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Congress is being asked to play open borders catch-22 here. Either give Biden the money he’s asking for so he can release illegal aliens and put them ups in motels. Or Biden will claim that there’s no money to detain the illegal aliens so he has to release them. Either way it doesn’t make much of a difference since the illegal aliens can go where they please and there’s really nothing holding them anyplace.
But this way the administration will be able to tell Mayor Adams and other blue state mayors that they’re trying to house the invasion force they’re welcoming into America.
The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve a temporary housing program for migrant families that illegally cross the southern border — a plan that would give them more freedom than traditional detention, Axios has learned.
The administration’s ask is part of a $40 billion emergency funding request to Congress. The package includes nearly $2.7 billion for the Department of Homeland Security’s various border efforts.
DHS wants the ability to use funds to set up new types of facilities to hold migrant families as they go through an expedited asylum and deportation process.
Migrant family members would be able to come and go as they please during the day, but would be required to check in and stay the night on the campus, a DHS official told Axios.
So basically motels with a curfew.
The facilities would allow immigration agencies to more easily keep track of migrants throughout the asylum process, but also could ease the burden on local shelters near the border to house recent arrivals, officials say.
Pressure on local areas is about the only check on the Biden administration’s determination to keep the border open and swarm the country with illegal alien invaders. There’s no reason to fund motels for illegal aliens. It accomplishes nothing except spending federal taxpayer money to house an invasion force. The current system of busing that invasion force to NYC and D.C. at least spreads the consequences where they belong, on sanctuary cities that voted for open borders, rather than on the whole country.
Ever since DHS and CBP were turned into coyotes, having any federal control over illegals is a minus, not a plus. Let them go to the Big Apple and let Mayor Adams scream some more about it. It’s better than whatever plans the Biden administration has for spreading them into more American parts of the country.
DHS also is asking Congress for permission to look into for-profit contractors or non-governmental organization grantees to run the facilities.
That’s how the open borders lobby gets funded.
Congress should not allocate a penny to funding housing for illegal invaders without border security unless it’s under lock and key.
He’s also asking owners to throw away the value of their hard work and property by doing so.
January 31, 2023 “Migrants Turn Trendy NYC Hotels Into Violent, Drug-Infested “free-for-all” Say Employees” was the headline.
The Row and the Watson were both turned into shit-holes almost instantaneously when the illegals were placed there by Mayor Adams. Illegals threw away literally TONS of food prepared for them and they had to be dragged, kicking and screaming from their formerly 3 star accommodations when a large hangar was prepared for them.
The owners of both hotels were compensated (with taxpayer money, of course) more than if they were at full occupancy…but I doubt it made up for the damage and the fact that NO ONE will ever want to stay there again.
I lived in corporate housing in Omaha, NE. One year the unit next to mine was rented to a bunch of wetback itinerant workers. You know, the twenty in one apartment type. The property owner told me they would whiz off the porch balcony and trashed the interior. He said he would never rent to people like that again.
Borderless Biden’s handlers want to make all of America a toilet like that.
Many are compensated for subscribing to the One World Agenda of lawlessness, and breaking laws. The regrets will come later.
Biden and the UN/CFR.DNC Traitors and Globalists need to leave America and never return
I wonder if Paul Pelosi has moved heavily into Motel6 options?
I see where their already coming up with the Articles of Impeachment against Biden over this whole Bribery thing but you can bet the Domoc-Rats will oppose this they want pure power and control them and their Globalist friends in the UN/CFR
Here is a better way to save some money. The President takes in at least 10 migrant families. The White House is big enough to take care of them. Add two families to his Delaware home. I’m sure he will not mind. When they are ready to leave in six months to a year, then put them on board Air Force One and fly them to their final destinations.
Now expanding on that idea a little further, have one or two migrant families or single illegal aliens assigned to each member’s home in the House and Senate. Two times 535 members take care of 1,070 families. Then every ranking cabinet member and their staff takes in a migrant family for a year and helps them out. That should take care of at least another 1,000 migrant families. Oh, I forgot if the members of the House or Senate have a vacation home, then give them another migrant family to live there as well. Don’t forget to give them enough money to buy food and some entertainment money to go to the show or something. Also, give them the key to your car to drive around in.
Then follow thru with the governors and all the the state legislators. That should take care of another two to three thousand migrant families. Last, but not least, do the same thing with all the mayors, council members, police chiefs, and fire chiefs who love illegal aliens. That should take care of another 5, 000 migrant families
They should show leadership responsibility and take them in and love them like a family member. Come on guys, who will be first! I’m waiting.
This will save billion of dollars for us poor taxpayers. I can’t help because I live in a tent on the street in San Francisco. I’m using the computer for free in the library to type this comment.
A little humor for the evening.