His country is in turmoil, with his citizens everywhere calling for an end to his vicious, inhumane regime, but Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, still found time to offer a trenchant analysis of the American political scene, including acidic characterizations of Donald Trump and Old Joe Biden. He also led loyalist crowds in chants of “Death to America.” Meanwhile, Biden’s handlers reiterated that they were still hoping to conclude a new nuclear deal with the mullahs. Yes, they’re that crazy.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Wednesday that “Khamenei’s comments come as the Biden administration said this week it is still interested in reaching a nuclear deal with Iran, despite a reported stalemate in the negotiations and the Iranian government’s ongoing violent crackdown on nationwide anti-government protests.”
This comes even as Khamenei, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), claimed that the U.S. and the West just couldn’t stand to see the Islamic Republic prospering:
The problem that the West and the arrogant [U.S.] have with the Islamic Republic is that it is advancing and flourishing. Everyone has seen this advancement and is acknowledging it. This is intolerable and unbearable for the West. Their problem is that Iran is advancing. Had we not made any progress, had we not demonstrated a strong presence in the region, had our voices quivered while facing America and the arrogant [West], and had we been willing to accept their bullying and aggression, then all this pressure [on Iran] would have subsided. Obviously, in such a case, they would have come here and taken over, but the sanctions, the pressure, and so forth, would have subsided.
It takes a particular kind of chutzpah to say such a thing while the Iranian people are protesting against the regime in part because it squandered the billions Obama showered upon it on international terrorism rather than spending it on its own people. Surely even Khamenei must be beginning to realize, after all these weeks of protests, that a large segment of his own people isn’t buying his deceptions anymore, but nonetheless he plowed on. It takes even more chutzpah to say this in light of the fact that the nuclear deal that Biden’s handlers so desperately want to conclude with the Islamic Republic would immediately bring it seven billion dollars, with many more billions to come. Yet Khamenei apparently expects his people to believe that the U.S. doesn’t want to see Iran prospering. He may actually be right about that: Biden’s handlers don’t seem to want to see the Iranian people prospering, just the mullahs.
But Khamenei claimed that all the U.S. presidents without exception since the beginning of the Islamic Republic have been hostile to it. “All the American presidents,” he continued, “in the decades that have passed since the revolution, have fought the Islamic Republic on that front. It does not matter where they are now. Some of them have dropped dead, and some have been cast in the garbage bin of history, even if still alive: starting with the Democrats Carter, Clinton, and Obama, and endling with the Republicans Reagan and Bush. This includes the previous dope [Trump] and this poor demented incumbent guy who wants to save Iran and the Iranians. All of them, without exception, have confronted the Islamic Republic.”
Can we get a fact check on this? Jimmy Carter admired Khamenei’s predecessor, the Ayatollah Khomeini, and abandoned the shah of Iran, a loyal American ally, so that Khomeini could found the Islamic Republic. Reagan administration officials sold arms to Iran in order to use the money to aid the Contras, who were fighting the Communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Obama sent pallets of cash to the mullahs in the dark of night and facilitated a deal that was supposed to limit Iran’s ability to develop nuclear weapons but actually paved the way for the Islamic regime to become a nuclear power. The “poor demented incumbent guy” wants to send the mullahs more billions. So have all the presidents fought the Islamic Republic? If only. The “previous dope” did, but that’s really about it.
And so the U.S. ambassador to Israel, Thomas Nides, just said that a new Iran nuke deal is “not off the table…Nothing’s ever off the table,” although he said he was “not holding my breath for any negotiation with the Iranians in this current form.”
That’s good, at least. After Khamenei finished his speech, the crowds chanted “Death to America!” Charming. We can only hope that the “poor demented incumbent guy” doesn’t end up empowering the people who were doing the chanting.
Walter Sieruk says
There is a saying that “Even the Devil once in awhile, but not often speaks the truth.” Likewise, the same idea also applies to a specific son of Satan, who is Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei.
For that son of the Devil Ayatollah Khamenei had , for once, come out an had spoken the truth in a recent speech in which he declared that Joe Biden Is “demented.”
Ayatollah Khamenei and the other despots in total power in Iran well knew that about Biden from, at least,from the very early summer 2020 though September and later. There they did everything that they were able to ,”by hook or by crook.” to meddle and interfere in the November 2020 to ensure that Joe Biden would be sitting in the Oval Office of the White House beginning on January 20, 2021.[1]
The reason that those tyrants of Iran wanted Biden “win” the general election is because they understood that Biden would by their useful idiot that they could easily control as their stooge to achieve all their jihadist goals.
Therefore they now have their puppet US “President” , who they view with complete contempt , but they find Biden useful have and continue to use as their tool fulfill their Islamic agenda
[1] The Dinesh D’ Souza video documented TRUMP CARD
Jeff Bargholz says
The mullahs were also terrified of President Trump, who they never dared to cross. Now the Assahola is shooting his mouth off. Typical moslem coward.
Walter Sieruk says
For once, that despicable fiend Ayatollah Khamenie had come out and spoken the truth, when he referred to Joe Biden as a “demented incumbent guy.” After all, there is the truism of a saying that “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”
Mo de Profit says
So, the question remains, should America and west get involved with Iran, other than through trade?
My view is NO, very firmly, I believe if we focus on trade and trade only, the world will look after itself, but the UN and the EU and the WEF and and and… government bodies everywhere do not agree with me.
Jeff Bargholz says
I think America should discontinue trade with Iran. The only intercourse America should have is threats against the mullah’s regime.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Evil Muslim strategists triumphing over the West.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, all they have to do is wait for Presidents like Trump to leave and ones like Brokeback Hasbeen Osama and Jihad Joe to get into office.
J. Keith Reese says
Well…this time he’s half right.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Those Camel Jockeys find Democrats at lore more easier to handle since the Democrats are whole bunch of little Mush Heads
Jack Diamond says
Anyone having anything to do with this psychopathic regime of child killers should be publicly shamed, any country treating them like a nation among nations, should be also.
Murdering little girls has always been what the Islamic Republic does best and what it will be most remembered for.
There at (at least) 15,000 protestors arrested and now in prison, facing execution, while countries treat these psychopaths like a nation among nations, They are being tortured and raped in the meantime. The Islamic Republic parliament (227 of 290 members) called for “no leniency” for the protestors, most of them young people. The charges against them require the death penalty: eg. waging war against God, causing corruption on the earth (see the Qur’an 5:33 for a source where such Hell comes from; in Islam, “shirk” is apostasy and apostasy means death in Shari’ah).
Their trials last about 10-minutes, one judge, no jury, no defense lawyer.
Come to think of it, there are some people in Iran who merit execution.