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The Mueller report suggested that former President Trump could be charged with obstruction of justice because of his decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey and alleged pressure on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to fire Mueller. Now a report has emerged that Biden is planning to fire Attorney General Merrick Garland over special counsel investigations.
While the media made much of the obstruction of justice allegations at the time, it’s shown little interest in its own reporting which implicated Biden in multiple instances of obstruction of justice.
A recent Politico report described Biden complaining that Attorney General Merrick Garland did not stop Special Counsel Hur from editing out mentions of his diminished mental capacity in his report, that Garland should not have allowed a special counsel to look into his son’s misconduct and finally that Garland had failed to schedule a trial of former President Trump quickly enough.
As a result, Politico reported that Biden would oust Garland if he gets a second term.
Not only was Biden interfering with supposedly independent investigations of himself and his son, but even into criminal proceedings aimed at his likely opponent in the presidential race. The interference has become crude and overt enough that it now includes media leaks threatening the job of his attorney general for not sufficiently protecting him from investigations.
And for not doing enough to schedule his presidential opponent’s trial before the election.
Troublingly, the report describes Biden complaining in “recent weeks” that Garland took too long to move on trying Trump. And in mid-January, Garland unexpectedly told CNN that “the cases were brought last year, the prosecutor has urged speeding trials with, with which I agree, and it’s now in the hands of the judicial system, not in our hands.”
It appears now that the attorney general was not just talking to CNN, but to President Biden.
If the Politico report is true, this is deeply corrupt behavior that meets the standard for impeachment. A pattern of interfering in his own investigations is obstruction of justice, but interfering to speed up a criminal case against his opponent so that a trial takes place before an upcoming election is abuse of power. Both are extremely impeachment worthy charges.
Impeachment proceedings moved forward against former President Nixon over obstruction of justice charges related to the coverup of Watergate. Former President Bill Clinton actually was impeached on obstruction of justice grounds and finally former President Trump was impeached for the first time on obstruction of justice charges. The precedents point to impeaching Biden.
These reports come after multiple denials by the White House, by Attorney General Garland and other administration figures that there was any political interference in the investigations.
“Since he took office and consistent with his campaign promise that he would restore the independence of the Justice Department when it comes to decision-making in criminal investigations, President Biden has made clear that this matter would be handled independently by the Justice Department, under the leadership of a U.S. Attorney appointed by former President Trump, free from any political interference by the White House. He has upheld that commitment.” the Biden administration claimed after whistleblowers described efforts by the Department of Justice to sabotage their investigation into Hunter Biden.
The independence has been exposed as a sham and the documented interference with the Hunter Biden investigation could have come from the Justice Department under pressure from the Attorney General or other administration figures because Joe Biden was protecting his son.
House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan had already announced an obstruction of justice investigation into Biden over allegations that he had interfered in the Hunter Biden investigation and the revelations in the Politico article that Biden had sought to pressure not just one investigation but three and to do so at the level of the attorney general’s office are likely to provide more fuel for an obstruction of justice case.
“We are facing obstruction like has never been demonstrated in the history of congressional investigations,” Rep. Comer had argued.
According to the Politico report, anger at Special Counsel Hur’s report by “Biden and his closest advisers” led them to “put part of the blame on Garland, who they say should have demanded edits to Hur’s report.” While Attorney General Garland could have tried to edit or suppress the report, Congress would have demanded unredacted copies and the leaked copies would have been an even bigger scandal. Garland appears to have understood this even when Biden did not.
Biden also charged that Garland should not have “empowered a special counsel to look into his son” claiming that “the stress could send Hunter Biden spiraling back into addiction.”
Most damagingly, Biden recently took to grumbling “to aides and advisers that had Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded” apparently out of concern that the trial might not take place before the presidential election for maximum political advantage.
As a result, “most of the president’s senior advisers do not believe that the attorney general would remain in his post for a possible second term.”
Clearly the Biden team expects more legal troubles or assaults in a possible second term and believes that Attorney General Garland is spending too much time protecting himself from the fallout and not doing enough of their dirty work. That does not bode well for the next four years.
While there are no indications that Biden has directly pressured Garland, the constant mentions of the subjects to top aides and advisors, followed by media leaks, are meant to have the same effect while providing plausible deniability. They also convey a message to anyone who wants to be Garland’s possible successor of the expectations of the office that he or she hopes to assume.
When the president expresses his unhappiness to aides, they are expected to act on it. And the question is, beyond media leaks, what actions did they take to pressure Garland on the three investigations? That is the question on which Biden’s impeachment may depend.
Despite efforts to portray Biden as a disinterested party who was watching the investigations unfold without interfering with them, the Politico report shows that he was highly invested in them, closely monitoring them and sending strong signals of what he wanted to see done with them. These are evidence of obstruction of justice and a severe abuse of power.
And they cannot go unpunished.
Puppet master Obama and puppet Biden should have been executed by now for TREASON!!
The GOP is weak and complicit in protecting them!
I agree!
They are also guilty of sedition and who knows what kind of sexual perversions
well, Biden is a pedophile, and Obama is a closet case who used to oppose gay marriage until his advisors convinced him to stop. Stop disparaging gays, not stop being gay.
Depraved and psychopathic Obama and Biden and their ilk are a scourge on America and US citizens.
Just as depraved psychopathic murderous Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Straight from Mark Levin: 3 charges requiring impeachment:
#1 Deliberate failure to enforce Immigration Statutes. This indirect violation of Enaugeration Oath.
#2 Obstruction of Justice.
#3 Bribery.
He should have been, and could have been removed two years ago.
We be in fantastically better shape if we had moved sooner.
My sympathy is nonexistent.
Biden will go down as the most corrupt President ever – by a long shot.
If Biden is not impeached, it will make a mockery of our country.
Impeached or not, he has made a mockery of the country already.
Biden made a mockery of the USA the first few days in office. Never forget the Afghanistan pull out.
Q. How to spell Relief ? A I-M-P-E-A-C-H B-I-D-E-N
There’s too much money at stake.
His son has a contract with a Ukrainian energy company and immediately after the voting machines elected him, war starts in the very same place, coincidence?
The military industrial complex is protecting him and hated Trump for not going to war and negotiating PEACE in the Middle East where, following Biden’s removal of sanctions against Iran, the cowards of Hamas start another war, coincidence?
Get him off script and he incriminates himself.
And soils himself.
“COME ON MAN…. I’m a Democrat… end of discussion since we own the Justice system…hahahahaha! HAHAHAHA!”
Russian Collusion Conspiracy in a Coup Attempt against a sitting President: NADA!
False FISA Warrants: NADA!
Tax Hoax: NADA!
Obvious Biden Crime Family: NADA!
Biden Documents: NADA!
Biden conspiring with prosecutors at WH to plot Trump indictments: NADA!
Open Borders: NADA!
Cocainegate: NADA!
Russia, China, Iran: NADA!
10% to the Big Guy: NADA!
Fondling girls: NADA!
Numerous Vacations: NADA! (He goes home because his p–n stash is there!)
Trading Hostages for $$$ to a Terrorist Regime: NADA!
Ending numerous Trump Orders due to their hatred for him: NADA
Releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for a political stunt before the 2022 election lowering gas ten cents which quickly rises anyway. As of 2/13, news was saying to fill up, gas went to $2.99 overnight here in ABQ… by afternoon, $3,49. This morning?: NADA!
What’s going to do during campaign season: NADA! He knows that the election is rigged so why campaign just like he did in 2020. Kamala didn’t campaign either. THEY KNEW AND NOW, THEY KNOW!
BIDEN WILL GRANT AMNESTY TO 40 MILLION ILLEGALS VERY SOON so the Democrat machine can aid in their citizenship paperwork and to fill out their voter registration, and then their mail-in ballots. ONE-PARTY RULE, THEIR AMERICAN DREAM…. AMERICA’S NIGHTMARE!
The more that is uncovered about Biden’s corruption, the less that is done about it. The only good thing to come out of the “breaking Biden news” alerts is that it forces Biden & Co to scramble to get someone at the podium to deny the accusations. John Kirby is the latest to take on that role now that KJP has lost all credibility.
But she still selects the reporters for the Admiral. He has been intimidated by the lesbian black.
The Senate will never convict a Democrat in an impeachment trial. If Republicans in office at all levels can somehow wake up, shake off their urge to take bribes, and insure a clean 2024 election, voters can make things right.
“And they cannot go unpunished.” And yet they will. We have slipped into a post-modernist corruptocracy.
Or Kakistocracy
Yes. Unpunished, just like all those convenient deaths surrounding the Clintons. There’s a pattern here.
Joe Biden and Hunter Biden received many “gifts” in the from of money and other things from Red China’s President Xi Jinping and other higher up of the China’s Communist party
About such corrupt activities, the Bible reads ” The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.”
Proverbs 17:23. [N. I. V.]
Joe Briben has so many impeachable and high crimes and treason offenses to take down the whole swamp in a massive insidious and pervasive network of foreign and domestic crimes that a warrant will prevent foreign criminals from stepping foot on US soil or conducting business transactions with US companies and domestic criminals will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the laws. This will not stand if USA is to stand! A threshing is nigh! If we the people of the United States will not do the fullest extent to stop the coup d’etat (***) we are in before the razor wire surrounds us because we took no action that includes calling upon YHVH in the Holy Name of Yeshua Messiah Lord Jesus Christ – because the same dem0nic possessed acts that against YHVH’S 8th day creation, the Hebrews of which Yeshua came through, in Israel on Saturday was 10-7-2023, is persecuting President Donald J Trump from fake impeachments to witch hunt sham trials and is persecuting political prisoners of the so called Jan 6. (***coup d’etat by stolen 2020 election). It’s 100% demonic and needs the Supernatural help of YHVH and the so-called Heavenly Host in Yeshua Messiah’s Holy Name to guide us when and where to strike! Action we must! We are in a demonic coup d’etat without firing a single shot. The first salvo was the pLandemic – controlled us and stripped us of supply and fake shortages. The second was the rigging and stealing of 2020 election and 2022 in states like Arizona. ( 2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. )
There will always be Rinos who vote to impeach and Republican President. There will always be the same group unwilling to impeach a Democrat. Open border with known terrorists coming in and silence among most Republicans. The game is to drag it out as long as possible. I think the strategy is to either see if the Obama cartel takes Oatmeal Brains out first or to wait until Oatmeal Brains can’t stand up on his wobbly legs. Wait it out! Gutless wonders.
Pray tell, who the fork, or how the is branden going to be arrested, indicted, prosecuted, and hhungg till ddeadd, sshott by military ffiringg squad??
Wake me when that happens
Biden wanting to fire Garland has not brought out the “Worse then Watergate” chorus of croaking frogs. Nixon getting special prosecutor Archibald Cox fired apparently was wrong only because of Nixon. It seems the election of 1960 with Kennedy vs. Nixon and the elections of 1968 and 1972 were cleaned up by the Deep State one way or another. Biden, however, is seen as peachy keen. He is a thin skinned glove, perfect for a hand puppeteer.
A hand clove used to puppeteer colostomy exams.
I used to think Alzheimer Joe’s handlers possessed animal cunning but they’re dumb. This administration’s only strength is its complete disregard for laws, propriety and the truth. Garland is the best partner in crime it has, even more valuable than Mayorkis. Mayorkis is just destroying America but Garland is destroying America and opponents of the Dirtbagocrat party.