Joe Biden has a Hunter Biden problem. A pretty big one.
Big Tech suppressed the Hunter Biden story and a lot of social media conservatives drift from one trend to another. There’s still an FBI investigation of Hunter Biden, but even if his dad weren’t in the White House, the odds of the feds doing anything other than what they did with the investigation of Bernie Sander’s wife or Hillary Clinton’s emails is slim to none. But even with the media running cover for Hunter Biden, there’s a whole range of awkward material about him out there.
That’s not as big a problem for Joe, as it is for Hunter, because the business model of the Biden clan depends on him.
If Hunter Biden isn’t close to his father, his economic value diminishes. And if he’s seen as an unstable loose cannon, he’s less likely to score business opportunities. All of this requires a whole bunch of image rehab. And Simon and Schuster and a bunch of lefty writers were only too happy to help.
Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden and an ongoing target for conservatives, has a memoir coming out April 6.
The book is called “Beautiful Things” and will center on the younger Biden’s well publicized struggles with substance abuse, according to Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. Acquired in the fall of 2019, “Beautiful Things” was kept under wraps even as Biden’s business dealings became a fixation of then-President Donald Trump and others during the election and his finances a matter of investigation by the Justice Department.
A “fixation”. Like one of those pouncing things.
But, ignore the spin, read between the lines. The Hunter Biden memoir was acquired in the fall of 2019. We’re not given a date, but it’s a solid bet that it was when the Hunter Biden scandal broke and when S&S were pretty sure that Joe Biden would be in the White House.
This is a memoir as image rehab. Not the real kind of rehab, but the political kind of rehab. Doing this means doing a favor for Joe Biden. But the substance of the favor cleans up Hunter so that he can…
1. Do business
2. Go on the campaign trail for his father, assuming that such a thing is even an issue in 2024
3. And run for public office
Joe Biden is in the White House. On paper, he’s the head of the Democrats. Can he get his son into a Senate seat? This is how that begins. First, his image gets rehabbed with a memoir about his struggle with substance abuse. He shills it on Oprah and then he’s ready.
Where could Hunter Biden run for Senate? There is a Senate seat bound to open up in California. And Hunter Biden has a home there. That way the legacy of the Biden clan continues.
Senator Dianne Feinstein has filed to run again in 2024. By then she’ll be pushing 90 and the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to get rid of her, while assorted California politicos like Rep. Adam Schiff are plotting to get their hands on that seat. But would Biden’s son have the inside track?
Remember, Joe’s only going to be in office for so long, and once he’s out, then Hunter Biden’s value drops to nil, and he’s going to have to make his own way in the world. Joe’s not going to be around for that long and he’s going to be compos mentis for even less of that time. If he’s going to get Hunter an easy job that will have him set for life, the time is now. And the clock is ticking. If Hunter Biden gets a Senate seat in a safe state, it’ll be a long time until he’s pried out of it, and even when he is, he’ll be able to get lobbyist cash based on his own connections rather than his father who won’t be able to tell a cabbage from a continent.
This is how it starts.
“This is an astonishingly candid and brave book about loss, human frailty, wayward souls and hard-fought redemption. Beautiful Things is so concise, so unflinching and propulsive, that outside of turning the pages and occasionally picking my jaw off the ground, I didn’t move between the first page and the last.”
–Dave Eggers
And who wrote the book? Give Joe credit for taking a page out of Joe Kennedy’s book. Literally.
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