The Leftist establishment and the Biden regime want to destroy Donald Trump politically, but the Islamic Republic of Iran wants to do Old Joe and his henchmen one better: the mullahs and their cohorts are making no secret of the fact that they want Trump dead, along with Mike Pompeo and others involved in the 2020 killing of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani. On Tuesday, Fox News reported that Iran has renewed its threats against Trump and the others, and even stated them in Islamic religious terms. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps aerospace force, declared: “God willing, we are looking to kill Trump [and] Pompeo… and military commanders who issued the order should be killed.”
Armies of all kinds throughout history have invoked God’s help upon their activities in wartime, and so it’s no surprise that a commander in an avowedly theocratic regime would do so. It’s nonetheless worth noting, however, as those who are convinced that they’re fighting an apocalyptic struggle of good vs. evil are unlikely to give up easily.
In line with that, as protests have rocked the Islamic Republic over the last few months, the Iranian regime has charged several protesters with “waging war against Allah,” a crime that is based on the Qur’an: “The only reward for those who make war upon Allah and his messenger and struggle to sow corruption on earth will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be expelled from the land. Such will be their degradation in this world, and in the hereafter, theirs will be an awful doom” (5:33). Stating the civil unrest in Iran in such stark and uncompromising terms is not just an attempt to terrorize the regime’s opponents into submission; it’s also a claim to hold the moral high ground: warring against the regime, you see, is the same thing as going to war against the Almighty Himself.
As he reiterated the Islamic regime’s threat against Trump, Hajizadeh emphasized that Iran did not plan to kill “poor soldiers,” but was gunning for the ringleaders. Iran analyst Behnam Ben Taleblu warned that the threats should be taken seriously: “Make no mistake, Iranian military officials mean what they say here. They still seek to wash blood away with blood. Threats by the long arm of the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism against American officials like Trump, Pompeo and McKenzie are not to be taken lightly.” Gen. Kenneth McKenzie is the former head U.S. Central Command. Ben Taleblu added: “This regime continues to put its money where its mouth is when it comes to global terrorism.”
While the threats are no doubt serious, it also must be noted that we have heard all this before. Back on New Year’s Day 2022, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, tweeted: “Martyr Soleimani is an eternal reality that will live on forever. His assassins – including Trump & the like – will go down in history’s garbage bin, but of course after receiving retribution in this world for the crime they committed.”
Even before that, Iran’s state-controlled Ahlul Bayt News Agency reported on January 23, 2021, that the Supreme Leader’s official website “posted a photo-montage of former US President Donald Trump playing golf under the shadow of a drone, vowing to avenge the assassination of Iran’s Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.”
Khamenei also thundered in December 2020: “Revenge is certain.” He added: “The assassin of Soleimani and the one who ordered the murder should be punished. As an esteemed person said, Soleimani’s shoe is worth more than the assassin’s head and even decapitation of the assassin will not compensate for Soleimani’s shoe; but they did the wrong thing. They should be punished. The one who ordered and the assassin should know that they should be punished at any time possible.”
Trump was a favored Khamenei target even before Soleimani was killed. In February 2019, the Supreme Leader declared to a military gathering that “as long as America continues its wickedness, the Iranian nation will not abandon ‘Death to America.’ ‘Death to America’ means death to Trump, John Bolton, and Pompeo. It means death to American rulers.”
The Iranians have not, however, threatened Old Joe Biden. After all, what has he done but try to appease the Islamic Republic? Why kill someone who could turn out to be quite useful?
Mo de Profit says
I hope Trump has his own trusted security service and doesn’t rely on the establishment provision.
David Ray says
Of course our enemies want Trump assassinated. They have zero reason to harm Sleepy Joe, who gives-it-away-now to islam.
They got everything they could’ve dreamed of and more (handed a list of our friends). They weren’t even required to buy a crappy painting from Hunter.
Our enemies would’ve enjoyed Hillary’s services (even though she submits a heavy invoice), but she made the mistake of allowing an honest election.
Intrepid says
Joe Biden and his collection of Iran appeasers should be considered accessories to murder if Trump and or Pompeo are taken out.
Walter Sieruk says
It’s been wisely said that a man’s real character ,if he be good of evil character, can be seen by not only who is friends are but also by who his enemies are.
Therefore, since those vicious oppressive misogynistic mullahs of that hostile Islamic tyranny of Iran hate’s Donald Trump , with such a spite-full passion that they wants Trump dead, is very revealing that Donald Trump must be a good and righteous man.
Cat says
Well, President Trump has a lot of enemies on FOX News’ board, and among the RINO’s, certainly among Democrats and Democrat politicians. Yes, I agree. It paints a clear picture of them.aligned with Ayatollahs.
Walter Sieruk says
Those mullahs of that Islamic regime of Iran desire to the death of Donald Trump.
The reason why is because on January 3, 2020 President Trump had authorized the sending of a US military drone strike to eliminated that dangerous and deadly warlord general Qasem Soleimani .
That drone strike was very successful and when President Trump had ordered that strike to take out Soleimani , he was right and wise because Soleimani was a vicious death inflecting murderous fiend.
Likewise the extermination of him by that drone was appropriate just and necessary and just.
As Thomas Jefferson had , so rightly , declared “With every barbarous people…force is law. “
Walter Sieruk says
Since those Mullahs and others in power in Iran must obviously view the death of their warlord General Qassim Soleimani as blame is tragedy and even as a catastrophe. They then according to what they view and as their perfect book, the Qu’ ran, they should not actually blame Donald Trump for the death of Soleimani but they should blame responsible for death of Soleinani, their god, meaning the god of Islam Allah.
By the reading of the teachings of the Qu ‘ran. For when getting down to basic Qu’ran theology which is the Qu ‘ran based worldview the one who is really to fault for the death of their jihad-minded warrior General chief.
For the Qu ‘ran teaches in Surah 57:22. “No misfortune [disaster] can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a decree [Qu ‘ran ] before [in eternity ] We [Allah] bring it into existence: that is easy for Allah.”
Therefore according the Islam’s “holy book,” the Quran the Islamic god, Allah, is guilty of the much admired generals death.
Therefore, those in power in Iran should seek revenge on Allah for the killing of their general who they had admired so much and not Donald Trump.
Walter Sieruk says
It shouldn’t be forgotten that those mullahs in power in Iran are religious men, in the sense that they believe in Islam and in the things taught in Islam.
The point being that Islam does acknowledge Jesus as a prophet who had taught many very wise things.
Well ,Jesus had taught that “All who take up the sword will perish by the sword.” Matthew 26:52. [N.K.J.V.]
So according to the wisdom of the teaching of Jesus, Who those Muslims in power in Iran claim respect, they should understand then that deadly warlord , Soleimani, did have it coming to him.
commonsense says
Walter, you seem to forget that Muslims view the New Testament (what they call the Injal) as corrupted and unreliable. The passage you cite would be repudiated by Muslim exegetes, as it contradicts the belligerent words of Muhammed (the most perfect messenger of Allah’s commands).
Angel Jacob says
The best defense is always a good offense. Trump and his supporters should take out Iranian agents until there is no more of them left.
commonsense says
Great idea, but Trump isn’t officially president now and lacks the resources and the authority. And I’m an ardent Trump supporter – but what can I possibly do? …Suggestions?
BLSinSC says
No wonder biden has supported the Mullahs!! And PRESIDENT TRUMP should just inform the mullahs that if they truly want to kill him to come on over – CAGE MATCH!!
Tamaa the Drongo Bird says
Trumps guards be on the alert and be ready to take out the Mullahs with bullet between their eyes and the governments who employ them should be sanctioned
ToolShed says
China Joe has Xi’s protection,, and the mullahs don’t want to piss off China. China Joe and his supervisor Obama have enriched the mullahs. Only Trump has managed to not only not give Iran anything, he took out their top terrorist.
Spurwing Plover says
Like at the ending since to the movie Airforce One how the Terrorists Leader got what was coming when Ford wrapped Parachute Cord around his neck told him GET OFF MY PLANE then let the Parachute break his neck and his carcass to be dropped to a unknown fate
Leis Karen says
What about Obama? He bragged about killing a Muslim leader didn’t he??
Big John says
Iran is threatening to kill President Trump, and not Joe Biden because they know full well that the extremists in the Democratic party would help them achieve Iranian’s goal. Once Achieved, then the Iranians would go after Joe Biden.
Spurwing Plover says
And its not Clinton(Bill)either that’s because Clinton was sending them those big pallets of Cash and Biden will do the same when he wants to