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Last month I wrote about the revelations involving Ariane Tabatabai, currently the Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, who has a security clearance, but who emails show had collaborated with the Iranian regime.
In 2014, a year before Tabatabai began working as a NATO consultant, she joined an initiative by the Iranian Foreign Ministry to mobilize “Iranians who have established affiliations with the leading international think-tanks and academic institutions, mainly in Europe and the US.”
Tabatabai, along with Dina Esfandiary, her co-author on the proposal to have the United States ally with Iran, who is currently a senior Middle East advisor to George Soros’ Crisis Group, allegedly became members of the “core group” of Iran’s influence operation.
Before Tabatabai testified about the Iran Deal in Congress, she allegedly checked in with the head of an Iranian Foreign Ministry think tank. “I am scheduled to go to the Congress to give a talk about the nuclear program. I will bother you in the coming days,” she wrote.
Jennifer Van Laar at Red State reports that sources have said that Tabatabai was sabotaging counterterrorism materials.
Counterterrorism analysts speaking to RedState on condition of anonymity, whose reports would have crossed Tabatabai’s desk, say that for at least the past year their product has been watered down, misquoted, or outright quashed. Tabatabai had the opportunity to shape the intelligence to meet her needs, the analysts say, and they say it’s likely that the overt intel collected during that period went to Iran.
Deeply troubling. Especially as the Biden administration has continued to stand by Tabatabai.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Good expose of how the mechanics of sabotage by traitors works in practice.
Greg says
Be not deceived, all Democ-rat zealots are saboteurs against the ideal of a self-governing nation conceived in liberty. Democ-rats have thoroughly confused “democracy” with “Democ-rats” and thus treasonously arrest their political opponents– i..e., Donald J. Trump– as a threat to their democracy. Arab terrorists are way easier to counter than Democ-rat politicians.
Jeff Bargholz says
And I notice dykes like her tend to be misandrist hate mongers. Why the Hell does she even live her? I’m not a freak so I can’t understand why somebody would want to live in a country they hate except that they’re such fools they think they can change the opinions of everybody around them.
js says
This is too unbelievable. Nobody is ever held accountable. I mean really held accountable!
NAVY ET1 says
The enemy is inside the gates and the DEEP STATE continues to show it’s depth.
js says
Way inside and controlling our government. In other words we have traitors running our government.
Karl Geelmuyden says
What happened to the word “spy“? Is that a racist word now?
Jeanne Titus says
That’s exactly what she is: a spy. She should be arrested, prosectued, and sent to prison.
Jeff Bargholz says
I’d prefer execution.
Algorithmic Analyst says
In WW2 spies were liable to be executed by firing squad in short order.
NYgal says
It has reserved only for Jews, like Pollard, who gave information to Israel concerning Arabs, which the US was supposed to share with Israel, but chose not to.
DC says
It’s too bad that a lot of decent Americans have to live in NYC.
You’re a sitting duck.
And you’re deranged and corrupt politicians won’t even let you arm yourselves.
Those with eyes that see and ears that hear have left…….or are leaving.
Jeff Bargholz says
Reportedly 800,000 people fled CA last year. As bad as CA is, though, NYC is worse. Not even LA is that bad.
dani says
isn’t this lesbo aware of how homosexuals are treated by her coreligionists?
NYgal says
Don’t you remember that it was the leftists who had helped the Islamists to remove the Shah, who was West and Israel friendly and tried to modernize Iran?
Kasandra says
That this Tabatabai person still had a security clearance and building pass after the revelations about her is a disgrace. That she still has both after last Saturday is outright criminal.
Jeff Bargholz says
Scum like Brennan and Clapper still have theirs, too. It seems like membership in the Dirtbagocrat party guarantees treason.
Back during WW II Saboteurs were Shot by a firing squad
Justin Swingle says
Biden’s Team of Racists and Anti-Semites
An Anti-American coalition in the heart of the White House.
October 10, 2023 by David Horowitz and John Perazzo
Biden’s new Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, is opposed to designating Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization and imposing sanctions on it, even though The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran established the IRGC explicitly to “strike terror into [the hearts of] the enemies of Allah” — meaning most prominently the U.S. and Israel — and to “expan[d] the sovereignty” of Islam across the globe. The IRGC’s “terror involvements” have included: “planning 9-11,” “murdering hundreds of American troops in Iraq,” promoting “Iranian nuclear proliferation and weapons delivery systems development,” and “providing weapons, training, funding, and logistical support to Iranian terrorist proxies.”
Justin Swingle says
‘No Region Can Escape Hamas’ Reach,’ Sec. of State Blinken Warns
It’s not just Israel that’s in danger of suffering a terrorist attack by Hamas, U.S. Sec. of State Antony Blinken warned Wednesday.
Blinken issued the warning in comments made at a press briefing with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, discussing Saturday’s bloody, horrific attack on Jerusalem by Hamas, explaining that citizens of three dozen countries were harmed:
“The failure to unambiguously condemn terrorism puts at risk, not only people in Israel, but people everywhere. Look at what just happened: individuals from 36 countries killed or missing in the aftermath of Hamas’ attacks.
“Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas – no region can escape Hamas’ reach.”
Steven Brizel says
This traitor should be fired immediately
Jeff Bargholz says
She should be hanged from the nearest tree or lamp pole. After a speedy trial, of course.
Cassandra says
Probably a close friend of Val Jar Jar and a member of the marxist carpetmuncherati….
Cassandra says
Did this poisonous slug have access to Israeli intel that was exchanged with US info? Why are the Moslem brotherhood maggots on the intelligence committee? Doesn’t that mean they have access to information regarding Israel? Here in U.K. the whole civil service( deep state) is woke so I would never trust any of them with anything, the Foreign Office( state dept) has always been arabist, the mullah( mayor of London supports the moslem brotherhood and is a member of WEF. And now U.K. has sent jets to Israel? That is alarming as I do not trust the armed forces any way at all.
Mandy says
Proves what most in the US believe which is that the Biden/Obama admin is not for the US but for taking it down. Communists.