The media won’t shut up about Jamal Khashoggi, a good friend of Osama bin Laden and a Jihadist propagandist, who was pushing a Qatari regime change operation at the time of his death. Khashoggi has become the martyr around whom all of American foreign policy has to revolve.
None of the tens of thousands of innocent people killed by Khashoggi’s Islamist terror allies have mattered a fraction as much to the media as Jamal.
Khashoggi was not an American. He was not an American citizen. He wasn’t killed in the United States. His death had nothing to do with America. But a heavy push by the Qatari lobby, Al Jazeera, and Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post, but I repeat myself, made him an American issue.
But now here’s a case of Iranian agents plotting to kidnap an opposition journalist in the United States.
Four Iranian intelligence operatives schemed to kidnap a Brooklyn-based journalist and smuggle her to Iran in a bid to silence her criticism of human-rights abuses in the Islamic republic, federal authorities said Tuesday…
Manhattan US Attorney Audrey Strauss, who didn’t identify Alinejad by name, said she would have faced a fate that’s “uncertain at best” if the plan hadn’t been foiled by the FBI.
Considering Iran’s predilection for murdering its critics, it’s not hard to guess.
FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said, “This is not some far-fetched movie plot.”
“We allege a group, backed by the Iranian government, conspired to kidnap a US-based journalist here on our soil and forcibly return her to Iran. Not on our watch,” he said.
The ring, led by Iranian intelligence official Alireza Shavaroghi Farahani, allegedly began conspiring to kidnap Alinejad inside the US since as least as early as June 2020.
The plan to kidnap Alinejad in the US allegedly included hiring private investigators to conduct multiple days of surveillance during which she and members of her household were photographed and recorded on video at and around her Brooklyn home.
Members of the kidnap ring allegedly researched travel routes from Alinejad’s home to a waterfront neighborhood in Brooklyn and looked into the possibility of hiring a company that uses military-style speedboats to evacuate people from New York City.
They also allegedly weighed the possibility of taking her to Venezuela, where the socialist regime has friendly relations with Iran.
The kidnapping of Masih Alinejad would have taken place in the United States. Will the media give Iran the Saudi treatment? Of course not.
The same Washington Post hacks who turned Jamal Khashoggi into a household name will briefly report on it and then put out the same spin about opening up Iran through dialogue and negotiations.
Iran already killed plenty of journalists (not to mention the inferior breed of non-journalists known as human beings) without a flicker of rage that Khashoggi’s death summoned forth from the media. It had, for that matter, locked up a Washington Post journalist. Shrugs all around.
But that’s because the media doesn’t even care about its own so much as it is in love with the idea of supporting Islamic terrorists.
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