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In January 1944, allied armies were tightening the noose around the Third Reich with the intention of decapitating the Nazi high command and forcing the Hitler regime to surrender unconditionally. In five years the Nazis had murdered 70 million people and succeeded in reducing the total number of Jews in Europe to half what it had been before the Nazi leadership had launched their plan to complete a “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Question.” The Final Solution was to systematically exterminate every man, woman and child of Jewish faith and Jewish blood, thus ridding the earth of this mongrel race of people who were responsible for so much corruption and misery among the civilized people of humankind.
Across the Atlantic Ocean in the United States capital, President Franklin Roosevelt was just preparing an address that would change the aims under which the United States was fighting the war. The new aims would dramatically change the future if the allies won. Eisenhower’s statement claimed the allied attacks were too indiscriminate and harsh. Too many innocent Germans were dying he said. It was time to end the war as soon as possible – first with an immediate cease fire and then with a permanent one. America’s displeasure with the allied war policy of seeking total victory over the monstrous evil that the Nazis represented. The American president, who had pledged his support for a permanent solution to the Nazi threat – now wanted an immediate end to the war. This, of course, would mean the survival of Hitler and the Nazi regime.
I beg your pardon….
President Roosevelt never wrote such a letter and never intended to support such a betrayal – of the Jews, of the idea of a tolerant humanity, of the idea that there were no sub-human races who needed extinction, or master races that needed to be worshiped and obeyed. Or a betrayal of the 70 million people who might die in the next war whenever Hitler or his heirs decided to launch it.
America’s current president – Joe Biden, did call for such a reversal of policy and intend to pursue the path of such monstrous betrayals, as did his dangerously shallow Vice President Kamala Harris. In so many words – “too many innocent Palestinians were dying” – Harris justified an amnesty for the leaders of a genocidal movement that had already roasted infant Jews in ovens to show that the whole race of Jews was expendable.
Were the German people who supported and worshiped Hitler less innocent than the citizens of Gaza? In World War II the allies fire bombed Dresden not because it was a military target but to demoralize the German civilians whose contribution to the war effort was vital.
Of course, babies are Innocent, but the dead babies of Gaza were killed in schools and hospitals and refugee camps because the Hamas terrorists placed their operations centers and headquarters deliberately in those locations so they would become collateral damage if the Israeli military did its job correctly. What type of movement uses its children as human shields because he knows that useful fools like Kamala Harris will use the resultant deaths to work as propaganda for the terrorists.
Hasan Nasrallah ran Hezbollah for 30 years before the Israeli military killed him. He is notorious for expressing his hope that the Jews would gather in Israel so that “we don’t have to hunt them down globally.”
Gaza has been a launching pad for the Jew-killing Islamic terrorists since 1939. When Israel removed its presence from Gaza nearly 20 years ago. Hamas took the hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid provided by Israel, America and the UK and invested them in 300 miles of military tunnels thirty feet below the earth’s surface and turned all of Gaza into a military base targeting Israeli citizens for death – a war crime. While death is not an appropriate reward for stupidity or even malice, the fact that Gazans made Hamas their elected government, and still in their majority support their genocidal holy war against the Jews, and have failed to organize a significant resistance to the Hamas atrocities – is collusion with the enemy and betrayal of humanity.
Is it appropriate to refer to Hamas and its terrorist allies as “Islamic Nazis”? The call to jihadists to exterminate the Jews as a religious obligation comes directly from the prophet Mohammed and has been part of their sacred scripture for 1500 years: Here is how it is rendered in the original Hamas charter: “The day of judgement will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind the stones and trees. The stones and trees will say ‘O Muslim, O Abdullah there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”
Roark says
Excellent opinion! I couldn’t agree more. The betrayal is even worse than we know.
I contend the CIA and USAID, their front group, have been in league with Hamas, Hezb’allah and Iran.
The IDF is finding evidence of the American conspiracy. USAID bags in Hezb’allah bunkers.
It’s not difficult to comprehend that under Obamao these agencies were turned into agencies of subversive entities of destruction.
George Peabody says
Kalama Harris and Obama are not eligible, they are usurpers and committing TREASON!
President Trump has been vindicated from false charges of Russian collusion created by Hillary Clinton campaign, reportedly cost president Trump near $24-Million to clear his name . Now, President Donald Trump is pursuing justice from Hillary Clinton and others with a lawsuit , alleging racketeering and conspiracy to undermine his 2016 presidential campaign. Trump”s case seeks over $70 million in damages from Hillary Clinton, the DNC, et. al., for alleged false accusations of Russian collusion.
YES! If Justice Be Done they pay for damaging President Trump !
Arrest 5the Usurpers: Barack Obama [born in Kenya], Kamala Harris anchor baby not eligible, Joe Biden TREASON!! Myorkus, etc.
IMUA ! And MAGA Trump 2024! Aloha, George Peabody96748
You doing a great job straight reporting, with heart! Mahalos!
More: Blaaah blah! too much talk! Do the tests on BigMike Obama that prove sex M or F ? Also, does Big Mike/Michelle have a penis?
Also, Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii given his family in Kenya testified he was born in Mombasa and hospital records make that fact clear. Obama is a fraud a usurper! and TREASON!
Westpacwill says
Horowitz failed to mention the 10,000+ Palestinians slaughtered by the Jordanian ISLAMIC Army in Black September 1970 after those “refugees” that had crowded into the country attempted to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy and exterminate the very Jordanians who were sheltering them. He also fails to mention the number of ISLAMIC countries that have expelled the PLO at various time due to the miseries they inflicted on those same countries that sheltered them briefly. Who can forget when ISLAMIC Iraq invaded ISLAMIC Kuwait and the Palestinians in Kuwait celebrated in the streets, and were exiled from Kuwait forever thereafter? Who can forget the billions in aid given to Palestinians by the USA, only to see the Palestinian people by the thousands celebrating in the streets after the terrorist attack on the USA on 9/11? We must never hate any person for who they are, but Scripture tells us repeatedly we are to hate evil, and that is exactly what the Palestinian culture is — evil. We must never rejoice in the death of anybody because of their race, but the eradication of the evil that is at the heart of Palestine will be a blessing that God will deliver in His good time.
Larry says
Contrary to popular history, Dresden was indeed a strategic, military target, not a terror bombing.
Dresden was the last intact east-west transport hub, particularly railway, left to the Germans in early 1945.
By destroying the rail yards, rolling stock, rails, bridges, workshops, and everything else there they effectively cut the German Army in half, with very limited ability to switch forces or supplies and equipment from the Eastern Front to the Western Front and vice versa.
It was an absolutely legitimate target and in total war there is simply no such thing as too big a hammer.
skam says
Very well stated.
Charles Smith says
Did you see the pictures of Dresden? The bombs dropped landed in the city not the railyards. It was mass murder and the planners should have been court martialed.
Nicolas Carras says
This left is supposedly horrified because of the civilians who are dying, including children… But where was this left when the adults of Gaza and the territories under the control of the Palestinian Authority let their children be indoctrinated with pure anti-Jewish hatred? This is pure child abuse. It is difficult to do worse than teaching your own child to hate another child and make him want to exterminate him.
Where was this left to denounce all this? All these young teenagers, children, who for decades have been indoctrinated with hatred and who exterminated Jews on October 7, 2023 in conditions so atrocious that the human mind cannot imagine.
This left is a total imposture, and is criminal, and at the time leftists asked that Hamas be removed from the list of terrorist groups… As for the Palestinian authority, it pays money to terrorists, it lives off this conflict and diverts international aid, the left has allied itself with this criminal authority.
They are traitors to the West. They must be arrested, judged for what they are. Enemies of humanity, not just Jews.
And send them to an island to break rocks. At least they will finally be useful for something. We need small rocks, small rocks are very useful.
Jeff Bargholz says
The human shields should say ‘O Jew, O David, there is an islamopithecine behind me, come and kill him.”
THX 1138 says
It isn’t Muslims that need to be killed but stupid, evil, and irrational doctrines and ideas that need to be discredited.
Stupid, evil, and irrational doctrines and ideas like Original Sin, the Fall of Man, the Parting of the Red Sea, Noah’s Ark, etc.
It doesn’t help when religious morons like George W. Bush calls Islam a religion of peace.
Why did Bush call Islam a religion of peace? Most of all because he is religious himself and in his religious ignorance believes that religion can only be a good and wonderful thing.
(Here come the religious ninnies who will shout out Islam is not a religion but a political movement)
Nicolas Carras says
“It isn’t Muslims that need to be killed but stupid, evil, and irrational doctrines and ideas that need to be discredited.”‘
You are so stupid that you have not understood that we are not talking about stupid people. But about absolute and total inhuman garbage.
You have just revealed yourself in your ignominy. You write that we can kill people simply because they are stupid and according to you in irrationality.
The problem is that everything that does not enter into your objectivist sect is irrational.
In a court of law, we do not condemn someone to 100 years in prison because he was stupid and irrational, we do not send him to death because he was stupid and irrational.
Go buy a new brain.
Nicolas Carras says
And since you keep talking about rationality THX, in all your comments, I challenge you to explain to me here by AB what is rational in life and in the cosmos.
Where does your rationality come from?
From what observation?
Because I have been observing the world attentively since I was very young, and there are two things that I have never seen there : nothingness, and rationality.
Nicolas Carras says
THX : don’t fuck wiht me.
Clifton Chenier – Tu Peux Cogner Mais Tu Peux Pas Rentrer
THX 1138 says
My God (so to speak) the reading comprehension here is so poor why do I bother.
Allan Goldstein says
Why DO you bother?
You are fighting the wrong war..
Intrepid says
i guess your faux superior attitude is all we can expect from a fatuous jerk like you.
But you could always do us all a favor and not bother anymore. It’s just so hard for you having to deal with all of the inferiors. It’s just the same irritating Objectivist drivel each day from the same moronic writers from the past. It certainly would save us all reading and commenting time.
Just sit in your room and agonize to yourself how the world in general cannot possibly understand one so intellectual as yourself. I guess we will never get to breathe the rarified atmosphere (or is it your digestive gas) way up there on Mt. THX
Tionico says
The poorest reading comprehension by a wide margin that I have observed here is your own.
Don’t know where you got that tripe about original sin, (there had to be a first one….. ) the parting of the Red Sea (how else did Israel cross on dry land?) Noah’s Ark (how ELSE did any humans survive the flood?) , and the Fall of man (how else did man, created innocent and good, end up in the mess we see today if he as a group did not fail to do as he was commanded?)
TRex says
Please do us all a favor and “bother” on some other site. Reading your drivel is like listening to a scratched record that keeps skipping backwards. You’ll find no coverts here yet you continue to bother us and yourself in an act of futility. How rational is that?
MuggsSpongedice says
Look at yourself in the mirror right in your eyes and you will see the demons that possess you
In Jesus’s Name these demons will flee
Intrepid says
Good luck trying to kill an irrational doctrine, something you can’t touch, see, or feel. But that’s you. always living in the abstract.
Tell that to the Muslim approaching you with a gun or a knife.
You will always be a moron intellectual ninnie..
Intrepid says
And so you actually think you will be able to kill irrational ideas by posting a few times a week against Christianity, on a lightly traveled site where no one takes you remotely seriously.
You are truly a smug little shmuck.
Steve says
There was a clothing store in Gaza called “Hitler 2” The owner said in a U Tube video that he chose the name, “because Hitler killed the most Jews”. Of course, the leader of the Arabs in the British Mandate of Palestine, The Grand Mufti Amin Al Husseini (Yasser Arafat’s uncle) fled to Nazi Germany in 1941 and spent WW II making propaganda broadcasts in Arabic on Radio Berlin, exhorting Hitler and Himmler to murder Jews with Greater dispatch and extend the Holocaust to the Middle East under his leadership. He also organized a Muslim SS unit in Bosnia that distinguished itself in slaughter Jews, Serbs, Roma and Sinti. The average “innocent Palestinian” hates Jews as much as a Nazi Einsatzgruppen did, and would act similarly if given the opportunity.
Nicolas Carras says
For Mister David Horowitz;
Astor Piazzolla – Libertango (full album)
Sebastian says
Jewish faith? Yes. Jewish blood, mongrel race? No such thing.
I’m not a fan of the Palestinians. I do support Israel, although I’m not in agreement with Zionism.
Glenn Greenwald, Jewish writer/journalist, spoke about something very telling. He said that Netanyahu lied about women being raped and babies being beheaded. He acknowledged there have been isolated incidents of such conduct as far as the rape or women by Hamas, but in no way was there any widespread killing of babies or raping women.
This coming from a very respected Jewish journalist. So, let’s keep things in perspective. It’s hard to decipher through the constant propaganda coming from all sides.
Steve says
Ah, trotting out a Jewish antisemite to “prove” how despicable Jews are. That was old when Torquemada was a driving force behind the Spanish Inquisition. As for Glenn Greenwald being a “respected journalist” the same is often asserted about David Muir, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper and the rest of the rogue’s gallery that is known as the mainstream media. Rough translation for “respected journalist”: accomplished liar, who is considered accomplished only because s/he/they live in a bubble where challenges to their worldview are verboten.
Sebastian says
Lol, now Greenwald is an antisemite? Prove your slanderous remark . Name one time Greenwald has ever been called an antisemite? Or said anything as such?
People like you lose all credibility when you spew your pathetic nonsense. Always playing the victim, right Steve!
Greenwald, although a Democrat, has called out the Democrats countless times! Just as Alan Dershowitz has in defense of Trump
Now, show everyone where Greenwald lied? I’d be happy to join you in your condemnation of Greenwald.
Problem is Greenwald isn’t lying. There wasn’t a mass rape of women and beheading of children.
Intrepid says
Well I guess it was only 1200 people murdered and another 200 taken hostage. So it couldn’t possibly have been all of those Jews huh?
Scumbags like you never had any credibility.
Sebastian says
You have to be dishonest because you’re not intelligent enough to make truthful statements.
Nobody questioned the 1,200 people ,
Non Jews killed. What’s in question was Netanyahu putting out that there were mass rapes and mass beheadings of babies. See, that’s not true.
That’s why people here think you’re a clown. 🤡
Steve says
It would be much simpler to enumerate the times when Glenn Greenwald has told the truth. At the moment, I can’t think of a specific instance.
Allan Goldstein says
YOU are engaging in Holocaust Denial, and sing the hated Greenwald as a shield.
Go to hell
Sebastian says
Mr. Goldstein I’d appreciate it if you can refrain from being hyperbolic! Act professional, sir. Who’s in Holocaust denial? Nobody is dismissing the events of Oct 7 when Hamas slaughtered innocent people. What was in question is “were rapes and the beheading of babies widespread.” This was the narrative that was put out. Greenwald, who is far from hated, and is a most respected journalist, who hates the woke crowd, questioned these atrocities happening on a massive scale rather than isolated incidents.
Show me any evidence of widespread decaptitations of young children and babies. Please, Mr. Goldlstein.
Conduct yourself accordingly, sir.
Intrepid says
It’s not me sebashmucky. Judging from the responses everyone thinks you are the clown, Jew hater/Hamas lover. I suggest a move to Gaza where you can be with your own kind, the ignorant savages.
TRex says
And the Venezuelan gangs have only taken over a “handful” of apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado. Nothing to see here, move along. There’s plenty more apt houses if you don’t like having thugs for landlords. It’s just a few decapitated babies and a couple of rapes. No big deal. Gee, Martha, are you listening to yourself?
Alix Brit says
Uh, the mass rape of Jewish women by Hamas – including even after they were murdered – has been well documented. Entire families were burned alive – women raped in front of their children. Your friends in Hamas actually filmed it – something even the Nazis did not do. Greenwald is just another fool who cannot believe what he has seen with his own eyes. Read the testimony of witnesses who survived October 7th. did you forget the photos of Shani Louk, dragged back to Gaza?
Sebastian says
Been well documented? By whom? Show the documentation. You need to learn how to make the distinction between isolated incidents and something that is widespread.
When you say “your friends in Hamas” do you think that’s clever? It just shows you can’t articulate a reasoned response so your default is to try an insult. That doesn’t make you any more correct. It makes you lose credibility.
The fool calling Greenwald a fool? Greenwald is one of the most honest reporters out there.
Is the Israeli government above reproach? They never lie? Did our government lie to us about countless topics from weapons of mass destruction to Covid?
Hamas is evil. But, the claim of babies getting their heads cut off en mass is a flat out lie. Women were raped, but Greenwald said it was more isolated incidents rather than widespread.
You’re very naive.
Intrepid says
Still racking up the down votes,,,,6 and counting. And I am the fool, Jew Hater?
Intrepid says
“I do support Israel, although I’m not in agreement with Zionism.”
You have always been a moron ever since those days you insisted I leave my Lutheran Church because there were and still is a female pastor there.
So now you are against Zionism, which in essence is Jewish nationalism. So what are the Jews supposed to do? Just let the fakistinians overrun them? You would probably be very happy with that, Jew Hater.
You are truly an idiot.
Sebastian says
Correction for another lie of yours. I never said leave your church because of a female pastor. You freely admitted you had multiple “woke” pastors who believed in abortion on demand for any reason and presided over gay marriages, among other sins that are in direct conflict with biblical teachings.
I questioned you on why you would stay in a church with woke pastors and your response was “because I like the organist. She plays good music” 😂
You must be a liberal because every word you write is a lie. You are a clown who stays in a church that is direct opposition to biblical teaching. You walk around masquerading as a Christian. How pathetic! You are not a Christian .you are also a racist because gleefully spoke about how your church was predominantly white with very few black congregants.
Intrepid says
I have yet to see a gay marriage performed there in the 7 years I have been there. And I have never talked with any of the pastors about abortion. I keep my politics to myself.
OMG you called me a racist and liberal. Let me see how I feel about that. Don’t care, sorry, not sorry. Personally I have no problem with black congregants. We have a few. But since the congregation is predominantly upper midwest Wisconsin and Minnesota it is predominantly white. I don’t choose the congregational make up.
We just mailed in our ballots. We voted for Trump. Don’t believe me? Too bad. Yeah I am still there because I like the organist. Whatcha gonna do about it, tough guy? Cry some more??
There is another fatuous clowncar on this website named Sumsrent. Maybe you have read his crap. His deal is endtimes satanic Islamism/Christianity. You are as nuts as he is. He calls my church an ELCA homosexual church and calls me bisexual. He has fallen for every story I have told him because he is a gullible fool as are you. The funny thing he has never been to my church. I would bet you haven’t either. Basically you don’t know what you are talking about re: Christianity and Judaism.
If you have a problem with the ELCA here is their number:
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
8765 W Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631
Toll-Free: 800-638-3522
You know nothing of Judaism and, I suspect even less about Christianity. Maybe you should stop blabbering on about Zionism as well. But hey, keep coming up with your silly conclusions about who and who isn’t a “true” Christian. You are an idiotic, childish judgmental moron. and a presumptuous loudmouthed fool.
Intrepid says
You questioned me? Guess what, you little puffed up POS, I don’t have to justify anything I do for your sake. And I’m certainly not going take anything resembling religious instruction from a jerk like you.
Like the other guy I mentioned, your bizarro version of Christianity has made you insane.
Three words will suffice: GFY
Sebastian says
You freely admitted your church had multiple woke pastors. You stated they spoke out in defense of things like abortion and homosexuality. I asked why would you stay there and you said “because I like the organist. She plays good music.” Now, you’re trying to backtrack and play it off like you never spoke to the pastors . I never claimed you did. But you obviously agree with those sinful views because you stay there! Yes,
You bragged about your church being predominantly white.
Let’s be real here.
The reason you stay at that church is because they condone homosexuality and you have alluded to the fact you are gay. That’s none of my business that you’re gay, but it’s a sin. You can’t pick and choose what you want out of the Bible. Sorry it doesn’t work that way.
That’s why you have so much anger inside you. You hate yourself for the way you are. I’ll pray for you.
Intrepid says
I don’t need your prayers. They would be disingenuous anyway.
It like your M.O. is always accusing others of lying. Or that everyone has a problem that only you can fix.
So you go right to the lowest common denominator, just like Sumsrent and accuse me of being gay. In the real world we call that projection. Gay people always accuse others of that and you are no exception.
That’s fine except you have zero proof. But emasculated man like you always have a problem with straight men. So go ahead and accuse me of whatever you like. I guess it’s the only think that makes you feel better and helps you with your own inadequacies.
An actual religious scholar wouldn’t be concerned with anyone’s sexuality. But you obviously are. Have fun voting for Kammy.
AsheDina says
“Im not in agreement with Zionism”
Jewish people from all over the world making pilgrimage to live in the homeland of Israel with each-other.
So, Jewish women lied about being raped and Netanyahu is a liar because Greenwald said so and Greenwald is respected.
Daily Mail headline lied for the aforementioned Jewish women?
“Women raped by Hamas were found with nails driven into their thighs and groin and were passed around by terrorists who slaughtered them after or even during gang-rape, horrifying new witness accounts of October 7 reveal”
Intrepid says
The “right of return” is granted to any Jew who can show his/her mother is Jewish on both sides of the family.
It’s called making “Aliyah”. It is not Zionism
Zionism , is the Jewish nationalism movement. Jew haters use Zionism as the excuse to hate Jews. That is what you are doing.
It really doesn’t matter to me what you think happened or didn’t happen on Oct 7. you will always hate Jews. And that is your little sick fck problem.
Don’t like it? GFY.
Brian Ozzy says
It’s strange that so many of the survivors reported that they saw it happening and that responders said that there was gruesome evidence aplenty that verified it. Ahhh they probably just dreamed it……………
BLSinSC says
I’ve long advocated to giving the muslims what they want – a 7th CENTURY heaven!! Yes, eliminate EVERYTHING invented, developed, or imagined AFTER the 7th CENTURY! Cut them off entirely from the SANE world and see if any of those nations decide that they would rather be a modern, PEACEFUL nation!
If the mullahs and ircg were eliminated, how quickly would Iran RETURN to a decent Nation? I do believe there are enough people there who remember the PRE-mullahs Iran and would want to return to PEACE and PROSPERITY! They deserve a CHANCE – the jug eared jesus had an opportunity to get the ball rolling but instead backed who he SAID he would – the mullahs!
Randy CA says
They danced in the streets on Sep 11. They danced in the streets on Oct 7. If I was to die in a major jihad attack they would dance in the streets again.
Sorry, I don’t give a damn what happens to them.
John XY says
Innocent “Palestinians” are hard to find in Gaza … and about as hard to find in America, Wherever they congregate in academia or the northern midwest they display hatred for Jews and bloody sympathy for Hamas (and Hezbollah and the Houthis and …) including display of the swastika.
“Is it appropriate to refer to Hamas and its terrorist allies as ‘Islamic Nazis’”? It’s not just “appropriate”. It’s a historical fact. Islamists are the direct heirs to Nazism via Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas founder Haj Amin al Husseini, the “Grand Mufti of Jerusalem”, Hitler’s friend and collaborator. Husseini helped the Nazis facilitate the Holocaust, and all the Hamas progressive supporters in America , Congress and all over the world have the same blood on their hands.
We are going to need to de-Nazify our own country before we’re done.
MuggsSpongedice says
Are we collectively getting more pent up stressed and nervous there will be an election theft November 5th?
If President Trump is not elected we have the witch whore of Babylon Cackling Kamalalala and the admitted knucklehead Tampn Timbecile the CCP stooge puppet — USA is gone and without USA help, Israel will have no choice but to nuke it’s enemies and that is WW3 –
Armageddon to ya peoples?
Jim says
“too many innocent Palestinians were dying” – Actually, too many innocent Jews have been dying. Hamas and Hezbollah are simply carrying on the Islamic mandate of subjugating or killing the Jews.
The thing that Hezbollah and Hamas simply cannot tolerate is to recognize a Jew as equal to a Muslim. For this reason, they feel compelled to eliminate the nation of Israel; for if they let it stand, the Jew will in fact be equal to the Muslim, because the Jew will have his own nation, just like the Muslim has 57 nations.
Al Clark says
If all “good” Muslims were air, then you would be able to breathe for five minutes.
Nicolas Carras says
What did you see in the american horse’s eyes?
An America.
What’s better than a horse and his huge bulging eyes.
And the more you look into it, the less you understand.
It’s on his back that everything becomes clearer.
It’s the horse’s back, not its eyes.
Your saddle is based on his back.
Anyone who has looked into a horse’s eyes is lost.
Let no one say otherwise.
Anyone who has ridden on the back of a horse has found a part of his humanity.
Protector of Human Life says
“the fact that Gazans made Hamas their elected government, and still in their majority support their genocidal holy war against the Jews, and have failed to organize a significant resistance to the Hamas atrocities – is collusion with the enemy and betrayal of humanity.”
If this is meant as justification for innocent deaths in Gaza as long as murderous jihadis are killed in the process, then it also justifies another country blasting USA to smithereens since we have failed to organize a sufficient resistance to the barbaric murder of the unborn. Even Trump has actually gotten softer on that murder we euphemize as “abortion”. His actions will cost many lives since if he wins then future presidential contenders wont feel the need to care as much about getting votes from pro-life people. It goes against constitution and is not the kind of evil a good country would even leave to the states to decide. Trump thinks a 6 week abortion ban is too strict, yet fetuses have neurons at that point! And unfortunately many Trump supporters or OK with that and that is the state of our corrupt murderous society.
Before you support blasting another country for their evil, you should make sure your own country doesn’t deserve the same.
danknight says
As everyone here knows, I do agree with the Big Picture project of bombing Gaza back to the stone age …
But I’m not surprised by the heated response here on the combox.
The term “innocence” and the justification of war … conflicts with the reality of any war and who is responsible.
Innocence does not really matter. If the war is just, the blood of the innocent will be on the hands of the unjust.
In the Gaza-Israel conflict, all of the blood is on the hands of Islam in general and Hamas in particular.
And here’s the kicker.
We don’t know.
Yes, we know statistically that most Gazans support their own slaughter. It fits their Islamic ideology and it satisfies their need to hate infidels. But we don’t know who is “innocent” and who is “guilty.”
That’s why the old timers used the expression, “Let G-d sort them out.”
Arguing about innocence is a waste of breadth. And celebrating slaughter offends G-d.
What we need to be doing is letting Israel get on with its war, and we could increase our support by voting for Trump … who will no doubt reduce the support we have to give Hamas to appease our own traitors.
And don’t worry about “innocence.”
The enemy doesn’t. We are all “guilty” in their ideology.
Johnny Dammitson says
To your point, one of the worst cesspools of pro-Hamas antisemitism and propaganda I’ve come across is Substack. Outside of the few good writers that are based at Substack like Bari Weiss, Douglas Murray, Melanie Phillips, and Joshua Hoffman, it’s full of anti-Zionist conspiracy theorists and apologists for Hamas and Hezbollah. One particularly odious example called “Palestine Will Be Free” publishes articles that, frankly, should prompt some sort of criminal investigations for not just glamorizing Islamist terror but celebrating the murder of Israeli soldiers by Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.
There was also a Substack for the pro-Hamas college campus group “Columbia University Apartheid Divest”, which recently made the news when that group retracted an apology for one of their members tweeting threats of murdering “Zionists”. One of the articles on CUAD’s Substack starts off with praise for Vladimir Lenin, which further proves your point about the Marxist indoctrination of college campuses.
It’s odd: There was a time when I first heard you on talk radio where I dismissed you as a crackpot who saw antisemitism everywhere and anywhere. The funny thing is: you were right about all of it, and I feel like you’re one of the few voices of sanity that reminds me that I’m not delusional about the threats against Jews and Israel. In other words, you remind me that I’m not alone.
john blackman says
there are no innocent people in gaza , well , maybe one .
john blackman says
there are no innocent people in gaza , well , perhaps one .
Solange Silverman says
Roosevelt was a globalist and an antisemite. Remember, it was he who turned back a shipload of Jewish refugees, knowing full well the fate they faced back in Europe. The globalists wanted the Nazis to win or, at least, to have enough of them survive so as to be able to regroup and be able to revamp and continue with their programs. Only a handful out of the multitude of Nazi elite were brought to justice. The rest, including Hitler, were allowed to escape to set up camp in other lands to rebrand and reinvent themselves and to continue to plan. Still others, like their scientists were welcomed into American society. The Nazis did not lose. They were not eliminated. They live on, carrying on Hitler’s plans, or, should I say, the plans of the Nazi globalists unmolested. To me, it’s quite evident. Even their old alliance with the jihadis is still alive. It’s they who forced them into our countries to destroy them from the inside and to simultaneously work toward their common goals of establishing a worldwide caliphate, NWO, and eliminate the Jews.
Solange Silverman says
Also, “Joe Biden” ain’t president. To call him such is to be complicit in the corruption and treason of the Deep State globalists’ crimes.
Good article.
My greatest heroes of WW2 are Bomber Arthur Harris and Curtis LeMay.
Add to that everybody that killed germans without qualms.
They knew how to do it.
Thanks to them.
BTW, I regret that there was even one german left alive when the war ended because the “de-nazification” was a joke and there was none of it, none, and germany today is the country that most private money dedicates to Jew-hatred and anti-Israel causes and it is well on its way to go back to nazism. If there was a plan to turn germany into an empty parking lot for the rest of Europe it ought to have been implemented.
The german soul is evil. Look at eurabia today and you will see nazism resurging and triumphant and Brussels full of nazis. At the end of WW2 it was nazis that took over and soon enough they were managing the United Nations. And Patton would have been clapping. BTW, it is seldom mentioned the role that homosexuality played back then and it plays today, in nazism. Plenty to study, there.
And I equate pisslims and nazis any day of the week.
We, non-leftoxenomorphs, on our sad, pitiful way, have grown amateurish, conformists, apathetic, passive, indolent, pusillanimous, normalcy biased, dilettantes twiddling our thumbs, tolerant to a fault, cowardly respectful, totally lacking in assertiveness, feminized and lacking in manliness, head-in-the-sandists.
The religion of leftoxenomorphism marches triumphant; its juggernaut trampling Western civilization in its path.
On the subject of leftoxenomorph-“Jews” the thing is clear: if a Jew embraces the religion of leftoxenomorphism she stops being a Jew and she becomes a nazi. Leftoxenomorphs and nazis are quite similar.
Judaism is a moral litmus test for everybody, Jews and non-Jews.
If you are against Jews or Israel or Zionism, you are not a decent human being and if you were born a Jew, you are not a Jew any longer.
Sig says
I am curious where the 70 million number came from [s/b 7 million?] regarding deaths attributed to NAZIs, or does that include all the communist regimes, too (China, USSR)?
Robert Mann says
The notorious Dresden bombing raid was instigated by Sovyetts, who requested the Brit Govt to do it. Churchill et al accepted Stalin’s judgement that this target was a high priority within Sovyett progress westward. Not having read the definitive book on it by a much-respected historian, I believe it was Dresden’s transport junction’ role that most mattered.
The entailed deaths & destruction suffered by civilians was nothing new for the RAF (or the USAAF), but this late-war case extended their scale. Ralatively early in W2 it was quetly admitted within the RAF & USAAF that precision bombig of military targets was infeasible; Harris’ area bombing was therefore rationalised as de=housing workers so as to inhibit industry or, as an outside chance, prompt the nation to depose Hitler. Contrary to Harris’ hopes, German production continued to climb until surprisingly late in the war.
Given this acceptance of indiscriminate bombing, it is surprising that pious objections are lately posed to the bombing of civilians in a sub-country which elected the leaders of the Oct 7 criminal invasion & hostage-taking.