Some background.
New York City’s leftist government has been fighting a war against Asian parents by trying to dismantle testing standards for access to prestigious schools. The obvious problem with those standards, from the lefty perspective, is that white and Asian students meet them.
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s point man in the war on education has been Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza, whose regime has repeatedly been accused of racial discrimination. Here’s a quote from his confrontation with some Asian parents.
But the schools chancellor has already openly questioned the legitimacy of gifted-and-talented programs, including to a group of Queens parents in February.
“When you have over 35% of your students be designated as gifted and talented, we need to bottle the water we’re drinking and ship it all over the place,” he said sarcastically.
“Because that is far beyond the percentage of gifted and talented that, from a statistical perspective, should be found in the population.”
If Carranza really cared about kids, he would saying that non-sarcastically.
Wouldn’t you want to bottle whatever makes Asian students perform so far above average?
To Carranza, Bill de Blasio and the rest of the Left, high scores by Asian students, but not other minority students, prove that testing is wrong.
It’s a fact, in lefty ideology, that any racial diverge in statistics is proof of discrimination. The only thing high test scores for Asian students mean to guys like Carranza is that they’re gaming the system or acting white.
And yet, you actually can ‘bottle’ hard work, dedication, studiousness, and all that stuff which causes people to succeed by other means than identity politics and political protectionism. America was built on ‘bottling’ that stuff. Guys like Ben Carson are living examples of it.
But the Left rejects the idea that individuals can achieve anything by striving for it. The system is institutionally racist. The only solution is to transform it into quota systems that give everyone the same privileges, with as little regard for their achievements and character as possible.
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