The death in police custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman, has ignited nationwide protests across Iran. Amini was beaten to death by the mullahs’ morality police after she was detained in Tehran on 13 September, after failing to comply with the regime’s strict hijab (headscarf) rules. Women in Iran have been treated as second-class citizens by the mullahs for more than four decades. The misogynist lunacy of the clerical regime has even extended to a demand by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that cartoon character women must wear the hijab. Now, in Iran, even animated female characters in cartoons cannot reveal their hair!
Women’s dress codes are under constant scrutiny. They must wear the hijab and ‘morality police’ are on relentless patrol to enforce the law. Women, particularly young women, are singled out for brutal attacks for the ‘crime’ of mal veiling. Girls who were deemed to be improperly dressed in the street have suffered horrific acid attacks and stabbings, in assaults openly condoned by the mullahs. Teenage girls, arrested for the offence of posting videos of themselves dancing or singing on social media, have been publicly flogged. Young female students attending end-of-term parties have been fined and beaten. This is what gender equality looks like in Iran today.
The toll of women executed in Iran’s medieval prisons continues to rise. Most of these women were executed for killing an abusive husband or partner. But this is another example of how the regime fails women, because they are mostly victims of domestic abuse who kill in defence of themselves or their children, because they have no legal recourse to end a violently cruel marriage. These killings often occur after women have suffered years of humiliation, insults, beatings and even torture, by abusive husbands, from whom they have no escape…no right to divorce. In other countries, they would be granted leniency based on their circumstances, but not in Iran. And this, of course, does not even touch upon those executed for crimes that are not capital offences under international law, like drug offences, or for non-crimes, like political activism.
There are approximately 40 million women in the Islamic Republic of Iran, over half under the age of thirty. Women make up more than 50% of university students, but, because of discrimination and blatant sexism creating obstacles to employment, they accounted for only 19% of Iran’s workforce. At a time when women in the West have achieved political, economic, personal and social equality, Iranian women are amongst the most repressed in the world, ruled by a regime dominated by elderly, bearded misogynists.
But young Iranian women are becoming increasingly engaged in the growing opposition to the mullahs’ corrupt regime. They are joining resistance units that are springing up in every town and city in Iran. In the nationwide uprisings that have taken place, thousands of courageous female teachers, medical staff,nurses, students, factory workers and pensioners have taken to the streets to demand an end to corruption, an end to discrimination and repression and an end to the clerical regime’s aggressive military adventurism across the Middle East. In protests in the past 5 years, hundreds of women have been amongst those killed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and thousands more have been arrested. Following the death of Mahsa Aminilast week, hundreds of women have been seen in mass rallies tearing off and setting fire to their hijabs while chanting “Death to the dictator.”
In the theocratic fascist dictatorship, the Iranian penal code is designed to enable men to discipline women and girls if they fail to conform to strict Islamic codes. The theocratic dictatorship in Iran has a history of targeting women with oppressive laws that would not be tolerated in the West or indeed in most civilized countries in the world. In Iran women are considered the property of their closest male relative and have no legal rights. Girls of nine can be married off by their parents. A woman’s evidence in court is worth only half that of a man. Women may not seek to have a man charged with rape unless they have four independent witnesses. All family relationships are strictly controlled by Sharia law. Homosexual behaviour, adultery, sex outside marriage, are all prohibited. Women accused of such behaviour can incur severe punishments, including beatings and death, sometimes by stoning.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the first Supreme Leader of Iran after the 1979 revolution and the father of Islamic fundamentalism, stated that equality between women and men was “in fundamental violation of some of the most crucial rulings of Islam and in defiance of some of the explicit commandments of the Quran”. Immediately following the revolution, Khomeini abolished the ‘Family Protection Law’ that gave women family rights. He also cancelled social services for women and abolished the role of female judges in Iran’s justice system. Today, only a tiny minority of MPs in Iran are women.
Today, Iranian women are at the forefront of the resistance to the theocratic dictatorship. Indeed, the main democratic opposition movement, the PMOI/MEK is led by a woman, the charismatic Maryam Rajavi. Brave women are now routinely joining their brothers to demand regime change and an end to the misogyny and repression which has terrorized the Iranian people for the past four decades. The murder of Mahsa Amini by the morality police may be the last straw. It may be the spark that ignites the revolution which will sweep the turbaned tyrants in Iran from power.
I’ve watched some video of the riots in Russia… and what did the wondering eyes see? Muslims in Hijabs shouting in protest against Putin’s draft of soldiers…
See… there is no doubt in my mind… Sunni’s are behind the riots in Iran…
And… remember… there were muslims behind the BLM movement in America…
satanic worshiping muslims are behind most everything… and the Sunni loving Luciferian Globalists are all sided with these Sunni…
Remember… the Shiite only make up 5% of the islamic world… which is mostly Iran…
The Sunni make up 95% of the islamic world…
So who has the loudest voice? The Sunni… and America supports the Sunni…
Don’t be duped by the MSM…
There’s certainly nothing logical about support for islam in the western world, They will turn on each other once again one day.
There’s an incredible Irish singer Sinead O’Connor who was a strong feminist, she wrote and sang songs of freedom for women and oppressed people. Then converted to islam and wears the robes of oppression with pride.
I can’t work it out.
She shaved her head then, now she covers it. That sort of stayed the same. Wonderful voice, never could stand her though.
Valerie Jarrett
Many people who have been murdered the power of that Islamic regime by the Islamic “police” in their protest against the vicious torture and then murder of a young defenseless helpless woman ,Mahso Anini,,by the so called “morality police” of that brutal and oppressive tyrannical regime of Iran.
Still all that horrendous evil should be of no surprise to anyone knowledgeable the cruel and murderous history of Islamic tyranny of Iran ,since its very beginning with It’s Islamic revolution in 1979.
From that year on it has been nothing but oppressing and death. It’s not going to stop now but continue with its bloody death inflecting and especially since wickedness. Especially since fiend Ebrahim Raisi because that regime’s President.
Even before Rasis this latest murderous in Iran’s President Rasis he has been justifiably accused of being guilty of “crimes against humanity.”
The under the Islamic tyranny of the President of Iran Rasis, would by his callous Sharia law centered mentally be so vicious and murderous to have, this very year from January to March, have more than one hundred people put to death.
That despicable cruel and deadly character Rasis is in reality an inflictor of horrendous injustice. So much so that he has also been, rightly called the “hangman of Iran” which is a very fitting title for him.
For during the 1980’s he was the chief of that Islamic regimes” Death Committee” which was responsible for the murder of many people.
That tyrant of Iran , Rasis , is such a ruthless oppressive deadly fiend of a monster the people of trapped in his Islamic tyranny live in fear because of him and other high ranking human rights violating Muslims villains in the Islamic regime.
Benjamin Franklin had explained about such awful dictators when he had printed in his periodical entitled POOR RICHARD’S ALMANAC which reads”Those who are feared are also hated.”
It’s highly unlikely that many of those brave Iranians protesters who are rightly now strongly and courageously opposed to the continued tyranny of that brutal cruel and murderous Islamic regime of that is now in power, and hopefully shaky power, in Iran are aware of the wise Latin saying “Nil carborundum illegitimi ” meaning “Don’t let the bastards grind you down” but those Iranian people are going by the spirit of that old saying by their righteous rebellion against that horrific regime
For those wicked tyrants of that bloody deadly regime really are bastards as Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei along the other ayatollahs and mullahs as well as their Islamic state “police.”
For those bastards ‘morality police” viciously and maliciously beat that helpless defenseless young, woman Mahso Amini to death for a slight infringement of Sharia regarding the proper wearing of her hijab was an horrendous action of evil by them ,therefore they are most despicable malice-filled Muslim villains.
That kind of misogynist murderous evil has occurred before by the Islamic bands of those thugs who “police”
As one example of a teenage girl had been murdered by them in cold blood because they didn’t like her clothing. That specific incited was exposed by a former Revolutionary guard member Reza Kahlili , now living in America in his book A TIME TO BETRAY on page 240.
Furthermore the trapped in and forced to exist in the Islamic dictatorship might not know about the intellect philosopher John Locke , but his ideas do apply to them. For Mr. Locke taught that any good government has the duty to ensure the security and safety of its citizens. Yet when a tyranny is the people in the tyrannical government do have every natural and ethical right to overthrow that terrible and oppressive tyranny/ government.
The vicious murder of Mahso Amini ,of which the misogyny filled Islamic tyranny of Iran is completely responsible for and totally guilty of is a strong reflection of the tyrannical controlling deadly and anti-female religion of Islam.
As revealed by a scholar of Islam who revealed in her book “Control of behavior and disregard for human life are key elements in Islam ideology.” Furthermore, the author also exposed that `” Women is Islam are considered unclean, deemed inferior even to dirt.” [1]
[1] THEY MUST BE STOPPED by Brigitte Gabriel, pages 171,171.
The horrendous evils linked to the horrible hijab has no limits, even to the point of cold blooded action of deliberate murder.
For example, that heinously cruel and murderous Islamic tyranny of Iran is very brutal and vicious to the Iranian people. Especially regarding females. Both girls and women. For example, a teenage girl in Iran was talking to her boyfriend on the phone and then the Islamic state “police” walked over to her and shot her dead. They did that wicked and malicious thing to her because she was talking to her boyfriend, and they also didn’t like her clothing. [1]
That was a clear-cut case of murder and vicious Islamic madness by Iran’s Islamic state “police”, who call themselves the “Revolutionary Guards”, they got away with their hideous and malice –filled evil because the mullahs as well as other villains in power in that tyrannical Islamic regime.
[1] A TIME TO BETRAY by Reza Kahlili page 240
The women of Iran should protest that forced hijab wearing . For that hideous garment is a symbol male Muslim Islamic misogyny and oppression.
For those women trapped the that brutal deadly malicious mysyginstic Islam regime of Iran do have every ethical and human right to throw off hideous hijabs . For that garment in alone a symbol of that Islamic tyranny with it’s callous and dehumanizing oppression of both girls and women.
Those vicious and oppressive Islamic “morality police” of Iran even go so far as to even raise a terrible horrendous brutal fuss of a little bit of hair showing on a woman’s head not only proves true the old saying that “Evil is always looking for an excuse.” But this also further exposes the malicious and oppressive misogyny of Islam and of that Islamic tyranny of Iran.
For that vicious and cruel “mullah regime” of Iran is brutal and cruel violator of human rights. Especially regarding the human rights of girls and woman.
For example, to imprison women for not wearing the hijab is but one part of the anti-female tyranny of this tyrannical “mullah regime” of Iran.
That ruthless cruel brutal heinous Islamic regime of Iran that is so unfittingly has the word “Republic” in its title, for it’s called “The Islamic Republic of Iran” [ I R I].
That brutal cruel Islamic tyrannical regime of Iran is full of ruthless malicious misogyny.
On the topic of this Islamic tyranny of Iran a former Muslim revealed that “The IRI system recognizes women as dependent upon men and incomplete human beings who need to be supervised and controlled by men and the State. This author further exposed that “Women are created for the purposes of giving pleasure to men and childbearing – functions that confine them to the home” This is a male Chauvinistic as can possibly be.
In addition, this writer further makes it known that “The IRI legal system still retains traditional patriarchal bias that can be described as nothing but systemic subordination of women, which is undoubtedly a human rights violation.”
This author further reveals that “Iran is of what Islamic fundamentalists desire, an Islamic State, and the consequence of achieving it “State Terror. Instead of utopia, Iran is an Islamic totalitarian nightmare…” and “the Islamic Republic of Iran exists and operates as what every Islamic fundamentalist dream of, an Islamic state ruled by Sharia …What followed its establishment was the inevitable consequence and inexorable logic of its Islamic premises; state terrorism, a merciless tyranny.” [1]
This heinous Islamic has been also exposed by another author who was born and lived in a Middle Eastern nation for many years. She wrote “Female freedom and independence is one of the greatest sins in Islam…” and “Women in Islam are considered unclean, deemed inferior even to dirt.” [2]
All this is wicked, unjust and misogynistic to the extreme. Islam had not regard for human life, regardless of what the apologists for this religion will claim.
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM BY Ibn Warraq. pages 345-347.
[2] THEY MUST BE STOPPED by Brigitte Gabriel pages 62, 172
Stones will be cast at them
That brutal heinous tyrannical Islamic regime of Iran is very guilty of much viciously cruel oppressive malicious murderous misogyny.
The very existence of that Islamic tyranny is an abomination.
And yet… they’re still more respectful than Sunni Sowdi Barbaria…
The killings of women in Iran will increase, the Mullahs are vile murderers without
conscience. Hopefully the men will stop being as vile as the government and
kick the Mullahs into prison for their violent crimes.
So why is one woman’s death so much more important than countless Christians being massacred?
Because the Luciferian Globalists and the MSM wants YOU to hate Shiite Iran and have sympathy for satanic Sunni islam!
And… Christians are worthless anyways…
Are you duped? Brainwashed? Ready for the coming economic collapse?