[Order David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s new booklet: “Internal Radical Service: Abuse Of Taxpayer Dollars To Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally And Unconstitutionally”: CLICK HERE.]
In 2015, Ruwa Romman was enabling Oglethorpe University’s Students for Justice in Palestine to pass the first BDS resolution in the region. Around the same time the Jordanian immigrant began working with the Georgia Muslim Voter Project and became the communications director for the Georgia operation of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the funding of Hamas. A year earlier an individual in Atlanta by the same name urged readers to “join the BDS movement” during the Hamas campaign against Israel caused by the Muslim Brotherhood terror group’s kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers, including Naftali Fraenkel, an American citizen.
“I could write chapters about what I have gone through,” Ruwa Romman, told CNN, alleging that she had faced constant discrimination and hate in America.
From CAIR she went on to the Poligon Education Fund. Poligon was co-founded by Wardah Khalid, an anti-Israel activist with UNRWA and the Friends Committee who is now working on bringing Afghans to this country as a senior policy advisor in the Office of Refugee Resettlement at the Department of Health and Human Services. Despite the fact that Poligon was specifically set up to promote the “Muslim presence on Capitol Hill” and lobby members of Congress, it operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in what is a likely violation of tax codes tolerated by the IRS.
Now, Ruwa Romman is an incoming member of the Georgia House of Representatives.
Gushing media profiles depict her as the “first Muslim woman” in the Georgia House and the first “Palestinian” elected in the state. Beneath the fawning media profiles that emphasize her accomplishments are the greased wheels of a political machine that abuses its nonprofit status.
The Georgia Muslim Voter Project, where Romman worked to “increase voter turnout”, is also a 501(c)(3), despite its political agenda and involvement in elections, and partnered with CAIR’s Georgia chapter, also a 501(c)(3). In a midterms press release, CAIR Georgia congratulated Nabilah Islam and Sheikh Rahman, who were elected to the Georgia State Senate, and Farooq Mughal and Ruwa Romman, elected to the Georgia House. All four are Democrats.
Muslims now make up two members or 10% of the 22 member Georgia Senate Democrat delegation. To understand how disproportionate this is, there are 5 white and 2 Muslim Democrats in the Georgia Senate. That’s in a state with a population of 10 million where Muslims, despite frenzied growth, still amount to approximately 100,000 migrants.
Muslims make up 1% of Georgia and yet enjoy a representation ten times their number.
This disproportionate Islamic power reflects the tremendous political influence that Islamists have gained over the Democrat Party and the political machine that mobilized to elect CAIR allies. It is no coincidence that the two Georgia Democrats in the United States Senate, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, are both opponents of Israel and have Islamist ties and backing.
Last year, CAIR touted an exit poll showing that 91% of Georgia Muslims had voted for Warnock and Ossoff. Only 6% voted Republican.
“Georgia Muslim voter turnout and preference were a deciding factor in electing Rev. Warnock and Ossoff, tipping the balance of power to Democrats in the U.S. Senate,” CAIR-Georgia boss Abdullah Jaber boasted.
CAIR, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which is barred by tax codes from getting involved in elections, was boasting of its people electing Democrats, after having been involved in getting Muslims to the polls.
But as Internal Radical Service by David Horowitz and John Perazzo documented, the IRS has enabled the rise of a Democrat empire of nonprofits funding partisan elections. That is part of what happened in Georgia and around the country. And Islamists are taking advantage of it.
Behind the Islamist political machine was a lot of money. Much of it coming from the Left.
The Georgia Muslim Voter Project scored $110,000 from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC misleadingly described this as grants for groups led by “black people and people of color.”
The CAIR-allied project also benefited from funding provided by the Proteus Fund and the Southern Partners Fund.
Ruwa Romman had co-founded the Georgia Volunteer Hub focusing on the 2021 runoff whose members included not only CAIR and the Georgia Muslim Voter Project, but Stacey Abrams’s New Georgia Project, Bloomberg’s March for our Lives and the Young Democrats. Its goal had been training volunteers for the runoff. The Hub illegally mixed C3s like CAIR and the Georgia Muslim Voter Project with openly partisan Democrat groups while working on an election.
Having been incubated and prepped by her experience working with election nonprofits, funded at taxpayer expense, the CAIR Islamist in her hijab was more than ready for a turnout election.
Romman beat Republican candidate John Chan by 57% to 42% in the general election after beating another Chinese candidate, J.T. Wu, in a narrow Democrat primary by a mere 579 votes. District 97, with a population of 67,480 is 34% white, 14% black, 11% Hispanic and 27% Asian. Turnout for the Democrat primary was less than 5% of the overall statistical population. And turnout for the general election was at a little over a quarter.
The Islamists had used nonprofit taxpayer-funded resources to turn out their voters, focusing on voter registration in the mosques that have popped up as organizing centers across Georgia.
And the mosques are nonprofits too.
That also helps explain what happened in Georgia elections in the last few years.
Muslim migration has changed the demographics of the state. In 2010, there were an estimated 53,000 Muslims in Georgia. That number appears to have doubled. Atlanta boasts of 80 mosques and 75,000 Muslims. At the same time the number of Muslim inmates tripled.
Georgia had one of the fastest growing populations fueled by refugee resettlement. It is no coincidence that the co-founder of the Poligon Fund has gone on to work as an adviser for the Office of Refugee Resettlement which is moving 1,000 Afghans into Georgia.
With more to come.
In 2021, 3.2% of all refugees were directed to Georgia. This is part of the wave of demographic change which Islamists have harnessed, but which transcends any particular group, and yet whose overall goal is to transform conservative states like Georgia into leftist dominions.
CAIR Georgia’s government affairs director noted that they were in a “state where the Muslim population is only approximately 0.7 percent of the total population – much of it centered in the Atlanta metropolitan area.” That population is growing quickly, but more importantly it’s organized. And the organizing is funded by leftists and by nonprofits protected by the IRS.
The Georgia Muslim Voter Project is an example of a new wave of Islamist organizations which have moved beyond advocacy and into elections. The Project takes in funding from leftist groups, but also from new Islamic-leftist funding mechanisms such as the Pillars Fund, a “national nonprofit” that “amplifies the leadership, narratives, and talents of Muslims”.
Pillars, founded by a former program director for the McCormick Foundation, boasts a board of directors that includes Saleemah Abdul-Ghafur, a chief of staff for the Bill Gates Foundation, and Deana Haggag, a program officer at the Mellon Foundation. The Pillars Fund has received grants from the hijacked Doris Duke Foundation and $1.6 million from the MacArthur Foundation.
While Americans slept, Islamic organizations morphed and crept deeper into the infrastructure of the Left, capturing its election machines and its foundations. Georgia is just one of the results.
The Muslim Brotherhood, always adept at imitating the organizations and societies it wants to take over, has copied the political structures of the Left, working from within, building its own models and merging them into the originals in order to achieve greater power and influence.
“Our democracy is under attack by Republicans,” Ruwa Romman claimed. But what sort of democracy do Islamists believe in?
As Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing once said, “In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam.”
CAIR Georgia last year promoted a broadcast on the “Life and Contributions of Imam Siraj Wahhaj”.
That is its idea of democracy. And the abuse of nonprofits for election activities means that we’re funding our own takeover.
As if having the “first female Muslim” in office is something to celebrate. Why not celebrate the “first competent politician” being elected, for a change?
The Santa Rosa gutter press was celebrating their “first black woman” mayor. Why not celebrate having their first competent mayor? Kiss Santa Rosa goodbye.
She’s only there as a female face, she won’t be allowed to say or do anything that her husband or father hasn’t already approved.
“I could write chapters about what I have gone through,” Ruwa Romman, told CNN, alleging that she had faced constant discrimination and hate in America
Maybe if they stopped terrorism and killing innocent people she would not face hate or discrimination.
The dominion voting machines are programmable to add weighting for particular groups that was their original purpose, are they being used like that still?
Most likely, one can never tell. Hence the need to go back to in person voting on election day. I think Israel does something like that.
Only question is if the “Squad” will welcome the bitch into their click.
Although, she has her “I-hate-America” bona-fides on full display, I suspect the vanity squad are a snobbish click, who won’t care to share the microphone with others tramps.
Maybe Megan Rapone, Brittany Griner, and Sam Brinton can run for congress and form a 2nd “squad” of thankless scumbags. The DNC is always dredging the sewer for fresh candidates.
she’s currently at the state level, there’s another wave of state legislators being prepped for congressional runs, the squad will expand
some are infiltrating the GOP, they’ll pretend to be MAGA
False flag ops go back as far as Saul Alinsky having his apostles show up wearing KKK robes holding “pro Bush signs (when he was head of CIA in the 70’s.)
“Crash the Tea Party” was another group. They posed at rallies to slander the movement. The press lapped it up.
Others hold signs at Rand Paul rallies posing as a supporter.
Another posed as a Romney supporter with a “make the White House white again” t-shirt
Latest was AntiFa thugs dressed as Trump supporters on Jan 6th, & Ray Epps encouraging a breach of the Capitol building.
Is this the type of infiltration you’re thinking about?
COMMUNISTS, MUSLIMS, AMERICA’S ENEMIES, AND ENEMIES WITHIN, are not taking on America on battlefields any longer but are sending their armies to win the battle AT THE BALLOT BOX!
Look at all the countries falling to Communists in Central and South America and once in power, they’ll take over all the Institutions that got them elected and make excuses to jail all opponents… LIKE OUR DEMOCRATIC PARTY! They hero, Daniel Ortega, still rules Nicaragua and he only puts his own family to surround him and to head departments. Any opponents are labeled “a threat to our Democracy”, sound familiar, and are arrested, including Presidential candidates.
A stable Chile was recently taken over by Communists BUT WHAT IS NOT KNOWN, WITH THE HELP OF OUR COMMUNIST PARTY USA which sends their fronts to universities to stir up resentment against the government. They teach the young and naive to SCREAM LIKE PSYCHOTICS. ANGER AND HATE LIKE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! They want FREEBIES and whoever offers them the most, wins! Most are false promises but the newly elected don’t care, they’re laughing and with never relinquish power.
It will do no good to point out the facts that you have without addressing the “elephant in the room”, that is the machines used to cast the votes. What you have pointed out is good. But, correcting that does not stop the one who hacks the machine that tallies the votes.
Keep up the work you are doing and include the doing away with machines. The “bad guys” will lose every time.
What the organization o=that is CAIR did was engage in what is known as the Stealth jihad otherwise called the Muslim method of Islamic Gradualism. In contrast to the way of the violent jihad or also called the militant jihad .This non-violent form of the jihad for Islam is a very sly, insidious, subtle and deceptive way of working for the advancement of Islam.
This Muslim scheme for achieving the goal of the Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to opposes you”
Their migration to the west is called Hijra. Hijra is a battle plan developed by Mohammed himself. Once established in a historically non-Islamic nation, they move to the jihad phase.
Jihad is widely misunderstood, because it’s not limited to violence. There are three other ways to carry out Jihad – speech, writing, and money – collecting, giving, and raising funds for Jihad. Violence is a method of Jihad, but not all Muslims are duty-bound to engage in ‘Jihad of the Sword.’ But all Muslims are expected to engage in Jihad in one of the four ways.
The ultimate goal of Hijra and Jihad is the establishment of Islamic law, Sharia. Sharia is an all-encompassing way of life that cannot and does not tolerate dissent, disobedience, or any other way of life, culture, or religion. All must submit to its dictates. Islam means ‘submission that brings peace.’ The problem is, there are innumerable ways of Islamic life, and each is in interminable war with the others.
A message, very much ,need to be sent to those stealth jihad- minded Muslims, as those of CAIR, who are living in the USA who attempt to have Sharia law enacted in this country. They need to be reminded that the United States had something that is far better than Sharia law. It’s the US Constitution. This is America, not Saudi Arabia or Iran
As the former US President, Theodore Roosevelt, had well-spoken when he declared in a speech “There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is only room here for only hundred percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”
We started with camel’s nose…
White Georgians should flee the state.
when people keep fleeing, they eventually run out of places to flee to
We Christians have no intention of abandoning our homes and our livelihoods in Georgia. or any other state of this union.
Assoff, oops, Ossoff, just another garden variety self-hating Jew. Like his pals Blinken, Nides, Garland, Klain, Mayorkas, Victoria Nuland, Wendy Sherman and Avril Haines.
Not to mention Raskin, Schiff, Nadler and Elaine Luria.
My concerrn with immigration has always been, do they understand what America is all about? God gave unalienable rights to human beings. But what God? It wasn’t Allah. Islam does not believe that people have a right to life, or a right to a religion apart from Islam. They are hoping that eventually they will have enough numbers to make America a Muslim country and everybody else will be either persecuted or worse.
She is a Jordanian Citizen claiming to be Palestinian.
These people come to America not to become free thinking Americans but to stop Americans from thinking freely.
Creeping sharia on display but who is noticing this.
The alliance of The Left with islam has to be THE weirdest alliance in the history of politics.
Given what we know about BO it certainly is.
The next Republican president (whoever t might be) better enforce immigration laws and deport all muslim illegals.
” there are 5 white and 2 Muslim Democrats in the Georgia Senate.” This statement mistakenly correlated religion with race. Muslims come from all races (unfortunately). The one picture in this story looks very White to me.
We dodged a bullet in PA
Did she take the Oath to defend the Constitution? If so, and she doesn’t favoring the Koran and Sharia Law, they do whatever to get her out! While you’re at it, GO AFTER THE SQUAD!
Imagine that John Brennan, a Communist and Muslim, was head of Obama’s CIA! His job was surely to conduct operations AGAINST COMMUNISTS AND MUSLIMS but was aiding and abetting them with Obama’s approval!
What if a N-AZI OR JAPANESE was head of the CIA during WWII? Would it be allowed? Of course not so why a Muslim going against Muslims? A Communist against Communists? Sorta like a Democrat against a Democrat. DOESN’T HAPPEN! Should we mention Keith Ellison???
Because mosques are political organizations that want sharia law to replace the US Constitution, they need to be shut down and closed permanently.
Because mosques are political organizations that want to replace the US Constitution and Bill of Rights with sharia law, they should be closed down and banned permanently, as in for all time.
The muslims and islam will never coexist with the US Constitution!!!!!!!!!!!!
Add Democrats to that.
Cory Booker: “Our Founding was rooted in White Supremacy!” Everything is about WS now but then look at all the blatant BLACK SUPREMACY with raised Black Power fists. What if I said the same comments to Blacks that they are Black Supremacists…. WHAT IF…. !
“WHEN, NOT IF, the Com-Left takes over SCOTUS, they will rule that the Constitution itself is UNCONSTITIONAL!” SC
IRS Infernal Robbery Service
Muslims are all for diversity and tolerance when they are in the minority. That drastically changes when they have the numbers on their side. As families, they out breed others, to the point they become the majority, and run for office. Once elected, and in the majority, be prepared for Sharia law imposed on you. Look no further than Lebanon, once Christian country.
We need to turn to our Word of God, our Almighty God, our Lord Jesus CHRIST who is the ruler of all Nations, he’s returning very very soon to save our. World from all evil and destruction, JESUS IS OUR REFUGE AND HE WILL SAVE US ALL WHO BELIEVES IN HIM, HALLEUGIAH PRAISES TO OUR WONDERFUL JESUS, KING OF KINGS, OUR LORD FOREVER