Note: My book The Victims’ Revolution was first published by Broadside Books, a HarperCollins imprint, in 2012. In February, Post Hill Press will issue the paperback edition, which includes a new foreword by Douglas Murray and a new introduction by me. Here is the latter.
Disney, which brought you Bambi and the Little Mermaid, creates a female Muslim superhero named “Ms. Marvel” and a robot who asks a transgender man for advice on female sanitary product. Larry Elder, a black GOP candidate for governor of California, is smeared by the Los Angeles Times as “the black face of white supremacy” for preaching a message essentially identical to that of Martin Luther King, Jr. When an 80-year-old woman complains to her local YMCA about a biological male lurking in the women’s locker room, she’s banned for being a transphobe. The Hachette publishing group cancels the memoirs of our most acclaimed living movie director because of discredited, decades-old molestation charges. The Biden Administration sets down strict vaccination rules for those entering the country with legitimate visas, but exempts people crossing the southern border illegally.
All this insanity didn’t come out of nowhere. Since the 1960s, as I describe in Chapter One of this book, the study of literature and other fields in the humanities and social sciences has been gradually transformed into something very different – and extremely distressing. An increasing focus on group identity – and on the strict division of humankind into oppressor groups and victim groups – fed the growth of such disciplines as Women’s Studies, Black Studies, Queer Studies, and Chicano Studies. I’m not alone in calling them “grievance studies,” and in considering them to be inimical to the serious study of human beings as complex individuals with a variety of virtues and defects.
This book is about those “grievance studies.” In preparing it, I read voluminously in these fields, attended conferences, sat in on classes, and performed interviews. I knew that I was taking on not just the entire American higher-education establishment but also the elite media that are its ideological allies. So it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when the New York Times Book Review ran – on its front page, no less – a loftily dismissive account of my book by a purported education expert who, calling it “out of date,” claimed that identity studies represented “a shrinking sector of academic life” and that his “younger colleagues” at a certain Ivy League college were “returning to close readings of literary classics.”
Those familiar with – and critical of – the actual situation in academia recognized this as a lie, and praised The Victims’ Revolution as truth-telling, plain and simple. Calling it “indispensable,” Peter Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, theorized that the Times had judged the book “too important to ignore,” hence the dishonest review. George Leef of the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal agreed. “It’s revealing,” Leef wrote, “that the NYT editor realized that the book couldn’t be ignored, but had to be panned.” And Hoover Institution fellow Bruce Thornton called the Times review “a textbook illustration of how the academic establishment goes after anyone who exposes the corruption of a reactionary, failing institution.”
As it turned out, The Victims’ Revolution wasn’t only right on the money about what was going on at America’s most respected colleges. It was prescient. I don’t know of any other book from 2012 that so much as hinted at what the world of 2022 might look like. But to read The Victims’ Revolution is to see pretty much every crazy social development of the last decade in chrysalis. “The future of America,” I wrote in its last sentence, “hangs in the balance.” My point was that what was being taught widely on America’s campuses wouldn’t be confined to those campuses for long.
Unfortunately, I was right. The ideological toxins at the heart of identity studies escaped the academy like a virus escaping a Chinese lab. The general culture was infected. And suddenly the world was turned upside down.
* * *
To borrow from the current lexicon, the world went woke. It happened because college graduates who’d been marinated in identity studies introduced the cockamamie concepts they’d picked up in class into their new workplaces and communities.
Women’s Studies? The #metoo movement, which started by bringing down serial sex offenders like Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, was soon ruining the lives of men who’d done next to nothing. The vengeful hysteria of many #metoo activists stunned more than a few observers – but wouldn’t have surprised anyone who’d read in my Women’s Studies chapter about students being fed grotesquely exaggerated rape statistics and being taught to regard men (Western men, anyway) as predatory and violent by nature.
Black Studies? The year 2018 saw the publication of White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo, who argued that all whites are eternally guilty of race hatred and all blacks their eternal victims. The following year saw the publication of How to Be an Antiracist by Black Studies graduate Ibram X. Kendi and the introduction of the New York Times’s 1619 Project, which attributes the American founding to racism. And 2020 saw the death of a criminal named George Floyd, who became an internationally famous martyr and casus belli. Suddenly, Critical Race Theory was everywhere, including in primary-school syllabi. For most Americans it was all new and baffling; but every bit of it was all straight out of Black Studies, which had been founded by race hustlers skilled at guilt-tripping whites – precisely the talent to which both DiAngelo and Kendi owe their success.
Chicano Studies? Donald Trump’s call for a border wall was cheered by American workers who’d seen no wage growth for decades owing to job competition from illegals – but it sparked outrage not only among these illegals’ employers but also among the innumerable college graduates who’d learned in Chicano Studies classrooms to view the U.S. as an an illegal occupier of “Aztlán” – that is, the regions once been ruled by Spain and then by Mexico – and to regard Chicanos, therefore, as America’s dispossessed, having far more of a right to live in the U.S. than any native-born citizen.
Queer Studies? When The Victims’ Revolution came out, gender dysphoria was an exceedingly rare phenomenon. A few years later, claims of transgender identity had become a trendy lifestyle choice and the supposed right of people to be recognized as members of the opposite sex (or of any one of dozens of other gender-identity categories) had become sacred.
This and other recent unsettling developments are natural outgrowths of queer theory, which, as can be seen in my chapter on Queer Studies, is far less concerned with studying sexual orientation than with celebrating gender.
There are other obvious continuities between identity studies and current social trends. The poisonous racism of Whiteness Studies, which a decade ago was almost entirely confined to the classroom, has gone mainstream, with white children being inculcated with self-hatred and black children being trained to see themselves as victims. (Robin DiAngelo, note well, is a leading Whiteness Studies figure.) Similarly, the reality series and fashion-magazine covers that celebrate the morbidly obese can be traced directly to the medically perilous claims of Fat Studies.
In short, the book I published in 2012 about certain unsettling tendencies on American campuses is no longer just about the academy. It’s a guidebook to – and a genealogy of – the most noxious of the strange new ideas that now suffuse our mainstream culture. How lamentable it is that conservatives, moderates, and classical liberals weren’t able to keep these ideas from taking over the colleges and universities; and how alarming it is that the sensible majority of citizens weren’t able to keep them from conquering society at large, where they are now reshaping our culture and rewiring our children’s minds.
As Fifth Circuit Judge James C. Ho said in a September 2022 speech announcing that he would no longer be hiring law clerks from Yale – where these lethal new ideas are particularly prevalent – “Our whole country has become a campus.”
* * *
The question before us today, of course, is what to do now that these toxins have escaped into the mainstream.
To begin with, it’s important to recognize that this isn’t a minor or fleeting development that you or I can hope to ignore, keeping our heads down until the freak parade passes by. These changes have already begun to take root and won’t get uprooted unless the sane and hitherto silent majority of the public resolves to give them the heave-ho.
And how to do that? For one thing, speak up every time you interact with somebody whom you suspect of being a party to this madness. What does your family doctor think, for instance, about giving hormone blockers to children? Ask her. If you don’t like her answer, challenge her on it. And if she stands her ground, tell her you consider her to have betrayed her Hippocratic oath, and then walk away and find another doctor.
Remember that the main reason why so many teachers, school psychologists, endocrinologists, surgeons, and other professionals are going along with trans ideology is not that they believe it: it’s that they’re taking what is, at the moment, the easy route, because virtually all the pressure they’re feeling is coming from the woke side. They need to know that there are more people who oppose this insanity than who support it, and that those opponents can exert pressure, too – and that if they want to preserve their livelihoods, they’d better do what’s right.
Some of the most inspiring videos I’ve seen in the last couple of years have been of school-board meetings at which parents have eloquently challenged the woke politics that schools have been shoving down their children’s throats. If every parent could be that involved, the problems we face would be very quickly and dramatically diminished. Be one of those parents. If you don’t like what your school-board members are saying, vote them off. If necessary, run for school board yourself. If these pedagogical practices aren’t nipped in the bud when your kids are still small, it may already be too late to scrub the nonsense out of their brains.
In fact, you could do worse than to get informed, and get involved, in electoral politics at all levels, from City Council on up. It’s not enough to vote for candidates who don’t parrot the woke agenda. Find candidates who are gutsy enough to oppose it passionately. And if such candidates don’t seem to be on offer in your neck of the woods, run yourself – or talk a like-minded friend into running. This is our country, and the only way to take it back from the woke brigade is to do so one elective office at a time.
Of course, institutions of higher education continue to be Ground Zero for all this drivel. Are you an alumnus of a college that’s gone woke? Do you nonetheless still send that college a check every year? If so, why? Have you ever picked up the phone to complain to the college president, or written a letter to the board of trustees, to criticize the ideological direction that your alma mater has taken? Have you threatened to cut it off financially?
Another crucial point about colleges. However appealing it might seem in the very short term, don’t let your babies grow up to be Yalies. It astonishes me that friends of mine who know very well – and deplore – what’s going on at Ivy League colleges nonetheless brag excitedly about their kids being admitted to these places. Are you one of those parents? If so, ask yourself what’s more important to you: the actual education your kid will get, or the purported cachet of a Harvard or Stanford diploma?
Don’t listen to me. Listen to Roger Kimball, editor of The New Criterion (and a Yale graduate), who wrote recently: “The educational establishment in its highest reaches is today a cesspool, contaminating the society it had been, at great expense, created to nurture. Still, parents are willing to climb naked over broken bottles and impoverish themselves to send their children to this cauldron of iniquity.” Or listen to Isaac Morehouse of the Institute for Humane Studies, who’s turned off not just by the Ivies but by almost all American colleges: “I can’t count the number of parents I’ve talked with who recognize that college is one of the worst places to learn and degrees are one of the weakest ways to try to get hired, but who still needlessly bite the bullet and send their kid anyway” – even though a college diploma nowadays “only proves that you were willing to follow the crowd.”
Keep in mind that a generation or so from now, either wokeism will have been vanquished, in which case diplomas handed out by the most ideologically corroded universities and colleges in the 2010s and 20s will be sources not of pride but of embarrassment, or it will have followed its natural course of development, resulting in something not unlike the Reign of Terror – in which case your highly credentialed but hopelessly brainwashed kid will eventually be the next sucker in line for the gallows.
If you do want your kids to get a real education, find a state college that still hasn’t gone fully woke. Or try Hillsdale College, whose 2022 commencement speaker was Jordan Peterson. Then there’s St. John’s College in Maryland, famous for its Great Books program. Another promising new option is the University of Austin, which was founded by Bari Weiss – a liberal lesbian who left the editorial board of the New York Times because she wasn’t woke enough for her fellow editors – and which is dedicated to “the fearless pursuit of truth.”
As you may know, even many units of the U.S. military have succumbed to woke ideology. So if your kid wants to join the service, do some research. Will they be using boot camp to build your kid’s character, self-discipline, strength, and resilience, or to produce a woke warrior? If the latter, advise your kid against taking that route – and write letters to the appropriate military officials explaining exactly why they’ll be denied the opportunity to indoctrinate your offspring.
And what about you? Has your employer ever brought in some consultant to subject you and your colleagues to a lecture about systematic racism or sexism? Did you feel that you had no choice other than to bite your tongue and get through it? Well, if it happens again, discuss it beforehand with your colleagues. Almost certainly, most of them feel pretty much the way you do. There’s strength in numbers. Often employers arrange these lectures in the first place because one or two employees pushed them to do it. If the majority of employees refuse to participate in such nonsense, it’ll stop.
Do you feel insufficiently skilled to take on woke thinking? Let me assure you that you’re not. These people are mediocrities, and their ideas are absurd. But if you want to sharpen your thoughts – well, for one thing, read this book carefully. Take notes. Then move on to books like Gad Saad’s The Parasitic Mind (2020), Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage (2020), Helen Joyce’s Trans (2021), Vivek Ramaswamyi’s Woke, Inc. (2021), Andy Ngo’s Unmasked (2021), Douglas Murray’s The Madness of Crowds (2019) and The War on the West (2022), and James Lindsay’s Race Marxism (2022). Valuable interviews with and presentations by all of these writers can be found online, as can podcasts, such as Triggernometry, The Saad Truth, and The Rubin Report, on which woke ideology is discussed from sensible perspectives.
And what about the legacy media? If you read The New York Times every day, or watch CNN regularly, you can easily be deluded into thinking that you’re absolutely alone in your opposition to woke ideology. Put that thought out of your mind. It may seem impossible – it may sound like an outrageous exaggeration – but it’s true: most of the nation’s legacy media organs – including the Times, CNN, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, MSNBC, the network news divisions, and the Associated Press – are now little more than propaganda organs, marching in near-lockstep to push the same woke narrative. Fortunately, their role as go-to places for reliable news and fact-based commentary is increasingly being supplanted by a raft of first-rate online media. And allow me to underscore that this isn’t about left vs. right; it’s about ideology vs. truth. By the way, if I use the term legacy media (or, sometimes, corporate media) instead of mainstream media, it’s because those media are yesterday’s news. Every day they diminish in power and importance. Every day they’re less and less mainstream.
And that’s an important point to keep in mind. Even though woke ideology may seem at times to have conquered Western civilization, its hold on our institutions is still relatively fragile, and its supporters, however loud and aggressive, make up a small minority. To be sure, small minorities can transform a society. As late as February 1917, the Bolsheviks numbered only about 20,000; eight months later, they pulled off the October Revolution, subjecting the largest country in the world to a Communist tyranny that would not collapse until 72 years later. In the 1932 German elections, the Nazis won only 37.3% of the vote – but that was enough to give them an iron grip on the nation that was not loosened until the Allies marched in 13 years later.
But there’s only one way for a small minority of totalitarian ideologues to win in the long term – and that’s if the reasonable, common-sense majority allows itself to be scared into silence. So if this woke madness is affecting your life in any way, that means that there are people in your life who are pushing it. And the only response to that is to push back – and push back hard.
I’ll give your book a try Mr. Bawer.
But the definitive book to read is “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom In America” by Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff published all the way back in 1982, forty years ago. The predictions in that forty year old book are all coming true. In that book Dr. Peikoff discusses in detail the uncanny and distrubing similarities between Weimar Germany and America today. And discusses in detail the PHILOSOPHICAL causes that underlie Germany’s and America’s collapse into UNREASON. You should give Dr. Peikoff’s book a try.
Forgive me, you’re not a Mr. you’re a Dr. too.
Trust me, no one will read it. You have been shilling for that book for several years now and the only thing that has changed is we are further down the road to dystopia than ever.
I’m sure Bawer is breathing a sigh of relief that you will deign to read his book.
When can we read your book? Oh I forgot. You don’t have one, do you?
I followed your suggestion and am reading The Ominous Parallels. I’m 74 and an avid reader since I was seven years old, so you can imagine how much I’ve read. I can tell you that I have never read any other book which has impacted me so much.
The book has deeply disturbed me and even grateful that I don’t have grandchildren.
The author could not have found a better title.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Excellent analysis of the PROXIMATE casue of todays “woke” culture and politics. Read, “The Psychology of Totalitarianism”, by Belgian clinical psychologist Matthias Desmet for a concise history of today’s travails and those of the 1960’s.
Already with the talking animals and all the wacky Disney phantasmagoria, there’s some ground-setting. The harm these adults have done to children with all these cartoons is unimaginable. It’s brainwashing, with far too many images, hidden political messages, ideologies. Nothing better to disconnect the child from the observable substantial reality, from the observation of his own environment, which is done partly in the street, or in nature for children living in the countryside, than to put his mind in phantasmagoria. It doesn’t protect him at all. With Disney we begin to enter utopia, in the back worlds. It softens the brain all that. it does not make the child stronger to fight the real “monsters” of the real world.
We can criticize cultural Marxism (Frankfurt School), then postmodernism (French Theory), but there is a whole set of processes in ammon that prepares the ground, so that all this can grow, take root more easily.
Don’t lump Fantasia in withe recent PC, CGI work. They are very different animals.
The world of Walt Disney had the objective of educating the youth. Educate the youth with what? With talking animals… witches, fairies, animals that have human behavior … A talking wooden puppet… It’s completely crazy. The world of Walt Disney is a totally delirious world. The world of Walt Disney can only lead to a total regression and a softening of the brain of the child who will get caught in the brain too many images, concepts, ideas, without a critical mind. It’s going to get inside him and then stick to him for the rest of his life like intellectual pollution. It is a crime in my opinion to pollute the child’s brain with so much bullshit, phantasmagoria.
No Grimm’s, Aesop’s, or Uncle Remus? No thanks. I still use some of the lessons learned from those fantastic creatures and talking animals. I never had a problem distinguishing, like I never had a problem distinguishing a real firearm from a toy, though I had both at the age of 5.
Yes, yes, it is totally normal to show children, toddlers, talking animals, and phantasmagoria resulting from the irrationality of adults. Good luck with that. It’s not up to cartoons, Walt Disney, to educate children, cartoons made by people the parents don’t know, it’s up to the parents to do it. And it is up to the parents, grandparents, to pass on values to the youngest in the family, not to the cartoons. It’s up to parents to protect their children from a whole bunch of educational programs, educational cartoons, which have absolutely nothing neutral about them, which are created by adults, adults who themselves are full of irrationality.
This Is a must read for anyone on the origins of the woke ideology
Good work Bruce.
Seeing what a mess the regions once been ruled by Spain are, no wonder they want to come to USA, and close the border behind them.
The regions once ruled by England; Canda, Australia, New Zealand, America, are not faring much better.
You mention England as if that was an important country, however it lays within a Nation called The United Kingdom, however if you mention England then why not mention Ontario, rather than Canada, mention Texas rather than America, all of which are part of a larger Nation…
Geography aint you best subject I guess.
The Liberties and Freedoms guaranteed by the framers of the nation were based on the teachings of Christ and his apostles. The hope, and only hope, is for the remaining followers of the Christian faith come out of our churches and start presenting the gospel to a broken nation. At the moment, America is still powerful and most of it’s people are wealthy, but the day is coming fast when that will not be the case unfortunately.
Today’s Woke apostles are lifting their fists at God and extending both middle fingers at him. God will not tolerate that for long.
This is absolute nonsense. Judaism and Christianity in their pure, undiluted, form, the pure form they had before the Aristotelian Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, lead to the tyranny of theocracy.
Judaism and Christianity are ALWAYS weaponized for the tyranny of theocracy. Martin Luther was NOT fighting for Freedom of Religion or Freedom of Conscience, or Freedom of Thought, or Freedom of Expression, or Freedom of Speech. Martin Luther was fighting to correct and perfect what he viewed as a corrupt Roman Catholic Theocracy. Martin Luther was fighting for a PERFECT theocracy. When the peasants inspired by his rebellion decided to rebel themselves against theocracy AS SUCH, he ruthlessly demanded that the theocratic STATE kill and crush them!
“Christianity prepared the ground. It paved the way for modern totalitarianism by entrenching three fundamentals in the Western mind: in metaphysics, the worship of the supernatural; in epistemology, the reliance on faith; as a consequence, in ethics, the reverence for self-sacrifice.” – Leonard Peikoff
“Judaism and Christianity in their pure, undiluted, form, the pure form they had before the Aristotelian Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, lead to the tyranny of theocracy.”
That’s factually wrong, and you’re confusing church justice with civil justice. You reduce 2000 years of Christian thought in Europe to that? You have absolutely no idea of your ignorance of the whole history of Christian thought, which is very complex, and of the way in which it has evolved. And your ignorance does not prevent you from having convictions and prejudices. The church has in no way hindered the movement of ideas and thought for 2000 years, and has in no way prevented secular art from flourishing. Without the Church, Europe would have remained in a state of barbarism.
The church has never rejected Greek, Roman, or even a whole set of practices, pre-Christian customs. And you are not recontextualizing a whole large set of practices, customs, traditions. Then you can tell your anti-Christian spiel. You’re intellectually sick, and you’ve been taking advantage of Frontpagemag’s freedom of expression to talk bullshit for years. It becomes unbearable.
I’ve been “taking advantage” of FPM’s freedom of expression? Just what the hell does that mean you religious totalitarian?
If I don’t fall in line with YOUR religious orthodoxy you’re going to demand that FPM burn this HERETIC at the stake?
Without the Middle Ages, which ensured the continuity of antiquity, strictly no Renaissance would have been possible. It is thanks to the Middle Ages, during which the medieval sciences, based on teaching and writing, extended the antique sciences, that we can reach the Renaissance. Tradition often opposes medieval Church and modernity, for example the Copernican controversy advocating heliocentrism against religious geocentrism; yet these two entities are intimately linked and entangled. The monasteries become true cultural centers,
“Christianity’s War against the Mind – Aristotle Versus Religion (5 of 7)” – Objectivist philosopher Andrew Bernstein
You are delusional as delusional as the born-again Christian G.W. Bush when he claimed Islam is really a religion of peace. Or as delusional as a socialist who claims “real socialism has never been tried”.
Or as delusional as an American religious conservatives who claims that Christianity had nothing whatsoever to do with the one-thousand years of the Christian Dark Ages. It was really Islamic predation of the Christian West that caused the Christian Dark Ages.
The English blamed syphillis on the French and the Fench blamed syphillis on the English. In like manner the Christians blame the Dark Ages on Islam and the Muslims probably blame the Dark Ages on Christians, refusing to see that the Muslim world is still mired in the Muslim Dark Ages.
Neither camp can see, or refuses to see, what’s under their very nose, that supernaturalism, faith, dogma, mysticism, superstition, and UNREASON, necessarily, inexorably, logically, lead to the darkness of a mind that abandons reason and reality for the darkness of religious superstition in the otherworldly.
Go educate yourself a little more, it will save you from talking so much bullshit about Christian thought, and on Judaism, Jewish thought. which you know nothing about. You’re just one more uneducated on the planet of morons. A vulgar little propagandist.
To Mr. Carras, your approach until now was respectful and intellectual but now you have run out of any intellectual ammunition or pretense so you collapse into obscenities, ad hominems, and insults — just like a Leftist.
But Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are philosophical Leftism, they all fundamentally reject reason for the unreason of fatih. The secular Left simply rejects reason altogether for outright secular nihilism as opposed to supernatural nihilism.
Again with The English rather than The British… Get a Map sonny Jim.
And God is well ahead of all of the pundits who, too late, are calling for push backs against Wokery. .
The Apostle Paul put it succintly nearly 2000 years ago in 2 Timothy::
“3For the time will come when (men) will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
We have arrived at what many recognise as the Last Days when the culmination of ideas of Utopia aside from God’s written word is about to be fulfilled in a Great Reset. The object of this long march of deceit is about to be unleashed on a world that mostly longs for a new normal. Most will take the line of least resistance just as in the past 2 1/2 years of complance with their brilliantly wicked Covid 19 deception. As Paul-Henri Spaak, the first Chairman of the General Assembly of the United Nations and one of the key founders of the movement toward European unity said in 1945:
“ What we want
is a man of sufficient stature to hold
the allegiance of all people, and to lift
us out of the economic morass in which
we are sinking. Send us such a man and,
be he God or the devil, we will receive
The Bible identifies this man as the Anti-Christ whose unveiling, according to scriptures in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Revelation is perilously close.
The only way of escape is written in John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”.
“There was also Martin Luther, regarded by the Nazis as a major hero, who was the greatest single power in the development of German religion and through this means, an influence on the philosophies of Kant and Hegel. Luther is anti-reason (“Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason”), intensely pro-German, and crudely anti-Semitic (“Fie on you wherever you be, you damned Jews, who dare to clasp this earnest, glorious, consoling word of God to your magotry, mortal, miserly belly, and are not ashamed to display your greed so openly”). He formally enlists God on the side of the state. Unconditional obedience to the government’s edicts, he holds, is a Christian virtue. “In like manner we must endure the authority of the prince. If he misuse or abuse his authority, we are not to entertain a grudge, seek revenge or punishment. Obedience is to be rendered for God’s sake, for the ruler is God’s representative. However they may tax or exact we must obey and endure patiently….
“There is on earth among all dangers no more dangerous thing than a richly endowed and adroit reason”, Luther had said, “Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed.”…
As for the Lutherans, most had followed the lead of such figures as Pastor Adolf Stoecker; they had rejected capitalism as an evil, Jewish idea, incompatible with the spirit of Christianity….
Religious writers often claim that the cause of Nazism is the secularism or scientific spirit of the modern world. This evades the fact that the Germans of the time, especially in Prussia, were one of the most religious peoples in Western Europe; that the Weimar Republic was a hotbed of mystic cults, of which Nazism was one; and that Germany’s largest and most devout religious group, the Lutherans, counted themselves among Hitler’s staunchest followers” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom In America”
Bare Naked Islam Reports:
“Three Palestinian Muslim terrorist supporters have been elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. But wait, there’s more. According to designated terrorist group CAIR, 143 Muslims ran for local, state, and federal office, and 83 of them won their elections.”
Who’s “woke”?
Ruwa Romman, “palestinian-American”, in Georgia, elected to state House … Islamo-marxism…. “Climate change is one of the most pressing and expansive existential threats of our time,” … “We must ensure protections for all people. This includes protecting our LGBTQ+ community, expanding upon the Georgia Equal Pay Act”
Oh, man! The LGBTQKLPRTE community is under attack … And and they will control the cosmos, the sun and the chaos of the meteorology to lower the temperature of the planet. They are geniuses.
I hope Sesame Street will invite her, to teach preschoolers basic educational and social concepts with the Muppets.
“Wokists support ZELENSKY”
HA HA HA ! Those who support Ukraine and Zelenski are patriots, armed and with real balls.
And support for Ukraine is bipartisan. You should know that. And Putin is also in the cancel culture, for your information. in addition to being a scumbag and a war criminal who got rich on the backs of his people. A bastard who worked 20 years in the armed service of the communist party. And who even tried to rehabilitate in Russia the image of one of the biggest criminals of all the history of humanity, Stalin.
“WOKISTS are Globalists”*
Putin was a communist and never denied the ideals of communism.
“Woke” is noting more than disguised Marxism and it’s goal is the destruction of the nuclear family and Western civilization. Just like BLM has little to do with “Black lives” its founders are avowed Marxists, anti-Christians and anti-family. And the rot now infects our youth from elementary school through college and in all aspects of social media.
Our youth are also indoctrinated with every other leftist message as what few political views they hold come from Twitter, Snapchat, and Tic Tok. We know that all the social media censor anything that doesn’t uphold the leftist/Marxist agenda. We are also learning about the indoctrination of our youth from CRT and gender “choice” from elementary school through middle school and we already know that 71% of College professors say that they are liberal or “very liberal”, while only 6% identify as conservative. Just as parents are beginning to fight CRT in elementary and middle schools, they better start paying attention to what their children are learning in high school and college because it’s completely shaping our youth in a one party direction and will ultimately determine the fate of our country.
One book/author was not mentioned that I believe should be-Cry Havoc by Ralph de Toledano, about the Frankfurt Schooler communists who arrived here at Columbia rom Germany in the 30?
Bruce, I hope you’re reading this, but think about taking this part out of your introduction:
“Will they be using boot camp to build your kid’s character, self-discipline, strength, and resilience, or to produce a woke warrior? If the latter, advise your kid against taking that route – and write letters to the appropriate military officials explaining exactly why they’ll be denied the opportunity to indoctrinate your offspring.”
Big mistake. That means that patriots don’t join the military. A fully wokified military would facilitate a communist takeover. Tell them, rather, to go in but prepare them NOT to believe the woke ideas they hear.
I would venture to say anyone who doesn’t tow the woke line in the military will have a very short career. The problem is with the brass who push this crap. They need to be purged/retired while there are still enough in the upper echelons to return the military to what it should be, non-political.
Absolutely right, Mr. Kelly. Over the last week it has become clear that we’re not going to retake control of our federal government anytime soon. That means the probability is now disaster — economic collapse a certainty within 10 years unless some ugly event like war triggers it first.
Today’s military is the weakest the U.S. has had in my lifetime which began before WW II. Nonetheless it teaches critical skills and discipline that will be of immense value in the coming night. And if — perhaps through divine intervention — we get started rebuilding our military before disaster strikes, then every trained patriot we can muster will be needed.
I understand the ‘don’t join the work military’ feeling but I think it’s important to fight it. If your kid already knows that women in combat is wrongheaded and there is no systemic racism he can go in, listen to the lectures, nod politely, and then go out and drop 100 pushups and field strip his weapon in the dark.
When You go on a job interview for a city/state/fed job there is a black woke lady doing the interview.. There are no questions on skills. If you are white, you need to be screaming about “equity” or you are out. Take a few job interviews in Minnesota with staff members to see woke in action screening out whites.
I went to the post office for IT job. It takes 3 managers to get hired. The third looked in the room at me and left.
We are at the beginning of the catastrophe of the entire Western world. I strongly suggest to look into this selection from “An island for whites” here:
How strange it is that they call themselves WOKE when it appears to me they are all ASLEEP.