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Naomi Ragen, an Israeli writer, has been posting online a “Gaza War Diary.” A recent installment describes the hardening of Israeli attitudes toward Gazan “civilians,” beginning with those who joined Hamas operatives, and took part enthusiastically in the rapes, tortures, mutilations, and beheadings of Israeli men, women, and children on October 7. These “civilians” who entered Israel in the wake of Hamas also managed to kidnap some Israelis, whom they are presumed to be holding inside Gaza, where those kidnapped are likely being used as sex slaves, or simply as slaves, by these “civilians.” Freed hostages have testified as to how they were spat on and beaten by these “ordinary Gazans” when they were first paraded around Gaza by their Hamas captors. And the “civilians” in Gaza have, according to opinion polls, overwhelmingly approved of the atrocities committed on October 7. Thus, like Naomi Ragen, most Israelis, including those once in the “peace camp,” have come to realize that many of those so-called “innocent civilians” in Gaza not only supported, and still support, the atrocities committed by Hamas operatives, but also that some participated in those atrocities themselves. More from Naomi Ragen on the changes in Israeli public opinion can be found here:
An article written by Dr. Michael Milstein and published today on Ynet English gives an in-depth analysis of how Israeli sympathy for the “poor Gazans” has taken an irreversible 180 degree turn. While before October 7, many Israelis and their political leaders believed that “the majority of Palestinians in Gaza are different from Hamas, which controls them through fear and oppression, and share a universal human longing for a good life…” leading to the “assumption that by improving their situation it would be possible to ensure security, stability and even bend the ideological fervor of Hamas.”
These beliefs were shattered on October 7. “Not only did the Gazan public not protest against Hamas following the attack, but thousands took an active part – publicly and without fear – in the massacres, kidnappings, rapes and lootings, including the theft of bodies as a sort of ‘appreciating asset,’ and of course participated in the victory celebrations that included abuse of the kidnapped and the bodies.”
Released hostages have added to this picture with their experiences at being tortured by women and children while held prisoner. Moreover, the discoveries made by IDF soldiers of the widespread weaponry, tunnel entrances, and hate material found in the average Gazan home, have been a factor in enlightening even the most resistant to reality.
Recently, the head of a soldier decapitated on October 7 was found by the IDF in a refrigerator in Gaza. According to the testimony of a Hamas prisoner, the head had been offered by Gazans for sale for $10,000. The IDF returned it to Israel for burial.
Think about that head of a decapitated soldier put up for sale by Hamas for $10,000. There are no limits to the barbarism of Hamas — or was that head being kept for sale by an “ordinary civilian”?
The Israel Democracy Institute found in a survey conducted last month, that 40% of Israelis believed that the harm to the population in Gaza should have a limited bearing on Israel’s decisions and a similar percentage say it should have no bearing at all. Palestinian surveys conducted at the same time found that 72% to 75% of the Palestinians support the October 7 massacre, and about 70% support the armed struggle as the main means of confronting Israel.”
Let there be no mistake: this is a war between Israel and the Gazans. All of them. It is a war between Israel and the Palestinians, excluding Israeli Arabs. We shouldn’t be feeding them, employing them, minimizing harm to them, or providing them with electricity or shelter. Just as the average Berliner was a Nazi, the average Gazan and West Bank Palestinian, is Hamas-ISIS. They want us dead.
Dr. Milstein believes that we should nevertheless not dehumanize the Gazans: “This would undermine the moral foundations of Israel and its image in the eyes of the world.”
What we have to do then, is dispose of our illusions that anything we do can affect change in their morality, prejudice, savagery, and genocidal dreams. What we need to do is create a buffer zone between us and never, ever allow them to pass over it….
Dr. Milstein has concluded that there is nothing Israel can do — except to commit politicide, and disappear altogether — to in any way diminish the “prejudice, savagery, and genocidal dreams” of the Palestinian Arabs, and especially of those in Gaza. He calls, as have others, for the creation of a buffer zone inside Gaza, all along its border with Israel. That area would become uninhabited, save for the IDF forces that will be deployed in that buffer zone to make sure there is no repetition of October 7.
Naomi Ragen’s uncompromising attitude of mistrust and anger directed not just toward Hamas, but toward those in Gaza whom too many still believe to be “innocent civilians,” shines through her coruscating commentary.
More of Ragen’s “Gaza War Diary” can be found here.
Theres no excuse for the support of Hamas because they acknowledge that their purpose is to promote their genocidal goals against Israel. Theres nothing that can excuse this kind of purpose or actions.
All of the Muslims cheer every time something happens to people other than a fellow Muslim. Recall how most of the Muslim world cheered when they heard of the tragedy of September 11th They are filled with hate and will never change.
I now ask every ” friendly” Muslim, as if there are really any, “what do you do to stop Islamic terrorism???…name something…they cannot.
Hopefully everybody in that picture is dead now.
Justice must be served to the fullest.
You paint with too broad a brush. Even if the characterization of Gazan “innocent civilians” given here applies to all but a handful of the Muslim residents of Gaza (please see reports published on Bari Weiss’s Substack site The Free Press for evidence that there are Muslim Gazans opposed to Hamas, including even a well-respected Imam), there are also Christians living in Gaza. The fourth oldest still functioning Orthodox Christian church in the world, the Church of St. Porphyrios of Gaza is in Gaza and has communicants residing in Gaza, whom Hamas treats as dhimmis.
By far most of those inhabitants supported the butchery of October 7th.
It was and they were/are pre-civilizational. They must not be allowed to live in the modern world. Eliminate each and every one of those barbarians. We have enough problems to worry about much less the suicidal behavior of allowing such neanderthals to live among citizens of a modern society.
Please don’t insult Neanderthals. Nearly all Europeans and western Asians have some ancestors among them. And we don’t know that Neanderthals were much worse than most people living today.
I can’t deal with the 1,000 Christians out of a total population of 2.3 million bloodthirsty Moslems. What do you want us to do – stop the fighting for the sake of that miniscule percentage who should have left ages ago?
A handful of Gazans woke up a few days ago to the fact that Hamas is making their lives miserable, and has tried to demonstrate for Hamas to give up its hostages. That does not mean that those miserable people are any less determined to see the end of Israel than any other Gazan. It just means they’re exhausted.
“Dr. Milstein believes that we should nevertheless not dehumanize the Gazans: “This would undermine the moral foundations of Israel and its image in the eyes of the world.””
Really? It is not possible to dehumanize that which is already inhuman. Compassion for naked evil is not a moral stance. Quite the contrary it is an abdication of our moral responsibility to rid the world of this evil. It is our equivocation our deep misunderstanding of the stakes in this battle between good and evil, between light and darkness that is preventing us from doing what is necessary. If this were biblical times or even just last century in Syria the response should have been immediate carpet bombing. No mercy. It was employed to good effect by Assad against the Muslim Brotherhood in Hama in the early 80s.
Jews can do not right in the “eyes of the world” so we would be best advised to do what we need to do now that we have the means to do it. If we don’t then it is open season on Israel and the Jews. No one likes a weak horse.
Excellent comment. One might add, “He who is compassionate to the cruel will ultimately be cruel to the compassionate.” The war against evil and especially genocidal anti-Jewish evil will not end until Amalek is absolutely obliterated. May the young lions of Israel be the generation that accomplishes this crucial task.
Agree with above comment Gazans willingly dehumanized themselves. I learned that on 9/11/01 when I worked with muslims who cheered as the building fell and people died, That was as shocking as the attack. This is difficult for Jews and Christians to accept. We feel obligated to love, not hate.. Well if you must, do it with great caution and preferably at a distance .
That said, I disagree that building a wall is the solution. . Jews and other Israelis should reestablish communities in Gaza. Israel should remain in a security position there. UNWRA must be eliminated. An Israeli approved education system for Gaza children needs to begin that teaches brotherhood and respect, even love. And then the world’s obsession with setting up a Nazi like hate state to attack Jews will be over.. With deradicalization, like WWII denazification, just maybe some of the descendants of today’s Gazans will become less hateful.
Walls work! On 10/7 most of the barriers were BS fencing easily cut thru. Ditto to your above comments + plus have 20x foot tall concrete WALLS.
A buffer zone sounds good, but I have read articles that said that before Oct. 7, Israel had security in place such that it would have been “impossible” for Hamas to enter Israel and do what they did. But nevertheless, Hamas crossed into Israel and was not intercepted. How is it that security allowed that “breach?” That is the question that, to me, needs to be answered before any so-called buffer zone is put into place. Lord only you can comfort the families of the victims. I didn’t even know them, and I am still hurting emotionally from the events of Oct. 7 and I’m half a world away from those events. It was a degeneracy that makes even Satan turn away in disgust.
It’s been clear for two decades that Gazans have a long developed and implacable hatred for Israel and Jews. They are dedicated to the extermination of both and get applause for that in much of the West Bank and various places in the Middle East. Israelis must act in accordance with that fact or suffer the remorseless logic of such failure.
Yes but Representative Rashida “Rash” Tlaib claims the terrorists are the good guys. She should be expelled from Congress and the United States, along with Ilhan Omar. Pure evil.
There are no civilians in Gaza, they are all Hamas.
Do not kid yourselves “catholic” Christians are very bit at anti Semitic as other mainline so -called Christians…only true Biblical Christians understand God’s plan for Israel is still in effect…mainline “christians” think they have replaced Israel BECAUSE THEY NEVER STUDY THE BIBLE.and let their leaders brainwash them.