It really shouldn’t come as any surprise in a world in which men not only become women, but become the first female admirals and champion female swimmers, but it is just another step down the road of discarding our humanity altogether and becoming artificial beings of our own design, with consequences no one can foresee. Short men are now getting their legs artificially lengthened so that they magically grow several inches taller and get all the girls who didn’t look at them until they had to look up to them. GQ ran a lavish 4,500-word piece on this nauseating phenomenon Thursday. My PJM colleague Jeff Reynolds alerted me to the fact that so did South Park, a couple of years ago. Reality has become an absurdist satirical cartoon.
The GQ article is full of short guys who have internalized Randy Newman’s infamous dictum that “short people got no reason to live,” and have suffered for their lack of stature. One guy “never really thought of himself as short until a girl he had ‘a super big crush on, like, roasted me for it’ in college.” That incident led to “a deep insecurity that ultimately prompted him to get his femurs done in February. Now, after spending the last three months alone in his apartment eating delivery food, he’s five nine,” three inches taller than he was in May.
Another newly tall man is, GQ tells us, “something of a player.” However, “he always thought that his batting average with women could be better,” and now, three inches taller than he used to be, he thinks he be more appealing to the babes, who presumably will not notice that his new height is all in his legs, which are freakishly long compared to his torso and arms.
A third guy appears to have gotten the surgery because he was ignored when trying to order a drink. “I’d go to a bar and literally try to order a drink. Some freaking goon, standing a head taller than me, comes over behind me. And the bartender looks up to him, like, ‘What can I get you?’ I’m like, ‘Motherf***er, I’m right here!’”
The surgery involves (and here’s the nauseating part) getting one’s legs broken and artificially lengthened with instruments that hold the broken pieces apart for months so that the bone grows longer. Some of those who get it are piling fantasy upon fantasy: they’re “trans men, who often just want that extra stature to feel more like themselves.” Another tall fellow summed up the guiding reasoning behind why everyone gets this surgery: “I noticed that taller people just seem to have it easier. The world seems to bend for them.”
And so now this man walks “with a pronounced limp, wincing as he throws his hips into wide semicircles and dragging his feet exactly where they need to be.” But hey, it’s the price of having it easier.
This is the malady of our age: everyone else has it easier. Men become women because they think women have it easier. Women become men because they think men have it easier. Critical race theory advocates think white people have it easier. Meanwhile, there are many prominent people trying to pass as people of color. There is Hilaria Baldwin, the upper-class Bostonian who pretended to be Spanish for a decade. The white Jewish professor Jessica Krug passed as black for years. So did Rachel Dolezal, the former NAACP official who famously turned out not to be a CP at all. Still at it is Shaun King, aka Talcum X, who strenuously insists that he isn’t white despite photographic evidence he was a light-haired white child before he was woke. Elizabeth Warren passed as Native American and was even hailed as the first “woman of color” on Harvard’s faculty. Muslim “feminist” activist Linda Sarsour said in a Vox video published in January 2017: “When I wasn’t wearing hijab I was just some ordinary white girl from New York City.” But in an April 2017 interview, the hijabbed Sarsour referred to “people of color like me.”
Why do all these white folks pretend to be “people of color”? Because they also think POCs “have it easier,” and the world certainly does seem to “bend for them.”
It has been forgotten in our insane age, but no one group really has it easier than any other: not tall people, or short people, or white people, or black or brown people or anyone else. We all have our trials and our troubles, in various forms. Young people used to be taught to bear them with patience and equanimity, and to focus on being grateful for what one had instead of being upset because of what one does not have. But that is all passé now, and perfectly healthy men are turning themselves into limping, misshapen monstrosities as a result. But given everything else that is going on these days, perhaps they should be congratulated for their sanity.
Craig Austin says
Hopefully there is a special wing in Hell for the butchers that mutilate people with mental disorders.
THX 1138 says
Religion results in mental disorder. Christianity produces mental disorder. Unreason results in mental disorder. To reject the facts of reality leads to mental disorder. Mental order, i.e., serenity, is the result of accepting reality and living in reality. Religion is a futile attempt to escape reality which of course will lead to mental disorder.
“What were the practical results of the [Christian] medieval approach? The Dark Ages were dark on principle. Augustine fought against secular philosophy, science, art; he regarded all of it as an abomination to be swept aside; he cursed science in particular as “the lust of the eyes.” Unlike many Americans today, who drive to church in their Cadillac or tape their favorite reverend on the VCR so as not to interrupt their tennis practice, the medievals took religion seriously. They proceeded to create a society that was anti-materialistic and anti-intellectual. I do not have to remind you of the lives of the saints, who were the heroes of the period, including the men who ate only sheep’s gall and ashes, quenched their thirst with laundry water, and slept with a rock for their pillow. These were men resolutely defying nature, the body, sex, pleasure, all the snares of this life — and they were canonized for it, as, by the essence of religion, they should have been. The economic and social results of this kind of value code were inevitable; mass stagnation and abject poverty, ignorance and mass illiteracy, waves of insanity that swept whole towns, a life expectancy in the teens. “Woe unto ye who laugh now,” the Sermon on the Mount had said. Well, they were pretty safe on this count. They had precious little to laugh about.” – Leonard Peikoff, “Religion versus America”
JPFH says
It is secularist/atheism that is bearing the fruit of moral confusion and insanity of our time. Atheism at its foundation cannot support a rational and consistent moral system. It has rejected the vary One who gave us the innate sense of right and wrong. Unless there is a revival of biblical Christianity in our nation, we will continue down the road of accelerating moral and spiritual decline. My friend, you are part of the problem, in that you are pushing a system of atheism and anti-Christianism. All your claims of a new morality in “rational self interest” are false, philosophically, morally, and spiritually. You oppose the only foundation that can bring this nation out of its increasingly rapid decline.
BZ Arizona says
Religion is man made. “Christianity” isn’t necessarily practiced by those who may call themselves “Christian.” But there is a Creator and there is Truth. Our job is to seek to know the Creator and discover Truth. Not really that hard as long as you shed all your silly human philosophies and
prejudices and inflated egos . . .
Jeff Bargholz says
Atheism is a mental disorder. Agnosticism and religiosity are normal.
You have well defined the results and dangers of ‘religion’., of which the world boasts some 4,300 varieties, each with their own version of gods, goddesses and innumerable spirits beings.
That is why the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Christian Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit did not descend to earth to institute religion. The God of creation sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to begin a one on one, personal relationship with His creation, thereby negating any need for saints or idols of any kind..
” Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”.. Jeremiah 33’3
So, call on Him. He has been waiting for your call for a while now. Have to hurry, because He is coming back, very soon, to render judgment on a world that killed and rejected His Son.
Rev. Roy……….<
BLSinSC says
I’m 5-6 and thought I was “short” but now it seems like I”m as tall as most of the guys I went to school with! And really, if I could get THREE INCHES added somewhere it surely wouldn’t be my LEGS!
grayswindir says
How is this any more insane than other cosmetic surgery?
UncleAl says
I’ve met more than one woman who had a nose job. They were certainly cuter after the surgery. However, if femur-lengthening surgery leaves you limping for the rest of your life, as well as leaving your torso out of proportion with your legs, that seems disfiguring to me.
Mo de Profit says
Not much, most cosmetic surgery results in grotesque looking individuals, Michael Jackson?
CowboyUp says
Lol, best put as a good looking black guy transformed into an ugly old white woman.
CowboyUp says
NO! #$%& NO! All you tall oppressors have to have your legs SHORTENED! It’s the leftist way. Lowest common denominator. And don’t just break your femurs, break the tibias and fibias and shorten them as well, for balance. That should be a fun recovery, even if there is no infection to play with. Sell your house if you have to, or your new rims. Live on the street. At least you’ll be equitable.
Ugly Sid says
I’m having myself re-engineered into Jim Thorpe.
Then I’ll be a walk-in for the NFL.
Cat says
Just remember who was tall, Comey! And he had to hide behind the drapes. The very tall drapes.
Hannah54 says
And then there are the people who identify as “otherkin”, to the point where they mutilate their faces and limbs to mimic some animal. I don’t even have the stomach to post links.
But call it “species dysphoria”, and suddenly they are a legitimate part of the spectrum of (quasi)human experience… We might call it “insanity on all fours”.
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