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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
A week before its attack Hamas agreed to another truce with Israel. The agreement negotiated by Qatar, Egypt and the United Nations traded an end to border attacks for more imports, a bigger fishing zone and more work permits that allowed 20,000 Gaza Muslims to enter Israel.
The agreement reached between Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, and Sukkot, the conclusion of the High Holy Days season, offered an end to the explosives and rocks being hurled at Israeli soldiers on the border and the incendiary balloons starting fires on Israeli farms. And terrorist attacks on civilians like the murder of Batsheva Nigri: a kindergarten teacher shot and killed while driving in her car with her 12-year-old daughter.
Qatar, a state sponsor of Hamas and an ally of the United States, claimed that it had “succeeded in de-escalating the situation in the Gaza Strip by mediating an understanding.”
Hamas ended the border riots and Israelis went into the Sukkot holiday with an apparent calm. The Israeli army and security forces continued to focus on the West Bank, where much of the violence appeared to be coming from, rather than the Gaza Strip which seemed quiet.
But the border attacks and the negotiated ceasefire had all been part of a feint. Hamas had been working on a large-scale attack for two years. During this time it had calculatedly tamped down some of the violence and appeared amenable to informal truces in exchange for benefits.
When Hamas began conducting exercises on kidnapping Israelis and “storming settlements” in plain sight in September 2023, experts dismissed it as posturing to extract more concessions. In an article five days before the attacks, the default assumption by a Western diplomat and Israeli defense officials was that Hamas was running short of money and an infusion of Qatari cash along with more work permits, which brought $2 million a day into Gaza, would appease it.
An expert quoted in the media described Hamas border violence as a “tactical way of generating attention about their distress. It’s not an escalation but ‘warming up’ to put pressure on relevant parties that can come up with money to give to the Hamas government.”
It was in this state of tactical blindness, the equivalent of America’s obliviousness before 9/11, that the Hamas attacks executed on the conclusions of the High Holy Days took place.
Israel did not entirely drop its guard. Army units were still watching the border and a unit of the Shin Bet, its domestic security agency, had been dispatched in anticipation of an attack. There had been warnings that something was coming, but in line with previous attacks, the most Israeli security personnel anticipated was a 7-10 man incursion by a Hamas strike force.
No one expected over 2,000 terrorists breaking through at multiple points for a full-scale invasion of neighboring Israeli towns and communities. But they should have.
The Hamas campaign has been described as Israel’s 9/11, but it has more of an analogy to another disaster in America’s military history. In January 1968, Communist forces in Vietnam launched the Tet Offensive, taking advantage of a local holiday truce and the conviction of American military leaders that enemy forces were not capable of an attack on that scale.
The ambition of the attack took everyone by surprise. The Viet Cong were able to attack even the U.S. embassy in Saigon and take control of cities like Hue where they murdered and tortured whomever they pleased. While the Tet Offensive failed, it broke the morale of the Vietnamese and helped end Democratic Party support for the Vietnam War.
Like the Tet Offensive, the Hamas attacks violated a cease-fire and depended on diverting Israel’s attention away from the Gaza border and to the West Bank. The border riots and the agreement had lulled Israel into a false sense of security about the scale of Hamas ambitions. Like the Tet Offensive, rocket attacks were followed by a large-scale assault targeting populated areas deeper inside Israel that were not properly hardened. Gazan workers who had been given work permits guided the Hamas terrorists with information about those communities.
Israeli deployments at the Gaza border had been aimed at countering the two usual scenarios over the years: attacks across the border and infiltration by small groups. During border riots, a limited number of IDF soldiers would warn off the rioters, often by firing in the air, and snipers would be on watch for long range attacks. The border fence had been built to block any but the most determined infiltrators and to quickly alert response teams to any incursions. In the event that the border fence was breached, Israeli special units would quickly intercept the terrorists.
In these scenarios, a relatively small number of soldiers could secure the border. No one had planned for a third scenario or brought in sufficient numbers of soldiers to cope with it. Like most militaries, the IDF had focused on winning the wars as they were being fought now.
And that is always a fatal error.
The border fence had been designed to alert Israel to individual breaches so that military forces could quickly converge on the area. But now there were far more breaches than forces. While overwhelmed Israeli border forces tried to stop the invaders, more of them were breaching at multiple points and heading toward their real targets: communities inside Israel.
Unlike the Jewish communities that had existed in Gaza before the disastrous ‘disengagement’ that forced them out in the name of peace or the Jewish ‘settlements’ in the West Bank, the ‘kibbutzim’ were not especially hardened. Whereas Jewish ‘settlements’ tend to be more religious and heavily armed, the equivalent of small towns in Texas, the communities near Gaza attacked by Hamas were more approximately Boston suburbs. They were not entirely helpless: but they were dependent on security teams who kept weapons in a central location.
The Hamas terrorists, who had used the Gaza work permits to gain detailed intelligence on their targets, were well aware of this. Security in these communities had been set up to cope with the usual threat of one or two terrorists, but was completely unready for 70 or 90 heavily armed attackers with detailed maps of their targets and a plan to secure their objectives. And that included knowing where the security teams and IDF personnel in those communities lived.
In some communities, members of security teams and ordinary civilians heroically fought back. The story of Inbar Lieberman, a 25-year-old woman who served as the security coordinator for Kibbutz Nir Am, who rallied her neighbors, killed 5 terrorists and saved the kibbutz has been widely told. But other communities were not so lucky. That was where the massacres happened.
The system fell apart and those on the ground improvised. Troops on the ground used WhatsApp to request fire support from choppers. Commando units used WhatsApp groups to locate veterans with military experience and deploy them to targeted areas. “Suburbanites and urbanites, including some retirees, simply holstered their guns, jumped in their cars, and drove maniacally down South – saving their kids, their grandkids, or mere strangers.”
Where the IDF had been overwhelmed and tied down, an informal IDF of veterans stepped into the breach. And without them, Hamas might have achieved its overall objectives.
Hamas had waited two years and deployed over 2,000 terrorists not just to carry out a few large scale massacres, but to seize and secure the targeted communities as forward operating bases, expanding its territory, and seeking to move beyond them in a battle for all of Israel. Its Jihadis wore cameras and recorded their atrocities to use them as a rallying call to summon Arab Muslims in the West Bank and inside Israel’s ‘Green Line’ to join a battle for all of Israel.
The ultimate plan was “to seize the Gaza corridor and open a pathway to Tel Aviv”: a not unthinkable distance of 44 miles away. Hamas moving its atrocities to Tel Aviv would have been the perfect equivalent of the Tet Offensive.
As the Hamas attacks were underway, Al Jazeera reported that mosque “minarets in the West Bank began making calls of ‘Allahu Akbar’ in an expression of support” and “massive processions set out in a number of places in the West Bank… in Jenin, Tubas, Ramallah… in Hebron, and Bethlehem… to celebrate the ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ battle.”
The images of the hostages, the kidnapped children and abused women were intended to panic Israelis and convince Arab Muslims to join a battle on the verge of being won. The Hamas message was that Israel was weak and ripe for destruction. But no real support arrived. Despite its initial victories and massacres, Hamas was unable to sustain its momentum. Like the Tet Offensive, the High Holy Day atrocities were a political victory and a military defeat.
Estimates are that Hamas left behind as many as 1,500 dead inside Israel and more along the border. The Jihadiis, fueled by captagon, known as “the drug of jihad”, a popular amphetamine in the Middle East mass produced by the Assad regime in Syria, and widely used by Islamic terror groups from ISIS to Hezbollah, felt invulnerable and gleefully tortured, mutilated and raped their way across communities, heady with the conviction that they could not be stopped.
The captagon high of ‘poor man’s cocaine’ also made them slow to respond as the tide of battle turned. Many fought and died rather than strategically pull back. A surprise attack had turned into a rout. Like Al Qaeda and ISIS, the larger plans of Hamas resembled those of most Islamists whose military strategies were rooted in a mixture of Marxist guerrilla tactics, Mohammed’s conquests and prophecies of final battles when the end times arrive.
Islamic terrorists and guerrillas execute an attack in the expectation that the larger ummah of the Muslim world will rally to their banners. Islamists like Marxists see all battles as primarily ideological. Victory or defeat in any individual battle is less important than raising morale, terrifying enemies and using that to generate recruitment. The Marxist and Islamist guerrilla aims not as much at winning battles as maintaining a higher level of morale and staying power.
Hamas had won and lost before. Each time it emerged with more financing, fame and manpower. To defeat Maoist forces in the field, you have to actually destroy them. Or make them completely irrelevant. The Tet Offensive had failed at achieving its military objectives, but demonstrated how the Communists intended to win. That is what Hamas had also set out to do.
Israel had spent so much time focusing on Hamas tactics that it lost track of the terrorist group’s actual long term objectives. That is a mistake that it cannot afford again with either Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah or any of the Islamic terrorist groups that it is confronting. Washington’s bad habit of looking at Islamic terrorists through the eyes of realpolitik had rubbed off on Jerusalem. Believing that Islamists want what we all want, that Hamas considerations were driven by $2 million a day or fishing zones rather than a religious mandate to destroy Israel was an error.
Counterterrorism is inherently reactive. Israel excelled at counterterrorism, but that success was also a trap. While the Israelis built better mousetraps, they had come to think of the enemy as a mouse. The more they reacted to what Hamas was doing, the better able they were to stop it in the short term, but the more they lost track of countering its larger plans in the long term.
Islamists engage in terrorism, but it was a catastrophic mistake to think of Hamas as merely a terrorist group and to reduce it to its tactics. The Hamas attacks discarded terrorism and turned to guerrilla warfare, drawing on everything from classic Mohammedan warfare to ISIS attacks to Marxist campaigns in Southeast Asia. Hamas stepped out of the box to launch an operation that overwhelmed Israeli forces still thinking of it in terms of counterterrorism rather than all-out war.
To win a war, you must know the enemy. Israel had lost sight of who its enemy really was. But so has every nation in the free world facing a religious war that is over a thousand years old.
Thank you for the detailed account and answering many questions. Facts I would not obtain from the Mass media..
As you succinctly pointed out, one of the more important goals is a Hamas moral victory. ( akin to the Tet Offensive ) they still may the able to obtain that from the Biden administration through the work of Obama by putting pressure on Israel not to crush Hamas .
We can only hope that the Israeli leadership has the internal fortitude to ignore the pressure from the left-wing media, and the demonic radicals that take to the streets.. least we forget October 7 and the hideous slaughter of women and children, who tryi to live their daily lives, with the intent of having peace.
This cannot be a Vietnam like stalemate this must be a victory over radical Muslims that is decisive and final, one for the history books.
We hope so. And they’d like the United States to abandon Israel as a losing cause. I imagine they’ll target U.S. diplomatic facilities in Israel at some point.
I just bought, and am now halfway through, Mark Levin’s dark, fact-filled, frightening, sinus-clearing book “The Democrat Party Hates America.”
No wonder I can’t get a good night’s serene, restful sleep when I finally mark my place with the flap of the dust jacket and put the book on my bedside table before turning my head on the pillow and closing my eyes at night, hoping for sleep, but not getting much of it.
What Levin reveals, documents, and discusses in his book–and what you detail here, in this piece–should alert, alarm, and frighten anyone, and everyone, who wants Western Civilization itself, and the United States as a constitutional republic, to survive.
With so many within our own “walls” already–particularly within the most powerful agencies and departments of our own Government working “on the other side” against us, I’m swiftly losing confidence that we will.
I agree but, unfortunately, the U.S., and most certainly the Democrats, don’t do “victory” anymore.
Understanding the enemy also applies to understanding the Dem Party. It’s evil and ruthless, devoid of all legal and moral scruples. Its objectives are to wreck the country, roll back our freedom, overthrow the republic, and replace them with a one party fascist state.
Wow, well said! There is a report that several members of Congress made significant investments in several defense stocks just days before the Oct 7 incursion. Look at what Northrup Grummond, Lockheed, and General Dynamics have done in the last two weeks. Understanding your enemy begins with determining who your enemy actually is, and I don’t think it’s entirely Hamas.
Great article, Daniel!!!
Thank you. I’ve appreciated your informed comments on these matters.
I have a headache so I’m not thinking too clearly, but what came to mind was past military structures that were too top heavy, not enough focused on what was happening on the ground. Too much reliance on the views at the top, not enough awareness of the views at the frontlines. For example, some at the frontlines had to get permission from their commanders to fire.
also reliance on electronic, digital systems for command and control
once those went down, soldiers and pilots were moving over to WhatsApp
Thanks Daniel, excellent point. What happens when those systems for command and control go down, as they inevitably will in some cases?
Israeli soldiers have traditionally had a great deal of autonomy in the field. They were well trained and their commanders assumed that any soldier could analyze a situation and take appropriate action, up to a point.
What ever happened to that sort of thinking?
A combination of a collapse of draft compliance has left the IDF bereft of the best educated young Israelis AND a 15-20 year old fascination with top down control of troops via shiny, nifty remote sensors, AI controlled weapons and even decision making and officers leading from behind in the comfort and safety of networked ‘control rooms’. All of this has been put paid by the events of 10/7.
Too much high tech and too little common sense at the high levels.
And not enough islamophobia.
Shortly after dawn, one to two thousand terrorists exited Gaza via multiple breaches in the fence large enough for pick-up trucks to drive through. There is a 100 – 300 metre No Go Zone, followed by a 100 metre High Risk Zone before the first security fence. After that, there is the security fence proper with deep concrete reinforcement, under continuous watch from observation towers with enfilade providing auto machine gun nests. Some questions, then.
1) What time did these groups of terrorists start their move against the fences?
2) How long does it take to walk/drive across No Mans Land, destroy the first fence and set explosives to blow the main fence? Certainly somewhere between 10-30 minutes.
3) How can this not have been noticed by the observation teams who monitor the entire fence system 24/7?
4) Why did the machine gun nests fail to halt the initial breach of the first fence, let alone the second fence? Were they all out of action? If so, how is this possible? I have seen footage of a drone dropping a grenade into one machine gun post, which somewhat strangely had its armoured dome retracted. Were all the armoured domes retracted, and if so, why?
4) Assuming the observers were not all asleep, why did nobody think to alert security at the music festival? One imagines at least 30 minutes must have elapsed between the first incursion into No Mans Land and the first terrorist step taken on Israeli soil.
5) Assuming the observers were not all asleep, why did they not alert local IDF units? How is it possible that between the first signs of a mass break-out and the arrival of terrorists at IDF bases, Israeli soldiers were unprepared to such an extent some were still in their underwear and their tanks parked up?
6) The most inexplicable aspect in all of this though, is where were the Apache helicopter gunships? The IAF has two squadrons – numbering 48 Apaches – at Ramon Airbase, approximately ten minutes flight time from Gaza.
Assuming the observers were not all asleep, they must have noticed the massed men and machinery at around 5 am. By the time the terrorists were actually driving through the breached fence into Israel an hour later, they should have been met with dozens of Apaches cutting them to pieces.
So, final question then: Why weren’t they… did nobody think it wise to make a call to Ramon Airbase?
Hamas operated under the cover of rocket fire. While Israeli forces moved into shelters, the attack was launched.
Some explosives were previously set by “protesters” during the riots.
IDF command and control systems were down, soldiers were outnumbers, out of communication and fighting to survive. No one was calling security at a music festival.
IAF was apparently badly out of the loop. When the Apaches arrived, they engaged terrorists at the border. By then the border had been breached in multiple places and terrorists were long since attacking inside Israel.
Was this a series of massive failures? Obviously.
Daniel, you ask: “Was this a series of massive failures? Obviously.”
I’m not sure I agree with you there. I’m not sure you really think it is just a string of massive failures either. I can understand why you don’t want to believe the only other possible alternative to “massive failures” though.
Unless there are some credible answers to the six questions I raised, the possibility of this being the result of something monstrously “unthinkable” will remain distinctly thinkable.
Why did Alexander I force Kutuzov to cede Pratzen to Napoleon? Why didn’t Dunford’s men have permission to open ammo boxes before the previous ones were empty at Isandhlwana? Why did Custer split up his forces and fail to wait for support?
Every single damn battle and war consists of a whole lot of ‘what ifs’ and idiotic decisions that you can chew over endlessly.
Take the approach that there are no weaknesses, errors or failures and the entire history of warfare becomes one big conspiracy theory.
Some people take that approach. And they have no shortage of material.
Yeah, from an historical point of view, battles are even more murky than many other historical events that are written about. That is a surprising thing one discovers when reading history, how little is known about some of the most famous battles.
History tends to get rewritten after battles. We see that very clearly in the Civil War.
Well, yes. Once the battle is in full swing there is ample scope for cock-ups galore.
A surprise massed breakout through one of the most heavily defended and tiny strips of land in the world controlled by probably the best army in the world with the best intelligence gathering in the world is another matter entirely.
You mention conspiracy theories. Here’s a hypothetical one for you: May, 1940. The Luftwaffe clears the French coast of the English channel en-route for London. The English radar operators fail to notice 2,000 Heinkel 111’s; the Spitfires and Hurricanes remain grounded and London gets blitzed. The Heinkels then turn around and head for home without being harried by the Spitfires which STILL remain grounded.
Cock-up or conspiracy?
Thanks Daniel, that’s an excellent point, they used rocket fire as a cover for the ground assault.
I’m guessing that you are implying treason, which commenters here have dismissed as impossible, and which Daniel also seems to reject out of hand.
So far, I haven’t seen a better explanation for what happened.
Agree with both Paul Weston and fsy!
Treason IS happening. When are we going to wake up from our normalcy bias?! The hour is late!
I absolutely do not believe it is treason. What I believe might be possible is simply a case of brutal pragmatism. Hamas needs to be dealt with, ditto Hezbollah, ditto the Iranian theocracy. World opinion would never allow Israel and America to cut out the cancer of Islamic terrorism once and for all. Post October 7th 2023 however, this is no longer an impossibility. Geo-politics and national survival can sometimes be exceptionally brutal.
The only other possibility (apart from catastrophic failures by Israeli security) is that the UN/WEF etc want global chaos to advance their terrifying New World Order – Agenda 2030 and all that. I note Netanyahu is very much in bed with the World Economic Forum.
My opinion on Western political leaders along with the likes of Antonio Guterres, Obama, Soros, Gates, Lindsey Graham, Blinken, Nuland, Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock (I’m English) post March 2020 is that they are capable of genuine evil – up to and including culpable homicide/democide – if it works toward furthering their grotesque agenda.
Brutal pragmatism playing out in government can certainly be called treason. Isn’t this a question of good vs evil? Whose ideas are running the world and are these ideas good for humanity? Seems those in charge of the world are digging us deeper into a hole of evil and not good with their brutal pragmatism. Agenda 21 (the agenda for the twenty first century—thank you Rosa Koire for all your knowledge on the subject) is definitely playing out right now. Agenda 2030 is a check in point for the globalists to see how well their brutal pragmatism or bad ideas are playing out for humanity. How’s that “one world government” idea working out for the rest of us?
“How’s that “one world government” idea working out for the rest of us?”
Not good, obvs, but from their point of view it is all going swimmingly.
Re Rosa Koire, what an utterly brilliant woman she is.
Except that nothing is being cut out. Israel’s approach hasn’t fundamentally altered from before Oct 7. Behind the theater of air strikes little is happening and Biden is blocking a ground assault on Hamas.
Netanyahu’s political career is over. So are those of the top generals.
The only players who benefited from the attack are Hamas, Iran and Russia. The same ones who planned the attack.
Occam’s Razor.
Sadly, you’re correct Mr Greenfield.
Evil ideas have brainwashed our world.
How do we reverse this?
As I understand it, Biden is delaying in order to get more air-defence systems into the operational theatre. Mind you, who the h*ell knows what Biden is up to, he certainly doesn’t.
I might be a pessimistic old conspiracy theorist, but I cannot discount the possibility of the globalists engineering a world war here. Out of the chaos will come tyranny. We know they want tyranny, so perhaps this is how they bring it about.
Also, a certain Donald J Trump poses an enormous threat to Deep State America, most of whom face jail time if Trump wins in 2024 – but if Biden is presiding over a world war next year, expect to see the U.S. election cancelled.
Time will tell. Each of us should purchase a hat of vaguely digestible nature and chat again this time next year 🙂
Thanks Daniel! Russia benefited greatly. Suggesting that gets one blasted, but I have been going over and over it in my my mind and the probabilities that point that way get stronger and stronger. Colonel Richard Kemp wrote about that and got blasted for it but I think he’s right.
It would be entirely typical and characteristic of Russian actions. Putin wouldn’t even need to get involved, it could be done at a lower level.
Replying to multiple comments since we’ve reached the single reply threshold.
Biden is finding ways to delay an Israeli ground assault to make it either unworkable or fairly short. And fail to actually remove Hamas.
Russia had an interest in opening up a new front to divert America from Ukraine. And it’s certainly done so.
Despite Netanyahu’s outreach to Putin, he has made it very clear that he stands with Hamas.
What you are describing is a form of treason, i.e., abdication of the responsibility entrusted to them as leaders. You are only spelling out the motives.
If you’re right, we are seriously screwed. Any hopeful ideas for the future of civilization, and for mankind, before we are made extinct to Save the Earth(TM)?
Hamas may have lost the battle in the Oct 7th attack but they managed
to inflict the deadliest attack on Israel in all its history. All while first
putting on a face of meeting Israel halfway in trying to all get along.
They must be obliterated from existence. Another Muslim terror group
will emerge to take their place but right now, it’s Hamas. Israel’s
biggest weaknesses in dealing with jihadists and their slimy brokers
like Qatar are complacency and trusting them ever.
Hamas and other terrorist enemies must never be underestimated.
Otherwise, Israel might one day find herself the object of a tactical
nuke. Jihadists are fine with losing their lives to hook up with the
virgins and have shown many times that if their own people suffer
and die along with them, that’s okay too.
Very interesting to read of the role of the amphetamine captagon
in the Hamas attack – also used by ISIS and others – which aids in
their committing horrifying atrocities. But even that usage shouldn’t
be underestimated. Jihadists through the centuries have always
fought in a frenzy for Allah with resultant adrenalin providing all
the high they need to commit atrocities.
It’s all very well eliminating Hamas but how about going to the root of the problem, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Qatar, who fund and support these monsters. I see people commenting about how this is going to start WW3. Well ww3 started a long time ago when the west started importing muslims and the Left in Israel were appeasing them.
We’ve been in a low level world war ever since the 90s. At some point maybe we’ll starting fighting back.
Much like Niemollers saying/poem “first they came…” we have collective apathy. Yes, when are we going to start fighting back?
When we recognize that we have no choice. Not sure how bad things get people before people wake up.
More to the point, HOW are we going to start fighting back?
I am beginning to think (after reading up on captagon) and its use by ISIS.
That the Islamic State rain of terror was a drug binge and the jihad was payment for the drugs.
There is a definite sense in which Israel has already lost the war, irrespective of the results of this and future battles. To survive, Israel has no choice but to return to the fortress mentality it had back in the ’50s and early ’60s before the Six-Day War. The atmosphere of the last few decades of Israel as a safe, cosmopolitan hi-tech nation at peace with most of its neighbors seems to be gone for the foreseeable future.
FSY, Jerusalem
The New Middle East thing was never more than a delusion. Every country in the Middle East has to be a fortress or turn over its security to someone else.
A non-Muslim country in a part of the world where such a thing is unacceptable must always be a fortress.
There was never a scenario where that was going to change.
It will change only when Moshiach comes.
The big change in attitude really came in 1977 when Sadat came to Israel. Until then, everyone saw the conflict in very simple terms, but since then, the hope of general “peace” has been very tempting.
Just look how many times Jerusalem was sacked. and the Temple tore down. Many times God allowed it to bring his people back to him in belief and culture. The Jews need to pray to their creator for. he alone is the power that can do anything…..and Against All Odds too!
Since you mention the concept of “settlements” as opposed to established cities, I think we have to call out the media for referring to the communities attacked on Oct. 7 as “settlements”. These towns are all well within the 1967 borders and are of course perfectly legal, unless one questions Israel’s entire right to exist (as Hamas does, obviously.)
Yes, the media pretended that towns and communities were more legitimate or less depending on the so-called ‘green line’
The PLO and Hamas never believed that.
Now the media is making it clear that it also made no such distinction.
So much for the Israeli Left ranting about how “settlements” delegitimize Israel. Now, as we were always telling them, all Israelis are settlers.
And now so are all Americans.
“And now so are all Americans” — settlers, that is.
You made an extremely important point here.
Many college board meetings, city council meetings, etc. now explicitly start their gatherings by saying something like “We want to recognize that we are on ‘occupied land'”, thus conceding that they are not deserving of citizenship but are simply occupiers of land that belongs to others. I would not be surprised if the US congress would adopt these opening remarks as well and thus denounce our country’s very founding.
The occupier narrative has one main objective: to delegitimize national identity and the nation state, with the ultimate goal of a global world order and governance. God help us!
And, today, the Biden administration took the occasion to criticize the “settlers.”
First time commenter Daniel, however, my son has chatted with you on some other forum.
You write “…..and prophecies of final battles when the end times arrive”………um……the “end times” HAVE arrived. The Muslims understand this-it’s the rest of the human population that doesn’t. Muslims read their holy book but the rest of humanity does not read our Holy texts, the Bible, for the timeline of Gods history. Much like the Jews and gentiles living during the time that Jesus walked the earth who didn’t realize they were literally living in that moment, we make the same mistake. The book of Revelation has arrived! We are actually living during the “end times”. None of us know Gods specific timeline, however, we can know His prophecies by studying His Word-the Bible.
Thank you for all your interesting articles. As a Christian, I’ve been to Israel several times-what a beautiful country! May God bless Israel!
Eschatology is a tricky subject, whether you are a Christian or a Jew. It is impossible for us to understand what G0d’s timeline is.
How come none of your articles are ever syndicated? This one in particular is a necessary palliative to some of the misunderstandings (both in the published articles AND in the comment sections) on other right/conservative web sites. Gateway Pundit, American Thinker, the Federalist, PJ Media (and its sister sites) could all benefit from just this very article. You might even get that a-hole at ZeroHedge (and other libertarian sites) to post this.
Do you have pay these people to publish articles from other sites? Are they afraid of losing readers if they publish articles from other sites?
BTW, I have these news aggregation apps on my phone, e.g. “63red”, “Conservative News” , etc and they all have many users/readers and numerous news sources. Why isnt FPM another news source?
Not only with the Tet offensive were Americans negligent, complacent, and off their toes. They were the same way about the Japanese preparations for Pearl Harbor
Re: Pearl Harbor – American intelligence had broken the Japanese codes and knew an attack was coming, they just weren’t sure where. There is the suggestion that Roosevelt allowed it to happen specifically to get involved in the war. When I think of the weeks of troup build-ups by Hamas and the war games Israel must have known about, I have the same suspicions here. I hope I’m wrong.
Indeed. Many of the same themes run through it. Insufficient attention paid to warning signs, failure to think about larger enemy intentions and general complacency.
There is a theory that tha Americans HAD the Japanese plans for Pearl Harbor, but the plans listed the date and time that the attack would be IN JAPAN, which is about 18 time zonrs ahead of Hawaii.
What goes for Israel goes for the U.S. Allowing anti-semetic, anti-God, anti-western culture people to enter government and change sovereignty, cultures, and eliminate Constitutions, is the end of every Republic, or even a democracy based on the will of the people, and the ability to change your government and representatives with votes, and fair elections. The stollen election started the ball a rolling. We now have a Uni-party that is basically the same with the same goals as the globalists, with the exception of some constitutional conservatives and Pro-American citizens.
What did John Adams say……”Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. “
This prescient statement has come to fruition unfortunately. Take God out of schools/culture and look what you get!
“The agreement . . . traded an end to border attacks for . . . more work permits that allowed 20,000 Gaza Muslims to enter Israel.'”
It seems absurd that businessmen and companies would invite farm and other day laborers from Gaza into Israel despite what must have been strong suspicions about their secret loyalties.
Absurd. And yet we invite half the world in for cheap labor..
The globalists want cheap labor. That’s why all the US companies were moved to China and other overseas countries decades ago-cheap labor. Plus, bring cheap labor to the US and there’s no need to have a middle class. That’s the goal of the elites. Back to the feudal system. Agenda 21 will accomplish this for the elites. Agenda 21 is quite advanced already in the western world.
Excellent analysis. Thank you.
Very informative, but you left out some important unanswered questions.
1. The rockets started 1,2 hours before the land attack. Why weren’t the bases near the Gaza border on high alert with patrols out?
2. How was it that the 5 level security system on the Fence, with redundancies built in, was circumvented including the satellite surveillance?
3.. How is that not one of Israel’s “assets” in Gaza warned of the invasion in real time?
I think the obvious answer is that Israel’s senior defense and security infrastructure has been infiltrated and compromised and contain high level traitors who conspired with Hamas to allow this to happen. I regret that I still believe that 1+1=2
The response to rocket attacks is for soldiers to shelter. They weren’t expecting rockets and a manned assault at the same time.
Communications infrastructure locally was destroyed. Satellite surveillance is fine, but you still need manpower and organization locally which was lacking. Israel did not have enough manpower on the spot in sufficient numbers to stop the assault and pursue all of the attackers. That’s why soldiers were coordinating via Whatsapp.
The Gaza assets are few and dubious. Once Israel left Gaza, it lost any meaningful eyes on the ground.
That’s the reality of the situation.
Plenty of Israeli generals are flawed, but none of them were signing off on allowing men under their command, let alone their daughters and friends, to be raped and murdered.
And for what exactly? To end their own careers in disgrace.
These conspiracy theories are seductive but make zero sense.
“While the Tet Offensive failed, it broke the morale of the Vietnamese and helped end Democratic Party support for the Vietnam War.”
Thst plus nominal American W. Cronkite’s unilateral declaration to all of America that the war was lost. A Lie.
Even if you are in Dar al-Harb, God does not want you to cut the heads off babies. God does not want you to torture old women. God wants you to protect women and not abuse them then kill them. These men are not Islam. Hamas’s constitution says they will eliminate Israel for Islam.
I think they want money and power; they do not want to glorify God.
There are many issues historical, political, moral and military, past and present, regarding Israel as a promised land secure from future antisemitism.
One issue is whether Netanyahu knew of the coming security breach and used it to enforce the Dahiya Doctrine to wipe out the Judeocidal threat embodied in the Hamas Charter. This is “”conspiracy cynicism”, but it needs effective refutation which is not supported by Mr Greenfield’s analysis.
Hamas and other groups who plot and plan for these kind of attacks were given work permits in Gaza. The United States has done the same thing with our open borders…..come one, come all, we invite you in to fulfill your plan to plunder and ravage our citizens, and bankrupt us, so they can be the World’s super power. Just look at the plans of enemies to use biological warfare, or the unleashing of the Covid virus and vaccine. Millions obliterated…so ask these nations like China….why do they continue to kill the golden goose? Its total stupidity to think that with the United States gone, these countries will thrive while destroying populations that buy their products,. Not very logical in their thinking.