”
The Atlantic published no less than three attacks on the article and me. Mark Ambinder rued “the false notion that Obama is or was ever Muslim.” Andrew Sullivan dismissed my work as “toxins.” Matthew Yglesias ridiculed my saying that I believe Obama is not now a Muslim with “I, for one, believe Daniel Pipes when he says he’s not a child molester.”
And so it went, howling with outrage at the very thought of Obama as a Muslim, mocking and taunting me with ad hominem attacks, speculating about my motives. So relentless was the onslaught, even the conservative press overwhelmingly shied away from the topic. The McCain and Romney campaigns both treated the topic like Kryptonite. The issue of Obama’s lies had no impact on either presidential campaign, both of which – of course – Obama won.
I expect that, at some future time when Barack Obama loses his sacral quality, historians will take great interest in his childhood religious affiliation. They will wonder how, in the information-heavy, politically-riven, and celebrity-mad culture of early twenty-first century United States, so gigantic a biographical inconvenience could be successfully hidden and rendered taboo. They will study how, in a modern democratic society, a determined candidate can suppress even the most important and relevant information.
I look forward to the vindication.
Mr. Pipes (, @DanielPipes) is president of the Middle East Forum. © 2023 by Daniel Pipes. All rights reserved.
bob mack says
maybe then we can get around to settling the matter of who his father was as well. Was it really the dark bespectacled little man they say it is? are we sure? or was it frank Marshall Davis. for one thing, he looks more like Davis than he does like the man who is assumed to be his father. for another, all of the uproar over where he was born makes sense if what they were really trying to hide was the fact that his real father was Davis, a spy and soviet stooge for the all-white politburo. let the fools debate whether or not he was even born in the u.s. By the time it ever gets around to whether or not his actual father was the pro-Soviet Davis, or the four eyed, also conveniently marxist anthropologist, the public would be thoroughly sick of any questions centering on Obama’s suspicious answers to the most fundamental biographical queries. in the end, of course, the plan has ended up working perfectly with the advent of the entire “Obama was a scandal-free President” movement, which began immediately after he left office.
Donna says
Read Obama Nation by Dr. Jerome Corsi. In this book you get the entire history of Obama published and printed in 2006/07 over 700 verifications of information in the book.
At the end of the book Dr. Corsi WARNS AMERICA…DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS MAN.
Jeff Bargholz says
He looks much more like his Indonesian step father than anybody else. Don’t believe me? Do a web search and look ate the photo comparisons.
And he doesn’t look half black. No mulatto has straight hair. Bareback keeps his hair trimmed extremely short to hide it but it’s straight. I used to live in Indonesia and I know what they look like. And yes, they have big lips. I suspect his step father was actually his father.
Alex Baldor says
His father may be the devil.. It does not matter what he did when he was a child or adolescent.. What matters what he did from the time that he became a President up till now .
Political Islam could not find on this planet a more potent Islamist than he. He did more to spread the true violent Islam all over the world than any Muslim Caliph or Prophet. .
Cat K says
That we elected B Hussein who hid his middle name until being sworn in as if in spite and triumph still continues to amaze.
We still suffer from this supposed Christian.
And a liar in politics? That’s no surprise.
Amanita says
Many news comment sites back then, like the Daily Mail, would not allow my comment if I called him Hussein.
Algorithmic Analyst says
“the worst article on the presidential election”
lol. Quite an honor 🙂
Along with those other accolades, deserving of being displayed in a trophy case 🙂
Robert Guzzardi says
An honor indeed. Did any of these articles, actually, refute a single fact asserted by Daniel Pipes? By the way, is Daniel Pipes a child molester? 🙂 (for those of you in Rio Linda, that is a snark attack on the sleazy dishonest and duplicitous Leftist Matthew Yglesias.)
“The Atlantic published no less than three attacks on the article and me. Mark Ambinder rued “the false notion that Obama is or was ever Muslim.” Andrew Sullivan dismissed my work as “toxins.” Matthew Yglesias ridiculed my saying that I believe Obama is not now a Muslim with “I, for one, believe Daniel Pipes when he says he’s not a child molester.”
Jeff Bargholz says
I notice those trolls didn’t even try to refute any of Pipes’s facts, or attempt false alternatives. Typical leftists.
Steven Brizel says
Obama was the only president elected whose childhood and educational achievements remain a locked book for which the country awaits someone who can pick that proverbial lock
Don says
I think he was a CIA “Asset”.
His mom worked for CIA too! 🤔
maria says
his mum was a whore and communist
Alex Baldor says
It does not matter what he did when he was a child or adolescent.. What matters what he did from the time that he became a President up till now .
Political Islam could not find on this planet a more potent Islamist than he. He did more to spread the Islam all over the world than any Muslim Caliph or prophet. .
Alex Baldor says
It does not matter what he did when he was a child or adolescent.. What matters what he did from the time that he became a President up till now .
Political Islam could not find on this planet a more potent Islamist than he. He did more to spread Islam all over the world than any Muslim Caliph or prophet. . He was not CIA asset. CIA served him from his inauguration and it still serves him as he would be president for life
John Galt says
Got to go back to his childhood in Hawaii, where Davis was his mentor in marxism after leaving Chicago, where he edited the Star, a communist newspaper, and moved to Hawaii. Hussein’s grandparents were true marxists from their time in “the Little Red Church” in Portland, so the also contributed to his marxist ideology, where lying is key to achievements. His actual birth was in Kenya according to his relatives there, but that was also covered up by the MSM and politicians, and likely our un-intelligence agencies. His plan to transform the U.S. is still in high gear with China/Cartel Joe taking his orders from Hussein.
Jeff Bargholz says
Actually, Bareback has “relatives” in Kenya that say he’s a liar and wasn’t born there.
Ty Steward says
I prefer the moniker of “Beijing-Biden”. . .
Steve says
Under Islamic law, children follow the religion of their fathers. That’s why Muslim men are allowed to marry non Muslims, while Muslim women are forbidden to. Obama’s father was born a Muslim, even though he later espoused atheism. However, apostasy is a capital offense in Islam, including abandoning Islam in favor of non religion. Under Sharia law, Barack Hussein Obama is indisputably Muslim.
One element of Islam that Obama has always displayed is taqqiya, lying and deception are permissible, indeed noble in service to the cause. We’re talking about someone who banned the term “Islamic Terrorism or extremism”, who described the Fort Hood Massacre as “workplace violence” and attempted to cast Omar Mateen as a twisted closet case, rather than a jihadi mass killer. And of course, when Jews were murdered at a kosher supermarket in Paris, the Great Narcissist described it as “a random attack” targeting “some folks who wanted to eat at a deli”.
Bob says
All true Steve. Well stated.
Greg says
It’s rumored that the Kenyan’s childhood is off-limits due to medical privacy concerns. They say that exposing his past life might adversely affect his psychological adjustment to gender-affirming surgery.
Steve says
Shhh… remember what happened to Joan Rivers. There are a plethora of off limits subjects surrounding the touchy Great Narcissist.
John Galt says
Or that of Michele (Michael) !
Steve says
I would level to see a lab test measuring testosterone levels for the Obamas. Wanna guess which one is more macho?
DWMF says
I would like to see their chromosomes. Also their daughters’.
Margaret says
Thank you, Mr. Pipes, and others who have tried to expose this fraud whose nefarious appointees still head our executive branches and have poisoned our agencies to our ultimate destruction.
Intrepid says
Obama’s entire life has been built on the concept of ‘taqqiya’….lying in furtherance of Islam.
The Democrats were played from the start about this P.O.S. and they are still getting played. I knew who this clown was the moment he gave the keynote address at the 2004 Democrat convention. But the Republicans put up such a weak ineffectual doorknob to run against him there was no way Obama would lose. We did it again with Romney who threw the election during the second debate. That’s how it goes with RINOs
We are still paying the price to today with the Obama lite Biden Administration.
Trump ’24 MAGA
Kasandra says
Of course he’s a Muslim. There is plenty of evidence of it. One of the most telling pieces is his thanking McCain for not making an issue of “my Muslim faith.” Of course, show host and long time Democrat apparatchik George Stephenopolis threw himself on the grenade and said, “You mean your Christian faith.” And that was that. No one bothered to ask why Obama would have thanked McCain for not making an issue of his Christian faith? Why would such faith have been an issue whatsoever? All prior U.S. Presidents had been Christians. Nope, Obama let it slip. Why did Rev. Wright tell Obama he could join his chuch without surrendering his Muslim convictions? He did, you know. I heard the interview. Why did Obama give the index finger Muslim salute to Muslim African leaders at his African leaders summit at the Mandarin Hotel in D.C. in, about, 2013-14? You can probably still find photos online. Really, the only question is whether being a Muslim should have mattered. To my mind there is ample evidence he still considers himself to be Muslim, even if he is not devout or wants to hide it for political reasons.
Jeff Bargholz says
All true. And he obviously isn’t devout or he wouldn’t have made the mistake of referring to his muslim faith when he was supposed to say his islamic faith. He spent his entire wretched Presidency trying to strengthen islam worldwide, though. What a slimy POS.
TruthLaser says
I always thought that Zer0bama was a Christian in Chicago for political and family reasons. In Indonesia, his father was one of the world’s wealthiest oil men.
John says
BHO delivered his 2008 speech at the DNC in front of a scale replica of the Altar To Zeus (aka Shrine To Satan). As comedian Billl Engvall says: “Here’s your sign!”
Robert Guzzardi says
Daniel Pipes is on fire with this post.
It is, indeed, a wonder that this information could be so effectively suppressed. How does that happen? I doubt that Daniel Pipes will be publicly vindicated by the duplicitous, partisan, ideological agenda driven Democratically aligned Media.
“I expect that, at some future time when Barack Obama loses his sacral quality, historians will take great interest in his childhood religious affiliation. They will wonder how, in the information-heavy, politically-riven, and celebrity-mad culture of early twenty-first century United States, so gigantic a biographical inconvenience could be successfully hidden and rendered taboo. They will study how, in a modern democratic society, a determined candidate can suppress even the most important and relevant information.
I look forward to the vindication.”
Bugsdaddy says
If he was a Muslim, he is now an Apostate. Which is even worse than being another religion according to Muslim beliefs. How can any Muslim (nation or individual) abide with Obama if that is the case?
SKA says
Taqiyyah allows for a pretense of Christian conversion given the nearly infinite elasticity of Islamic casuistry. Consider the recent case in France of the migrant who claimed he was Christian stabbing the toddlers “in the name of Jesus.”
Jason P says
Many of us were taught to be religious as a child, grew up, and dropped the matter. Normally we wouldn’t hesitate if someone asked about our childhood upbringing. Obviously Obama believed Islam to be toxic. That much is good. But now? Why continue to hide his childhood upbringing?
Jeff Bargholz says
Because he’s an inveterate liar and can’t help himself.
RAM says
Obama worships himself. What religion is that?
Jeff Bargholz says
Nice photos. Even back then, Bareback was a dork, although he’s much better at disguising his homosexuality now. I have no respect for closet cases in this day and age, not that I would have any respect for him if he came out, either. He’s thoroughly contemptible.
Jeff Bargholz says
Nice photos. Even back then, Bareback was a dork, although he’s much better at disguising his homosexuality now. I have no respect for closet cases in this day and age, not that I would have any respect for him if he came out, either. He’s thoroughly contemptible. 🙁
ed says
bHo is now and always has been a total phony
just axed his “wife”
RS says
Islam prides itself on the use of Taqiyya, deception , which is used to dupe its enemies. Just look how many former Presidents have been actually working hard, to undermine the United States.
Ugly Sid says
Like a California oil derrick an investment in a quality hoax can pay dividends for centuries.
These is zero incentive to unplugging it and big considerations in perpetuating it. Disassembled hoaxes can be like disassembled nuclear reactors: the component parts may be toxic to future generations.
This may be the lessen from the unraveling of the 2020 Presidential Election Victory Hoax.
Fount says
For whatever it’s worth I believe you and would go one step further, I contend that Obamao was the first president who was not a citizen of the United States. Everything about him has been fabricated from his faux birth certificate to his social security number.
In fact, before he was elected, Nazi Lugosi and a cadre of DemoNazi operatives were attempting to change the law regarding the qualifications to be president so that Obamao could qualify as someone who is not a citizen.
Check that out if you don’t believe me. As Nazi Lugosi once infamously said, she can get a lamppost elected.
Dan says
I once read a woman journalist say she visited the Trinity United Church of Christ’s bookstore in Chicago to find that half the books on its shelves were Muslim and Black Muslim books.
Andrew Blackadder says
Riddle me this: If the Born Again Christian who changed his Christian name to a full on islamic name, from Barry Sothero to Barack Hussian Obama then why would he do that and from which religion did he convert from.
If he indeed converted to Christianity then the question becomes did he become muslim by birth due his mother converting to islam when she married his African muslim Father though perhaps not as they were in America however she later married an Indonesian muslim and so she MUST have converted to islam in order to marry him as that is the Law in Indonesia, so wee Barry went to a school and was named as a muslim on his school ID Card… Once the Mother and Father are both muslims then the children automatically are muslim whether they like it or not as they have no choice in the decision, this is the LAW of islamic Indonesia… Why did his Mother go from one African muslim to a SE Asian muslim if she was not already a muslim convert.
Now if he left islam and converted to Christianity then this makes him an apostate in sharia, islamic law, and so why did he go to Cairo Egypt on his first overseas visit as President and all those islamic Leaders welcomed him with open arms rather than calling for his death as he said all the correct islamic words and yet they knew he had converted to Christianity… Something smells really bad in this scam.
A true muslim cannot take the Oath of President of the USA as that Oath itself would violate his islamic faith…
Obummer was the BIGGEST scam ever played on the stupidity of American Far Left bleeding heart ignorant morons.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, Brokeback is a nominal moslem for sure, although he has no piety, only militancy.
But under islam, a moslem male can marry whomever he wants irrespective of her religion but a moslem female can only marry a moslem male. Custom in Indonesia follows these sexist and islamic supremacist rules but it isn’t law. I lived there for years. One of my best friends is an ethnic Chinese Catholic and she’s married to an ethnic Malay moslem, for instance. A moslem woman can marry a Christian man if she wants to but no imam would conduct the ceremony unless the man lied about his faith. But marriages can be conducted in other ways.
Victoria says
We have every right to assume that Obama is a muslim and a closet homo, his legacy is 100% homo “marriage”, he boasted about it countless times, sending countless people to hell in life and in eternal death.
He BOWED to the king of Saudi Arabia, subjecting himself AND the USA to their authority and satanic religion in order to receive bribes. Same with Xi Ping, many handshakes and here come the millions hidden in the Carrabean. Now the US is lost forever, likened to Adam and Eve turning the keys of Eden to the snake. Laws legitimising homo “marriage”, drugs, endless purchases of guns, any legitimising of sin with laws that will NOT be abolished, backed by Pelosi, Biden, all these evil creatures who received millions for enslaving Americans to filthy behaviours, mutilating their bodies with tattos and sex changes, people are unrecognisable, The Obama-Biden devil governments have ruined the USA, including Hollywood. Outside of it it is the laughing stock of the world, it’s just that Americans don’t realise it how they are being portrayed and treated by their hidious taskmasters who refuse them medical care. It’s called decimating a nation which will never be what it used to be. It is an open target for Iran and north Korean missiles that will land there at some point.
100 yrs ago these disgusting wicked people would have been sent in exile for opening the doors of the country to idol worshipping religions that are establishing their temples of cow worship everywhere, and jiggling beads, well their cows and buddhas didn’t die for their sins. Christ did.
Obamas’ “children” aren’t his or his “wife’s” – they are “adopted / borrowed / purchased” from a friend who had money troubles, it was mandatory that the Obamas portrayed themselves as THE American family. LIARS!
No doubt that Obama never slept with his “wife.” But it’s only my conviction, and suspicion. We have every right to distrust, this is the merky image that was forced upon the world, and it shut its mouth instead of questioning.
Let all people turn to God, confess sin and live in peace. Trust no one, watch your backs. Messiah is coming soon.
Wean yourselves of social media, it is enslavement to Satan.
Jeff Bargholz says
Malia and Sasha Obama look like Big Mike and a bit like Brokeback so they’re related somehow but there’s no way those two had sex and there are NO photos of Big Mike pregnant. Some kind of in vitro test tube baby process or some such. Who knows? Everything about that couple is fraudulent.
DWMF says
I would investigate the use of a surrogate, who physically resembles Michelle/Michael. In vitro fertilization, using Barak’s seed for one and Michael’s for the other. If they did it that way, at least the girls would have some genetic integrity.
RS says
These power hungry elites are prideful, arrogant, and full of themselves. They could care less about a balanced, fair, honest, and productive government for the people.
Robert Berger says
Obama did not have a “Muslim childhood “. Both of his parents as well as his Indonesian stepfather were atheists . And Obama has been attending a Christian church for most of his life . He may very well be an atheist himself, but many atheists attend church regularly .
The photo of Obama wearing a traditional Muslim dress does not prove that he is a Muslim . And the claim that he attended a Muslim Madrasseh as a child in Indonesia is also false . Obama attended a regular secular. school there . All of the numerous blatant lies which circulated about Obama ever since he first began to run for president in 2008 , were debunked years ago . These lies were orchestrated by the conspiracy theory industry and the conservative media .
He is not a Muslim . He is not a Marxist or a communist . He was born in Hawaii , not Kenya , is a US born citizen and was 100 %. eligible to be president . He did not “bring large numbers of Muslims into the US with the purpose of imposing sharia on . US presidents have no say in who may settle in the US to become a citizen .