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“We’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you,” Riddhi Patel, the co-founder of the local chapter of the Sunrise Movement, told members of the Bakersfield City Council.
The Sunrise Movement, a radical environmentalist group founded by a former Occupy Wall Street activist and funded by the Ford Foundation, had become notorious for its ugly tactics, recruiting young people and children to harass and even threaten elected officials.
Dressed in stark black shirts with yellow letters, sometimes decorated with skulls, the angry teens of the Sunrise Movement had reminded some people of the Chinese Communist Red Guard and the Nazi stormtroopers, which only increased with Sunrise’s support for a second genocide of the Jews.
While the Sunrise Movement had supposedly been created to force a Green New Deal, it had an obsession with the Jews that broke out when it demanded that Jewish groups be banned from a leftist event “because they “are all in alignment with and in support of Zionism”.
The Green New Deal went nowhere, but the Sunrise Movement, which then featured Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed on the board of directors (Mohamed had since become the Wayne County HHS director while continuing to rail against Israel on Twitter) became focused more on Israel than on its supposed concerns for saving the planet from human beings.
By the time Riddhi Patel showed up to the Bakersfield City Council meeting which was debating a resolution over whether to call on Israel to stop trying to defeat Hamas and rescue the hostages, the Sunrise Movement chapter she had co-founded appeared to be defunct, but she was working at another Ford Foundation front group, the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment (CRPE), and was following the usual career track for Neo-Nazi leftists.
Patel had started out with the Bernie Sanders campaign, worked on the national chapter of a radical movement before joining a localized community group for a paycheck while protesting as part of the United Liberation Front, an “anti-capitalist” and “anti-Zionist direct action movement” out of Bakersfield, California, with the goal of destroying Israel.
If the United Liberation Front isn’t officially an Islamic terrorist group, it echoes their kind of language, referring to Islamic terrorists as “martyrs”, Israeli soldiers as “Zionist forces” and makes a point of blurring the faces of its members in photos.
The Bakersfield City Council meeting showed why.
Riddhi Patel put her training in the Sunrise Movement to good use, launching into an unhinged rant that had become common enough in city council meetings across cities in California. Previous debates over ‘ceasefire’ resolutions demanding that Israel stop fighting Hamas in cities from Long Beach to Sacramento had featured support for genocidal terrorism and antisemitism, but Patel became internationally famous for going too far by being far too specific.
“You guys are all horrible human beings, and Jesus probably would’ve killed you himself,” Patel suggested. “I hope one day somebody brings the guillotine and kills all of you motherf___ers” and threw in, “we’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you.”
In some more progressive cities, legislators would have stayed quiet. And if Patel hadn’t been so explicit in her violent threats, she would have gotten a pass. Instead she was arrested, charged with multiple counts of threatening public officials and then released on bail.
Both the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment and the United Liberation Front disavowed her. At least officially. The Sunrise Movement made no comment about her actions.
But after her arrest, Patel turned out to have had a history of ugly political confrontations. And while the organizations she was with may have disavowed her, her history reflects the kind of activism that she was taught by the entire Neo-Nazi leftist activist movement from Occupy Wall Street to the Sunrise Movement which emphasized political confrontation and terroristic intimidation.
Riddhi Patel was at the end of a pipeline designed to train leftist foot soldiers determined to overthrow America and destroy Israel. The confrontations, whether it was Patel calling for murder, or the pro-Hamas activists shutting down bridges and roads, or assailing synagogues and scrawling swastikas, were not meant to convince, but to radicalize the activists.
Although the Neo-Nazi Left loves to hide behind the legacy of MLK and the Civil Rights movement, its business is not persuasion, it’s revolution. Its ideal activists, like Patel, started out with a political wing of the far Left, like the Bernie Sanders campaign, before transitioning into more openly radical organizations combining day jobs as community organizers with real roles as domestic terrorists. The ugliness and the violence are there to alienate, to get the activists to hate everyone and to confuse violent emotional tantrums with meaningful political change.
The only extraordinary thing about Patel was that she got caught making the political violence that the Neo-Nazi Left thrives on personal. Had she called for the destruction of America or Israel, she would have been fine, and had she spoken in general terms of a leftist uprising that would wipe out the capitalists, that too would have gotten a pass, but she threatened individuals, in unmistakable language and on video, and, like Lee Harvey Oswald or Jim Jones stopped being a revolutionary hero and became an embarrassment to be quickly covered up.
No organization wants to claim Riddhi Patel anymore, but she is the real face of the Neo-Nazi Left. Behind the viral videos of angry young people is a system that trains them to act this way.
Stories have documented how the sausage is made with activists practicing shouting, “Three Word Chant”, a phrase that can be replaced with any message from “Black Lives Matter” to “Trans Rights Now” to “Free, Free Palestine”, and shown how to pose for the camera.
Nothing about this is natural.
The Sunrise Movement targeted children as young as thirteen to join its cause. Marching in regimented groups wearing black and yellow, they feel the same sense of righteous power as the Hitler Youth or the Communist Red Guards, together with the desire to vent their rage freely on anyone who stands in their way. Indoctrinated to believe that the human race is on the verge of extinction because of capitalist greed and corrupt politicians, they are willing to do anything to save the world. And that is where “we’ll murder you” really came from.
The Neo-Nazi Left is ugly, hateful, violent and bent on recruiting children to wage war on us.
It is brainwashing, filling immature minds with propaganda.
I suggest she gets over it by self immolation, like those other two anti-MAGA Jew haters did recently. Seriously, she seems to hate the vast majority of people in America and we aren’t going anywhere so she should just take one for team psycho.
I’ll bring the marshmallows.
i wouldn’t roast my marshmallows in that fire!
It’s a damn shame that most of America is entirely unaware of the nefarious activities of the Ford Foundation. If the Foundation’s funding operations were to become public knowledge, many would, hopefully, not buy Ford cars and trucks, which would presumably deprive the Foundation of at least some of its revenue. Other entities that also routinely fund malevolent organizations include Rockefeller and Kelloggs. Most Americans haven’t a clue about any of this.
You’re right. So far as I know, all the big charity organizations have been co-opted by anti-American, left-wing scum. Even Carnegie’s, and he was an honorable man. He felt real anguish over the Johnstown flood and blamed himself even though he was guiltless. He was the richest man on Earth by far but he sold off his empire to the ruthless Rockefeller and retired, if I remember correctly. Even Rockefeller’s charity used to do good work and I get the distinct impression pennies lost their luster in his hands because he pinched them so hard.
I don’t give to charities.
John D. Rockefeller was a devout Christian altruist philanthropist. He was following Jesus’ supernatural edicts of self-sacrifice.
Devout, comprehensive, Christianity is on the Left not the Right. Socialism comes out of Judeo-Christianity. The Christians on the Right who believe that Christianity actually endorses freedom, liberty, Laissez-Faire Capitalism, and the personal pursuit of happiness on earth are profoundly mistaken.
“Christianity prepared the ground. It paved the way for modern totalitarianism by entrenching three fundamentals in the Western mind: in metaphysics, the worship of the supernatural; in epistemology, the reliance on faith; as a consequence, in ethics, the reverence for self-sacrifice.,,,
All rights rest on the ethics of egoism. Rights are an individual’s SELFISH possessions—HIS title to HIS life, HIS liberty, HIS property, the pursuit of HIS own happiness. Only a being who is an end in himself can claim a moral sanction to independent action. If man existed to serve an entity beyond himself, whether God or society, then he would not have rights, but only the duties of a servant.” ― Leonard Peikoff
“Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me…. Truly I tell you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” -Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:18-30
These large charitable trusts were easy pickings for the commies and their march through the institutions
They even got the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the YMCA and Boy’s Town, which is now Girl’s and Boy’s Town. (Derp.)
Rockefeller was ruthless and treated business like war. He also loved his luxury. He wasn’t a particularly bad man but he wasn’t a good one.
Christianity has done more good works around the world than all the secular charities combined, and your claim that socialism is based on Christianity is borderline deranged.
Rockefeller endowed the University of Chicago. The campus chapel is named for him.
You could name a Chapel after my dick but that wouldn’t make either one of them holy. Although my dick is definitely superior to The University of Chicago.
Yes, but Christian-bashing is soooo trendy now…..
Socialism/Communism is counterfiet Chrstianity
All Praise Be To G-d! You made a post without an Ayn Rand quote.
My G-d is the G-d of Psalms 144:1
“All praise be to G-d, my Strength & my Power. For He prepareth my hands for war & teacheth my fingers to fight.”
Absolutely. Amen.
Wow, Christian and altruist in the same sentence. It’s a “THX beer drinking game” bonanza. I’m pouring two cold ones right now.
Have you noticed that nothing you write or re-post gets to where you want to be, in a Jew free (Judenrein?) Christian free, altruist free world.
Bitter, table for one.
Pure rot and balderdash. God CREATED man. Man has NO existence and NO “self-existence” whatsoever. You live a short time and then die.
You have no rights except what God gives you. Wait, I guess you do have the “right” to be
as big an ignoramus and knucklehead as you wish. But you have NOTHING which God didn’t give you. Every man-made philosophy is just posturing and preening.
The Objectivist Shorter Catechism:
Question 1: What is the chief end of man?
Answer: Man’s chief end is to glorify himself and enjoy himself forever.
Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister, wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in the late 19th century. Thereafter, he proclaimed himself a “Christian socialist.” For that, he was defrocked and run out of town.
How easily some people switch comment threads from one topic (the neo-nazi left) to another (Christians)….And we see it on so many of “our” sites this election year. Coincidence?
You neglected to give the full context of the “rich young ruler.” Jesus told the rich, young ruler to sell all that he had (so that he could follow him). That was tailor made advice for one man. Did Jesus tell everyone to do that? No. Jesus saw that his wealth was his spiritual burden, and the thing that prevented him from finding his true identity among those who followed Jesus. That might have served Rockefeller well in the same way, but most of the Apostles were poor, so we don’t find Jesus telling them to do the same, with the possible exception of Matthew, who had to give up his well-paying job as a tax collector in order to follow Jesus. The point being, Jesus’ knew the burdens of the individuals he encountered, and he knew what they needed most. They didn’t all need the same advice.
Secondly, John D. Rockefeller more likely made contributions to charity because he wanted the Justice and Treasury Departments to get off his back for those monopoly violations, they charged him with. His generosity was more likely a tax dodge, than a swelling feeling of “altruism” no matter how it appears to you.
Yours is a simpleton’s understanding of Christianity. Jesus left his disciples with two simple but broadly defined commandments: love God, and love neighbor as oneself. Christian love is not limited to “altruistic works.”
You are incredibly delusional.
Wrong ding bat. Read the proverbs, then you’ll see the truth.
If Rockefeller was an altruist and devoted to “self-sacrifice,” then why did he make so many people and his family rich? Why did he die rich?
Read M. Stanton Evan’s book “The Theme is Freedom.”
You can find it here…
If you don’t have the time to read it, check out this interview with the author from CSPAN…
These groups all live on funding from foundations and governments. And the foundations have non-profit status which means that the taxpayers are partly funding their activities. It is amazing that there does not seem to be any authority that polices their political activities on the government’s dime. You’d think it would be the IRS but it was “transformed” by Obama to be left of Lenin. Maybe no one was listening when the Left pledged it would achieve its goals “By Any Means Necessary.” Notice they did not say, “By Any Legal Means Necessary.”
In what way are the taxpayers funding the activities of these non profit organizations? I’m not debating the merits of what these organizations actually do, but being exempted is NOT the same as being taxpayer subsidized (some do receive grants and other funding by the way and that does need to be looked at).
Then there is an assortment of religious cults that have used the First Amendment as cover, even though they are glorified commercial enterprises, the U.S is a little stupid compared to other countries on this obvious fraud. These, however, are political pressure groups we are speaking of, so why are they not registered as political organizations, rather then charitable ones?
Carnegie sold his steel company to Morgan. Big Government took over the flood, earthquake, and bank crash activities from the business leaders. Ford Foundation and others have long been subversive.
Actually Andrew Carnegie sold his steel corporation to a consortium led by J.P Morgan, not Rockefeller, that was early in the last century. There are two charitable organizations connected to the Rockefellers, on is the John D. Rockefeller Foundation, and the other is the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the latter really does fund radical environmental groups, and the prior was likely co-opted by the left as well.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the left, in order to continue their agenda, draped in green and one of the first of the institutions to be captured were the US foundations. They became the paymasters of Big Green, Their greatest success in capturing institutions was the climate hysteria agenda which has corrupted the science through near exclusive state and foundation funding of the anti-CO2, anti-fossil fuel left. The Jihadi, neo holocaust, and neo fascism combined with cultural Marxism is all part of the left now.
The Ford Foundation ought to be sued.
Also the Tides Foundation – they fund the vile so-called Jewish Voice for Peace which is neither Jewish nor peaceful. I don’t remember their names but there is a couple in WESTCHESTER COUNTY that is sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to JVP.
I believe the Ford Motor Company cut ties with the Ford Foundation years ago. Between 1955 and 1974, the foundation sold its Ford Motor Company holdings and now plays no role in the automobile company.
I’ve been aware of the Ford F. for years. I told my very conservative son; the groups the FF supports. That disappointed & angered him. Yet he still purchases their trucks.
Wife & I? We just purchased a truck. A Titan. We never considered a Ford. Or any of the other Obama “bailed out” manufacturers.
Hello Daniel and all. You say: “Stories have documented how the sausage is made with activists practicing shouting, “Three Word Chant”, a phrase that can be replaced with any message from “Black Lives Matter” to “Trans Rights Now” to “Free, Free Palestine”, and shown how to pose for the camera”
Once again, George Orwell saw it coming, and actually doubled the chant in 1984: FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD.
But what is going to happen next? Please bear in mind that the darkest hour is before the dawn, and it will be such a wonderful dawn when it comes. I can only have that assurance because I have studied Bible prophecy. Our Creator, the God of Abraham, assures us that we are not abandoned to this.
There’s also “hey hey, ho ho, so and so has got to go” and “no justice, no peace” which are both inane and hateful.
I saw small protester groups walk right past my apartment building three times chanting “no justice, no peace” for Saint George Floyd, the patron Saint of riots. None of them were black, just pampered white lefties and one mixed race chick who had some black in her but obviously less than half. It was all I could do not to assault them.
History shows that it is easy to radicalise young people but history also shows that they soon switch away from it.
Take a look around at the litter and junk in your neighbourhood and you’ll find it is largely discarded energy drinks, McDonald’s packaging, cheap beer cans etc all largely consumed by young people.
When I was a kid my friends and I would laugh at an older guy who would pick up the litter in his street. Guess what I do today.
Lead by example.
Excellent article: But… with various writers covering this rise in coordinated insurgent tactics, few if any mention how vital smart phones are to their operations.
Ever wonder how “dial-a-riot” protestors magically appear, as if through a highly coordinated effort.
Imagine if Hitler’s goon squads had not only geo-location technology, but photos, bios and daily routines of their targets.
Stating “we’ll murder you in your homes” is not some off the wall quip. These people mean what they say, and have the perfect tool for both receiving and propagating their marching orders.
And yet no one seems to even bring up the question of “should sworn enemies of the US, or even your average idiot be given a smart phone?
Or is it that technology has become a fundamental human right?
Just what the hell does Bakersfield have to with Israel in the first place? There are no problems in the armpit of California for them to resolve? Must they stick their nose into another country fighting for its life and citizens?
I don’t think many people in Bakersfield agree with that twat, Patel. Last I knew, it was a mostly conservative place, although I haven’t been there for twenty years so I have no idea what it’s like now, other than she got arrested when she wouldn’t have in any of the blue Hell holes we all know of. Supposedly there’s an upscale area there. Maybe the toilets in the front yards of the Beverly Bakersfield Hills have flowers in them or something, and the people sitting on their porches with banjos wear shirts under their overalls and have all their teeth.
Country Western is still very popular there, I know that, so the people in “the Field” aren’t so bad.
Of course, the “Armpit of California” is also another nickname for Bakersfield, as you noted………
The Left used to have a slogan “Think globally, act locally.”. That may account for it.
Nothing will happen to her, all for show. It’s nothing new for the Democrat Party to send their goons out to harass, intimidate, assault, and murder political opponents, we saw it with BLM, Antifa and the Capital Police. In ten years this little fool will be an Ivy League Professor.
In California she’ll be given a “restorative justice” plea in which she’ll promise not to murder the city counsel for the time being and all will be forgiven.
That’s what I thought too but she’s been charged with eighteen felonies and her bail is set at one million. I guess Bakersfield was the wrong place for her to pull her lefty crap.
Have loved your website for [how many?] years. However, who is your proofreader? A.I. ?
FPM should definitely hire a proofreader but oh, well. It is facing lawfare persecution so paying one to work on twenty to thirty articles a day might be a luxury they can’t afford and don’t need. I wouldn’t know although I could easily do the job because proofreading websites is what I do for my meager living.
Honestly, I’m glad but surprised none of the authors here are sharing cells with the January sixth political prisoners. I’m surprised I’m not in one because I’m basically powerless and I insult the elitist establishment of D-Bag criminals every chance I get.
The little tough fat girl broke down in tears when she was confronted with indictments and thrown in jail.
There used to getting their way. Not this time.
Really? Boo hoo?
Typical lefty weakling. They can dish it out but they can’t take it. “I wonder why it is the man who pleads for mercy never gives it?’ as Louis L’Amour wrote. That describes every islamopithecine and lefty on the planet.
This is just as good news as the ugly pig having been arrested. I’ll have to look the video up online for my daily dose of schadenfreude over the enemies of the American people. 🙂
I saw a pic of her lachrymose moment. Schadenfreude indeed. It means “shadows joy.” *grin*
They are trained to act like victims as soon as touched.
Expect more of this. 2024 is an election year. There won’t be many griping about George Floyd this time around. That’s so 2020. This time it’s the Nazis (not “Neo”-Nazis). These are the descendants of Mohammed Amin al-Husseini the “Grand Mufti” of Jerusalem who spent World War II in Berlin hob-mobbing with Hitler on the best way to exterminate Jews. He founded the Muslim Brotherhood who military arm is Hamas. These are Nazis … the real thing.
These are the radicals that will fill our streets from now until Election Day causing blood, fire, and mayhem … “mostly peacefully” of course.
Like the “students” and “professors” at NYU and Columbia who have lots of free time on their hands.
Thanks for including the background information, including about the Ford Foundation.
Is she crazy? Maybe not. She’s capable of using logic–she mentioned that a guillotine should be brought in to kill them, and later added that it would be better if they didn’t have metal detectors.
I just finished Chapter 3 of Daniel’s book, and I now see stories like this about these insane radicals who are working to destroy our civilization, our nation, our prosperity and our lives quite differently.
Where I used to see these kind of people as a relatively new development starting in the last century, I now understand that they have been there as long as we have been a republic and they have always been every bit as radical and woke as today’s radicals. The troubling thing is they have been gaining ground.
“A known Hinduphobe, she has also been ranting against Hindus …. It’s the same antisemitic,” an Indian-American woman posted condemning Riddi’s action.” – Hindustan Times
Gender: Non -binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Your pronouns: sick and tired.
The lunatic fringe is becoming unhinged as those do who make a deal with the devil and this is what they get. Fools!
This is a real threat made in public forum with uniformed members of this murderous cult and where the hell is the FBI? Oh yes, persecuting President Trump and parents in school board meetings who don’t want their children indoctrinated with racist lies and perversion and MAGA folks !
Well, they have to have their priorities and they’re showing us what their priorities are every day. A garage door pull was found in Bubba Wallace’s car’s garage at a NASCAR speedway and the FBI sent dozens of agents immediately because someone mistook the door pull for a noose. Yet, you see what is going on at Columbia, Yale, NYU, etc. which involves violations of federal civil rights statutes and, for involved foreign students, visa violations and what do you hear from the FBI/DOJ – crickets.
There’s video of an American flag being torn down at Columbia. These jihadis hate America almost as much as they hate Jews.
It’s been proved that the White House conspired with Justice Department, FBI, National Archives and other organizations to frame Trump with phony charges for phony crimes.
A judge un-redacted the court documents which prove it irrefutably.
Thank you for calling them what they are: neo Nazis.
Or Neo-Parabolani.
You just can’t help yourself can you. What’s wrong with Christians who voluntarily undertook the care of the sick and the burial of the dead, knowing that they themselves could die.
A little too much altruism for you? Because you are just so important aren’t you.
Jesus came to free people from religion. Go on, keep worshipping at the altar of an immoral dead woman.
Jesus lives.
Not everyone in this world cringes in fear of a threat like that or don’t take seriously. Come to my house and threaten to murder me and I absolutely guarantee you that you and whomever you bring with you will not live long enough to carry out that threat. Your choice in the matter will be binary: turn around and go back to where you came from or step forward get you innards gruesomely aerated.
I agree Sir.
That fat, ugly, weak, crybaby couldn’t do 10 pushups if you offered her $1 million dollars.
Admittedly, pushups are not the “ultimate test of toughness.”
But if she wants to run her mouth recklessly like that: she better be able to fire off at least 10 pushups. And that still wouldn’t save her. Lol
Nothing like getting your jaw broke, wired shut for 6-8 weeks, & drinking bone broth through a straw to make one contemplate their behavior & life trajectory lol 🏴☠️🍀
Jesus spoke these words to believers, not governments. Even God himself did not want big government, and Jesus just kind of brushed off the temptation of others (mother of James and John) when presented with dreams of worldly institutions of power, which Jesus knew was not what he came on this earth to fix.
You say that all rights rest on egoism. However, in Jesus’ parables, he mentions that a person’s money and possessions are his to spend anyway he wishes. Of course that analogy was meant to say that God will save whoever he wants to save because we all are HIS, but he used that scenario as away of telling a story that each individual would understand- that basic human rights include having possessions that are ours to spend- or lose. The Christian does not dwell on those things, and should have a “here today, gone tomorrow” attitude”, but to say possessions do not inherently belong to anyone is how depots are grown. More people have been murdered (well over 100 million so far).going down that socialist’s road.
You are using Christ’s commandment for individual and collective Christian behaviors and are applying them to governments. It would be great if all nations did practice Christianity. but we are a pluralistic society in the United States. I’m sure there are many leftists who would agree that religion should not come from the state and should be confined to the individual, yet some want to bring up existential Christianity as a government function when it suits them, as you have done here
. Long story short, it it MY duty and my church’s duty to treat everyone well. It is MY duty and my church’s duty to care for the poor, not the government (Christians are, BTW, the largest donors to charity than any other group on earth). It is MY duty and the church’s duty to care for my family and neighbors. I can do all of that and more when left alone to reap what I sow in wages that I have earned and money that I invest wisely so that I CAN take care of others.
I don’t care what rich people do. As the parable said, it is theirs to do with whatever they want…Focusing on the collective is Marxism 101. Read Karl Marx’s 10 Planks. in his Communists Manifesto. It is already at play in your religion as evidenced by your remarks.. Unfortunately, Marx called Christianity the “opiate of the masses.” Marxism has never and will never work. It only brings oppression and death.
Loved in small town NC for a bit & one of the churches had a great sign out front that read “G-d put the closest helping hand at the end of your own arm.”
And the Nazis like t he Commies disarmed their victims
“Where have you gone, Kyle Rittenhouse?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.”
The Neo Nazi Leftis tgr Nazi Party 2024 style
Just be assured. There are millions of us just like Kyle.
Eco-Fanatics like the Unabomber(Kazinski)one of his victims was Timber Executive(Gilbert Murry)and Manson was Eco-Fanatic as well when Squeaky Frome fried to assassinate Ford she replied I DID IT FOR THE TREES
In red states the person she threatened would have invited her to bring it on and see what happens.
You are correct. Many of us are ready and waiting for them.
Absolutely. It is why we have the 2nd Amendment.
I think the term Islamomarxist jihadis is better. These fascists are not nationalists as the Nazis were.
We have to name our enemy to defeat it. Right words matter because they pinpoint reality.
This is such a basic truth that US “progressives” refuse to acknowledge. NAZIs were socialists. Mussolini was a fascist. Stalin was a commy-socio-fascist tyrant as well. Funny thing is the disdain that those groups seemed to have for each other as well as the hatred they had for everyone else.
Let them try it “In A Small Town”. We are waiting.
“The Sunrise Movement, a radical environmentalist group founded by a former Occupy Wall Street activist and funded by the Ford Foundation, had become notorious for its ugly tactics, recruiting young people and children to harass and even threaten elected officials.” This group is really not interested in the environment at all. That is only a cover to get donations and income tax exemptions from the IRS. The Sunrise Movement is another in a long line of far left radical Marxists. The new attorney general in January should investigate the Ford Foundation, the Tides foundation and many others for sedition & treason and start arresting these funders of terrorism & anarchy.
“We’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you,” Riddhi Patel, the co-founder of the local chapter of the Sunrise Movement, told members of the Bakersfield City Council.
The Sunrise Movement, a radical environmentalist group”
Nothing new from the radical eco nazis. I met an American engineer for the Newmont Mining Co. about 20 years ago. He worked near Andahuaylas, Peru in the Andes Mts. helping Peru mine their gold. He said the most dangerous thing about the job was getting shot at. I said “who would be shooting at you and the Peruvian workers?” A mind blower, the engineer said that the inner circle of the Sierra Club hires thugs to shoot at the miners in order to protect mother earth from being disturbed – which shows that these eco nuts are cultist worshipping the creation rather than the Creator. Ironically. the drug dealers and growers in this area leave the miners alone.
As usual the left gets everything BACKWARDS. The Jews and Israel are NAZIS. Trump – who Benjamin Netanyahu called “the most pro-Israel president” – is “HITLER.” Less government = Fascism. On and on and on.