The House Republican majority approved a resolution on February 2nd to remove Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, a member of the progressive “Squad,” from the House Foreign Affairs Committee because of her pattern of outrageous anti-Semitic remarks.
Rep. Omar has accused Jewish-American advocates of Israel of using “Benjamins” (i.e., money) to buy politicians’ support for the Jewish state. On another occasion, she raised the supposed threat of American Jews’ dual loyalty when she said, “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” These are age-old anti-Semitic tropes.
Rep. Omar has regularly demonized and sought to delegitimize Israel, accusing Israel of “evil doings” and “apartheid,” for example. She supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel, which discriminates against the Jewish state. These are also hallmarks of Omar’s anti-Semitism.
Omar lumped the United States and Israel together with the terrorist organizations Hamas and the Taliban, while excusing some acts of Islamist terrorism as the “byproducts of the actions of our involvement in other people’s affairs.” She made light of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people, by saying that “some people did something.”
Even some congressional Democrats have expressed concerns about Rep. Omar’s blatantly anti-Semitic remarks. But the Democrats imposed no consequences, despite throwing two Republicans off all House committees when the Democrats controlled the House.
The House Republican majority decided that Omar had no place on “a panel that is viewed by nations around the world as speaking for Congress on matters of international importance and national security,” as the removal resolution stated.
“How can someone not welcomed by one of our most important allies serve as an emissary of American foreign policy on the Foreign Affairs Committee?” Republican Ohio Rep. Max Miller, who authored the removal resolution, asked the House rhetorically. “And given her biased comments against Israel and against the Jewish people, how can she serve as an objective decision-maker on the committee?”
As expected, poor Omar played the wearisome victimhood card, complaining that she was being targeted as a Muslim, an immigrant, and a person of color.
Rep. Omar claimed that Republican House members “don’t believe a Muslim, a refugee, an African should even be in Congress, let alone have the opportunity to serve on the Foreign Affairs Committee” during a CNN interview on January 29th. And she doubled down on the day of the vote to oust her from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
“There is this idea that you are a suspect if you are an immigrant, or if you are from certain parts of the world or a certain skin tone, or a Muslim. It is no accident that members of the Republican Party accused the first black president, Barack Obama, of being a secret Muslim,” Rep. Omar said on the House floor. “Well, I am Muslim,” she added. “I am an immigrant, and interestingly, from Africa. Is anyone surprised that I am being targeted? Is anyone surprised that I am somehow deemed unworthy to speak about American foreign policy? Or that they see me as a powerful voice that needs to be silenced?”
Rep. Omar’s “Squad” comrades rallied to her defense. They put on quite a show of self-righteous indignation, anger, and crocodile tears. They have no shame.
New York’s Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused House Republicans of “racism” and “targeting women of color.”
Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) complained that “Republicans are waging a blatantly Islamophobic and racist attack against Congresswoman Omar.” She added, “I have said it before, I will say it again: The white supremacy happening is unbelievable.”
Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) said about Rep. Omar: “No matter how embattled, no matter how racially profiled, no matter how targeted, she has pressed on for peace.”
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) wailed, “I am so sorry, sis, that our country is failing you today. The GOP is now doing what it is best at, weaponizing hate against a black, beautiful, Muslim woman.”
The left-wing media also chimed in. For example, Philip Bump, a columnist for the Washington Post, claimed that Rep. Omar was targeted because of her Muslim religion. “Propelled in part by Trump’s commentary and heavily by perceptions about her religion, Omar became a representative example of the right’s framing of their opponents as hard-left, anti-Israel and anti-American,” Bump wrote.
A USA Today columnist accused Republicans of using Jews offended by Omar’s widely denounced remarks as “a convenient excuse to justify their own brand of hate” and “as a cudgel to force Omar out of important government business.”
The USA Today columnist, a self-proclaimed Jew named Anna Kaufman, said that she was not personally offended by Omar’s anti-Semitic remarks. And Kaufman made excuses for Omar.
“I ask who among us has not been unintentionally clumsy with a culture that is not our own, perhaps unaware of its pain points,” Kaufman wrote, pitifully mimicking one of Omar’s own defenses of her behavior. And, in any case, “the important part is that she apologized.”
The Republicans’ “disavowal of hate” was all an “act,” Kaufman charged. “They don’t care about antisemitism just as they don’t care about other strains of religious and ethnic hate, whether it be anti-Muslim bias or the callous treatment of migrants from Central and South America.”
MSNBC’s Joy Reid characterized the Republicans’ vote to remove Rep. Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee as “the latest step in the GOP’s vindictive, racist targeting of one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress in U.S. history.”
The Left are firm believers in Vladimir Lenin’s famous motto: “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
Every person or organization whom leftists abhor is racist, sexist, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, or some intersectional combination of the foregoing. The Left believe that repeating these slurs often enough against their enemies will convince enough people that the slurs are true.
Thus, it is no surprise that the lying Left have operated from the same playbook to hurl barrages of invective against Speaker McCarthy and the House Republican majority who have seen through Rep. Omar’s façade to her anti-Semitic core.
Rep. Omar was not removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee because she is a Muslim, an immigrant from Africa, or a person of color. Rep. Omar’s removal from this one committee was a perfectly valid response to her own pattern of anti-Semitism, which should not be given a platform on the House’s most important committee dealing with sensitive foreign relations matters. Omar is still serving on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and is free to serve on other committees to which she is assigned by her Democrat caucus.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy also refused to reappoint two white Democrats, Reps. Adam Schiff (who is Jewish) and Eric Swalwell, to another committee with highly sensitive responsibilities – the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Meanwhile, Democrat Rep. André Carson of Indiana, who is both black and a Muslim, remains a member of this committee.
If the House Republican majority under Speaker McCarthy’s leadership is as racist and Islamophobic as the Democrat critics and the left-wing media suggest, then why did Speaker McCarthy block Schiff’s and Swalwell’s reappointment but not Rep. Carson’s reappointment?
The answer is that there was good cause for Speaker McCarthy to keep both Reps. Schiff and Swalwell off the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Their grossly irresponsible behavior disqualified them from membership on a committee dealing with the nation’s most sensitive national security information. But Rep. Carson has done nothing wrong that deserves removal from the committee.
Schiff abused his position of authority when he was the ranking member and then chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He is reported to have selectively leaked classified information and to have repeatedly lied to the American people about matters under his committee’s purview. Swalwell raised serious security concerns stemming from his close relationship with a suspected female Chinese spy while he was serving on the same committee.
Obviously, race and religion did not factor at all into the speaker’s decision to block the reappointment of Reps. Schiff and Swalwell to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence while preserving Rep. Carson’s seat on the committee.
The same is true regarding the resolution ousting Rep. Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The Democrats who have accused House Republicans of racism against a woman of color for removing Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee are knowingly misleading the American people.
Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, a Democrat who is black and whose parents were from Haiti, is still serving on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. If House Republicans are so motivated by racism and so intent on targeting a woman of color, why wasn’t this first-term Haitian American woman of color booted off the House Foreign Affairs Committee along with Omar?
In short, the Democrats and their friends in the left-wing media are blowing smoke. They are also a bunch of hypocrites.
When the Democrats controlled the House under former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s iron rule, they stripped two Republicans of all their committee assignments. Pelosi also arbitrarily rejected two of then-House Minority Leader McCarthy’s selections to serve on the bogus select committee to “investigate” the January 6th U.S. Capitol riot. This was the first time a speaker had rejected members selected by the minority party to serve on a select committee.
The Democrats set these precedents when they were in power. Now they are whining when the tables are turned.
“Once you set the precedent, and we warned them about that, it’s likely to happen in reverse,” said Oklahoma Republican Rep. Tom Cole, chairman of the House Rules Committee. “This is something that Democrats, in my view, brought on themselves.”
Turnabout is fair play.
Someone just tell the bitch that “some people in congress did something”, and to accept the fact that it’s never a good idea to have thankless, America-hating fools serve in that committee (or any other.) As such, removing the bitter fool was pragmatic necessity; not “turnabout due to fair play”.
Removing the terrorist-sympathizing bitch off the committee was a good start.
Giving her the same welcome that the Obama administration gave the Romeike family, would be a good finish (and this time, it’d be justified – legaly & morally.)
What goes around comes around .The tolerance of anti Semitism in the Democratic Party is proof of the Corbinization of the party
This is what the Dems do. They put members of their intersectional squadron up front to talk about and do the most outrageous aspects of their belief system and, when anyone objects or responds, scream that they are only objecting or responding because they are racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobia, transphobic, etc., etc., etc. It’s a no-lose proposition for them. It’s all just theater.
Not only was it the right decision to “kick off’ Ilan Omar off the committee assignment but this go further anti- Jewish and pro- sharia subversive stealth jihadist. ,Omar, should also be impeached and removed from the political office she now holds. Maybe she should even expelled from the United States as a security threat . For even an American Imam had described her as so dangerous that he referred to her as “ISIS with lipstick” [1]
As the former US President ,Theodore Roosevelt had ,rightly , said in a speech “There can be no fifty -fifty Americanism in this country.. There is room here for only one hundred percent Americanism ,only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”
In addition the other former US President , William Howard Taft had , wisely , declared in a speech “Antisemitism isa noxious weed that should be cur out. It has no place in America.” – Neither does Omar
[1] the video documentary by Dinesh D’ Souza
If her history is the one I correctly associate with her, she should be mpeaced and de[prted for immigration fraud. Marrying hr brother to fix a paperwork issue should have them both tossd back into the cesspit they too recently vacated.
Look deeply into her corrupt wranglings in politics and voting issues in her home-pit Minneapollis. Thin itwas Project Veritas filmed some VERY nasty nd incriminationg stuff, folks outrageously and flippantly hrveting large quantities of ballots, skanky counting at the polling and counting places….. get rid of this subversive wretch. The qucker the sooner.
Omar is a loathsome anti-American, anti-Semitic little swine who should never have been let into America much less given citizenship and elected to public office.
Dems ought to be ashamed of appointing her to the foreign affairs committee or any committee for that matter.
Well said – deportation comes to mind ……….. GITMO?
Mz Omar, Mz Talib and the rest of the squat have no business being in office. They should not have a public platform to spew their hatred of America, Jews. Christians, and white skins. They all would do well to live in Somalia or any Islamic nation of their choice. They may gain a different view of this great nation.
She earned everything that has happened to her.
Deport her back to where she came from.
Omar is a dunce. She should be deported
Not wanting to attack places Muslims want to attack is dual loyalty to American Muslims. Omar probably would hunt down free Tibet Buddhists too, some consistenc. Not people who are loyal to Egypt and Sudan and not places like Canada for now.
The only thing I don’t completely hate about Reform atheists converting people to the fake Judaism they invented online is now you don’t have to belive the court Jew they drag out to say the king should declare things on us is really a Jew.
That being said we need like a B league at this point like a more organized chabad center thing so at least the Judaism they heard isn’t some lesbian atheist lies that make FGMing Muslims look deep in comparison to.
any country that allows muslims to immigrate into a western system will ultimately collapse . europe is doomed , a cursory study will confirm it . democrats and republicans have betrayed their constituents by allowing muslims to infest america . even worse to allow them into the halls of power . america under dementia joe and his cohorts are just like the titanic . touted as unsinkable , greatest ship ever built , glorious to behold ! then climate change iceberg joe comes along and then bam!!! straight to the bottom . all the warnings have been voiced , all the deck chairs have been shuffled but nothing will save america . removing omar from her favoured status will not make one iota of difference . the cancer of islam is now in the body of america , and we all know how to treat cancer .
someone tell this wretch:
Pot, meet mirror. Oh look, see kettle. Now shut up and go away. FAR FAR away. Now.
This silly silly wee lassie is the ”person” that was screaming about being treated equally and then screams even louder when she is in fact treated equally… Ya cant fix that sense of self righteousness as it is ingrained the mind of Far Left ”people” like this see bitch who lied about her immigration papers and now calls Americans of European heritage awful names and gets away with it as who dares call her a racist… Me, I call her a racist and a liar.
Deport her for lying on her Citizenship papers.