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Throughout Western Europe, the Muslim percentage of the population grows steadily, both from continued immigration and from much higher birth rates among Muslims than those exhibited by the indigenous non-Muslim population. There are now an estimated forty-four million Muslims in Europe, about 5% of the population. That number is expected to rise to 7.5% of the population — if nothing is done to halt Muslim immigration — by 2050. And growing antisemitism, which is encouraged and spread mainly by those Muslims migrants, is causing more Jews to think of leaving Europe for Israel or North America. More on this disturbing development can be found here: “Islam conquers Europe and Jews flee,” by Giulio Meotti, Israel National News, December 18, 2024:
…“Islam is advancing and I see in the West a desire to disappear,” Michel Houellebecq told the Italian daily Il Corriere della Sera.
In the Paris of the author of “Submission”, a dystopian novel that has become a daily chronicle, the famous philosopher Pierre Manent has just been reported to the judiciary, guilty of having said that “the number of Muslims in France cannot be allowed to grow at an indefinite rate. Secularism can more easily move a statue of Saint Michael than transform Islam. Failure to act could lead to a tragedy that no version of secularism will enable us to face”. The left-wing deputies have denounced him. “Incitement to hatred”. Article 40 of the penal code.
Pierre Manent’s statement is not one meant to incite hatred. His voice is, rather, a vox clamantis in deserto, a bleak Cassandra who sees, and fears, the ongoing Islamization of Europe. Without hate, but with foreboding. They are different things.
“Victims of antisemitism and Islamism, unite! The time of pogroms has returned, the Jews know it and have been saying it for a long time,” said the courageous Algerian writer Boualem Sansal.
Boualem Sansal is an Algerian novelist and essayist who deserves to be widely known outside the francophone world. He writes in French. In 2012, he was the recipient of the Editions Gallimard Arabic Novel prize for his book Rue Darwin. The prize is awarded by the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Paris. However, after the Council learned that Sansal had taken part in the Jerusalem Writers Festival earlier that year, they decided not to award him the prize money of 15,000 euros. Sansal fought back, describing that decision as “completely unacceptable.” Arab countries – and especially his own country of Algeria – he said had “locked themselves in a prison of intolerance.” France Culture radio director Olivier Poivre d’Avror, who headed the predominantly Arab jury that awarded the prize, resigned his post in protest, claiming that the prize money had been withdrawn as a “sordid” consequence of pressure from the terror group Hamas. D’Avror explained that “between being nominated for the prize and actually receiving it, Boualem Sansal visited Israel … Hamas immediately issued a statement calling his presence an act of treason against the Palestinians. The reaction of Arab Ambassadors Council was a direct result of this.”
Sansal has always maintained that he does not regret visiting Israel. “I am glad I visited Israel and returned with great happiness.” He also said that “Israelis have all the reasons in the world to be proud of what they have achieved in their country in such a short period of time…In so many fields, Israel is at the international forefront and it is very impressive.”
Sansal also said that he was moved by support he had received from Avigdor Lieberman, who as Israel’s Minister of Culture had denounced the Arab boycott of Sansal for having visited Israel. Sansal said of Lieberman: “His statement was so gracious in comparison to Arab governments. He told them: ‘You’re persecuting intellectuals. We embrace them and care for their safety. That is why your citizens are rebelling against you.’ That is a harsh blow to Arab governments.” And while he had nothing but praise for Lieberman and for Israel, Sansal criticized Hamas as well, saying that it was a terrorist movement that “has taken Gazans hostage. It has taken Islam hostage.”
It is Sansal, an Algerian born into Islam (but who I assume is no longer a believer), who is alarmed about a future Muslim takeover of Europe, and about the jihadism that is now spreading and poisoning the minds of young Muslims. If you won’t listen to such Infidels as Robert Spencer on the future of an ever-more-islamizing Europe, then for god’s sake listen to the former Muslim Boualem Sansal.
Intrepid says
As long as Western Europe is run by the Globalist E.U., Islam and the scum who are migrating to Europe will have a free hand in remaking the continent. All we need do is witness what happening in Ireland, Britain, France, Germany and Sweden.
We are seeing the beginnings of it in the U.S., particularly in Minneapolis, Minnesotastan, Dearbornistan, Michigan, and Brooklyn NY.
Where ever Islam takes hold it grows like a lawless pestilence, forcing the white population to leave.
internalexile says
Will good men, once again, do nothing? America really is the last hope for western civilization.
Intrepid says
Let’s hope the real men of Europe wake up before they are completely emasculated by the E.U.
At this point America is the best hope for western civilization.
Rob A says
America is the best hope only if the intention is to feminize the western world, transition the males over to trannies and cede power & control over to the LGBTQ religious cult that is subsuming American culture.
Males wearing tight pants, fingernail polish, perfume (aka, cologne) and carrying purses? WTF is that all about? Beam me up Scotty!
Intrepid says
So what will you do to fight for America besides always posting some Negative Nancy B.S.?
Thomas Jefferson sent ships to wipe them out in northern Africa.
Robert Gorter says
ALL according to the Kalergi Plan
Hannah Katz says
France and the West could use a man like Charles Martel about now.
Gabrielle says
Taken from The Medieval Reporter December 7, 2022
It’s not totally clear when Charles earned his nickname ‘Martel’, meaning ‘The Hammer’, but after this victory, it definitely became common to call him that. Having stopped the Arab onslaught, the Frankish prince was looking to dish out more hammer blows.
Edward Amos Brandwein says
And Spain should create another Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar aka “El Cid “
Terence Gain says
Martel was a great man, but you are wrong. The current conquest is not military. It is being accomplished by migration. And it will inevitably be successful since very few of us understand that the only way to stop it is by banning further immigration.
This was accomplished in middle Europe, Germany, etc. Migrate, separate, reproduce.
Raymond in DC says
Ending the social welfare support would drive most of them either to find gainful employment or find another domicile.
Condor says
It will take more than stopping immigration from Muslim countries. Those who are already in country will continue to reproduce at a rate much higher than the native citizenry, so the demographic time bomb will not be defused. It will take an active program of deportation to reverse this trend, as well as a hardline policy of reciprocity when it comes to religious institutions (mosques and madrasas in particular). None should be allowed unless there is a corresponding Christian church built and supported in their country of origin. No reciprocity = no mosques. Further, do not permit remittances to their country of origin without heavy taxation and tracking to avoid funding of terror-supporting organizations. [Btw, Mexico thrives off tens of billions $$ in remittances from Mexicans in the U.S., who do not have to be supported by the Mexican govt; this is a strong incentive for the Mexican govt to continue promoting cartel-managed immigration (illegal or otherwise) into the U.S.] Lastly, Islamization is all about “Sharia uber alles”. It is fundamentally at odds with Western principles of separation of church and state, equal rights for women and others, and other core precepts. It cannot be allowed to enter the government, commercial, religious, or security sectors. What is underway now can be properly termed “suicide of the West.”
Onzeur Trante says
James Burnham wrote about exactly this back in the 1940s in his excellent book “Suicide of the West.”
(yeah, I’ve mentioned it several times here already…)
BLSinSC says
Our young Men and Women saved Europe from the Nazis. We gave them a bright future and helped rebuild their Nations. We’ve spent untold TRILLIONS defending them since, but no more! We should advise the EU that they need to decide – FIGHT for YOUR NATIONS or submit to islam! There’s still time to send the hordes back home – won’t be easy or “nice”, but for the EU to survive it must happen. I would strongly object to any US Troops to be sent to liberated them again! We should MOVE our bases in the EU to Nations that are REALLY our Allies. Let Germany fend for themselves – their hitlerian Merkel started this disaster!
We have our OWN muslim issues to resolve. One should be no one proclaiming allegiance to anything other than the USA may not be eligible for public office! Lots of DEMOcrats would be excluded! When someone of the ilk of omar openly states that she REPRESENTS Somalia then take her for her word, expel from Congress, revoke her probably illegal citizenship, and DEPORT her back to her “constituent”!
We have an opportunity to cleanse Our Nation – it should be done! If anyone whines then just say “we wouldn’t need to do this if the DEMOcrats had not let them in”!
Rob A says
An eternal optimist, aye? There’s a cure for that. It’s called reality.
Alkflaeda says
There is a solution that is neither military nor political. Many Muslims are embracing Christianity; it is for us to pray that there will be many more, to provide Bibles in their mother tongues, to welcome them and to provide refuges when their erstwhile co-religionists do as the Qur’an instructs and attempt to kill them. Granted, there are those who fake conversion to gain citizenship – but there are also many genuine conversions, like that of Hatun Tash, who now courageously preaches the Gospel at Speakers’ Corner in London.
Condor says
These numbers are very small compared to the total Muslim population, and it is aggressively discouraged by draconian penalties (including death in some locales). Look at what has been done to the native Christian (and Jewish) populations throughout the Middle East. There has been an ongoing genocide of the Christian and Jewish populations throughout this region, to the point that the “Holy Land” is now largely devoid of Christians and controlled by Muslims as a result of armed conquest and terrorism. Only Israel remains as a strong point of resistance to the relentless attacks by Muslim states and terrorist factions and a last refuge for both Jews and Christians. Added to this is the relentless anti-Christian, anti-Jewish policies and actions by the Democrat party, which is part of the Red-Green alliance.
Patriot Pray_er says
Demographics are inevitable. All of Europe will be Islamized by 2050. The only way to save native Europeans is for an immediate about face on unfettered immigration. Fat chance! We face the same in America, thank God we will at least face it head on for the next 4 years…
Ron Kelmell says
By multiple wives and big families SETTLEMENT is a tactic with ‘armed jihad”’ and ‘treaty’ Muslims use appearing like termites. The damage is done when you find them. Leftist politicians’ willful ignorance and cowardice are like doors without locks, inviting cultural destruction.
James Glynn says
Europe has entered a very dangerous period of history. Will it become part of an expanding Caliphate? So far European leaders seem to encourage that thinking that their Islamist allies will always support common goals. Ignorance of these European leaders will become evident when Islamist allies turn on them and they will find themselves fighting for their political and actual lives. I’m