[Order David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s new booklet: “Internal Radical Service: Abuse Of Taxpayer Dollars To Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally And Unconstitutionally”: CLICK HERE.]
Even after an ‘Atlanta Forest Defender’ shot a Georgia state trooper in the stomach and his comrades set off race riots in the city, the leftist group at the center of it all is still fundraising.
This comes months after the leftists threw molotov cocktails at police and nearly burned an elderly driver to death. Multiple members of the ‘occupation’ have been arrested on domestic terrorism charges. And yet the IRS and Georgia’s Secretary of State have done nothing.
Even Twitter suspended ‘Scenes from the Atlanta Forest’, an account calling for a “Night of Rage” and “reciprocal violence to be done to the police and their allies”, but the IRS has yet to take action to stop the ‘Atlanta Forest Defenders’ from taking in tax-deductible donations.
In Atlanta, small business owners are sweeping away broken glass and police have recovered explosive devices from some of the rioters. Yet the ‘Atlanta Forest Defenders’ are still raising money through Open Collective: a 501(c)(3) nonprofit fundraising platform that Front Page Magazine had previously exposed for providing fundraising for assorted ecoterrorists including the ‘Just Stop Oil’ vandals who glued themselves to ‘The Girl with the Pearl Earring’ painting.
That is despite the fact that Open Collective’s terms of service prohibit illegal activities.
The Open Collective Foundation has received funding for digital infrastructure grants from the Ford Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society and Pierre Omidyar’s Omidyar Network.
Meanwhile ordinary people have been suffering through another wave of leftist terror.
In November, an elderly man passing by the area was attacked. When he stopped his truck, “these people started coming out of the woods in camouflage stuff and blocked me in.”
Then they set the truck on fire.
“It seemed to me like they were going to burn the truck with me in it.”
Nobody’s fundraising for the man who lost his truck and now suffers from a medical condition, but the IRS is continuing to enable this domestic terrorist campaign. In Atlanta, rioters had marched chanting, “If you build it, we will burn it.” The riots show that they mean it.
A previous affidavit for the arrest of Atlanta Forest Defenders describes them as “participating in actions as part of Defend the Atlanta Forest (DTAF), a group classified by the United States Department of Homeland Security as Domestic Violent Extremists”. It went on to describe a variety of crimes including, “throwing molotov cocktails, rocks and fireworks at uniformed police officers; arson of public buildings” and “shooting metal ball bearings at contractors”.
Members of the ‘occupation’ charged with domestic terrorism were ordered not to maintain “contact with Defend Atlanta Forest on social media”. Despite that, neither Georgia nor the IRS, have revisited the legal status of Defend the Atlanta Forest, its fund and its fiscal host.
While the Forest Defense Justice Fund is not a nonprofit, its fiscal host, the Network For Strong Communities, is a 501(c)(3). Beyond the Atlanta Forest Defenders, Network For Strong Communities also acts as a host for Atlanta Resistance Medics. Manuel Paez, the leftist who shot at a state trooper and was killed in turn, was a member of the Atlanta Resistance Medics.
The ‘medics’, similar to other riot support groups, provide aid to rioters during street violence. The group’s blog suggests that protesters “always be prepared to face tear gas every time you go to a protest” and advises that the “key to avoiding arrest is to always know where all the police are — and more importantly, to know where they aren’t.”
An article about the alleged shooter described the group’s “leaderless nature, its focus on direct action, as well as its anarchist and Marxist leanings”.
“Don’t burn The Communist Manifesto!” the shooter exclaimed at one point after finding a copy of the book in a fire pit. “I mean, Marx isn’t perfect, but he’s OK.”
That’s whom the media and the rioters have been mourning.
One of the initiatives of the Network for Strong Communities is the Atlanta Solidarity Fund which bailed out protesters and rioters: including those charged with domestic terrorism.
Another is Copwatch: which provided training for the Atlanta Forest Defenders.
The publicly listed leadership for the group consists of Adele “Earthworm” MacLean, a local activist affiliated with Cop Watch House and Food Not Bombs, both operating under the NSC umbrella. Marlon Kautz, who serves as its CFO, is a member of Cop Watch, works with the Solidarity Fund, and is the owner of the Teardown House which is the NSC’s registered address.
The house, decorated with graffiti reading “Black Lives Matter”, “No Cops”, “Build Up Resistance” and “Smash the State”, has been featured in a number of articles.
“We build infrastructure for community solidarity and popular struggle,” Kautz has said.
Kautz, a self-identified anarchist, and MacLean, who has been named as his partner, moved to Atlanta and bought the house to “create infrastructure” for activism.
After a decade of this, they finally hit the big time and are all over the national news.
Meanwhile Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has yet to do anything about NSC. The organization was briefly dissolved by his office for failing to pay its fees, but is now listed as being in compliance.
The IRS, which determined that NSC, was a “public charity” has failed to revisit that finding even in the wake of the ongoing violence tearing apart Georgia.
As discussed in David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s important booklet: “Internal Radical Service”, the IRS has allowed leftist nonprofits to abuse the tax code by financing violence and terror. While conservative nonprofits are subject to ruthless IRS scrutiny, the organization has failed to hold leftist nonprofits accountable after even the most grotesque abuses.
There’s no way to understand what happened in Atlanta without following the money trial. And there’s no way to stop them without ending the abuse of 501(c)(3) nonprofits by the Left. That’s why the David Horowitz Freedom Center is continuing to track the leftist money behind the violence and expose its enablers at the federal and state level. And until the IRS does its job, we are going to hold it accountable for the violence it’s enabling in Atlanta and across America.
‘Just Stop Oil’
One of the dumbest slogans I ever heard 🙂
Maybe the dumbest.
The volume of idiocy that the left blurts is daunting, so there’s stiff competition for THE stupidest thing these fools say.
Personally, my vote goes to Rep. Hank Johnson who stated he was worried Guam might capsize if too many Marines were stationed on one side.
My vote for most vacuous category would go to the cheap sIut Kamala.
One can read her disjointed statements 10 times, and still have no ability to discern what point she was making.
My vote for the most narcissistic bullshit category would go to Jug-eared Barry Obama. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!” (However, to be fair, his aura did stop the sea levels from rising.)
One can read her disjointed statements 10 times, and still have no ability to discern what point she was making.
the ONLY point I can discern she was attempting to make is that SHE was talking. Herself.
The scariest spect of Dopey Joey somehow no longer being president is the high probability that SHE will try and fill his empty suit. We can only hope that SOMEONE will raise the point AND be heeded in it, that SHE is not qualified. Her parents were neither one US Citizens at the tme of her birth. Her lmale parent was British Subject, Jamaican I believe, her female parent was Indian, at the time of her birth. This she is NOT Natural Born Citizen and thus not eligivle to sit as president.
That leaves NanniGurl.. but she’s so far gone she probably won’t be able to do much harm. Its her handlers that are to be feared. I seem to remember somethng about Speker of the Hose being further down te line. Now THAT might be interestnig….. far ahead of the next three options further up the chain.
The handlers are part of the administrative state. They are running the country, obviously. Unelected, unaccountable, very dangerous.
Catherine Austin Fitts’ team ‘followed the money’ trail of the riots & the destruction and mayhem in her riveting December 31, 2020 video interview: vimeo.com/496531734. Everything she predicted or explained then has proved to be 100% correct.
She doesn’t say exactly who’s paying the professional agitators, but suspects it’s NGO entities. The interesting tidbit her team found was there’s an obscure law that will create a property or properties ‘condemned’ if they are within a certain range of a Central Bank. Lo ‘n behold, nearly every single riot occurred within that range. Properties were bought up for pennies on the dollar when landlords could not pay the mortgage………and the reason for THAT was bc his renters/leasees had to close their doors bc 1) It was too dangerous to keep them open, and/or 2) they had few or no customers.
Good article. By the way, non of the liberal media will call them Left wing rioters.
If any leftist filth like this so much as approach my street, they’ll receive the working end of my 12 gauge bullpup.
Hopefully I’d get my bag limit before my neighbors take down the street-trash first.
I’ll wager that Foxnews meteorologist Klotz will soon be buying a pistol; joining Andy Ngo, Bret Weinstein, & others that have been subject to mob violence. (If Klotz encounters these scum on the subway again, he needs to take a page from Bernard Goetz’s book, and shoot the pricks . . . but this time kill them.)
This is what they call premeditation. You’ve made it clear you intend to murder anyone you “think” might be a protester. You are also directly calling for violence which is incitement.
This is why righties end up in prison. Very, very stupid.
The Internal Robbery Service(IRS) finances the enemy and they belong in prison with both the Clintons. Obama and Biden and who ever else is involved with this all
The ones truly responsible for all the nonsense going on in the country today, is the high school and college teachers along with the university professors who taught their students that communism was better than freedom. All these domestic terrorists in the US today, are simply doing what they were taught.
Careful now Greenfield. FPM is a 501(c)(3) organization and D.Hoe has been using it to promote and sell his garbage books for years. That’s using the organization for personal enrichment which is a big no, no.