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Israel has no choice: it has to continue to fight until Hamas is destroyed, and that means it must defy the Bidenites, who are trying to prevent the IDF’s entry into Rafah, where four battalions of Hamas fighters remain intact. If they are not destroyed, Hamas will still be standing, and in the eyes of the Arabs and Muslims, will thereby have emerged victorious. The Bidenites fail to understand this. Nor do they realize that a perceived victory by Hamas has consequences not only for Israel, but for the entire Western world. More on the present state of US-Israel relations can be found here: “The big chill sets in, once again,” bIsrael Hayom, March 31, 2024:
David M. Weinberg,US-Israel relations are indeed at a watershed moment following the administration’s decision this week to abstain on (i.e., not veto) a rotten UN Security Council resolution that thoroughly delegitimizes Israel’s necessary and continuing war effort to eliminate Hamas in Gaza.
Next will be a long series of demonizing and criminalizing anti-Israel resolutions in UN agencies and international courts. (The Human Rights Council discussed four vicious reports on Israel this week and is to front several resolutions including a finding of “genocide” supposedly being committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza.)
Internationalizing the conflict and criminalizing Israel always was a central Palestinian strategy. Alas, US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken are now acquiescing in this horrible scheme, in order to wedge Israel into their fantasy framework for a swift, dangerously indecisive, end to the Gaza war.
This includes a gambit for “revitalized” Palestinian statehood and a magnanimous soft deal with Iran that magically will make all regional wars go away, from Saana to Beirut and Rafah.
Like Obama, Biden and Blinken will be “unable to manage” or mount a defense of Israel if Israel does not bend to their will.
The big chill again coming from Washington is uncomfortable, but Israel has no choice but to resist. It is not an exaggeration to say that Israel stands at a moment of grand diplomatic inflexion, a pivotal moment with historical implications for Israel’s sovereignty and long-term security….
If Israel remains undeterred by American pressure (which is the only pressure it worries about), and dismantles the remaining Hamas forces in Rafah, it will win the Gaza war. And it will have done so while continuing to minimize civilian casualties. But not only that. The Jewish state will then be seen as the indomitable, unified, and resolute country that is a bulwark against fanatical Muslims who threaten not just Israel, but Europe, seen by Muslims as the “Rome” that they are foreordained to conquer. It is unlikely that the Bidenites can be made to understand this — for now. That’s too bad. But the Jewish state, even without the full-throated support of its American ally, will just have to soldier on.
Biden is appeasing muslims because of ramadamadingdong. However they don’t actually fast during ramadamadingdong once it gets dark they stuff their faces with western grown, processed, packaged and shipped food.
Keep fighting Israel.
Biden is a racist and an antisemite who would be right at home at a Klan rally.
Amoral mental midget Dementia Joe will do whatever the Great Narcissist Barack Hussein Osama wants if he’s “elected” to a fourth term, Barack Hussein Osama wants the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of its Jews as much as Hamas or any wokeling shrieking “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”
“If Israel remains undeterred by American pressure …”
The writer neglected to add an “And if not …” It’s the latter that seems to be transpiring. The US has made this war all about Gaza “civilian casualties” and their humanitarian needs. There’s little talk about the hostages, or the ongoing threat from Hamas. Biden/Blinken are demanding Israel’s “firefighters” call it a day with the fire barely 80% contained. They’d tell a surgeon that’s removed 80% of a tumor that he’s “cut enough”.
Now consider the larger picture. Hezbullah sees the “shackled warrior” that is the IDF, unable to prevail over Hamas, which is a minor threat compared to Hezbullah. It will certainly be tempted to launch its own attacks. And US “allies”? Watching how the US treats its “closest ally” in the region, the reliability of the US will now be questioned. Many are already starting to hedge their bets.
‘the Bidenites don’t realize this.” It is really rather pathetic. It is their job to understand their area of expertise. It just shows that only second class intellects operate our government.
Biden is what he has always been, a corrupt politician that lies pathologically. He says what each demographic he’s attempting to appease wants to hear. Lying, pandering, 10%…. He’s a scumbag.
I’m hoping the time when Americans have to choose between converting to Islam, becoming dhimmis or being martyred won’t come in Mr Biden’s lifetime. Not because I wish him or anyone else dead, but because, at his present age, it would mean that America really didn’t have many years of freedom left. But if this did happen whilst he was on earth – are there any prizes for guessing which he’d choose, when he already has a head start in taqiyya?
Mr. Spencer: You say that the Biden Administration doesn’t care if Hamas wins the war, even if it leads to all Muslims and [many] Arabs being emboldened and strengthened in their fight against the West-in general-and the United States-in particular.
I believe that Senile Joe, our wayward President, doesn’t care because he doesn’t know. He’s to dementia-riddled to understand what is happening. However, I do believe the Administration of Biden’s Presidency cares.
They care about Hamas and they care about Iran.
To me, the ceasefire (forcing the attacked-Israel civilians- to make peace which will only allow the attackers-Hamas soldiers and terrorists- to rest, regather their strength and recuperate and to plan more hideous murders) is the preliminary to more barbarity..
And the way Iran is treated (for exp. allowing Iranian terrorists to sashay into the US; negotiating-and even giving taxpayer dollars-to the Iranian regime that is probably building nuclear weapons-weapons they plan to use against the US and Israel), gives strong evidence that either Iran, Terrorists, or anti-American ideology is being practiced by the “moderate” Biden Administration..
Our Afghanistan withdrawal is also strong supporting evidence (much of Hamas’ advanced weaponry was imported from Afghanistan.
Also, more supporting evidence as to the Biden Administration’s antipathy towards America: Running down the number of weapons we have by giving them to Ukraine; and running down our Strategic Oil Supply depots-without refilling them. Also, running up our debt.
Put it this way, the Biden Administration (the puppet masters of our President) are either total incompetents or they are traitors.
Prime Minister Benjamin was not only right, for he also spoke the sensible thing to do when he declared, “No force in the world will stop us from elimination Hamas.”
For Hamas is a dangerous and deadly plague for all Jewish people and the State of Israel and as some people don’t seem to realize that vicious and vile jihad entity also dangerous to America and all the other Western countries.
Furthermore, Hamas hates the Jewish people with a spiteful passion, which also carries over to the same detestable and deadly malice for Christians. As is the saying in the Middle East among jihad-minded Muslims, it’s “First comes Saturday then comes Sunday” Meaning “First kill all the Jews and then kill all the Christians”
To think about it , the many Muslims propagandists who live in the United States keep telling the Americans as well as other Westerner that “Islam respects Jews and Christians as “People of the Book. “ The words “Those, of course, mean the Bible.
In reality, many Muslims in the Middle East and elsewhere engage in severs persecution Christians and Jews Therefore, those words spoken by the Muslim apologists for Islam are disingenuous and empty words.
The persecution of who aren’t officially “People of the book” would be horrendously cruel and murderous towards Hindus and Buddhists as well as people of other religions who Muslim view a “pagan.”
Prime Minister Benjamin had revealed knowledge and wisdom by his statement about the need to about the very important and necessary need to engage in the “Elimination of Hamas.”
That fiendish villain Joe Biden, had ,indeed, totally abandoned Israel , likewise he betrayed her.
For is so very despicable that in an insidious way providing that aggressive Israel and America hating hostile Islamic regime of Iran, which supports Hamas, with billions of dollars and then he wants to send Iran even more money Before this betrayal of the State of Israel and the United States ,Biden allowed that Islamic tyranny that to obtain billons of dollars . How terribly wicked of Biden .For that belligerent ”mullah regime” of Iran calls Israel “The little Satan and the US “The great Satan.”
We may be sure that either in a direct way or an indirect way will use that money to advance its nuclear weapons program and further its stooge terror/murder jihad organizations which are Hamas, Hezbollah , Islamic Jihad.
Some Westerners might find in a bit interesting that Ayatollah Khamenei as well as the other ayatollahs and mullahs who have so much terrible power in Iran , don’t ever engage in any shootings and bombings , they just have their useful idiots who are the Muslim terrorists those three horrendous jihad entities to the dirty work of murdering of people for them as their tools.
Some of that vast amount of money Biden those in power in Iran to obtain will , without doubt , also be given in support to further found Hamas and also Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.
Truly, Joe Biden is a treacherous scoundrel.
The way to defeat that murderous jihad terror entity ,,Hamas , is by a use of a very strong force of the power of military might. For the sad and tragic reality is that this is the only language that the jihadist will understand, because they will not and cannot respond to reason and logic.
Therefore, it’s necessary to hit Hamas hard, hit it long and keep on hitting it until it can’t raise up again.
As Thomas Jefferson had ,so rightly and wisely , written “With every barbarous people….force is law.”
For it’s been wisely said the “Half measures in war is folly and madness.”
It’s obvious the Leaders of the IDF fully understand MacArthur’s comment: “…sure knowledge that in war there is no substitute for victory”. It is also obvious that the U.S. (Biden, Inc.) has NO RIGHT to “dictate” terms of ANYTHING to Israel, and its “democratically elected” P.M., and certainly not in their time of need and prayer. Biden’s groveling to Muslim malcontents in Dearbornistan to garner their “votes” is disgusting at best, and certainly traitorous action worthy of impeachment. What this “Infestation” of Muslims would turn into was obvious ten years ago. It’s only going to get worse.
Israel has no option but to carry on carrying on. Otherwise Hamas will be back up to strength as soon as the current generation of Gazan children attains adulthood. Israel has to cut out the men who would otherwise groom and train the youngsters.
Israel has nuclear weapons. They’re surround by enemies who would eagerly and readily kill all Israelis. Therefore, when push comes to shove, Israel should not hesitate to use nukes to deal with their enemies.
Instead of chastising Israeli, it would be more constructive if the US warned the Arabs and Iran of what can and will happen to them if and when the Israelis run out of patience in dealing with them.