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It was former Chancellor Angela Merkel who, in 2015, swung upon wide the doors to Muslim economic migrants, allowing one million of them to enter Germany that year. Since then the numbers of those Muslim migrants have only slightly decreased to a few hundred thousand a year. And this past year, more than twice the number of Syrians were given citizenship than the year before – almost 50,000. Another 14,235 Turks and 6,810 Iraqis were also granted citizenship. A total of about 70,000 Muslims, from just three countries, were made German citizens in 2022, and that record is expected to be exceeded in 2023. It’s a dismaying development. More on this story is here: “Record number of young Syrian males granted German citizenship last year,” by Thomas Brooke, Remix News, May 30, 2023:
A record number of Syrian nationals were handed German citizenship last year, as the country processed the largest number of naturalizations in a year in more than two decades, according to new figures published on Tuesday.
The data released by Germany’s Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) showed a total of 48,320 Syrian nationals were naturalized across Germany last year, more than double the 19,095 naturalizations of Syrians recorded in 2021 — a figure that was already three times higher than any other year on record.
The figure is 24 times higher than the 2,263 Syrian nationals handed citizenship at the peak of the migrant crisis in 2016.
Syrians accounted for 29 percent of all naturalizations recorded in Germany last year, as the country granted citizenship to 168,545 foreign nationals.
“On average, they were 24.8 years old and two-thirds were male. Before they were naturalized, they had stayed in Germany for an average of 6.4 years,” Destatis commented.
“The high number of naturalizations by Syrians is related to the immigration of Syrians seeking protection in the years 2014 to 2016 and who are now increasingly meeting the requirements for naturalization,” the stats office added.
Turkish nationals were the second-highest group to be handed citizenship, with 14,235 individuals naturalized last year, followed by 6,810 and 5,565 nationals from Iraq and Ukraine, respectively. Naturalized Ukrainians were predominantly female (69 percent) and on average 36.1 years old.
The Syrian Civil War is largely over. The government won. It is willing to admit back into the country, without any repercussions, the five million Syrians who fled abroad during the war, as long as they promise they will be loyal to the Assad regime. So these Syrians in Germany can no longer claim to be “asylum seekers” – if they ever could — and Germany has no reason to give them citizenship.
It’s just been announced that two Syrian brothers have been arrested in Germany. They were planning to build a suicide vest and to blow up a Swedish church packed with worshippers. How many of those Syrians just now given citizenship share the world views, and the hatred of Infidels, of the two Muslim brothers Anas K. and Ahmad K.?
Most foreign nationals must have lived legally in Germany for at least eight years to be eligible for naturalization; however, an individual can apply early through special integration services. To do so, the applicant must show good language skills, professional achievements and civic commitment, according to Destatis.
While anyone can put on a show of “civic commitment” in order to hasten the process of naturalization, how easy is it for German officials to distinguish the real from the feigned? How can a Muslim believer offer a sincere “civic commitment” to the German state, created by and for Infidels, whom he has been taught are “the most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6)?
“With 23,100 early naturalizations due to special integration achievements, the number in 2022 has almost doubled compared to the previous year (12,400) and reached a new high. Of these, 13,900 Syrians (60 percent) made up the most frequently represented nationality,” the stats office said.
Germany is now going to issue visas to hundreds of thousands of Turkish and Syrian earthquake survivors.
All those affected by the earthquakes must be accepted, Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has said.
A question for Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser: why? Does Germany have a special obligation to take in these earthquake survivors? No other country has made that offer. And wouldn’t it make more sense for those Muslim survivors either to remain at home, where they may be the recipients, of course, of international aid, including aid from Germany? But wouldn’t the most sensible think of all be for the rich Arab states of the Gulf, with trillions of dolllars in their sovereign wealth funds, to take in their fellow Muslims and to support them until such time as they can return home? Doesn’t this natural disaster cry out for Muslims to help fellow Muslims? Why should the Infidels, whom Muslims are instructed not to take as friends “for they [Christians and Jews] are friends only with each other,” and who are described in the Qur’an as “the most vile of created beings,” be expected to take in Syrian and Turkish survivors of the earthquake? It makes no sense.
The figures [on the record numbers of Syrians becoming German citizens] come days after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz published draft legislation designed to make citizenship easier for foreign nationals living in the country, as Germany’s federal government attempts to increase immigration into the country to fill labor shortages.
The Germans do indeed need immigrants to fill labor shortages. So do many other countries in Europe that, like Germany, are currently admitting huge numbers of Muslims. But it has been a grievous error to admit Muslims in the hope that they will solve the labor shortages in European countries. First, Muslim economic migrants to Europe do not arrive to work hard, or even to work at all, but are hoping to take advantage of whatever benefits the generous welfare states of Europe have on offer. These include free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, unemployment benefits (even for those who have never worked in Europe), family allowances, and more. European taxpayers are now paying tens of billions of dollars annually, in benefits to these Muslim economic migrants. Second, the Muslim economic migrants everywhere in Europe exhibit much higher rates both of criminality, and of unemployment, than either the indigenous Europeans or than other, non-Muslim, immigrants. Third, Muslims are taught that they are the “best of peoples” (Qur’an 3:110) and non-Muslims are, as noted above, “the most vile of created beings” (98:6). How can one expect to integrate such people into a polity, and a society, created by Infidels?
And it is all so unnecessary. There are tens of millions of non-Muslims around the world willing and eager to work, and work hard, in Europe. Latin America stands out as a source of such workers. The people of Latin America share the same Christian heritage as Europeans. Unlike Muslims, the Latin Americans, overwhelmingly Catholic in background, are not raised to believe that the Europeans are to be despised and hated. Some of those possible immigrants are also well-educated, especially in medicine, and would love to leave their Marxist hell-holes of Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.
Another possible source of migrants is the Philippines, which already sends tens of thousands of female workers to Italy, where they specialize in taking care of the elderly as “badantes” (care-givers). Many more Christian Filipinas could help staff old-age homes across Europe, where caregivers are now so difficult to find.
“We want people who have become part of our society to be able to help shape our country democratically,” German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said recently in a statement.
But surely the first thing is to make sure that those migrants do not bring with them, undeclared in their mental baggage, a deep inculcated hostility to non-Muslims. Not all Muslims feel that way. Some of them ignore what the Qur’an teaches about non-Muslims. But most of them, alas, do not ignore those texts and teachings, and as there is no way to distinguish those who do harbor a deep animus against non-Muslims, and those who do not, it makes more sense simply to exclude all Muslims from the pool of acceptable immigrants to Europe. After the unhappy experience with Muslim immigrants in Europe over the past three decades, why take a chance on admitting still more of them?
Aside from the Christian migrants from Latin America and the Philippines, there are black Christians from sub-Saharan Africa who have had their own experiences with Muslim terrorists. Think of the Christian Igbo in southern Nigeria who tried, during the Biafran War of 1967-69, to break free from the northern Muslims who were oppressing them, in order to form the independent state of Biafra. Many Christian Igbo today in Nigeria have been subject to terror attacks by the Muslim terrorists of Boko Haram, a terror group that has now spread its tentacles into Chad, Cameroon, Mali, and Niger. Why not admit into Europe Christian migrants from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Kenya, for factory and farm work, and to work in health care as nurses and home caregivers, jobs that European employers find it hard to fill? And what about the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians fleeing war, and the million Russians who have fled Putin, who are living in eastern Europe as refugees, but could fill jobs in Western Europe?
European leaders need to be prepared to make clear that they will indeed distinguish between groups of immigrants. It is madness to think that all immigrants are equally able to integrate into this or that country or civilization. Islamic supremacy bodes ill for the possibility of integrating Muslims into the societies of Western Europe. And we have seen what happens when the numbers of Muslim immigrants in the general population reaches more than a few percentage points. For the indigenous Infidels, life becomes much more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous because of those Muslim migrants. Let the Europeans encourage other migrants, from Latin America, from sub-Saharan black — and Christian – African countries, from the Philippines, from Ukraine and Russia, to come to Europe and meet the need for workers of every kind, because unlike the Muslims, these people will be able to integrate into European polities and societies with far less friction.
It’s staggering how many Nations are committing cultural and religious suicide by importing Muslims. Don’t they read history? Islam belkives it MUST dominate.
Even my own Australia now under leftist rule is going to admit over the net 3 years 700,000 new immigrants who will most probably be mostly Muslims. We do not have enough housing for our own and there is a shortage of builders so where are they going to live? Why o why do people elect idiots to govern them?
They will live in the houses of the vaccinated.
Germany biggest mistake of the 21st century is allowing third world migration to take place. There will be nothing but turmoil in the future for Germany. The current German government has betrayed the real German people. Angela Merkel and Olaf Scholz and their political party have done so much damage to Germany.
I disagree with this article about allowing non-European people, even if they are Christians, to come to Germany and other European countries. The article failed to take into consideration race, culture and customs of any particular group. A diversified society or multi-cultured society has not been successful in any country that I am aware of on this planet Take America for example, which has one of the more diversify society on this planet has not been successful. There is constant turmoil everyday in America. All the different groups have their own agenda and want things their own way.
Look up this man: Horst Kasner. Read his bio, and then you will understand German national suicide, and the end of Christian civilization in Europe.
I will research the bio of Horst Kasner.
Wwhen Jug-eared Barry brought in several thousand Syrian “refugees” (at over $67,000 a head), had made sure that Christian Syrians need not apply.
Christian Syrians were the ones actually hunted & in need of asylum, but B. Hussein loathes the idea of bringing in anyone productive. That’s why he squandered taxpayer money to deport a Christian family (the Romeikes) while simultaneously opening the border.
Just curious. When did non citizens become entitled to immediate & sustained public assistance? When did they get entitled to free hotel lodging & free Obama phones?
(I’ve never taken a dime of welfare, unemployment, food stamps etc. Perhaps I should run down to the Rio Grande & swim back across, then hold my hand out.)
Bribe a leader and invade a nation.
In BO’s case, his prime motivator was his depraved ideology more than his greed, IMO.
How long before the REAL Germans are outnumbered and reduced to second class “citizens”?? Keep this up and you’ll be VOTED out of office and have NOTHING but you won’t like it! I can see all that fine “German Engineering” leaving and Germany becoming ANOTHER South Africa – just with different warlords!
Merkel should be arrested and charged with TREASON or whatever the fifty something character German word is!
I’d give it 10 years. And worse, German churches are dead. Most will be sold to the Muslims because the government taxes church members to pay the maintenance costs, and there are few church members left.
Gibt es ein Deutschland in zwanzig Jahre? Wer kann sagen?
They lit the fuse and just wait for the explosion
Look, this isn’t just a German issue. It is an issue in almost all nations with a majority white population.. One would think it should be painfully obvious that nobody is advocating and subsidizing immigration of non-Chinese to China, non- Vietnamese to Vietnam, non-blacks to Botswana, etc. “Diversity” is only an issue in majority white countries. So one might notice this blatantly obvious fact and ask “why.” I don’t want to sound like a “Great Replacement” theorist but, if the glove fits….
The UN/WEF Agenda 2030 openly promotes depopulation of the western world.
Never believe a “conspiracy theory” until it has been officially denied… 😉
The German people chose to elect these maniacs to elected office in order to destroy their country.
So they get no sympathy from me!
The vote counting machine programmers elected them not the people.
You are exactly right.
“It does not matter who casts the votes. It is who counts the votes” (ascribed to Stalin)
It’s not quite that simple. Angela Merkel was a CDU leader, but she was the Manchurian Candidate. Her father was a nutcase and a communist who advocated multiculturalism back in the 1950’s when no one anywhere had ever heard of the word. Look him up.
Merkel should have been put on trial for treason. Germany will absolutely be in a civil war within 10 years – maybe less. Christians, few that there are, will be slaughtered in numbers rivaling the 3rd Reich’s atrocities.
The Germans lost millions of Jew-haters in World War II, and seek to replace them from the premier place on earth where there is a surplus of them.
“ But surely the first thing is to make sure that those migrants do not bring with them, undeclared in their mental baggage, a deep inculcated hostility to non-Muslims. ”
That’s why they are invited in the first place, white people are the source of all evil.
Sweden is already back-peddling as it can re Muslim immigration, Germany and France will follow suit in a few years when the reality hits home. Btw, who fired Notre Dame, a church every day in France is set fire.
What percentage of them are on welfare?
the only word that describes germans . dummkopfen . they prefer islam as a go to cult because opposing it means war with islam . when you reject GOD the biblical sovereign you get what you want but won’t like what you get . the west is doomed .
I asked an old female German friend, whom Ive known since the 1970s when I lived in Bavaria, why does she want so many young muslim men to be welcomed into Germany when the men of this religion despise the Jewish people even more and for longer than the Nazi did and yet she is at the same time ashamed of the actions of her Father and Mother both of whom were actual Nazis in WW2.
Her reply too me was that I am a racist and she wants no more contact with a person like me who is so full of hate…. Go figure that one out…
She tells me she speaks with the muslim women at the local Market in Munich and they are all lovely friendly people and she likes to help them with their German and her Son is teaching many of these young muslim men to learn German as a volunteer in order to make Germany more diverse.
Meanwhile at the highest point of Germany there is a mini mosque and a toilet beside it that states for use by muslims only… An actual toilet in Germany that most Germans are not allowed to use and yet my old (ex) friend used to demonstrate against South African apartheid…Madness takes its toll..