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National Public Radio is a sandbox for the Left. The “news” there is manufactured by leftists, for leftists. You can find it easily in the latest interviews about the Biden reelection campaign. The interviewers are clearly nervous that President Joe Biden’s messaging isn’t working. It’s not that Biden’s incompetent; it’s that voters are ignorant.
On the Jan. 9 “Morning Edition,” NPR host Michel Martin interviewed Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison and worried that the Biden focus on “saving democracy” from the “far right” threat of Trump wasn’t working.
In asking Harrison about Biden’s campaign speech at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, she cited black talk show host Charlamagne tha God, who insisted this campaign will be a “race between the cowards, the crooks and the couch.” She summarized, “the couch is a viable opportunity for people who don’t think that either candidate really speaks to their concerns, meaning that people can just stay home.” All the Democrats are terrified of low turnout among young people and minorities.
Martin asked if Biden’s Charleston speech aiming to stir up black voters about the “poison” of white supremacy still engulfing America would work: “Do you think that this is a message which resonates, kind of across different groups who perhaps don’t share the president’s life experiences or the experiences of a lot of the people who go to that church?”
Was Martin implying Biden sounds too white and clueless? The DNC chair gave the typical campaign surrogate answer, that the threat of white supremacy reaches all ages: “The racial animosity, racial hatred, the impact that racism still has — knows no age, knows no bounds. I think that resonates with everybody.”
Then Martin mentioned that Biden’s speech was interrupted by pro-Hamas protesters (she only said “protesters”) demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. Biden tried to tell them he was quietly nudging the Israelis to pull out. Martin worried out loud from the left: “Mr. Chairman, are you at all concerned that this anger about this quiet approach puts his reelection at risk?” Harrison oozed Biden’s answer displayed his typical “grace” and “empathy.”
On that evening’s “All Things Considered,” anchor Scott Detrow spoke to another Biden surrogate, his infrastructure czar Mitch Landrieu. Despite all the messaging about Biden’s “achievements” of roads and bridges, Detrow said it hasn’t “sunk in,” as “you see poll after poll. People feel like the president isn’t helping me economically. The president isn’t doing stuff that I value. I mean, that disconnect has been hard to figure out all along. How do you make sense of it?”
Landrieu argued that when he was mayor of New Orleans, voters often didn’t think he’d achieved things, and “it took a while for their feelings to line up with the reality.” He said Biden’s not a bad president, but people just haven’t caught up. Landrieu claimed once voters realize Biden brought 40,000 infrastructure products, they’ll choose Biden over Trump, and know the difference “between chaos and actually getting stuff done.”
Detrow pushed back, that despite “tons of press” on infrastructure, “It hasn’t seemed to move the needle in the big-picture way. Is it just being eaten up by everything else, or are we thinking about it wrong?” Landrieu argued that Gov. Andy Beshear was just reelected in Kentucky after citing the infrastructure spending.
These people pretend the economy can’t be seen as better under Trump, before the COVID lockdowns, that rampant inflation and sky-high mortgage rates can be minimized by, “Hey, there’s a new bridge.” They should be worried.
A cornered rat is at its most dangerous.
Our rats have gasoline, matches, bricks, and Democrats in their arsenal. They are about to light our country up BLM style once again, and like never before.
And our cowardly politicians will bend the knee as usual. But will the people?
For sure, and they now are hinting at the despicable. Alex Soros put out a message today that hints at their mindset. The elites and media are dangerous psychos.
Everytime I channel surf and get Public TV on, they are having some kind of program about downtrodden blacks. I’m amazed they aren’t sick of it themselves..
A one trick pony act.
My guess is that most of the blacks are sick of it. They only show the so called “oppressed ones” . A black worker, or business owner doesn’t have time for that crap.. They just want to do their jobs and run their businesses. The NPRs of the world makes it look like every black person in America hates white people. Somehow, I just don’t see the evidence of that.
Comically, multimillionaire LeBron never tires of crying.
That general stationed in Iraq was correct on being “stuck on stupid”.
40,000 Infrastructure products??? As in 81 MILLION VOTES?? What IS an “infrastructure product”?? WHERE can we see even ONE of them?? Oh, maybe he’s referring to the homeless camps and illegal invader camps???
Traffic roundabouts and bike lanes from what Im seeing.,,,,,,,, 4 stop signs are not expensive enough,
A port a potty at homeless camp probably qualifies as infrastructure.
“In asking Harrison about Biden’s campaign speech at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina….” Uh, excuse me, since when are non-profit tax-exempt churches allowed to be used for partisan campaign speeches? Had Trump given the speech the focus of the story would have been the church’s and campaign’s violation of law. NPR, your tax dollars at work.
NPR isn’t the left’s sandbox so much as it’s litter box.
The only “disconnect” is the one Dems have with regular people! They are the elitist party, through and through! When they say it took time for reality to hit the people, what they really mean is that it took longer than they thought for their propaganda to work. They’ve always thought the masses were idiots, and sometimes they’re right, but not this time. Many people are finally recognizing some of the propaganda for what it is and choosing to think!
Didn’t Ronald Reagan appoint the first infrastructure czar, as a short term solution? That was 40 years ago.
Good job Harrison explained what was meant by “the couch” as an option, otherwise I’d have thought it referred to candidates for whom only those who are in need of therapy would vote.