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We’ve seen the rise of “soy boys” in recent years; it’s no longer just white cat ladies who are blamed for voting Democratic. There is a growing contingent of white men, which started in the 1990s with Sensitive New Age Guys (SNAGs), who are becoming leftist out of guilt over their skin color. The left has successfully convinced them that they have advantages they don’t deserve.
The left is preying upon a certain type of gullible white male. Have you ever noticed how the white soy boys always come from affluent upbringings? In contrast, working class white males voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump, since they are less susceptible to guilt and haven’t been indoctrinated by left-wing universities.
White males are bombarded with fake news from the MSM 24/7 blaming them for everything. A black criminal shot by police? White males’ fault. A woman was raped? White males’ fault (not just the perpetrator). Women are suffering from [insert whatever a woman is complaining about]? White males’ fault. Slavery? White males’ fault (never mind that none of those white men responsible for slavery in the U.S. are alive today, that many women were complicit, and Africans participated in the slave trade). It’s a horrible burden to carry so many of society’s ills on your shoulders when it’s not your fault and you’re powerless to do much about it.
So let’s look at this so-called white male privilege. Affirmative action and quotas have left them locked out of jobs. I know someone in local mainstream media who moved to Arizona a few years ago who has been unable to find a job, since every job he applies for, a woman or minority gets it instead of him. The tech field has been devastated by DEI; a conservative white male friend of mine graduated in tech from ASU over a year ago and cannot find a job in his field. And employers are nervous about losing highly publicized lawsuits over wage disparities, so if men really used to make more money than women for equal work, those days are long gone.
The only area left where white males have an advantage is a physical strength, so they have more job options in the blue-collar field, and their sports are more interesting. But those slight advantages pale in comparison to all the advantages given to women and minorities over them now.
Groupthink, also known as identity politics, never works. Who do you think has it better in life, an attractive minority or woman born into wealth, or a white male paraplegic? A blind man? The list goes on. The reverse discrimination has gotten so bad that no one wants to put a white male anywhere — don’t want one to run for office, can’t play in traditional Hollywood roles, don’t want one seen leading corporations and other prominent organizations and movements. Almost everyone is going out of their way to be seen promoting women and minorities and having them represent and lead everything.
And despite the claims of actual white supremacists, whites don’t have some monopoly on good looks. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I know plenty of people — regardless of their own skin color — who are more attracted to minorities than whites. I thought it was strange how a couple of my leftist white male friends told me in a guilty manner that they are only attracted to white women; they assume because that’s their preference, that everyone else must have the same preference. But science reveals that people are attracted to others who look like them, there’s nothing racist about it. And it’s malleable and can be changed depending on life’s circumstances. Unfortunately, the left won’t tell you about that science (they only care about science when trying to distort it for totalitarian reasons like forcing the COVID-19 jab).
I’ve long suspected that much of the increase in transgenderism is due to the hatred of white males. They find they are better accepted in society as women. They discover hate in K-12, where they’re taught by authority figures — teachers — how evil white males are. The pressure gets even worse at leftist universities, where multiple school organizations and events additionally bombard them. Many guys are very insecure and can’t handle the pressure of being hated everywhere they go.
It’s frankly abusive what the left is doing to white males. Putting a guilt trip on them over something they cannot control, putting them in a perpetual state of anxiety. The empath type of white male — which already tends to be leftist males, since they’re on average more emotional — is stuck working overtime trying to compensate for their so-called privilege. We’ve seen the rise of White Dudes for Harris — they’re so hyper aware of their skin color that they have to make it an identity. The groups of “allies” have been formed out of this guilt mentality.
Minorities and women are related to and married to white males, and have them as their best friends. They are sick and tired of seeing their loved ones wrongly bashed for doing nothing but being born. All the targeting of white males hurts them too. If your husband can’t get a job in his field, that hurts you and your children.
Fortunately it’s having a backlash among younger generations. Young men are the most conservative they’ve been in over 50 years. And everyone else is seeing through it; minorities and women increased their vote for Trump this year over 2016.
Treating people differently based on their melatonin is disgusting, something Martin Luther King Jr. fought against. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” he said in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Now that he’s long since been proven victorious, why are we turning on him and driving all these white males to mental illness?
We used to call them Sissies the Granola Bar Munchers Tree Hugging and the pathetic little excuses who take up Ballet Dancing(Like in the Putrid Liberal movie Billy Elliot) instead of Sports or Herb Gardening instead of being a Truck Driver Boys need a Father in their live to keep the Eco-Freaks from Brainwashing them with their Liberal Junk
Persecution of white males may play a role in them becoming transgender but there is a lot else behind the transgender propaganda. The gay lobby sees pushing transgenderism as a path to power and acceptance. I have seen transgender males show a lot of hostility and even violence toward women who speak out against their power over women. There seems to be a hatred of women at play, they hate the women who say they are not real women, Maybe these transgenders want to be women and see real women as a threat to their delusions.
Hey guys, it’s only white guilt if you let it be so.
Yeah, I’m white and I feel no misplaced guilt at all. And I do more black chicks than you would ever believe. I consider myself a conqueror and philanthropist. I tame that pussy.
For me, personally, I don’t do black chicks. Not even the pretty ones. Are there any?
Lots of them, big guy. So many. Here in San Jose, anyway.
But I’m doing an ugly one right now along with the hot ones with big fat asses. I have no sense of what’s right for me. She has a lazy eye, a not exactly pretty face and narrow, flabby ass but I pound that shit out like nobody’s business. All chicks need loving and I’m a gentleman. She reminds me of this other chick I picked up off the street at a scummy park a block from my house. “Crazy” Josie. Her ass is skinny and flabby but that poontang is good.
When I’m with the homely ones I just pound them doggy style so I don’t have to look at their faces. It all feels the same, anyway.
MLK Jr would have wanted me to judge them on the content of their character, instead of their faces, so I do.
Certainly, a man will never go hungry if he’s satisfied pickled pig’s feet and cabbage stew.
It’s mostly white men who drive the trucks and buses, engineer the trains, sail
the ships, and fly the planes that bring the goods to your store shelves and get you where you want to go.
It’s mostly white men who go up telephone poles and high tension towers and down manholes and ditches to keep the electricity, water, natural gas, Internet, gasoline, and sewage flowing.
It’s mostly white men who rush into burning buildings to rescue people, who go down dark alleys to catch criminals, and who head out at 3 AM to respond to medical emergencies.
It’s mostly white men who have sacrificed life and limb in every war since the American Revolution.
It’s mostly white men who pick up the garbage, get rid of insects and rodents, and bury the dead.
It’s mostly white men who have designed and built the things that have taken us from living in caves and foraging for food to landing on the moon.
And most white men in America are not scions of wealth and privilege, but the descendants of tired, poor huddled masses who were discriminated against as much, and in many cases even more so, than any slave.
If every white man in America said “the hell with it” and left their jobs today, we’d revert back to the filth, darkness, hunger, and danger that has marked the majority of human history.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I know plenty of people — regardless of their own skin color — who are more attracted to minorities than whites.”
Beauty is NOT in the eye of the beholder (there are objective qualities that make a man or a woman physically beautiful) but personal attraction IS in the eye of the beholder. I have known 2 or 3 women that me and my friends considered homely but we all considered them extremely attractive, alluring, and sexy, it is rare but it does happen. And I have known scores of beautiful women who had absolutely no charm or attractiveness.
I would even say most beautiful women are not very attractive because they feel no need to develop charm, humor, or sexiness, they think they’re physical beauty is the only thing they need to attract a man.
Having said that, there is no doubt in my mind that white beauty is generally the highest beauty there is, with the exception of those Bollywood stars that seem to be mixed race. Indian women can be extremely beautiful when they’re mixed with white. The same with mixed race black women. East Asian women can also be extremely beautiful specially the Japanese.
“I would even say most beautiful women are not very attractive because they feel no need to develop charm, humor, or sexiness, they think they’re physical beauty is the only thing they need to attract a man.”
I don’t care. I fuck them all.
And I agree about East Asian chicks. They’re hot. For some strange reason I prefer black chicks, though. All of them for the last five years have been black except one, and she was the best. She fucked like an Olympic champion. Some type of white Latin.. She didn’t just grind in a boring way, she bounced up and down. And she has huge tits. I should’ve kept in touch withe her but she’s a lunatic.
White “guilt” is definitely misplaced. I’m proud of my manly whiteness.
Just what I need. A lesson in beauty from the loser who hates everything and everyone he sees.
In my experience mixed race people tend strongly to the right side of the curve when it comes to physical attractiveness.
During my college days in particular every mixed race person that I knew ran from attractive to “holy shit!!!!”.
It doesn’t seem to matter what the mix components are unless you are dealing with West African in there, and I’m damned if I can work out why.
“Beauty is a sense of harmony. Whether it’s an image, a human face, a body, or a sunset, take the object which you call beautiful, as a unit [and ask yourself]: what parts is it made up of, what are its constituent elements, and are they all harmonious? If they are, the result is beautiful. If there are contradictions and clashes, the result is marred or positively ugly.
For instance, the simplest example would be a human face. You know what features belong in a human face. Well, if the face is lopsided, [with a] very indefinite jawline, very small eyes, beautiful mouth, and a long nose, you would have to say that’s not a beautiful face. But if all these features are harmoniously integrated, if they all fit your view of the importance of all these features on a human face, then that face is beautiful.
In this respect, a good example would be the beauty of different races of people. For instance, the black face, or an Oriental face, is built on a different standard, and therefore what would be beautiful on a white face will not be beautiful for them (or vice-versa), because there is a certain racial standard of features by which you judge which features, which face, in that classification is harmonious or distorted.
That’s in regard to human beauty. In regard to a sunset, for instance, or a landscape, you will regard it as beautiful if all the colors complement each other, or go well together, or are dramatic together. And you will call it ugly if it is a bad rainy afternoon, and the sky isn’t exactly pink nor exactly gray, but sort of “modern.”
Now since this is an objective definition of beauty, there of course can be universal standards of beauty—provided you define the terms of what objects you are going to classify as beautiful and what you take as the ideal harmonious relationship of the elements of that particular object. To say, “It’s in the eyes of the beholder”—that, of course, would be pure subjectivism, if taken literally. It isn’t [a matter of] what you, for unknown reasons, decide to regard as beautiful. It is true, of course, that if there were no valuers, then nothing could be valued as beautiful or ugly, because values are created by the observing consciousness—but they are created by a standard based on reality. So here the issue is: values, including beauty, have to be judged as objective, not subjective or intrinsic.” – Ayn Rand
“So here the issue is: values, including beauty, have to be judged as objective, not subjective or intrinsic.”
And just what I need Pt 2…..a lesson in beauty from the ugliest, most miserable woman, on the planet in her time. Like I read that entire dried out, emotionless cold screed.
When I met and married my wife I didn’t sit around being objective about it. I was completely subjective and intrinsic. I mean who gets a note pad out and writes down this objective sh*t? I guess you do T.
I think naked chicks are beautiful. Legs spread wide. Especially black ones. I used to prefer Asians but my tastes change over the years.
And I think any white guy who is ashamed of his race is definitely a soy boy.
Never underestimate stupid FILTHY LIBERALS in large groups.
The Munchausen by Proxy parents are to blame for inflicting Cultural Marxism and TDS/DEI onto their spawn and pathetic weak “men” they call Husband
“why are we turning on him and driving all these white males to mental illness?”
Because the people running the civil rights movement now want retribution. Equality is not good enough.
I retired from the federal government in 2016. By the time I left, when a friend in another office told me his Bureau just brought in a new high level hire, I’d ask “What’s her name?”. This has been going on forever and I doubt that we’re better off for the cancellation of white males. Instead, we are wasting talent by the boatload in the name of “equity” or whatever the narrative of the day is.
After 34yrs, I am pleased I retired from LEO ten years ago. I am of Nordic heritage, a White guy. No regrets. No apologies. I worked hard to become a cop. Education. Studying for tests and more.
My larger agency started to change before I left, We now have an lgbt outreach cop. Huh? I did not know there was a problem. And I was in a position to know if there was. The same with POC.
We received employee discrimination complaints b/c of skin color, sex (women) and lgbt. The quality of their work product means nothing to them. It is “all about me;” narcissism.
I am all for fairness and equity based on ability. NOT b/c you can “check off” a diversity box.
“Money for nuthin”. It’s the entitlement mentality that erupted when schools stopped handing out “grades”, stopped keeping score on the ball field and changed the focus to more how you feel than what you know. Is it any wonder every “diverse” group thinks they should start out as CEO and not in the mail room? Movie stars and whores make a living from their looks. The rest of us have to produce something of value for our money.
I like action movies and movies set before the Medieval Age. Stuff like Game of Thrones and all those Viking movies. What I find absolutely ridiculous is how women and minorities are placed in roles that, in reality, are for men. White men to be exact. Watching 120lb women fighting a half dozen large men and knocking them all out belongs in fantasy land. Seeing a black man in the role of King or head of the army in 800AD Britain makes me wonder. The producers of these movies are introducing this nonsense into almost every movie and TV show being made. It’s not that any certain individual can’t carry the role. I just find it a little stupid to think bending history, or reality, in the name of equity, elevates no one. I can’t even watch the woman spy or detective movies anymore. And the period pieces, although they are mostly fantasy, are becoming laughable. I’m getting to the point where I’m seeking out movies made before “woke” became a thing.
Feminism, which is an actual genocidal cult, attacks the y chromosome only in the white tribe. Primarily because if they tried it in Africa, the Middle East or Asia and they would be slapped back into the stone age. Every problem is white man based and every solution involves more women in power over men. A strange mix of Marxism and Jungle fever.
I have noticed that the modern white woman has a problem accepting their femininity and they rebel by acting like men. Men are naturally attracted to the beautifully feminine features of a woman. Conversely, women are attracted to masculinity in men. But the man bun type beta males want to be subservient to women who desire masculinity.
This article is incredible ignorant. For a glimpse into your fine, white men, look at the filthy, debase comments they’ve made herein. Sickening and typical.
Thanks Gen. Let me stoop to your level. Whoever you are, whatever group you belong to, you suck too. There. Now we’re buddies. Gen.
Guess i should’ve mentioned how i like to fuck ugly black women. Comments like that get posted. Who are you guys? What’s wrong with you?
I reject responsibility for the consequences of generations of bad life decisions perpetrated by any demographic. More directly, bad French food leads to obesity
Soul food leads to high cholesterol. Italian food gives me gas. Quitting school leads to poverty. Dealing controlled substances lands you in jail..
Body “art” screams irresponsibility.
By my difficult conversion to Christ 54 years ago, I”ve been graciously delivered from all of the above.
If I can be accused of being a white person that is inherently racist and don’t it, I suggest that maybe a black person can be inherently racist and doesn’t know it either. Or, as the left believes, he does, but because of past slavery, he has a right to be one.
How about an Equal Payback Amendment to the Constitution