Prosperous, happy, enlightened Swedes were having so much of a good thing that they decided to fling open their country’s doors in order to share their prosperity, happiness, and enlightenment with others – especially with Muslims, who in the last decade have arrived by the hundreds of thousands, year after year, until they now outnumber native Swedes in Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city. And in Malmö we see the future of Sweden, where Swedes are outnumbered by Muslims, and the Swedish language becomes a “minority language,” while Arabic becomes the language of instruction in most of the schools. More on this unappetizing future that becomes more plausible every day, can be found here: “Sweden: Majority of Malmö children are immigrants; researcher says Swedish is now a ‘minority language’ and calls for Arabic schools,” by John Cody, ReMix News, January 5, 2023:
In the latest sign of the tremendous demographic changes facing Sweden, data shows that a majority of students in the Swedish city of Malmö now have a migration background. The news has prompted a prominent associate professor to call for new educational facilities where migrants can study in their native language, particularly Arabic, arguing that Swedish is now a “minority language.”
According to the city’s local government website, one-third of Malmö’s residents were born abroad; Iraq is the most common country of birth, while Syria and other Middle Eastern countries are also high on the list.
However, the demographic transformation is far more pronounced when the youngest age groups are examined. The data shows that two-thirds of people between the ages of five and 19 have an immigrant background, and this data also does not include third-generation immigrants and national minorities.
Associate professor of social work, Erica Righard, who works at Malmö University, wrote in her report for the Growth Commission, that the demographic changes present “new challenges for integration.”
Conservatives in Sweden have long pointed to Malmö as a harbinger of a future a majority of Swedes remain opposed to, as the city has completely transformed from nearly all ethnic Swedes into a multicultural area marked by urban decay, no-go zones controlled by migrant clans, and a city unsafe for women in many places.
Data also shows that migrants and those of a migrant background are responsible for the vast majority of murders, shootings, gang rapes, and robberies in Sweden.
Righard’s report also confirms what was once dismissed as right-wing rhetoric and a conspiracy theory. In the city, the Great Replacement, which describes the demographic displacement of Europeans with non-Europeans in their native countries, is statistically undeniable and ongoing.
Righard’s research is expected to be used in Malmö’s integration work, meaning there is a strong possibility that her recommendations could actually be implemented. The report shows that Swedish is a minority language and is therefore no longer proposed as the main language of instruction. If the city’s students were taught in their native tongue, “the school would do better,” the report published on Dec. 27 argues.
In 2021, Kyösti Tarvainen Ph.D., a retired Finnish professor and researcher in the Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis at Aalto University in Helsinki, predicted that Swedes would become a minority in their own country by 2050 if current immigration trends persisted.
In an editorial written for the Swedish newspaper Folkbladet, Tarvainen said: “The Swedish parliament unanimously decided in 1975 that Sweden is a multicultural country. At that time, more than 40 percent of the immigrants were my compatriots, Finns. The situation has changed. In 2019, 88 percent of net immigrants were non-Westerners, and 52 percent were Muslims. Thus, a huge cultural change has taken place in the immigration population, as its largest group has changed from being Finns to being Muslims.”
Righard also points out that students are unable to score higher grades because “a large proportion of students do not have” a large enough vocabulary in Swedish. She is proposing that a second language be introduced into schools in Malmö in order for students to learn in their native tongue.
Curious, isn’t it, that the children of non-Muslim migrants to Sweden, such as Chinese and Hindus, have had no trouble in school, even though their Swedish vocabulary is presumably just as limited as it is in the case of Arabic-speaking Muslims. Or could it be that some immigrant children apply themselves more diligently to their schoolwork than others? Might Muslim children, taught that they are “the best of peoples” (Qur’an 3:110) and non-Muslims “the most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6), fail to see why they should have to strive in school, to study at all, especially subjects of no interest to them, such as Swedish and European history and literature, or that they find downright distasteful, such as the history of Christianity and the Holocaust?
Muslim economic migrants to Sweden find that they can live quite well on all the benefits they are provided by the generous Swedish welfare state: free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, family allowances (the more children in a family, the more money the state provides, and Muslim families are very large), and more. If they feel the need to supplement those state benefits, Muslims in Sweden, as elsewhere in Europe, turn to street robberies, house burglaries, and the drug trade. And they score higher than any other immigrant group, too, in the number of rapes and murders they commit.
When people talk about integration, they usually think that an immigrant minority should be integrated with the native majority. But in cities without a numerical majority, you need to think about integration in a different way,” said Righard.
According to Swedish media outlet Samnytt, the professor also appears to be active in promoting pro-refugee work online, with the outlet writing, “A scan of Righard’s social media shows that the city council’s integration expert has a keen interest in asylum activist accounts, including ‘Refugees Welcome.’”
Erica Righard is not alarmed by the increase in Sweden’s Muslim population. She’s a great believer in encouraging even more of these economic migrants to come to Sweden. She thinks that instead of requiring immigrants to learn Swedish – it’s such a burden, after all! — in cities such as Malmö, where migrants outnumber indigenous Swedes, and Arabic speakers constitute the majority of migrants, Arabic should be the language of instruction for all immigrants, while Swedish-language schools should be limited to the ever-decreasing number of indigenous Swedes. According to Righard, it is those Swedes in Muslim-majority Malmö who should be “integrating” into the culture of the Muslim Arab migrants, rather than the other way round. How many Swedes want to entrust their future to people like the philo-Islamic social worker Erica Righard, who sees nothing worrisome about the stark demographic changes in Malmö? And as Malmö goes, so goes, eventually, all of Sweden. By 2050, if nothing is done to prevent more Muslim migrants from coming to the country, Sweden will be a Muslim-majority country, and the Sharia could become be the law of the land. Is that what Swedes want – to be the first people in Europe to erase themselves from history?
Well, last time I looked Sweden is a democracy. This is what they, in their ignorance and delusions, created, propagated, and enforced by their media and other institutions, have wrought. Good going. Excellent job. You’re gone.
The difficulty for the people is that they may not be being offered a politician to vote for who will grasp the nettle.
In the UK we have unsustainable and mounting each yer, levels of illegal migration to our country. The genuine refugees fleeing Ukraine could not be housed by the state becauseall of the resources are full of these economic migrants who have entered our country illegally and then exploit the asylum system, making it much more difficult for genuine refugees (children and mothers and elderly, rather than military age men) to get help.
But there are no politicians that seem able or willing to do anything.
Any time a politician even tries to talk about this, they are castgated for even the language they use when these people are entering our country by a criminal act. We are all supposed to just shut up and pretend that we believe these droves of healthy, well-dressed young men are genuine refugees, or be demounced as bigots.
My father was a child rfugee from Nazi Germany, so I am extremely sympathetic to genuine refugees, it just makes me very upset, for the same reason to see people gaming the system
Sweeden needs better leadership then they got now all they have is a bunch of screwballs screwing up their Country
Do not permit the lesson be lost that their incompatibility is absolute.
And that they insist upon it.
Sadly, Sweden is truly lost and its culture will completely disappear within the next 20-30 years. Reversing the current trend will be impossible. Immigrant families keep popping out babies by the half-dozen or so per family, far outnumbering the birth rate of Swedes. The oblivious politicians who think this is a good plan simply don’t care – they will be long retired or dead before they see the results of their handiwork. There will come a point when Swedes will seek refuge in other countries because they will be persecuted – for religious and ethnic reasons – in their own country. Sad.. .
You are absolutely right in your observation of what is occurring in Sweden.
Progressive culture creates a morally and spiritually empty “house” which, as Jesus in Matt 12:45 pointed out, is a vacuum that inevitably will be filled by malevolent forces that leave the householder in worse condition than ever. Islam has repeatedly demonstrated its ability over many centuries to overwhelm and defeat morally exhausted pagan and Christian “houses,” nations and cultures who decided, implicitly or explicitly that “nothing is worth dying for.” If Sweden is to survive it must not just abandon its animus against orthodox Christianity of whatever denominational label, but return to its faith roots which were “Scripture alone; grace alone; faith alone.” Without a radical spiritual revival that spurs repentance of a multitude of postmodern intellectual and inguinal dalliances that stand in the way of living faith, nominally “Christian” Sweden will soon complete its transformation into a dhimmi remnant in a Scandinavian outpost of northern Africa. If a few of your millions commence praying for revival now, the same responsive Power that raised Damar Hamlin from the dead when millions prayed for his life, can rescue your nation, and, best of all, introduce your Islamic guests to a better submission and a superior Rock.
I’m 76, and I’m glad I won’t be alive to see where this all ends.
Moslems have no business living outside of their area of the world. No moslems should be allowed in Europe or any Western nation. Get them out.