When Democrats and their media coathangers scream about “kids in cages”, the reality is of illegal aliens, including possibly gang members, showing up with kids because they know that bringing a child along is a free pass into the United States.
Here’s what that looks like.
A Honduran migrant admitted to purchasing a baby for $80 in Guatemala after finding out that it was easier for family units to apply for asylum at the United States border.
Amilcar Guiza-Reyes, 51, confessed to immigration agents when he presented himself at the border with the six-month-old boy and was told he would be required to undergo a DNA test.
According to U.S. officials, the undocumented immigrant, Guiza-Reyes reportedly bought the child during his stop in the western Guatemalan town of Huehuetenango and continued his journey through Mexico before reaching the southern U.S. border where he was detained May 7.
The case is one of thousands which officials flagged as potentially fraudulent in recent weeks.
The child, whose name was withheld for privacy reasons, was transferred to the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services for placement.
Or as Democrats call it, putting him in a cage or a concentration camp.
They would prefer that we not only let illegal aliens into the country, but that we also let them keep the kids they bought for $80 bucks.
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