The official story is that Hunter Biden may have been smoking crack and soliciting half the world’s oligarchs, including those in Communist China, but there was no government angle to it.
Somehow all that money was being thrown at a crackhead due to his native talents, not who his father was.
The ‘firewall’ between Hunter and Joe Biden has been repeatedly dented by revelations from the laptop.
And these latest revelations show that Hunter was actively collecting the information of key US officials in a position to aid his Chinese business interests.
Hunter Biden’s hard drive contained an enviable lineup of contacts for top US officials tasked with overseeing the US-China relationship…
The list apparently included…
Bruce Quinn — who is listed in the hard drive as a “Director for Implementation” at the US Trade Representative office of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan — said he had no idea why he would be among the names in the hard drive.
“I have never met him. I can’t even imagine,” Quinn told The Post. “Back then I used to go to all kinds of conferences and seminars. There is no doubt he could have attended one of the events with me.”
All of the others named as US-China contacts in Hunter’s address book either declined to comment or did not respond to requests for comment from The Post. They include:
Thomas Parker, a special advisor to the vice president for national security affairs
Sarah E. Kemp, who served as a commercial counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing
Patrick Mulloy, former commissioner of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission
If you’re going to do business in China, these would be good people to know. But they would also be very good people to know if you’re a Chinese company that wants to do business with America or with Americans. And these people would be a whole lot more likely to pay attention to the Veep’s son than to some random lawyer.
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