Warnings have persistently circulated about the destructive agenda of the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset. Plans also include a cashless society in a world becoming dominated by big government, featuring less freedom and personal autonomy. Irish banks are prioritizing caving to the will of big government over service to customers, and using “sneaky tactics” to drive the public towards a cashless society, just like China.
Globalist leaders have been open about their agendas, which are seeing the unraveling of democracy, yet they keep getting voted in. Populations have become beaten down by COVID lockdowns, economic hopelessness, scare tactics, and the green agenda that is ruining farmers, all compounded by open-door immigration.
According to Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum:
Every country, from the United States to China, must participate [in the Great Reset], and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.
The Great Reset — which many afflicted with Ostrich Syndrome have denied — includes a cashless society, and it’s being embraced by Irish banks. The Irish Independent reports that the Financial Services Union (FSU) claims that banks “were engaged in a deliberate policy of moving people away from cash payments and bricks-and-mortar banking.” As examples, “banks are accused of not answering phones, under-staffing branches so there are long queues, and failing to quickly repair broken ATMs as a way of pushing people to do their banking online.”
The FSU also accused banks of using COVID-19 “as an excuse by Irish financial institutions to reduce services and hours.”
In May, Breitbart published this article: Great Reset: WEF Pushes Central Bank Controlled Cashless Society. Townhall also published a warning: How Big Banks Are Planning to Force Americans into the ‘Great Reset’ Trap.
The “sneaky tactics” being employed by trusted banks in Ireland is just the tip of the iceberg as the WEF and its cronies push a new Communism to replace Western capitalism. In a World Economic Forum article entitled The benefits of a cashless society, China is presented as a model and vision, along with the assertion:
if the private and public sector can work together to harness the latest technology and realise the full potential of a cashless society, there will be enormous benefits.
China leads the world in its push toward a cashless society. But in a hopeful example for those countries that still have time, efforts were met with pushback from China’s central bank. The People’s Bank of China fined 16 public and private organizations last year for refusing to accept cash payments to “protect the rights of the public to use cash.” In more recent news, however, Beijing intervened to conduct “a nationwide pilot scheme,” forcing China closer to a fully cashless society.
In Ireland, it is shameful that Ireland’s banks are the culprits; they have demonstrated no backbone in service to the public. The publication Irish Tech News pushed the lie that COVID-19 accelerated a public favor toward a cashless society. It is very different to have a preference for digital transactions than to support a cashless society. Another report near the end of July highlighted just how opposed the public is to a cashless society. Allied Irish Banks “shelved plans to drop cash services in 70 of its 170 branches after a major political backlash against the decision over its likely impact on small businesses and rural communities.”
Let’s hope those who support freedoms will continue to oppose a cashless society, and more broadly, the dark agenda of globalists.
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