Hunter Biden did more than abuse drugs and use his father’s influence to enrich himself and his family. The youngest son of Joe Biden also acted as a conduit — willingly or otherwise — of political information that could be used against President Donald Trump in last year’s Presidential election.
Providing the information was JiaQi Bao, a young woman who worked in the United States as an advisor to Ye Jianming, the founder and chairman of the now-bankrupt conglomerate, CEFE China Energy. That conglomerate, as well as a Chinese investment firm, Bohai Harvest, served as Hunter Biden’s business partners.
Both firms also acted as fronts for the Chinese government and Communist Party.
On May 7, Britain’s Daily Mail published information it received from the younger Biden’s laptop about his relationship with Bao and her influence on him. Yet five months ago, a cyber security expert from New York, Yaacov Apelbaum, published the findings on his own blog, “The Illustrated Primer.”
Chinese intelligence “controlled large parts of the strategy, funding, and overseas operations” for Bohai Harvest and CEFE China Energy, Apelbaum wrote. But in March 2018, when the conglomerate went bankrupt, Ye was arrested in China and charged with bribery. Since then, the world has received no news about Ye’s whereabouts or fate.
Bao also encouraged Hunter Biden to keep $1.4 million that rightfully belonged to the bankrupt conglomerate’s creditors. By doing so, the Chinese might have trapped the Bidens into doing their bidding.
Bao developed the perfect resume to become a Chinese operative in the United States’ financial sector. An honors student, Bao graduated summa cum laude from Arizona State University with bachelor’s degrees in accounting and finance, and received immediate acceptance into the master’s program for accounting at the university’s W.P. Carey School of Business.
Bao then returned to China to work for three months as an intern for OneGate Capital Equity before moving to the National Development and Reform Commission, where she worked for another three months as a research assistant. Bao’s LinkedIn profile describes the commission as “a policymaking and macro-economic management agency with broad administrative and planning controls over the Chinese economy.”
In other words, the Chinese government and Communist Party use the NDRC to dictate economic policy. The NDRC also is responsible for the “social credit” system.
At the same time, Bao was attending Tsinghua University, described as “China’s foremost institute of higher learning” in her profile. “It has been the most important training ground for China’s top leaders in academics, business, (and) government.” Bao graduated with distinction as a bilingual Master of Arts in the summer of 2012.
After spending seven months with OneGate as an analyst, Bao moved to New York and joined PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2013 as a senior associate. She worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers for three years, then became an independent consultant.
Sometime during her tenure as an independent consultant, Bao became Hunter Biden’s secretary, friend, and informal advisor. Apelbaum posted a screenshot of a conversation between the two on the Chinese platform WeChat, and some of her more alluring photos from her WeChat page.
Apelbaum also posted pictures of Biden wearing military dog tags during a sexual tryst, apparently with Bao, who wrote the following when Biden lost the dog tags. Bao described them as a “doggie chain.”
…regarding the delivery of your doggie chain and holiday/birthday package. I safe (sic) kept your belonging (sic) for you as promised. I don’t think it is appropriate to drop off to a third party given the risk of miscommunication as happened in the past. How about I will either deliver it to you in person at your convenience or FedEx to a designated address where you can receive it directly?
As CEFE was going bankrupt, Bao sent a confidential letter to Hunter and Robert Biden, Joe Biden’s brother. She encouraged them to take the $1.4 million owed the conglomerate’s creditors, claiming that it was “nobody’s money.” Bao mentioned Hudson West, a limited liability partnership connected to Dong Gongwen, Ye’s business partner. CEFE transferred money to the Bidens through Hudson West
“Whatever money from Hudson West, please take them, take as much as possible, or figure out a way to spend them for your own benefit,” Bao wrote. “It doesn’t matter whether the left-over operational fund for Hudson West is labeled as “personal goodwill/loan” or “non-recourse” “recourse” “borrowing/drawing”… just take it and keep as much as possible.
“If you do not take that money, the money would end up become (sic) “nobody’s money.” … “Nobody’s money” means they take away whatever you give up to nobody knows where in the system it will end up and whomever stranger might simply take the money for granted.
So take whatever money you can take, as long as the money is available to claim in the U.S., or you guys … figure out a way to have the money transferred to the right U. S. account before any restriction levied by Chinese regulators. … And do not worry about anyone will say anything or reject the idea, as long as whomever helps execute/facilitate the process also benefit or get to keep a bit of something. … Please note, I did not say anything to you 😉
Apelbaum believes China used Bao to execute a sting against Hunter’s family.
“This was almost certainly an official Chinese calculated move to give them future leverage over the Bidens,” he wrote. “Legally, Hunter and Jim Biden’s company Hudson West assets should have gone to the CEFC creditors, not to the personal Biden bank accounts.”
If true, that sting would reflect Bao’s ultimate purpose.
“Following what seems like traditional honeypot tactics,” Apelbaum wrote, “JiaQi was used to sweeten Hunter’s already saccharin-laced business engagement with CEFC. She kept an eye on Hunter from her base in NYC and acted as a cutout between the overseas Chinese officials and the Bidens.”
In her latter role, Bao tried to convince Hunter Biden to get his father to run for President. In a letter from March 14, 2019, she refers to Hunter’s father as “Uncle Joe,” who had yet to decide whether to campaign.
“You need to help Uncle Joe run for President,” Bao wrote. “Your father really should run for 2020 for this country.”
As she continued, Bao identified herself with the United States:
He will be one of the best presidents in our country’s history! I truly think so, especially after reading the wonderful books he wrote. Not only for our country and for American people, his party, also for Beau and for the spirit of your family, he really should run!
Bao even cited Trump, Winston Churchill and Mahathir bin Mohamad, who became Malaysia’s prime minister at 92, to deflect concerns about age: “Hey, if Trump can run at his age, why not Uncle Joe?”
Bao’s letter contained two attachments containing possible opposition research and campaign talking points. One attachment, “Uncle Joe 2020,” continued offering encouragement while criticizing Trump’s approach to illegal immigration:
Trump, despite of his age, still acts like a kid and he is so ‘blind’ (arrogant + ignorant). Shut down the government for his border wall is merely one example of his backward thinking and immaturity. Constructing a border wall is worse than throwing money down the drain. Besides this border wall proposal, if you count this wall as an ‘infrastructure’, I don’t see how he is helping this country updating our infrastructure … we need someone who can address these issues smartly and practically. Immigration reform is not a showmanship of photogenic walls…
In offering encouragement, Bao stressed the impression “Uncle Joe” would make in Asia:
People from conservative Asian cultures start to look at our democratic election as a joke or some sort of reality TV drama. We need experienced politicians to bring back some good sense back. Democratic party needs a wise elderly (sic) to unify and to lead.
Bao’s second attachment, which included embedded links as research, concentrated on Trump’s dealings with China:
If there is anyone who deserve to be scrutinized for doing business with Chinese, it would be Donald Trump:
— Trump real estate selling American citizenship cheaply to corrupted Chinese officials. He and his rich real estate friends’ “visa for rich” immigration program led rich + legal immigrates (sic) abuse U. S. social welfare (while those who really need the help couldn’t get any)!
— Trump’s easygoing with Chinese “state-owned enterprise” ZTE amidst opposition from Congress
— Trump also let China go easy on human rights violation… Plus
— Trump association with Chinese owner of Florida prostitution parlor
Further, his trade war with China has been a complete failure thus far, resulting in tremendous loss to Americans (from American farmers/energy companies, to enterprises across spectrum, to average people). As of now, we have the highest trade deficit in 30 years, but ironically China has not changed a single thing on unfair business practice and intellectual property thievery that have been going on for decades!
Bao continued by praising President Barack Obama’s administration and the Democratic Party for confronting China:
By the way, keep in mind, before Trump, it was President Obama and your father’s administration who initiated this effort of curtail (sic) China’s global influence, and it was Democrats’ initiative to fight against Huawei espionage under President Obama and your father’s administration. The critics who first raise concerns about China’s raise (sic) to power and about trade are primarily Democrats.
Bao even used the commonly referenced color associated with the Democrats: “If we were really to play the China card and debate on policy toward China, Blue should have the upper hand.”
Bao concluded by summarizing Trump’s supposed vulnerability on China:
Last word on the trade war, we have a hand of good cards to start with, but Trump didn’t use it well, at least not fully utilize it, with his inexperience in diplomacy/international affairs, his arrogance and overconfidence, his poor strategy and subpar execution. I don’t mean to be arrogant, but I really think even I have better ideas than him and could have done much better negotiating for America.
Six weeks later, on April 25, “Uncle Joe” announced his candidacy.
Interestingly enough, Bao’s LinkedIn profile makes no mention of any employment — even independent consulting — after July 2019.
How influential did Bao’s lobbying prove to be? Perhaps nobody beyond Bao’s and the Bidens’ circle will ever know. Yet even without that specific knowledge, Apelbaum states the obvious:
As unfathomable as this is, what we have here is a textbook example of a compromise: Chinese intelligence is potentially controlling the family and a would-be US president through financial incentives and honey potting his son, and this has been going on for years, yet, not a peep from the (Justice Department) or the (intelligence community).
In referring to Bao’s letters, Apelbaum concludes that the Chinese did to the Bidens what the Democrats claimed the Russians were doing to Trump.
“These and some of the other documents strongly suggest that the Chinese government was engaging in full-blown influence and hands-on election interference on US soil via front companies like CEFC,” he wrote, “and that Hunter, Jim, and Joe Biden could have been trapped in these operations.”
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