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The media has consistently had the wrong instincts in battling Trump and after trying to convince Americans to sympathize with men wanting to shower with girls, they’re now angling for an even bigger hurdle… getting Americans to sympathize with federal bureaucrats.
‘I am terrified’: Workers describe the dark mood inside federal agencies – Politico
Americans are pretty good with this after living for much of the last 80 years terrified of federal agencies.
Just a few days into Trump’s second term, some federal workers are contemplating quitting. Others are preparing to file grievances with their unions or moving communications with each other to secure platforms like Signal.
This is pretty much what Americans voted for in the 2024 election.
As federal employees searched this week for clues within the orders to see how they’ll be affected, a staffer with the Environmental Protection Agency said they were cleaning out their inbox and waiting for information about early retirement and buyout programs.
Whatever the buyout of EPA parasites costs, it’s cheap at the price.
Epecially worrisome to some employees was the White House’s decision on Tuesday to eliminate diversity programs, subsequently placing those staffers on administrative leave.
At the State Department, the shutdown of those programs was something many saw coming. But some were startled by the directive that they report individual cases of people’s job descriptions being changed to “disguise” the DEI element to a special Office of Personnel Management email address. Some saw it as an order to snitch on colleagues
Changing titles to avoid complying with a directive is fraud. Failing to report it is also misconduct.
“I would love to leave, but I don’t know where I’d go, and I am terrified of not being able to pay rent and not having healthcare,” one State staffer said.
It’s a real mystery where one works when not working for the government.
An Environmental Protection Agency staffer said they plan to file a grievance with the union if their remote work arrangement is rescinded. In the meantime, they’re preparing to find a job outside the government.
A light dawns.
Does being placed on Leave mean they’re still getting paid….?
Sounds like more vacation paid time off
Yes, I think they are still being paid. As far as I recall, Biden did something that made it harder to fire some of these people, but Trump can put them on leave so they aren’t actively destroying his agenda.
“I would love to leave, but I don’t know where I’d go, and I am terrified of not being able to pay rent and not having healthcare,” one State staffer said.
Hey Loser, how about the private sector. But then you would probably have to actually do real work. And you might lose a few of the Fed holidays as well.
Or you could try going to Hell.
The obvious answer to their plaintive query is that they should do the work they’ve been performing for the government, but in the private sector.
The obvious rejoinder to that is that what they do for the government only has value to the government i.e. that they are merely Deep State worker bees analogous to Winston Smith.
Those poor bastards. They can’t go to the private sector…real work and product are actually required by civilian employers. I know….they can learn to code. I hope the “Trumpers” clean out FEMA. FEMA actually functioned well during Katrina (New Orleans) and other disasters around that time. But under the deep state and Communist Democrats, FEMA turned into a massive DEI WORKFARE operation. Shame.
To the federal time-servers who would love to leave their government grift but have no place to go, I have a tip. There are lots of vacancies in Hades.
99% will cling to their desks unless they are thrown out the window.
That sounds like a reasonable conclusion.
That sounds like a reasonable resolution.
“I would love to leave, but I don’t know where I’d go, and I am terrified of not being able to pay rent and not having healthcare.” Europe, Canada, the whole world is calling.
There’s only one America and there’s no place else on this planet like it. If those “bureau-brats” have a problem with the Trump admin shrinking the government bureaucracy, they’re free to pack up their sh*t and leave or STFU or suck it up and get a job flipping burgers or become an Uber or DoorDash driver.
Oh The Grumbling Government Employee
Can’t be fired – prima donnas sucking to their fiefdom
Be happy to have such a cushy job
With benefits out the wazoo
This is the lunatic fringe
It’s always the lunatic fringe
It’s the lunatic fringe that becomes unhinged
Oh the pressure on the fat bottom government employee
Go live in the UN Facility or the CFR where they want you maybe try the HQ of the DNC
“I would love to leave, but I don’t know where I’d go, and I am terrified of not being able to pay rent and not having healthcare,” one State staffer said.
Canada is an easy drive from DC. They have bad (but FREE) healthcare and probably free housing for immigrants.
The “free healthcare” is paid for by a tax-free day of June 13th in 2024. 100% of every cent you earn up till that date, is taken from you in taxes. It’s also paid for by doctor shortages and waiting times to see specialists and have required operations sometime taking years. If you are older they will just not authorize the surgery. I have an older family member who needs his pacemaker battery replaced, but they will not authorize the surgery. Franklin said it best… “‘The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.’
Wow – truly raised by entitled lefties. Self reliance – too unheard of to help these tenderfoots!
When I graduated from college, the saying back then was that the A and B students went to work in the private sector. while the C and D students only avenue for employment was the government. The experiences I had over the course of my career dealing with certain government entities never once dispelled that notion.
Moreover, I’m certain that somewhere within the government bureaucracy, there’s a 50 page CFR document on the proper way to tie a pair of shoes that meets federal guidelines. (Bureaucrats have to justify their existence!)
Amusingly enough, there is a right way and wrong way to tie shoes. I once got a pair of shoes that had very slippery laces that were continuously coming undone. After some research, I learned that I was using a modified granny knot instead of square knot. Just reversing the first part of the knot fixed that though it took a while for it to become a habit. Tip, if your shoe lace loops are straight and perpendicular to the shoes, it’s right. If not, it’s wrong.
How about a pair of slip-ons? Problem solved! I liken tying shoes to writing is cursive. I haven’t done it since becoming an adult which was eons ago.
I’m guessing that these deep state bureaucrats were making handsome salaries. Normally, that would imply that they have valuable professional skills. So what are those skills? If I were them, I’d be putting together a resume that would impress prospective employers. And they should figure out a good way to come up with a compelling way to inflate such skills as “creating the appearance that I’m doing important work.” C’mon all you govt schlubs. Looking for a job is something every adult should know how to do. It’s not that hard.
With the critical need of bureaucrats to find work I suggest they could be issued a shovel, rake or broom and sent to California to help in the clean up of Los Angeles and other nearby areas.
A light dawns indeed ! Do these Govt workers have any clue how many Americans have been out of work during the Biden Administration? Or how many college grads with useless degrees are driving Ubers or serving overpriced coffee ? A lot of their resume’s will be thrown in the trash today by employers who live out here in the real world. Best thing they can do is turn off CNN and PBS and sign up for Community College courses in healthcare or operating Medical Machinery or Go for the Gold and LEARN HOW TO SELL…any thing from new windows to Insurance to Real Estate and never look back !
If you can’t leave your job because you have no place to go, it means you don’t really have a job, you only have a paycheck.
How long before these pathetic bleaters get a I’m Terrified of Trump hashtag?
All Federal employees need to be replaced.
Emotionally I feel like a man sentenced to prison by a corrupt who suddenly found out that his conviction was over because the prosecutor was arrested for the crime he tried to pin on me.
And yes, I am acutely aware of the J6ers living the first half of this scenario.
Then again. I am not a J6er because the FBI has already been through my shorts,
and I’m on a federal watchlist.
So I knew full well what was going to happen – in a general sense – before the younger J6ers were even born.
And pardon the personal details …
But it’s really, really, really hard not to wish that these Federal employees to enjoy all the ‘benefits’ and ‘privileges’ that they’ve dished out to Americans for the last 60+ years I’ve been living here.
If I feel any compassion – it’s not for the whiners – but because I know enough about the corrupt Federal system to know
It will be the best, and the most competent, and the most patriotic, and the most conscientious employees – who will be let go first – unless Trump’s people take charge and control the process all the way from top to bottom.
Because Lefties really are so evil – THEY ARE what they CALL US.
Their insane insults are projections.
So if the cuts are 10, 20, or even 80% – guarantee that the worst ones will remain employed unless Trump stops it.
That’s why all of these agencies need 100% workforce replacement.
If you think the agonies are confined to those who are about to lose their jobs, just think of their PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS and what they will be subjected to when those absolute failures return to their basements!! When those useless, no talent moochers start sending resumes and filing applications they are going to face something new – REJECTIONS!!!
Another hit is going to be the banks! All those home loans – all those car loans – all those CREDIT CARDS!!
It’s not polite to laugh at others’ misfortune, but how many who are about to enter the REAL world have ever given a crap about the rest of us??
DC is a cesspool of corruption and waste! What will be the reactions of people when they FINALLY get to SEE and HEAR the TRUTHS? It won’t be nice!!
Similar to Ancient Rome. The farmers were the foundation of the country, but were often enlisted as soldiers, since the city dwellers tended to degenerate and become useless. But then, when it came time to demobilize the soldiers, they tried to give them farmland and take up farming again. But once the soldiers had been spoiled they found farming too hard, so they reenlisted as soldiers or drifted to the cities.
Hence the downfall of societies that wipe out their farmers and country dwellers. Last I heard Russia still hadn’t recovered from wiping out the Kulaks. Farming knowledge and skills and work ethic are irreplaceable. The cities are swamps of degeneration, which is why the Democrats foster them.
There are over 2 million Federal employees…20,000 of which work as staff for the 535 members of Congress. Embedded in leading this bureaucracy is the Senior Executive Service which are the super grades many which make $300,000 – $400,000 annually, and vote themselves generous bonuses on top of that. The SES was established in 1979. A Congressman warned that this entity would become politicized…and it has. The SES is behind the impeding and stonewalling of Republican presidents’ agendas. The SES rubber stamps the agendas of every Democrat president. The SES should be abolished because we did not have one for over 200 years.
As J. Michael Waller admirably describes in his “Big Intel” book, DEI is truly the ultimate expression of the cultural Marxism that started, or was finalized as a concept, with the Frankfurt school. It then spread throughout Europe and into America, and, here we are. I see now why it must be shut down. God speed to President Trump.
Learn to code.
Learn to farm.
Go be productive doing something.
A lot of people are going to find out that “non essential employees ” is strictly a government thing, and to most people the words ” government worker” is a contradiction of terms.