“Trump picks a fight with the media.”
That’s the usual explanation given for the media’s unhinged ceaseless torrent of attacks on President Trump. And it seems like a plausible explanation. Would the media be this extreme if Trump didn’t insult it all the time?
The media gave us a quick demonstration of what happens when a guy who isn’t named Trump appears to interfere with the Dem chances in 2020. The guy in question is Howard Schultz, a mild-mannered liberal former Starbucks CEO, who has been a reliable lefty, and whose only political deviation from the “Party” is that he isn’t on board with the 70-80% income taxes that the newly socialist Dems are pushing.
Also he might run third party.
And for the last few days, the media has been giving poor Howie the Trump treatment. The media hit pieces on him have reached a bewildering level. And lacking really hit piece material, it’s just been a barrage of insults, innuendo and hysterically vague accusations.
NBC News saw fit to build an entire news story around one man who heckled Schultz. His ignorance of how much a box of cheerios costs also became a major news story. Has anyone asked Kamala Harris, Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren how much one of those costs?
(I just got back from the supermarket, but not being a Cheerios person, I have no clue, anywhere between $2 to $4, I would estimate, around here, depending on sales.)
Howie did nothing to deserve being Trumped. He expected the media to give him a hearing. Which might have happened. In 1952.
The former Starbucks CEO is anything but combative. He hasn’t picked fights. Instead he’s tried to calmly explain why he might run.
The media’s abuse of him has nothing to do with his personality, his violation of any “norms”, any alleged racism or the rest of the nonsense and lies aimed at President Trump.
And by extension, the media’s attacks on Trump have nothing to do with that either.
The same media singing McCain’s obituary, libeled him as a racist when he ran against Obama.
The moral of the story is that the media will Trump you, not because you are Trump, but because it is the hard, hateful and radical Left.
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