[Order David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s new booklet: “Internal Radical Service: Abuse Of Taxpayer Dollars To Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally And Unconstitutionally”: CLICK HERE.]
Last year, bills to stop funding non-profits that help illegal aliens enter this country were introduced in the House and Senate. The Stop Federal Funding for Human Trafficking and Smuggling Act and the Protecting Federal Funds from Human Trafficking and Smuggling Act have failed to make headway. Meanwhile, the problem has only gotten worse.
Such bills would not be necessary if the IRS were doing its job. Instead, the IRS, which consistently targets conservative nonprofits, has refused to address the problem.
The mass invasion of the United States of America would not be possible without a nonprofit sector that has taken in over a billion, from both the government and private donors, to subsidize the invasion, providing aid, shelter, legal support and transportation for the invaders.
In December, Gov. Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas announced an investigation into nonprofits aiding the illegal entry of the migrants.
When migrants invade the United States, they find clothes, food and supplies left behind by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson under its No More Deaths ministry. The leftist church, which operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, even has an Amazon wishlist for directly purchasing items for migrants, like gloves, boxer shorts and camping blankets.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson ministry admits that “those we serve often do not have legal immigration status or authorization to enter the country” but “we reject the notion that some people are ‘less deserving’ of care based on their motivations for crossing.”
Beyond supplies, the church ministry provides migrants with “wilderness survival resources” and “information about how to orient oneself to the area including description of major geographical landmarks”.
Federal authorities attempted to hold pro-invasion activists with No More Deaths accountable. While the most prominent trial on felony charges deadlocked and a second trial resulted in an acquittal, four pro-invasion activists were convicted on misdemeanor charges. And this is not the first time that pro-invasion activists with the Unitarian group have faced criminal charges. Despite ample evidence that the federal government believes that the group is engaged in illegal activity, the IRS has failed to pull the nonprofit status of its fiscal sponsor.
IRS regulations specifically state that “exempt purposes may generally be equated with the public good, and violations of law are the antithesis of the public good”. They warn that the, “violation of constitutionally valid laws is inconsistent with exemption under IRC 501(c)(3)” and that “planned activities that violate laws are not in furtherance of a charitable purpose”.
The IRS is refusing to enforce tax code regulations and is enabling the invasion of America.
The Unitarian Tucson ministry partners with the Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice and its Border Witness program that promotes volunteering “at the border and along Central American migration routes”. This program also partners with Al Otro Lado.
What is less discussed is the role of nonprofits who operate on both sides of the border to ‘legally’ help the invaders enter the country. When the illegals apply for asylum at border crossings, many are accompanied by nonprofit volunteers who help them cross over.
Al Otro Lado, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, sees to it that the migrants not only receive help with their asylum paperwork, but it also “provides accompaniment for refugees”. A fundraiser by Nicole Ramos, the head of Otro’s Border Rights Project, discussed how she regularly accompanies migrants to the ‘port of entry’ and advocates for them.
One of the Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice volunteers described how Al Otro Lado “staff and volunteers reach out to newly-arrived migrants” before they are “loaded into a small van and driven to the port of entry where they will present themselves to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officials” and how they run workshops for the migrants to “prepare for a credible fear interview”.The social justice volunteer describes posing for “a quick selfie with my new friend Rogelio, a Tijuana ex-gang member”.
The most notorious example of “accompaniers” may be Pueblo Sin Fronteras.
PSF has been accused of coordinating and guiding a number of the migrant caravans invading the United States. The organization appears to be accepting tax-deductible donations under the fiscal sponsorship of the Alliance for Global Justice. The Alliance, which has also served as a fiscal sponsor for Black Lives Matter, bail funds and the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, designated as a terrorist group and a subsidiary of the PFLP by Israel, is one of the most glaring examples of the IRS enabling not just illegal, but terrorist activity.
The mass migration of over 5 million invaders under Biden has been accompanied and enabled by a growth of infrastructure enabling them on both sides of the border. Leftist churches have set up missions south of the border that run shelters which harbor the invaders before they enter America. Others traffic them and plant them in vulnerable areas in this country.
Leftist churches describe these activities as “accompaniment” without necessarily clarifying what this entails. ‘Accompaniers’ operating in Mexico include the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship and the notoriously radical and destructive Christian Peacemaker Teams.
The Lutheran Border Servant Corps describes having reached 41,000 as part of having “accompanied asylum-seeking families on both sides of the U.S./México border”. The Jewish Family Services of San Diego operates hotel rooms for migrants. And these are only a few of the many organizations that continue to be players in the migrant invasion space.
While there are secular humanitarian groups involved, the majority of border organizations have partnerships, sponsorships or some ties with leftist Christian or Jewish groups. That stems from their disproportionate involvement in the refugee resettlement of mostly Muslim “refugees”.
Their border operations are not necessarily new, but they have gained new significance due to the scope of the crisis under Biden’s open border program and its 5 million illegal invaders.
The Jesuit Refugee Service, which is registered as a Vatican foundation, and is also a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, describes a “challenging mandate to protect and walk with a record number of migrants at the US southern border”. While it’s not always clear how literal ‘walking’ may be, JRS works with the Jesuit Ignatian Solidarity Network which held the ‘Restore Protections for Holy Families’ event with the Bishop of Tucson and others accompanying migrants to the port of entry. The migrants did so while wearing t-shirts decorated with Biden’s campaign logo. The Ignatian Solidarity Network is a 501(c)(3) operating out of John Carroll University in Cleveland.
Also accompanying them was the head of the Kino Border Initiative, which has offices both in America and Mexico, and operates under the 501(c)(3) status of the U.S. Catholic Conference.
Much of the border crisis could be resolved if the IRS was tasked with removing the nonprofit status of the groups and fiscal sponsors enabling the invasion of America. The misery that has spread from El Paso to Manhattan is being unwittingly financed by taxpayers through the tax-deductible donations that guide, direct and protect the illegal alien border invasion.
As the David Horowitz Freedom Center has documented in “Internal Radical Service” by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, the IRS has allowed a variety of leftist organizations to illegally operate as nonprofits, in violation of tax codes. But the border crisis is probably the single largest example of a destructive nonprofit operation to destroy this country through 501(c)(3)s.
And none of this would be happening, the overloaded homeless shelters, gang members and coyotes trekking through vulnerable border areas, and the rising violence without the IRS.
I would add HIAS and Bend the Arc to the list as well. HIAS and Bend the Arc supports open borders and shamelessly and falsely compares the sitruation at the Southern border to refugees fleeing Nazi Germany and claiming to be part of the Jewish community.
They absolutely do. But if I were listing every single group that supports the border invasion, lobbies for it or even provides domestic aid and political support for migrants, this would be a 200 page article.
I focused on those who more directly enable border crossings to narrow the scope.
The Internal Robbery Service9(IRS) is aiding the Enemy and the CFR and UN are also partners in Crime which at one time was a serious Crime
… at one time when we were a nation of laws, not an administrative bureaucracy
Funny how that works eh?
The same ones who claim they are “following the science” relating to a certain disease, also claim to be “following the law” when it comes to immigration and border jumping.
Ine YUUUUUGE difference though: I have a copy of the US Constitution and know how to read, Many others do as well. But there existed no such neutral and accurate compilation of “the science” when it comes to foreign viral invasions.
Let’s not forget the attorney’s who make a living helping illegals skirt federal border laws and charge the legal citizenry taxpayers for it.