Movies have narratives. So do public relations and propaganda.
It’s not hard to spot those seams and cuts in the Hunter Biden redemption narrative. The elevator pitch is, “I’m all better now.” The logline is, “Hunter Biden recovers from a lifetime of addiction and trauma through the love of a good woman.”
It’s a cliche, but most political spin is.
The purpose of the memoir and the sales pitch is to defang the Hunter Biden scandals, not only those that have come out, but those that will come out, and turn them into old news. Hunter’s all better now.
There’s an investigation, but you know how well the FBI handles investigations involving top Democrats. So like Hillary and Bernie’s wife, I doubt Hunter has anything to worry about.
Except maybe Hunter.
The problem with narratives is that they tell a simple story about complex issues. And the entire Hunter narrative is betting hard on being able to put the problem to bed by telling a story about addiction. And yet Hunter’s problem is not addiction.
Trying to reduce it to addiction makes it seem manageable. But the problem with Hunter, as always, is Hunter. And addiction is the least of it. The FBI wasn’t investigating Hunter Biden because he had a drug problem. Being a top Democrat with a drug problem is practically obligatory. We went from Bill Clinton not inhaling to Obama boasting of trying cocaine. The problem is that Hunter has no self-control. Not with drugs, or business dealings. And, allegedly, with women.
Those are the ticking time bombs.
Talking about Hunter’s drug problems is a convenient distraction from the ticking time bombs. It’s a way of selling the public on the idea that Hunter was out of control, but is back under control.
And yet what if Hunter Biden is never really under control? And what is his father isn’t either?
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