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There’s something wrong with the scales of justice in this country.
And all you have to do is taking a look at what’s happening around Washington.
Every day I’m seeing matters of state in which the Democrats are able to walk away with immunity from accountability, while Republicans are subjected to intense scrutiny and vilification, both by their political rivals and in the media. Everywhere you go, it’s easy to see where the imbalance lies.
But now there’s a more crucial matter at hand here – and it involves some of the biggest players in the game.
Former President Donald Trump is now facing an all new round of charges, being brought to him by the Department of Justice. And the reason for them? The possession of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.
I’ve talked in the past about the FBI’s unnecessary (and somewhat brutal) raid of Trump’s vacation resort last year, and how they had little to no reason to execute it in the first place. But now we see, on full display, where they are playing “favorites.”
Of course, the media will quickly dismiss it, saying that “justice is being done” in the face of Trump’s so-called damage within the White House. But take a closer look here.
First off, President Joe Biden – who’s still in the White House – admitted to having his own fair share of classified documents within his personal space. He even had some in his house. But you don’t see the FBI ordering him to open his doors and coming out with boxes. No, no, just over at Mar-a-Lago.
Not to mention the fact that these documents were easily within reach of Biden’s son Hunter. Now you know all about Hunter at this point and his infamous laptop, as well as his shady business with other countries. But it just doesn’t make sense to me. How are you going to keep classified documents within your residence – and within reach of someone who has no doubt seen his fair share of legal troubles?
It doesn’t just end there. On top of all this, the release of long-awaited documentation of the FBI is underway, after so many threats by Congress to its director Christopher Wray. In these documents, we’ll likely know more about Joe Biden’s questionable dealings with Ukraine’s Burisma president, revolving around a possible $5 million donation.
So, along with the documents that he so conveniently had in his home, the FBI turned a blind eye for the longest time to revealing documents to the Judiciary Committee that was crucial to their investigation. Then, just when they’re about to get answers, the Department of Justice pulls a fast move to once again hit Trump with charges, as a matter of distraction so the public doesn’t catch on to Biden’s potential wrongdoing.
This glaring double standard and selective prosecution further erode trust in our justice system. As concerned citizens, we must demand equal treatment under the law, regardless of political affiliation. The principles of justice and fairness should be upheld without prejudice. This partisan favoritism only serves to undermine the foundations of our democracy and perpetuate a culture of corruption and hypocrisy.
And say what you want about it being a “crackpot” theory, but the evidence is right there. Documentation that’s so close to being public, and yet now requires a distraction so that a shining light isn’t all over it. And the sheer incompetence of an agency that will go after one target for so many reasons, yet let another slip through its fingers because it’s afraid of public backlash or, dare I say it, finding the truth.
Justice has kind of lost its way in this country. You see it in so many police officers leaving their jobs (thanks to Biden’s lost promise to “fund the police”), not to mention a growing criminal element that doesn’t care what kind of damage it’s doing. It’s time to stop the finger pointing and, more importantly, shaking the scales of justice so that they’re in a certain party’s favor. It’s time to bring the balance back.
Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of InVest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience under his belt, hence his pro-police stance for his brothers and sisters in blue.
Greg says
When equal protection of law becomes Democ-rat “equity” what results is a mockery of constitutional self-government. There shall be no more elections with Donald J. Trump’s name on the ballot, declare the Democ-rat fascists, those champions (tee hee) of voting rights for minorities and women.
Kasandra says
This is the crux of the whole thing, isn’t it? I so tire of hearing legal experts discuss whether the Espionage Act was violated, or the Presidential Records Act was transgressed. It doesn’t matter. Even if Trump violated these laws the undisputed fact is that federal law enforcement at all levels has been weaponized against political opponents of the Left, and particularly against Trump. They used the IRS to destroy the Tea Party and DOJ to try and destroy Trump and his MAGA movement and conservatives while all the while refusing to prosecute members of the Dem Party and its supporter coalition. It is as if there is a speed camera linked to a computer that spits out a ticket to every speeder who is a registered Republican while doing nothing when the speeder is a registered Democrat.
Greg says
Your supposition of a biased distribution of traffic camera tickets according to political affiliation– citing Republican speeders but not Democ-rat speeders– is an apt metaphor for the two-tiered application of “justice” under the current ruling regime of Democ-rat fascists. However, the just solution to your purported example of political double-dealing would not be to cite all speeders but to dismantle the corrupt traffic cameras that pay a per-ticket dividend to the private sector hustlers who run the traffic camera schemes. Neither party– Democ-rats or Republic-rats– intends to end the practice of government for the benefit of such private interests, be it the military-industrial complex or traffic camera speed-traps from sea to shining sea. Like so much presided over by venal politicians– Democ-rats and Republic-rats–, our Orwellian surveillance state– traffic cameras every darn where– is a perversion of constitutional self-rule.
Kasandra says
Well, I wasn’t addressing the global issue of speed cameras. I was just trying to point out that I tire of people (looking at you Ben Shapiro) saying that “yes, the prosecution of Trump is politically motivated but, still, there is a separate legal issue of whether he did violate the law.” My point is that it IS a legal question of whether it violates equal protection and application of law, even assuming a violation of law, when the law is only enforced against a single individual or members of a particular political party or administration and not against the same or similar misconduct by the other.
Greg says
Your point is well taken. It’s just that the solution to unequal justice requires more than the even application of existing laws. That presupposes good will on the part of a political establishment that is deceitful to its core. They’re post-constitutional, Democ-rats and Republic-rats. What may be required is the equivalent of Abe Lincoln’s Republican party (replacing the Whigs) vanquishing Democ-rat slaveholders through military conflict. That’s right, a second civil war. God bless President Trump for trying to peacefully preserve the union.
Nan says
This picture doesn’t look like Biden. Could it be some actor playing the part?
Ugly Sid says
The extra cost of high quality taxidermy is eminently justified.
Why, a visitor to Roy Roger’s living room would swear he could jump on Trigger’s back and ride off into the sunset.
Joe doesn’t look like be could circle the block.
Brent Perkins says
This indictment and trial of Donald Trump is a Stalinist-style Show Trial. The Democrats and the rogue regime that they represent are purging their political enemies using the the same goon-tactics that Stalin used in the 1930’s. And make no doubt about it: Attorney General Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, the U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case, the judge on the bench and the hand-elected jury are all political goons of the first order. Together they constitute a full blown Kangaroo Court. Here is the most frightening aspect of the Obama-Biden-Soros purges of their political opponents: 90% of the American public is clueless that all this is happening. They mindlessly go about their business in slack-jawed ignorance unaware of what’s about to happen to them. And make no doubt about it, in 2025, the totalitarian regime is coming for ALL its political opponents.
TRex says
Well said. The only reason any of this treachery is going on is because the vast majority of the electorate is asleep at the wheel. They are Dems or Reps because their parents were, they don’t “get involved” in politics, they think Gavin Newsome is cute, they think all politicians are corrupt except for theirs, they watch MSNBC. Leaving a bunch like this to elect the people who run our govt is like handing a three year old a loaded pistol. We all know the consequences of riding in a car when the driver falls asleep It’s just a matter of time before we hit the wall and for us, at this point in time, the wall is fast approaching.
Anne says
We let corruption and unelected judges and bureaucrats change our system, as well as global influence change the nation, the result is the destruction of freedoms for all. Globalist outfits like Black Rock have promised corporations an impressive ESG…(equity, social, governance) score if they will cooperate in today’s dark agendas. Impressive ESG scores are supposed to COMPENSATE for customers abandonment of them!
Ugly Sid says
The implementation of Justice requires specialized tools.
Like the shiv.
John Blackman says
two statements in the article need a correct . ” erode trust in our justice system ” you can’t erode something if it doesn’t exist , namely justice and secondly ” undermine our democracy ” i have always believed america was a constitutional republic ? regardless of the state of the u.s. as victor d hanson has documented in his recent book [ the dying citizen ] america is the modern day equivalent of the titanic . distress flares have been sent , holed by feckless joe iceberg biden and is now on a race to the bottom . everything else is deck chair shuffling .
Biden and son the Clintons and Obama as well as the rest of the crooks in our nations capital belong in prison doing life for Treason and selling out America to the Globalists/Enemy